
Continue on, Samurai?

Soo... where is Crusader of Light? I can't see him anywhere in this arena...

The monsters that just appeared and my turrets see him, then why can't I! Where's the justice!


Why am I talking about justice... I cheated my whole way through since I became Cobalt, Im assured that... while I'm not prepared... I'll have the strength to fight this jujigun charector at least. Besides, I got my Ace in the Hole right?

/\ Don't. /\

I didn't even say what is it!

/\ Dragon Form. You were going to say Dragon Form. /\


/\ Oh really? Then what exactly is your Ace in the Hole then, Cobalt? Hmm? /\

... I can... craft... a sword! That's right!

System! Create a sword out of leftover Ice Dragon materials!

| Confirmed. Crafting... |

Woah, Is that a new voice?

| Yes, Player Crimson has edited me into a more intelligent being, capable of more things now. |

It's pretty nice! I think it's a little better than the Robotic voice, now you sound like a wise elder!

| ... |

| Crafting complete |

Alright, it's just a blue longsword for now... time for some quick upgrades!

... Mana veins there.... large amount of compressed crystals there... hilt decor... make the blade longer... ice...

Alright! It's a proper Samurai blade!

- Shogun! I have prepared a weapon for you if you are alright over there! -

- Thank you, Father. Ill be there in a moment, the Crusader seems to be quite hard to track... but you are definitely safe with the turrets around you. -

Alright, I'll let em' borrow this Sword for now, if they end up fine I'll let em' keep it... system? Are you going to do a notification for the blade or anything?

| Blade is being altered by Titles, Divine level Influence via Mordova, and Crimson's soul. |

Huh? Crimson, what are you doing to the blade?

/\ I'm optimizing the design while the system is adding stuff. I'll raise it's power by about 16%. /\

Can you do that for everything I craft now?

/\ Yeah, I've been slowly optimizing the whole set you have on ya, damn hard to do so with the soul bounding. /\

Thanks for the support, me!

Huh, he really has alot of power just within my head... I wonder what he is fully capa -

- Father, I'm here. -

The giant samurai stood before me, his armor was dented and broken in certain parts, but his height is definitely taller than before... I handed him the blade.

| Creature Bound |

| Avalanche Shogun |

| Name available |

| Level 50 • Teir 1 ( Special ) |

| Stats: No definable stats. |

| Skills: Blue Ice, Swordsman ship ( Max ), Command ( Low ), Fear Aura ( Low ), Blizzard Aura ( Low ). |

| Desc. A rare Variant to the Winter Shogun, created only in Mana saturated environments. |

| Desc 2. Winter Shoguns are created when a Strong Warrior with Grand amounts of Mana die within a cold environment without a proper grave. |

| - Creatures bound to Avalanche Shogun,

Frost Specters x5, Snow Wyrm. - |

| Snow Wyrm has become ( Mount ) to Avalanche Shogun... adapting... |

| Frost Specters x5 has been bound to Avalanche Shogun... adapting... |

| Snow Wyrm -> Lesser Ice Dragon ( Infant ) |

| Frost Specters -> Banshee Soldiers |

- Father... this blade... I can feel a great power within it, I will win this fight for you and prove my worth! -

Me - " Hold on one more second, I need a name for you since your now one of my companions. "

| Blade also requires a name. |

Why is that?

| The forged blade is a unique weapon. |

WHAT??!??! I barely gave it any thought and it turned out unique? What the fuck!

| Answer : Due to the un -orthodox shape of the blade, along with the high Mana within it, as well as it's ability to channel the Mana of the user into force. It has been determined at Unique. |

Frick! I got to think of two names now! I've never been good with names!

/\ Ledova cepel for the blade. /\

Ahh, thanks for the save Crimson..

but isn't that too... well...

/\ That's the point, make it sound more important for the Shogun so she respects you more. /\

Alright then... Name for the Shogun then... someplace cold... Jotun? That's a cold place I think.

Me - " Your name from now on shall be Jotun, and the blade you wield is called Ledova cepel. Use it well. "

- Of course, Father. -

I wonder why she is calling me father...

| Answer: Beings born of Mana are biologicaly related to the origin of such Mana. In this unique interaction however, since Winter Shoguns are created by dead soldiers with high Mana, it was nessasary to create a human that's related to you and have it die here in the arena in the past for you to recreate via your Mana. This was due to the high amount of ice type Mana emmision than you have... not enough to create a Dragon, but enough to create a Shogun with a few leftovers. "

So it's technically related to me? How does that work, is it's DNA the same or something? It must be at least somewhat different right?

| Answer: Your DNA was used for 50% of the creation, the rest is Mordova's DNA. |

Wait wait wait... why Mordova?

| Answer: Prediction of your first child is bore by Mordova. |



| Listing all potential mates.

Dice -> Incapable of Human Child bearing

Anise -> Incapable of Human Child bearing

Asi -> Incapable of Human Child bearing, and due to theory of soul by Crimson.

Melody -> Too shy for Sexual Confrontation.

Luriel -> Currently Dating Arch

Cav -> Traumatized by Sexual Confrontation

Horizon -> Male.

Mordova -> Capable of Human Child bearing, tendency to get flirty under influence of alcohol, living under the same roof.

Ruby -> No explanation needed.

Edo -> Has a small crush on Crimson, therefore you as well.

End. |

... ok.




So uh... recently the party fell apart with the recent turn of events, that being the interview I had with the reporter about Cobalt and me now dating Luriel.

Melody, well she didn't take it well... Cav and Horizon were angry at me for ratting out Cobalt's identity. Eventually It reached a boiling point and we split up.

I'm still here with Luriel, occasionally going out and doing some quests... it's not the same without everyone.

Melody went searching for Cobalt, She said she felt like I didn't care about her enough... and she claimed as she left that Cobalt would take care of her better.

Cav and Horizon... well, I don't know where they went. When I went to sleep they both disappeared with the car.

Luriel... she was heart broken by this, she is the reason I met everyone else... and I was the one that drove them away. Currently... we are just trying to figure out what to do. She suggests we retire, maybe have a kid in the game... sell off our adventuring gear or hang it on a mantle or something.

I know it's my fault, I won't get a second chance. So, it's just up to me to live my life with these regrets in my heart.

It hurt the worse when I got a notifications.

| Player Melody has removed you from her friends list. |

| Player Cav has removed you from her friends list. |

| Player Horizon has removed you from her friends list. |


I hope... I'll eventually forget about all of this.




Nothing is wrong, I suppose.

Arch became unbearable, he said quite the bit of things he should of never said... and what he did was down right rude. Cobalt gave us lots of stuff, and to betray him like that really angers me, I suppose.

Me and Horizon are going to earn some money, our goal now is to become just ridiculously wealthy and live our lives in total luxury. Maybe I'll try and become a viscountess or something.




I should of taken the car... it's so cold here.

I'm tracking Cobalt-san's position on my Map, he seems to be warping around quite the bit... but when he is on the map he ends up in the dead of North. He slept there for a total night, so it's my best bet.

Arch... you naive asshole... I've been giving you my all for however long and this is how you treat me, always like I'm an NPC huh? I never had my own money, and I always made food for you all despite never learning how to cook.

Cobalt? He not only gave gifts whenever he could to everyone, but he gave all of us plenty of money before he left... including me.

If he can treat me better in 5 days than you could in more than 5 years then why should I stay with you? Dice and Anise where right...

I should of brought a heavier coat...

Is that a castle? That's where Cobalt was during that time... it doesn't seem to be any guards... I'll just slip in...






I made it into the castle, it's not much warmer in here than the outside but it at least gets me out of the wind... I'm going through the rooms right now... there's a throne over there... a few sides rooms down this hallway...

Ah, someone does live here... there are a woman's clothes in this room in the dressers, I'll check the other rooms...

Ah? This is definitely Cobalt's room. He's got a chest full of gold in here. How do I know? It's got a note saying " Don't touch, Property of Cobalt " on the inside.

I've been hiking for a week now in that weather, not including all the harrasment from the Male Players at the teleportation stands. What's wrong with the male NPCs... all of them try to hit on you.

I guess I'll take a rest then...

Next chapter