
|Schools out|

-The clock was ticking as I counted the time for hell to finally release us-

-The bell rang,everyone grabbed their bags and ran out-

Kisha:Finally. *Kisha sighed*

Keon :Hey Kisha!

Kisha:Hey Keon,you walking with me today?

Keon:Uh yeah? School is finally out why would I not.

Kisha:I don't know but,I can't wait to hang out with you more.

Keon:Whoa Kisha-


*Keon pulled Kisha back against the brick wall*

Kisha:What? *Kisha whispered*

Keon:Look in the ally way-

|To be continued|

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Xenix_Garciacreators' thoughts