
Fellow fallen brothers

Frozen Milk wandered around the room. His heart hurt when he saw his characters laying on the beds, still unconscious.

The doctors were able to treat everyone, and Frozen Milk's wounds were also taken care of, however, when he asked them about the black threads, they said they had no idea what he was talking about. There was no trace of it in his body anymore or perhaps he had simply hallucinated them.

A knock on the door brought Frozen Milk back to reality. Oppoa stood there at the door frame, bright and like a child,

"I'm Oppoa! His Highness wants to see you. You're better now?"

"Yes, yes I am," Frozen Milk stared at the back of Oppoa as he followed him. He sighed and felt for Oppoa.

Frozen Milk really should've given his characters proper names. Even as the story changed and new characters popped up, they still followed Frozen Milk's law of naming.

This was seriously a headache. Plot have some mercy and give the characters proper names! Although for them, this might just be what normal was.

Oppoa led Frozen Milk to Vil's chamber and Frozen Milk felt the uncomfortableness clinging onto his body.

Vil's room was large like a king's suite. Frozen Milk didn't even need to gape anymore. Alright, alright. The villain was a rich boy. Fine.

Vil sat on a sofa and motioned Frozen Milk to the spot next to him. Alarm bells went off in Frozen Milk's mind. There was no way he was going to get closer to Vil than two metres. He had to keep his distance from that pervert.

Frozen Milk could still sense the burning feeling of his lips and his tongue in his mouth. He had nightmares when he slept!

"I'll take my leave," Oppoa grinned and left.

Frozen Milk sat on the opposite sofa of Vil. Vil narrowed his eyes. Even though Frozen Milk already saw Vil's rather domestic side, Frozen Milk still felt intimidated.

He couldn't stand the tension and asked, "So, why did you call me?"

"Why did you refuse me?"

"I never did."

"Then sit next to me."

"I prefer it here."

"I see," Vil stood up and sat next to Frozen Milk.

Frozen Milk would've wanted to do something unbelievably outrageous but the trauma of death- various deaths- still lingered and he didn't want to court it again.

Frozen Milk brushed it off and tried not to think about the closeness and Vil's breath basically wetting his neck every second. Frozen Milk also refused to look at 'that' in order not to be shocked by something that appeared as a rock.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Frozen Milk avoided eye contact.

"Shouldn't it be you who wanted to talk to me? Or else you wouldn't have done all that," Vil's deep voice hit Frozen Milk in a nice place.

"Don't misunderstand!" Frozen Milk couldn't even begin to fathom what disillusioned thoughts his villain harboured.

Done all that? Done all what? What? What fucking perverted and inappropriate thoughts run through your head?

But Frozen Milk had to recollect himself. The villain was right, he was here to ask Vil for a favour.

"Well, I- "


The door was kicked open and Oppoa came in with tea.

"Here you go!" he seemed pretty proud of himself as he put the tea on the table and poured Frozen Milk some.


"Oppoa the door... again!"

"Sorry, your highness. Next time, I'll try to control my legs!"

"You say that every time."

"Haha!" Oppoa left and put the broken door back.

Frozen Milk just sipped on his tea.

"Are you ignoring me?"

"Of course not! I just thought to savour this great tea."

"I'm glad you like it. It's my favourite," Vil drank the tea too.

Frozen Milk blanked, since when was his villain so cultivated to like tea?

"The reason why we came to see you," Frozen Milk put emphasise on the 'we', "is because we represent the water side's wish to have peace and unify both sides."

This was a small lie, the water side wasn't the one who expressed the wish, but it was Frozen Milk and his protagonist.

"Is that so?" Vil's voice was calm and clear but the cup broke in his hand. Frozen Milk gulped.

"Why should I agree to his? We've a grudge to settle with them."

Frozen Milk put his cup down, it was time for his bird brain to get to work,

"Of course, of course, but this also applies to the water side. You're not the only ones who have suffered losses. You should know the reason why the water side first attacked you and deemed you as barbarous," he turned to the villain,

"Because you enslaved their citizens who have holy powers. I'm sure if you accept this peace talk, then their side will be willing to forgive if you do too. Also,"

Frozen Milk gave Vil a cold stare, "It'd benefit you. I'll ensure that the water side will provide you with clean water, on the other side you will provide them with something as valuable as that and release the hostages."

