

I set the table, as Zero cooks dinner. Spending this time with him is wonderful. We get along very well. It is nice just the two of us. It is the outside world. I was scared of.

I hear the keys in the front door. I know it's my girls. Here we go, I just hope for the best.

"Ok, Ma. Who is he? What's the big deal?" Bri asks.

"I need for both of you to sit down. I am sure you're going to have a lot of questions. I will answer them the best I can." I say.

Zero walking out of the Kitchen. "Dinner is almost done." He says.

"WHAT? HOW? HOLY SHIT?" Liz says. Bri Following.

"Ok Why him? Why not a cool Anime guy?" Bri says

. " Bri stop that. You know how much I like him. " I answer.

"Yea, So this is why your leaving dad? For him? HOw that hell is this even possible?" Bri asks.

"I am not sure really. It just happened. I thought it was a dream it just turned out to be more." I say.

"And he wants you? Where is his beloved Yuki?" Bri says.

Which I have to say hurts to hear. "Yes, he wants me... Yuki is at Cross. I guess. " I answer.

Zero just stands behind me not sure what to say. Both girls just eyeing him up. Not sure they are seeing right.

"OK funny joke ma, so this is a cosplayer and you're playing us?" Bri says.

"No, he is the real deal," I reply.

Shit, he even has the tattoo." Liz says.

"Yea, and the lavender eyes. I thought he would look funky as a real person." Bri responds.

Zero just chuckles not taking any of it to heart. Finding it funny that two teenage girls are eyeing him up and down. It wasn't any different than being at Cross.

"How do you like it here?" Liz asks.

"It's different. But so far, I am enjoying it." Zero replies.

"You really want my mother? What about your dorky Yuki?" Bri says.

"I have gotten very close to your mother. I see she cares for me for real. I enjoy being with her and I want to stay with her. Yuki is with Kaname. She should be happy." Zero answers.

"Heh, you haven't read the manga have you?" Bri says

. "No, I haven't had time. I do plan on it though." Zero responds.

"This is just too much. I knew it had to be something for her to leave our father. Couldn't you just get him out of your system and stay with dad? You don't know what he is going to do in the future. How about if he wants to go back. SEe Yuki? I doubt he will give her up like that." Bri states.

"We will take things as they come. I am very happy with him, I don't want to sneak around. I want a life with him." I answer. Knowing that my daughter did bring up some good questions even though at the moment I don't want to think about it.

Bri just gives him a dirty look as she sits down at the table to eat. I see Zero being calm and letting everything just slide off of him. Which I am glad for.

We sit down and eat dinner, the kids asking him all kinds of questions still in shock that he is real. Which I couldn't blame them. I thought it was going to be worse then it was. As Bri keeps talking to him, she seems to adjust. Which I am thankful for. Zero just answers their questions not minding at all. Knowing this must be unreal to them. Just like it was for him. He thought about what Bri said about Yuki also, just keeping it to himself.

After dinner, the girls head to their rooms as me and Zero clean up.

"Are you ok?" I ask.

"Yes, I'm fine. She wasn't as brutal as my mother. I think once, she started to talk to me, she was ok." Zero says.

"Yea, Another hurdle over," I respond.

"I am sorry, she kept throwing Yuki at you. I am sure that didn't feel good. It reminded me of always having Kaname thrown at me." Zero states.

"They know how you feel about her. At the moment, I guess I am you. I am just dealing with it." I answer.

"You don't have anything worry about," Zero responds.

I just nod.

Knowing he still cares for her. This can disappear at any time. I just at the moment don't feel like going into it. So I just let it go.

"Are you ready for bed?" Zero asks.

"Yea, I'm tired and really want to just cuddle up to you," I answer.

Zero just smiles. As we walk up to the bedroom. Once we are upstairs, I just lock the door behind us.

"I want to thank you for dinner it was very good. "I say.

"No problem. I really don't mind. " Zero responds.

"Are you worried about work tomorrow?" I ask.

"No, I will be with my family, things should be ok. It's weird. Some things just come to me naturally. It's like I been here all my life, instead of Cross. " Zero comments.

"I am glad the transition isn't being hard on you. I was worried about that." I reply.

"No, I would have thought it would have been more too. I think seeing my family here makes it a lot easier too." Zero states, Getting into bed.

We cuddle up close, which makes the rest of the world seem to disappear. Wrapped in his arms, is where I want to be. Even though a lot is going through my mind at the moment, I try to just enjoy what's happening. I just feel real life is going to weigh this relationship down. I just hope that doesn't happen.

I drift asleep in his arms, feeling warm and cozy. He has a way of making me feel calm and yet can get me crazy at the same time. I have just been keeping my hands to myself. Trying not to act like a teenager. When in my mind, it takes a lot for me to restrain myself. Then I think why am I? He is mine, right? He likes me sexually also? Why Am I behaving? Because I am shy and I'm trying not to come off too strong. I need to move on with that.

Around 5 Am the alarm goes off, Zero having to get up for work. He goes to take a shower and gets dressed. Putting on his white crisp shirt, black dress pants, black tie, black vest, and his gun holder. I just sit up and watch. My mind going into the gutter and everywhere else. This was my fantasy man, standing in front of me. Looking hot as hell. He rocked that outfit even more in real life then he did in the anime if that was even possible. I know he is almost fully dressed and done, but I can't help myself. I crawl to the end of the bed, Where I pull him near me.

"Is everything ok?" He asks.

"No," I answer.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I need you, "I say as I kiss him passionately pulling him close to me.

As much as I want to rip off his clothes, I know I can't. So I leave them alone just undoing his fly rubbing his member.

"Babe, you couldn't do this before I got dressed?" Zero chuckles.

"No, You in these clothes make me crazy," I answer.

He doesn't fight me or push me away which makes me feel good. I see the same lust in his eyes. I just unbutton his pants and pull them down, So I can sit on him. My hands running through his hair, as I kiss him passionately. I slide myself down onto him. Taking every inch he has to offer. I keep riding him, fast and hard till we both explode.

Zero cleans himself up, pulling his pants up and tucking in his shirt.

"I hope you have a good day at work," I say catching my breath.

"If it's even half as good as this morning, I am sure it will be good." He replies.

"I love you. I will see you later on After work." I respond.

"I will come over after work. We will have dinner." He states.

I just smile as I kiss him goodbye.

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