Ling Chuxi was not surprised by Chi hanbing's actions, but she did not expect the two elders to have such courage. She was very touched.
Zi Yin, Ye Xiaoqi, and the others were moved to tears as well. They drew their swords one after another. Yue Kaili also took out his large vegetable knife and charged to the front in an aggressive manner. He was the city Lord of Qingyuan City, but also a disciple of ethereal sect.
"Fine, fine. Since you're so intent on seeking death, I'll make sure not even a chicken or dog will be left alive in the ethereal sect residence." Ren Hongping roared in exasperation when he saw that the entire ethereal sect residence was united.
Although in the eyes of others, the position of a Ruling Steward was high beyond reach, Ren Hongping himself knew that in the aristocratic family's ruling council, he was nothing at all as a mere steward. Even if it was only a third-rank sect residence, it was not something he could destroy as he pleased.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: