

A/N: this chapter is going to be filled with plot holes that will be covered up. So try your best to ignore them. Oh only ignore the plot holes at like half of the chapter...


Anna woke up with a jump, she had a nightmare about the village being on fire. Anna scanned her surroundings but was scared by the sudden beep of the heart monitor that spead up. She then calmed back down, but got scared again by the sudden armored hand that touched her right shoulder. Rapidly turning towards her right shoulder she saw her Uncle, looking at his visor tears crowed up her eyes.

The Doom Slayer looking at his... second daughter? Kinda, and kinda not of a daughter. But he's still looking at her with the father look in his eyes.

"Un-uncle, I-I sa" Anna couldn't continue due to breaking down into tears and basically hugging her 'uncle'.

A/N: I'm sorry but for me, as the writer it's very hard for me to picture the Doom Sayer getting hugged by a Loli, I'm sorry.

The Doom Slayer kept hugging her, he knew that she must be in pain, but then Aura came into his mind so he isn't sure on that. Anyways, he's currently hugging Anna when a thing on one of the tables started ringing; it was something called a 'Scroll'. Ozpin gave this to him a few minutes ago.

The Doom Slayer didn't ignore it, but he still let it ring. Walking over to it he simply answered it and placed it on speakerphone.

"Hello! This is Ozpin! I'm currently letting you know that your classroom of combat training in Beacon is teaching ready!" Ozpins voice echoed out through the Scroll. It seems like he's excited.

God his happy voice is kinda annoying.

"Ahhh!! Father your a teacher at Beacon!?" Anna said this towards the Doom Marine, she then blushed and covered her mouth and with tears in her eyes muttered 'father'.

The Doom Slayer hung up and proceeded to hug her; okay he's definitely going to adopt her. This is going to be the second time he's going to be a 'Father'.

Anna didn't cry only muttered father over and over again in the arms of our behemoth. The Doom Slayers mind whent to his late daughter and wife.

A/N: little background for you here, a DLC for Doom Eternal is coming out thanks to user Blablador for bringing this to my attention. So I'm this DLC I think we're going to get more information about the past of the Doom Slayer.

<Timeskip of a Day. With toy Slayer shooting a toy BFG at a Tyrant and killing it>

It has been a day since Anna has woken up and currently the Doom Slayer is in Beacon and sitting across from Ozpin whom handed him his identity.

A/N: I have no clue what the Doom Slayers name sooo well be going with just Mr.Doom.

Now Mr.Doom is on a tour around Beacon. He was shown his and Anna's room (in big room with two beds) and is classroom which is just a combat arena. After a while he was back into his room again with Anna but she's bedridden for now.

"Uncle?" Anna's voice made its way into the Doom Marines ears, he tuned his body towards Anna.

Anna seeing that she has the attention of her uncle spoke again "what happened to our village? Where's father? Mother?"

The behemoth shook his head and placed a hand on her shoulder and puller her into a hug.

Anna knew what this ment; she isn't an idiot, she knows of death and with tears in her eyes she returned the hug.

It didn't take long for Anna to pass out due to crying too much, mainly because she is still a child. Looking at his Scroll and looked at his schedule for classes. He only has combat classes on Wednesday; that's tomorrow.

The Doom Slayer placing Anna back onto the bed for she almost fell out of it when crying, and would've if it wasn't for the Doom Guy catching her.

The Doom Slayer went to the bathroom, looking at his reflection he saw how worn out his armor is. Taking it off he saw how many scars there are on him. His mark is on the place where his heart would be, his hair is still in it's buzzcut form and rage filled brown eyes.

Turning on the shower and turning the knob on hot and after a while he saw steam, he then stepped in, feeling the hot water on his back brought him to a flashback of two years ago.

<Two Years Ago>

The Doom Slayer got back from killing a Goliath and cashing in his bounty. He was currently walking towards the Chiefs hous to check on Anna. It is currently Anna's fith birthday, he got her a stuffed bunny. It was white and only the size of his forearm.

Walking in he saw a blue that tackled him but it didn't do shit. Looking down he saw Anna, she slowly looked up to him but with a big red spot on her forehead; which came from tackling him. She pouted but stopped when she got hit in the face with something very, very, very soft.

Talking the soft thing that touched her face and looking at it in her hands. Looking at it for a second then stars appeared in her eyes and she started to drool.

"Thank yow uncle!!" Anna's cherry voice entered the Doom Guys head that somehow filled him with warmth.

<Present Day>

Coming out of the bathroom with his armor back on he saw Anna still asleep. He thought about the warmth that family gave him in the past. And with these thoughts he made a decision to properly adopt Anna. Texting Ozpin on his scroll he asked him if he could prepare the things that are needed to adopt Anna and give her his.... name.

Updated on Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Word Count: 1,012

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