Vil was silent. Then he pushed Frozen Milk onto the sofa and towered over him, "I'll accept. Let's do as you say but in return- "

Vil grabbed Frozen Milk but the chin. For Frozen Milk the time stood still as his wide eyes stared into Vil's dark ones, "Give me more of your cold stare."

Vil's finger ran across Frozen Milk'ss lips and was the cue for Frozen Milk to break out of the time stop.

He immediately backed off and crawled away, "Cough, if you adhere to the agreement. Sure… the mayor of the water capital will come soon."

Frozen Milk tried to stand dignified away from Vil but his body shivered being almost violated again.

"That's all I wanted to say so I'll go."

"Not so fast," domineering the villain pulled Frozen Milk back onto the sofa.

"I've agreed to your talk, now it's time for you to uphold your promise."

"Wha- "

"Punish me."

Frozen Milk felt the saliva stuck in his throat and coughed. WHAT?

"Maybe later!"


"Are you sure? It's still light outside! See, see," Frozen Milk pointed at the window, "wouldn't it be better to leave these stuff to the night? It's more mysterious and erm, intimate, right? Much more than now and also there's the possibility people can come in like Oppoa so, erm, yknow it ruins everything and yknow you don't want to let people see his mighty highness like that, right?"

Frozen Milk was sweating bullets. He needed to coax his villain to give him some time, but he ended up rambling some made-up stuff that wasn't even convincing!

"Ah, right? It does sound interesting, my Lord," then Vil bit Frozen Milk's ear and whispered, "I'll wait for you after dinner."

Frozen Milk wondered how he could still function with his soul abandoning his body. He needed to find a way to permanently get his horny, M villain off him. This touchy-touchy habit he had was no good! Definitely no good!

Frozen Milk was able to escape his villain without having to offer his ass or anything else and currently walked down the hallway on his way to his room.

Now, that Frozen Milk also charmed the villain, he had to live in his castle. Frozen Milk was still astonished, how in the world it was possible to build a castle on the trees. He wrote it, alright but physics still had to be applied to this world, no?

Frozen Milk threw himself on his bed and stared at the ceiling. His room wasn't any less majestic than the villain's chamber. Just thinking about the possible life-changing night, Frozen Milk bit his pillow and tried to suffocate himself.

"Seems like host will finally leave his title as cherry boy."

The system had to control itself not to laugh.

"Fuck off! Don't make fun of me and my private life! How do you know I'm still a virgin?"

"Please host. Does host need system to project host's face when the villain did- "

"Shut up, fine ok! Shut up! I'm straight! I'll never bend for someone."

"Sure, host good luck."

The system snickered, no, it was actually mockingly fleering at him.

"Host, system has been a system for many decades and system can assure host that's what they all say in the beginning."

Frozen Milk gasped violently to the point he felt his lungs exploding. No way! No way! How many of his fellow brethren have fallen for this system's vicious tricks? How many of his brethren have bend themselves, believing they switched sides?

Frozen Milk would never be one of them. He swore on his masculinity and all his fallen brothers and their sexuality, he will persevere!

"By the way, system," Frozen Milk got serious again, "what happened to that person? I saw those black threads…"

"System has no ideas about that either but host is in no danger. System cannot detect any hostility nor the presence at the moment. Host is safe for now. It seems like something suppressed the presence's influence on you. It doesn't come after host at the moment."

"I see… then what should I do? Still gather allies? Still follow the plot?"

"For now, yes host. System is still looking into the matter."

"Ok," Frozen Milk yawned and took a nap.


Meanwhile, in the other room, when Glimpse Water, Prota and Holbe woke up, they met their greatest shock. Their whole world crumbled, and they swore revenge and sought justice.

Now rereading these chaps with Vil the villain, I can't... omg his character is quite cringy lmao

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