
Story IV / Part XXXIX: The Red Dawn of Crimson Sky (VI) / The Prophet of Deceased Faith (III)

"Wait, wait…why is the story of Prophet Sameir's related to [The 40 Ranks of Equipment] anyway?" Hel asked Igrei while throwing a steel ingot into smelting pot.

"Hey shield freak, I'm not done yet. Hear this—"

"It's to prevent the same incident from happening again in the future. Prophet Sameir created scrolls of skills bestowed from The Maker. He taught it first to Mifalkhia, his sons and daughters. After that, he taught his nearest disciples and the people who are closest to him first. Few movanth after that, he taught those skills to his followers. After The King of Arthern Holy Elf Kingdom heard those amazing skills, he invited Sameir, along with his followers to stay on his kingdom. On there, Sameir asked the King legalize those skills by submitting them on [Magealia Univa Library]."

Rean raised his left eyebrow, "What's this [Magealia Univa Library], Kaichou?"

"[Magealia Univa Library] is a "Universal Library for Magic and Skill". If you discover or create a new skill or magic that isn't fall into [OS] [Original Skill] category, you can submit them there and receive a royalty for the rest of your life. Even your descendants will receive the royalty after your death or even higher amount of royalty if they recreated or renew it into new one."

"I see…so these identifying skills we have right now were from Prophet Sameir's skills…marvelous." Julio nodded in agreement. It seemed he satisfied with Igrei's story and my explanation.

"Hey, don't cut this ol' Dwarf's words, white Elf boy, or did you want to get cursed?"

"Ahahaha…I'm sorry Igrei-san…"

"But I still haven't found the relation between Igrei's boring story and [The 40 Ranks of Equipment]." Hel rubbed his head as a sign of confusion.

"As expected of our airhead Commander…calling a prestigious Prophet's tale as a "boring" story. Don't you know that bad mouthing Prophet's tale is a sacrilege?" Razzle clapped his hands.

"What do you mean by "airhead commander" you lapdog? And what is this sacrilege nonsense you speak of?!"

"Easy there, Shield-worshipper…no need to take a bait from this filthy knight."

"Heh, nice one…stone face bastard."

"Stop, stop, stop…don't fight right now. Hear me out, Hel…"

I told Hel a story about Sameir before he passed down the identifying skills he received from The Maker. At that time, his skill accidentally scanned the knife he brought and it's written [Weapon Rank: 4 / Normal] on his [Status Screen]. He is confused but he didn't tell anyone about that until one day he was curious about that discovery and scanned his staff.

It said, his staff had [Weapon Rank: 40 / God (True)] and of course, he was confused about that. Then, he traveled to Asafftaroth Kingdom where The Terra Elves live and stayed there for four movanth. On there, when he had a private audience with King Darnel, he asked about his discovery but King Darnel had no idea about that. Sameir properly explained to King Darnel about his skills and their abilities.

"He traveled to Asafftaroth Kingdom in Mediterrania Mountain Range only to find out why his staff and knife had a strange description that showed him their rank without looking at his own skills first? Seriously, this man is insane. Didn't he know and understand that he was the only one who possessed those skills in the first place? If I was in his place, I will analyze them first on my own before asking someone that DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT."

"Ugh…he thought the Elves ought to have knowledge about this matter since they live for long time and a great researcher in the first place. He didn't know about that either, so Hel I warn you please don't say rude things to the Holy Peoples such as the Prophets, Messengers, and Apostles. Otherwise…" I glance away.

Hel raised his left eyebrow, "Otherwise what…?"

Without Hel realizing, Zikiya has been standing behind him. She is smiling gently, but her eyes aren't gentle at all. Every people in the room are quiet for a bit and glancing away. Even the energetic and earnest Julio doesn't want to see Zikiya's terrifying expression directly.

(The worst thing possible has come, let's attend Commander's funeral next time) Razzle whispered to Carl.

(I can hear you Razzle!) I shook my head to give him a signal not to talk right now.

"Oy, why all of you became quiet all of sudden? Don't have any topic to talk again right now? All right, let's move from silly and shitty boring Prophet's tale to—"

Zikiya suddenly grabs Hel's right shoulder with her hand and squeezing it tightly. Of course, Hel was shocked after that. We keep silent as Hel talk to the person behind him with annoyed voice.

"Oi, oi…Toval…don't scare me like that! Why your rough hands suddenly become cold and smooth? Did you finally use a hand lotion?" Hel chats nonchalantly.

However, there is no response from his back and we keep glancing away. Meanwhile, Rean and Razzle are whistling as if nothing happened.

"Oi, oi, Toval…why do you keep quiet?" It's ain't funny you know…"

"Good Morning, Admirable Knight Hel…" Zikiya whisper those words near Hel left ear.

