He was famous when he was young, and he had traveled around the Qing-Yun realm. He was more experienced than Ling Zhongyu and the others. He knew that if a clan wanted to grow, it could not be bound by rules. The so-called benevolence, righteousness, and morality were all different from person to person. The wicked should be afraid of the wicked. This was the most reasonable truth.
"That's right. Two million five-colored spirit stones were so easy to get." Ling Zhongyu, Ling Yixin, and the others looked at the storage bag in Ling Chuxi's hands. The little stars in their eyes were shining more and more brightly than the previous one.
"Don't even think about the spirit stones, you have to hand the money to the clan. " Ling Chuxi said.
"Yes, I know, I know. Just let us take a look at it a little longer. I've never seen so much money in my life." Ling Zhongyu said while swallowing his saliva.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: