
The Messages

Mia's P.O.V

It was 11:00 am and there was no clue about Lara. She was still asleep in her room. John, Tristan and Leo were playing football in the garden. I was watching t.v. sitting on the coach with a bowl of caramel popcorn.

After an hour, I decided to go and wake Lara up. When I went in her room, she was already taking a shower. I sat on her bed waiting for her. Later, she came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body. I faced her and saw her eyes swollen. Off-course, she might have cried. "Babe, what's wrong? Why were you crying?" I asked her with a serious look. "Nothing. Mia. I am fine." She said while walking towards her closet.

"Lara, look at me. Tell me what's wrong? Did that unknown phone caller called you again? Did any bad happened with Ashton yesterday night? Tell me god dammit." I walked towards her. I turned her around. She looked at me. She was holding back her tears. Why? Finally, she let a tear roll down her left cheek. I wiped it and hugged my bestie.

"Mia, last night when I came into my room. I saw John waiting for me in my room. Last night was very amazing with Ashton. He kissed me and I kissed him back. It became a little make-out session. I didn't know that Ashton gave me hickeys untill John shouted at me. He got very excited when he saw my hickeys. He said that I was his. After, that he left the room. After, a shower when I laid on my bed, I remembered everything which happened five years ago. I am just confused. Those unknown phone calls after five years then John calling me his." I pulled back.

"Lara, I understand. I don't know about those unknown phone calls but I know about John and you. John must have had any reason to do that to you. He must have had some reasons to ignore or to date Talia five years ago. Louise got missing was not our fault. Yeah, we didn't say anything to the officers about that hangout of me and Louise. It was for a reason. Ok. Just listen to John. Listen to what he says." I gave her a small smile. I assured her. She hugged me and I hugged her back. "We will talk about that call, once the boys stops playing there football." She gave me a nod and went to change her clothes. I came out of her room and directly went to the garden area.


Lara's P.O.V

I came out of the closet. This time i wore a long type of t-shirt which came to my knee. Most probably. I went to the garden area. I saw the boys playing football. Mia was sitting under a tree. The boys didn't see me. Mia saw me and waved her right hand. I went towards her and sat beside her. She was on insta. I started reading a book on wattpad. I became so busy reading a novel on wattpad. Suddenly, Mia started poking me with her index finger. I faced her. "What?" I snapped at her giving a glare. "Don't snap at me, dude. I poked you because John is continuously staring at you. Just look towards him. Don't just keep reading." She told me with a boring tone. "Ignore him. I don't want to give him the attention for now. I just need some time to hear him out." I again started reading the book. She let out a sigh and started doing whatever she was doing.

I suddenly heard Leo and Tristan calling John out. I looked up and saw John going angrily inside the cottage. I shrugged my shoulders and continued with my work.

It was the lunch time. We all went inside the cottage. Mia went to the kitchen to prepare lunch. I helped her with it. The boys went to their respective rooms. When we made the lunch, Mia called out for everyone. I excused her and went to my room.

Once again, I saw John standing at my balcony. What's wrong with him? This was twice, he was inside my room. Does he don't get to see a clear view from his balcony. "John, what are you doing in here?" I asked almost shouting at him. "I just wanted to talk. By the way, nice legs." He said, smirking. I narrowed my eyes at him. "What do you want to talk? I don't have much time. You need to hurry." I said folding my hands and because of that my breasts moved up a bit. "Don't do that. I won't be able to stop myself." He said, looking at my breasts. "Stop, looking over their." I said, angrily. "Where?" He asked, innocently. He started walking towards me.

"You are annoying." I said with a sigh. "You know, right?" He asked, maintaining a distance between us. " What?" I asked confused by his question. "You belong to me and I can see wherever I want to." He said, coming closer to me. I started backing away untill my back hit the door. He closed the gap between us by keeping his each hand beside my head. "What in the hell, do you need John?" I asked him not breaking the eye contact.

"I need only one thing, Lara and that's....you. What I did five years ago was for a fucking reason. I didn't have any interest, dating Talia. You won't believe me. Whenever, I used to see you and Ashton together my blood would start boiling. I always had a crush on you, the time I landed my eyes on you. I was scared of your rejection, Lara. When I started ignoring you, I had many enemies. I didn't want them to hurt you. Only, because of that reason I started dating Talia. She was only a time-pass to me." He finished. I didn't say anything. I was holding back my tears. I didn't want him to see my tears or to even feel...I was a weak person. "I love you, Lara. Please, don't date that ass-hole Ashton. Once again." He said, while looking down.