Upon hearing Zikiya voice, Hel's face turned pale and he is sweating profusely. It's clearly written in his face that he is asking help from us, but we just ignored it and acted as we didn't know him in the first place.

"May I have a little of…your time?" Zikiya say that while dragging away Hel from the room.

Then, both of them disappear from our sight and finally we can take a breath. I suggested everybody to fasten our work pace since we don't want to get caught in Zikiya's terrifying lecture. I assisted Ben and Carl who make spare longswords and Rean assisted Julio who is creating targe shields alone. Meanwhile, Igrei, Rebia and Dan are focus on maintaining and fixing our personal weapons and armors.

I picked a metal dipper full or burning iron from smelting pot then I poured it to a longsword mold. Carl cooled it down with [Wind] and [Ice] Elemental magic spell slowly but steadily. Thus, Ben took over the cooled down rough longsword from the mold and sharpen it with grindstone.

Ben finished his work by combining the blade with wooden grip, if one of our party members wants his or her blade combined with wooden grip. He also made a metal grip for our party members who have high [STR] Parameter. He added another finishing touch by carving the grip with simple patterns.

"These magical…blacksmith tools…are amazing…"

Carl put down a blade on Ben's table, "I know right? Even my magic isn't necessary since the mold itself can cool down the burning iron faster than my spell did."

Hmm…it's a rare occasion to see calm and quiet Ben who normally doesn't has any interest to talk with others praising something honestly with amazed tone and expression. I recruited Ben when he had a hard time finding a party for subjugating demonic beasts who appeared through a gate that connects [Outer World] with [Land of the Dead] many Eelvariash ago. I found his battle style is unique and he also has calm demeanor that allows him to think clearly and choose the right decision in the battles.

Ben lowered his head, "Uh…yeah…you are right."

I know he is an introvert who is bad at socializing with others. People are often misunderstood him as a prideful and impolite person because he rarely talks and he is never looking at someone's eyes when he is talking. Unlike Del who is distancing himself because his "hobby" such as reviving corpses, Ben is distancing himself purely because…he doesn't want other people to be bothered by his presence. I often saw the extrovert and energetic people like Luna criticizing or arguing with him because they don't like his attitude.

We continued our work until we didn't realize two heverra has passed. I decided to sit for a while to recover from my fatigue and Zikiya teleported back here with Hel, whose mouth is foaming and his eyes are pale white. Oh right, he is dead. Zikiya brought many cups that filled with mineral water and she offered them to us.

I grabbed a cup and drank it in order to not upsetting her, and I gave a code to Carl, Razzle and Ben to pick the cups too but Razzle shook his head weakly. Unfortunately, Zikiya noticed that and asked him why he shook his head.

"I-I just wondering about the continuation of Prophet Sameir's story after he reached Asafftaroth King—"

We gave him a death glare and he jolted up. We quickly return to normal when Zikiya turned her head to us as if nothing happened. Then, Zikiya pulled a chair and sat there while picking a chainmail that is laying in front of her. She took a hammer along with nail from her inventory and started to knit the chainmail back.

"I will tell you the rest of the story, but please do hear me out while you are working, okay?"

Nobody dares to ask her to leave since it will make this into complicated matter. So, we just sighed silently and continue our steelwork while Zikiya begins to tell us the story. As I assume, Igrei is the one who most irritated with Zikiya's presence, but since he can't do anything rash, he chose to quietly continuing his work.

Long short story, after Sameir explained his skills to King Darnel, he suddenly interested with that and he invited Kings and Queens from Dwarf, Fairy and Elves eight daesh after their discussion. Of course, Sameir was a bit angry with King Darnel because he didn't ask his permission first. But after King Darnel properly explained his reasons to Sameir and Sameir himself found no falsehood on King Darnel's words, he accepted his explanation.

King Darnel convinced Sameir to documenting every new discovery found from these skills for future usage of weapons, armors and accessories documentation. Convinced by his reasoning, Sameir warned him if he betrayed his own promise to him before Sameir widespread and passed down his skills, he would be the one who receive The Maker's punishment first.

King Darnel reassured Sameir by promising him that the ones who will attend this meeting are tight-lipped and he can fully trust them. King Darnel once again apologized to Sameir about his unpleasant behavior, but Sameir told him that he only shocked because King Darnel acted independently and suddenly invited Kings and Queens from Elven Alliance to discuss his skills without asking his permission first.

Five daesh after Sameir scolded King Darnel, King Darnel escorted Sameir to the meeting room and when they arrived there, The Kings and Queens from Dwarf, Elf and Fairy Race have been waiting for them. After they greeted Sameir and King Darnel with their traditional language, Sameir started the meeting and explained his skills and discovery to them. Of course, after hearing that all of the Lords present were very shocked.

King Oberon raised his right hand all of a sudden when other Lords were still shocked by Sameir's words. Then, he asked why Sameir wants to keep his skills hidden from public for the time being, but Sameir just smiled and asked him back what will happen if he tells his skills to Kings and Queens from Human Kingdoms first.

