

he looked at the lady and looked around in the window will you get a little bit up hoping it wasn't locked to his surprise it wasn't, he made his move a little bit easier what he slowly pushed up the window according to wake as beautiful dish the smell filled him nose was unbearable, he barely had enough strength to hold himself back but the Temptation was even harder, he finally made it into the house to watch the girl for hours, as you read a small Creek in the board of the floor girl turned over on her side her face facing the window and the Moon that laid on her skin his heart bumped and bumped has he felt something he never felt before but the thirst and this new feeling fought each other inside of him his breath is taken from him as he had a sit-down as he tried to back up and knocked over a lamp waking the girl and in that moment that girl's eyes open spotting him in the shadow in her room making her scream, with a few bug tuds her father standing 6"6 busted the door spotting him instantly his face was harder than Stone his muscular body was sharper than f****** water in a blink of an eye out hey the father charge at the Killer following with a other loud thud the father picked him up and slamming him in the wall but in return he got a bayonet to the upper arm stabbing into the muscle without the other the bottom side of his arm but the father wasn't so eager to go down just yet but the Killer wasn't going down either the bothered of the back in bed so did the unknown killer in jump to the corner he knew he was cornered but he was smaller he looked around the room for a a plan did it finally snapped it is mine go out the way you came as a father once again lunged at the unknown killer to be he ducked over the window and hurried house as he was about to jump out the window the grabbed his hair the softest silk with Shaggy black and then return again he used just pocket knife to stab into the middle of his hand cutting the muscle going to do the bone blood leaked on his forehead into his eye he smiled and insanely smile was the girl watched blank leaves year the father uses that I had to grab the back of his neck and firm down as he was jolting back pain shot through his body finally "see you again" he said with a raspy voice kind of deep bore boy but he soon ran off fast as he came as soon as their neighbors came around during the loud screams and done they wanted to know what it was about, later the town named him the sleeping killer and linked him to the other kill that have happend but with had no idea what to do and how to do it but they turned to alanna with a cold looks her body shivered as her long brown strait hair coverd her back but her honey eyes matched her Tend Skin , "he will come back for her and what will we do then" the elder said but soon stoped by alanna father "i will keep her safe "he said firmly but soon laughed it, "your hurt and we all know that and the killer knows that so he may bring something with him there is only so much we can do for her...we have to banish you and your family ....we cant risk the others" the people looked away as they knew it was true , but alanna looked shocked as she pasted her father"I'll leave but they must stay here in the wall" her family looked at her in fear but.mostly saddened as the father held back her mother as alanna smiled and looked at her mother for the last time before the elders took her away from them.....

im still new at this guys but what will happen next