"I need some time to think. John. I hope you understand." He faced me, while I said. "It's ok, Lara. I understand. I deserve it." He left, saying it. I went to my bed and laid down. I was thinking about John. Whether, I should trust him or not. My thoughts were disturbed by a beep-beep sound from my phone. I took my phone and saw a message from an unknown number. I opened the message and it said:-

Unknown number,

Hey, Lara. I hope you will forgive John for what he did five years ago. It was to save you from his enemies. You must be thinking, why a threatner will give you good suggestions. Well, I am a good person. Lara. The only thing is that I want you guys to give justice to Louise. From your group someone has helped Louise's aunt to kill her.

I tried so much to give justice to Louise by collecting evidence about her aunt. You don't know me but I know you guys. I am someone very close to Louise. Louise used to share each and everything with me. You only have to do is, recall everything and you will find some clue. I will be giving you hints and you have to find out everything. If you don't do, what I ask you to do...then just be ready to lead a fucking miserable life. I'll make sure that you guys lead a life of hell. Don't take it lightly. If you want to show this message to everyone then just go for it. But, don't show it to the wrong person.

I hope you understand, Lara.


I was shocked after, I saw that message. I started recalling everything. Mia was the one who saw Louise the last time. Mia was little suspicious to me as she didn't tell the whole story. She told that when Louise went to the washroom, Mia went to attend a call. When she came back Louise was missing. Mia also showed a note to everyone and said that it had been written by Louise. The handwriting was not of Louise. No one knew her handwriting except me as I and Louise used to be in psychology class together. I knew at that time that something was wrong. I trusted Mia. She can't kill anyone nor she can help an illegal work. I needed to show this message to everyone. Now, for our safety I can not show this message to Mia. It can be dangerous.

I messaged Tristan from my room asking him to come and meet me. After some time, someone knocked on my door. I opened the door and their were both John and Tristan. "I am so sorry Lara, that John came up with me. He was like, I can't let you and Lara be alone." He said looking at John. John hitted Tristan's shoulder. "Owe, man." He said rubbing his shoulder. "Guys, look at this message." I showed them the message. Tristan read the first part and looked between me and John. "You are going to forgive John for what he did five years ago?" He asked. "I don't know. I need some time to think about it." I said looking at John. He smirked towards me. "Read further." I said them.

"Shittt, Lara. We need to show this to Leo." He said. "I know." I and John said it together. To change the topic, I cleared my throat. "Call Leo outside the cottage and ask him to meet us in 10 minutes. It's already 2:00 pm." And then left my room. I got ready into a simple blue jeans and a black top. I went down to accept Mia waiting for me down, but she was not there. I went outside my cottage and saw them standing their waiting for me. I waved my hands towards them. I went towards them.

"What's up, Lara? Why you three are off? Is everything alright?" Leo asked, little bit scared. "Leo, just read this message and you will get to know. Everything." I showed him the same message. He read the message again and again. He looked at me then at John and then at Tristan. "Guys, it's really...shocking." Leo said. "We know." Tristan said. "Now, we have to think....What we can do now, about giving justice to Louise." John said looking at us. We were in deep thoughts untill Mia came and hugged Leo from behind. We all tried to be casual.

"Guys, what's wrong?" Mia asked, concerned. "Nothing, babe." Leo said. Tristan and John went inside the cottage. After, a minute I too went inside.

Keeping those messages aside. I started thinking about forgiving John.

I know John, since our mont. He told me the reason. Suddenly, someone tapped on my shoulder making me turn towards a hard wall. I looked up and saw it was none other than John, smiling at me. "Missing me sweetheart?" He asked me. "Nope. Actually, I am missing...Ashton. Already." I smiled at him innocently. The anger was evident on his face, after what I said. He suddenly pushed me towards the wall. In a minute, I was captured between him and the wall.

"You are mine. Mine alone. Don't you dare think about that asshole. Get that thing in your pretty little head." He said. The anger was fuming within him. "John....I..." I was about to say something but he spoke before him. "Don't say anything. You are all mine. I don't want to share, what's mine with anyone. Do you understand?" He was staring into me, intently. "John, I am not yours. I am not a possession of yours. I-" I was unable to form my words as, John captured my lips with his lips.

He was kissing me. Once again. But, this time it was so deep.

I did what I felt like to do. I was kissing him back. We were kissing so passionately that were now breathless but, he didn't stop kissing me. He left my lips and started kissing my neck. He started giving feather kisses towards my collar-bone. He bite my ear making me moan. Again, he captured my lips with his lips. He bite my lower lip. I involuntarily bite his upper lip causing him to make a groan. The kissing session was about to turn us but before that someone's voice made us jump away from each other.

"Oh, shit. What the fuuckkk? Find yourselves a room. God damnit." It was Tristan. Who spoke those words. My cheeks turned into a shade of pink. I looked towards John with a corner of my eye and saw something....which happens very rare. He was fucking blushing too. I excused myself and ran towards my room. I heard Tristan laughing.

Oh. Fuck. I need to control my hormones near him.

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