After hearing that, King Oberon lowered his head while considering the matter. After King Oberon finally realized what Sameir meant, suddenly King Hideryl from Vulcaniar Ignish Elf Kingdom said the humans would be mining all minerals and metals from Gaia to wage a war against the Elven Alliance.

He told the other Lords to remember Human's true nature. Most of the humans don't possess any shred of faithfulness unlike the Elves and they are also greedy. Moreover, the humans are bunch of hypocrites down to their core. They can easily break their promises or oath without a second thought to further their own interest.

Then, King Hideryl stated that the humans are still in their [Dark Ages], so they are still "stupid" right now. Therefore, bestowing or sharing this knowledge to them will be dangerous indeed. After saying all of that, King Hideryl chuckled a little.

Agreeing with King Hideryl's words, Queen Anne further elaborated by saying about the reason behind The Maker entrusted these dangerous skills to Sameir, rather than bestowing it to another people. She said The Maker has a faith on him and trust him that he will able to spread this knowledge properly and safely.

The meeting came to end when Queen of Westlandia Holy Elf Kingdom, Diana Lysanthrim Veira asked Sameir about his future plans. Sameir answered her that he would gradually spread these skills and he will allow to globally spreading these skills after they are legalized by [Magealia Univa Library]. After hearing that, they nodded and agreed with Sameir's plan.

The Rulers from Dwarf, Elf and Fairy Kingdoms agreed to assist Sameir to record ranks, criteria, classification, classes, functions, skills, abilities and explanation of all equipment, tools, items, potions, scrolls, minerals, metals, artifacts, animals, plants around the world.

This mission called "Decaverium eld Orcassiel Vacamia" or "Discovery of Unrevealed Truth" and it finished booked around middle late of A.E.V I for first database (volume) or after The Dark Elves escaped from Abyssia with Dark Dragon Gods' help.

After The Dark Elves recreated by The Maker and Dark Dragon Gods, they joined the Elven Alliance and assisted them in this mission as well. King of Dark Elf, Vesta Darlimoire von Avestadoierelle was the one who leaded the discovery teams for third and fourth database. The first database mainly talked about weapon, armor and accessory. However, when the concept of [Class Equipment] implemented on there, the variety of weapon, armors and accessories were growing rapidly.

"Look at this, Julio."

I gave my notebook that contains the list of equipment's ranks and their prices that I had been noted a long time ago to Julio who just finished making the last targe shield.

1. Unidentified / [U]

2. Unidentified (Broken) / [UB]

3. Broken / [B]

4. Normal / [N]

5. Normal (Rare) / [NR]

6. Rare / [R]

7. Extremely Rare / [ER]

8. Unique / [U]

9. Unique (Special) / [US]

10. Extremely Unique / [EU]

11. Magical / [M]

12. Magical (Special) / [MS]

13. Magical (Unique) / [MU]

14. Magical (Ancient) / [MA]

15. Legendary / [L]

16. Legendary (Unique) / [LU]

17. Legendary (Magical) / [LM]

18. Legendary (Ancient) / [LA]

19. Legendary (Divine/Demonic) / [LDIV/LDEM]

20. Legendary (Ancient Divine/Demonic) / [LADIV/LADEM]

21. Primordial (Rare) / [PR]

22. Primordial (Unique) / [PU]

23. Primordial (Ancient) / [PA]

24. Primordial (Legendary) / [PL]

25. Primordial (Ancient Legendary) / [PAL]

26. Primordial (Divine/Demonic) / [PDIV/PDEM]

27. Primordial (Ancient Divine/Demonic) / [PADIV/PADEM]

28. Primordial (Legendary Divine/Demonic) / [PLDIV/PLDEM]

29. Primordial (Ancient Legendary Divine/Demonic) / [PALDIV/PALDEM]

30. God / [G]

31. God (Magical/Legendary) / [GM/GL]

32. God (Demonic/Divine) / [GDEM/GDIV]

33. God (Ancient Demonic/Divine) / [GADEM/GDIV]

34. God (True Ancient Demonic/Divine) / [GTADEM/GTDIV]

35. God (Primordial) / [GP]

36. God (Ancient Primordial) / [GAP]

37. God (Ancient Primordial Divine/Demonic) / [GAPDIV/GAPDEM]

38. God (True Ancient Primordial Divine/Demonic) / [GTAPDIV/GTADEM]

39. God (True Divine/Demonic) / [GTDIV/GTDEM]

40. God (True) / [GT] / [PARAGON]

Those are 40 Ranks of Equipment (Weapon, Armor, Accessory) that we have developed from 2012 until 2018! How is it?


Dear Readers, if you confuse about " [] " meaning, I use them solely only to "highlight" skill, place or event's names.

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