
The First Step: Painting the sky red. Part-1

Hands behind my back, chest all puffed up, and a smile so scrunched that'd put Daenerys to shame, there I stood, contemplating my life choices- maybe I should've reincarnated into Pokémon instead, and wished for a loyal Mew as my starter Pokémon. Or maybe a slice of life anime?

At least I wouldn't be here, cornered like an animal.

In front of me were 8 Level-freakin-1s frozen in time while in the middle of their mad rush inside the room, weapons drawn, and hungry for blood which just so happened to be mine.

Halberds, Battle Axes, Swords, Daggers, Spears, Clubs, Maces, Crossbows… there was even a cute Bunny-Girl with a fork raised in her hands, trying her best to look fierce.

While I… had no place to just Blink away and pretend that never happened. The exit was blocked, and they probably had snipers positioned all around.

[Any ideas?] couldn't help but ask my trusty counselor.

/ None, really… you're the combat expert among us. /

[Speaking of Among Us…]

/ Focus on the fight, Argus… you only have about 10 seconds! /

To say that, it clicked my brain like the meanest alarm clock in the world… would be a massive understatement.

It was also when I realized I should be doing something... So my eyes bounced off the 'Badies' and began the 2nd protocol- Scan the terrain.

Caneo's room wasn't just a box with a bed, desk, and a chair- it was a proper apartment, so it had a proper kitchen too.

And what does a proper kitchen have?

A kitchen window.

'That'd be the primary element of the algorithm', I declared.

That alone took 5 seconds, and time was… of the essence, of course.

The algorithm itself took the rest of the time. And just like any other F'ed over employee on a Loli-short deadline… I made it somehow.

And now it was showtime!


Time moved once again, and so did I as I popped right in of the mob and Spartan-kicked the foremost guys in the chest, sending him flying and crashing on top of the 7 behind him. That kick alone crumbled whatever lineup they had.

But I still wasn't done.

A 2-second nade, and a smoke bomb Flickered in my hands, respectively. And the next second, I tossed them both… respectively.

I hurled the nade towards the 8 Adventurers now almost on their feet- while I slammed the smoke bomb on the floor right beside MY feet, flooding the room with a thick vile of grey smoke.

And the second my tactical balls left my palms, I activated Re-Directive Blink.

But didn't Blink right away.

I had to make sure everything went according to plan.

And yup… it did. The ball full of shrapnel and Lili's secret ingredients was there, albeit frozen, but on its way to the stumbling gathering of the Oh So Honorable Adventurers, and the smoke bomb was doing its job just perfect.

[That should do it. Now on to the kitchen!]

/ Never place all your eggs in a single nest, Argus. I hope you have a back-up plan. /

[Nope I don't… nor do I lay eggs.] With that, I aimed the Exit Point at the kitchen.

The kitchen was a separate room, rectangular in shape, and had the window at the very end of it… just a 4-5 step walk and I was out of here.

But when was the last time things went my way? No, seriously.


Like a thunderbolt, a raging fist covered my vision the second I turned towards the window and rammed itself into my nose, smashing it bloody in an instant, and the impact bashed my head to the wall behind.

Blood flowed out- some got sucked into the lungs as I gasped for a sense of breath, spiraling me into a coughing fit instead. Even through the painkillers, this screaming, piercing pain consumed my consciousness in an instant- I couldn't think of anything… all I could do is clutch the bleeding mess on my face.

And the head trauma took its toll right away- my vision blurred through the sheer impact on the wall… blurring everything - the man ahead appeared a blurry orange demon, laughing at my face.

"Gotcha!" came the throaty laugh of the man ahead as he flung his spear straight for a plunge, while I barely managed to keep myself standing with my back stacked against the wall.

And the next second, the spear tore through the air, whistling loud in my ears- coming straight for my head, and thankfully, jolting the fast asleep adrenalin into a frenzy.

[Not again!] My eyes snapped open as I breathe a gasp through my mouth, and shot ahead. And once again my vision was covered but with the sharp tip of his spear this time.

But this time I was ready.

My Karambit Flickered-Out and-


-hooked itself on the blade just an inch away from my face and deflected it right.

But he was still a Level-1… I wasn't fast enough.


That spear tore my right cheek and ear apart, splashing my face with my own blood before plunging itself into the wall behind.

But my steps never slowed…

That smirk on his face died as even with a convulsing jaw, I shot forward with every ounce of my being and a sword reversed in my grip… and leapt at him like a crazed hyena, driving the sword through his nose, like a nail splintering through wood, blasting a hole straight through his face- out to the other side, splintering it all like a firework from the back of his skull.

He twitched for a second… just as I did.

But I still wasn't done… neither were those monsters in my head.

In an uppercut, I then swung the blade out, ripping his head in two, showering the kitchen in bloody white goo.

That somewhat satiated roars… But it was pointless- the damage was done.

My hands shot to the convulsing right side of my face with a healing potion in both. My face was quivering like never before, clattering my teeth- I lost all control- I couldn't even open nor close my mouth... My face was so wet. It was all so numb- it was a though half of my face was missing.

There was a singing numb sound ringing in my right ear… it was so wet… and empty at the same time.

My head was spinning- I felt drunk. Couldn't even breathe through my nose- nose too felt missing, like it was never there.

Blood was everywhere, no matter where I looked.

I could help but thank the Great Lord who invented Painkillers…I wouldn't be standing and thinking right now, if not for them.

Splashing two vials of Healing Potions all over my head, I shaped bandages from my clothes and wrapped the wounds, preventing any more blood loss while 'SHE' said, / Argus! Equip the shield! /

And for once I followed her advice, no question asked.

I may not feel much right now, but the wounds will be there along with their consequences. And I was already critically injured, especially in my stomach.

I wouldn't be surprised if I became deaf or a cripple after this. But there was one thing I was certain of- my face was officially ruined.

As the bandages wrapped my head, my feet began stumbling towards the open window… just dying to get the hell out of here- anywhere but here.

Each step was a war on its own. Each step sapped away a drop of clarity as I stepped on, leaving bloody footprints on the floor. My hands were just… dangling beside me- lifeless. My throat was growling on its own- mouth, dripping red saliva down my chin. But my eyes never left the window.

[Just a step more… then another] The window was so close… so far away… now.

Okay... I'm now done with my stuff so, updates will be stable, and to make them even more stable... I'll be uploading shorter chapters like this one instead of those above 2k ones, which should help me post a chapter daily.

Word Count: 1319

An_Imperfectionistcreators' thoughts
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