

Previously, Brendan Hunter just defeated Bronze Tiger with his lackeys when he let his anger took over him. Brocade of his action, Oliver Queen, The Hood now is suspicious of him and suspected Brendan is the Overhaul.


"Wonder who came this night?Maybe Quentin?" I wondered an open the door only to see Oliver along with Diggle.

"Or not." I thought in my head.

"Mr Oliver?Diggle?Why are you guys here?" I ask them.

"We wanted to---" Sadly Oliver cannot finish his word when he sees Laurel. Oh, man.

"Laurel?" Oliver said and Laurel's eyes turn into anger seeing him.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him.

"I- I just want to meet Brendan to thanks him for taking care of Thea," Oliver replied though I got the feeling he just gave a lie.

"Really? But can you do this tomorrow? Brendan is tired and needed to rest." Laurel said.

"But I--" I about to say that is wrong but a glare from her made me halt my word.

"Oh. I am very tired and sleepy. " I said and then yawn.

"Okay. See you tomorrow then Brendan." Oliver said but his eyes locked to Laurel who ignored his gaze.

"Can we talk for a minute, Laurel?" He asked her.

"No." Laurel coldly replied and Oliver sigh before walking out from my apartment.

Laurel closes the door and locked the door.

I meanwhile am on my sofa while watching Scooby-Doo marathon episodes. What? I liked this series okay. It is a funny cartoon.

Laurel then sit beside me watching the cartoon.

"So when you and Oliver will be good again?" I asked her.

"I do not think he and I will be a friend anymore," Laurel replied.

"Whatever. I am going to sleep here. You can use my bed." I said to her and she proceeded to go to sleep.

Sigh. When will the enemies arrive? It is very boring fighting street-level criminals.


"So are you Overhaul?" Thea Queen asked Brendan who nodded his head.

"Yeah. I am the Overhaul." Brendan replied. He did not care if she knows he is the Overhaul.

"Why did you not tell me?" Thea asked Brendan.

"Why should I tell you?" Brendan asked her back.

"I am your friend!" Thea shouted at Brendan.

"So? I am indeed your friend but that does not mean that I must tell you I am Overhaul." I replied.

Thea kept quiet hearing this before standing up.

"Do not see me anymore Brendan. I am sorry but I did not want to be closer with a person who is brutal beating the criminals." Thea said to Brendan who has a blank face hearing that.

"I thought that you are my hero but I guess not. You are just a vigilante. You only care about yourself." Thea said before walking away from Brendan who did not care about her.


"Good grief. Just not telling her Overhaul made her upset of me. What a bullshit." I muttered.

"Good grief. But at least with her not around anymore I can train my powers without her bothering me." Brendan muttered and proceeded to go to Ted gym.

Days become months and then years.

Now I am 13 years old with me growing taller. I have graduated from high school since I did not want to see Thea anymore.

The Queen family is not close to me anymore. Laurel and Quentin meanwhile are the same.

Guess Sara Lance has returned.

"Guess I am fated to be alone. Like in the previous life." I said while packing my clothes and other stuff into my bag.

I will move out of this apartment tomorrow. But before that, I decided to go to Central City but after that, I will move to New York City since it is the city I loved to visit and lived there.

Besides, I am now becoming a writer of Marvel Comics.

I already made Captain America's comics and sent it to a publisher who is satisfied with my work.

I told him that I am making other comic books and he cannot wait to publish them. I already made a contract with the famous Comics Books Company so I did not have to worry about money.

Plus the HQ is in New York so it is easy for me to hand over my comics directly to the company.

"Breaking News! An army of masked men now is marching through the city and it seems the leader, Deathstroke, has Laurel Lance as his hostage." I heard the news announced and I grip my hand hearing this.

"Fuck it. At least I am going to rescue her before goes to Central City." I said and wore my Overhaul suit.


"It seems he still has not arrived yet." Slade Wilson AKA Deathstroke said while looking at Laurel Lance who is glaring at him.

"Let me go!" She shouted but Deathstroke ignored her plea.

"Not until the Arrow arrived," Deathstroke said.

"My father will arrest you," Laurel said to him.

"We'll see about that. I have many men act as bodyguard outside. It will take a miracle for the polices to beat them." Slade said to her.

But for them, he hears the sound of screaming and him take out his katana.

His men are screaming in pain."Has Oliver arrived?" Slade wondered before the door exploded and Slade evaded it but noticed a figure is headed to him.

He shot towards him with his handgun but the bullet hit a blue fire.

"Overhaul!" Deathstroke thought in his head but before he knew it Overhaul already launched a kick towards his stomach sending him to crash to the wall.

"He is stronger than the report says." Slade thought while feeling pain on his stomach.

Overhaul approaches Laurel and burned the rope without injuring her hand.

"Follow me." He said to her and Laurel nodded her head.

But Slade is already up and crack his neck.

"To think you are still here Overhaul. Never mind. I can kill you. Your bounty is pretty high you know." Slade said to Overhaul who just stared at him.

Overhaul swept his hand and a fire wave headed to Slade who avoided it and thrust his katana towards Overhaul who catch it.

Slade sees his sword is melting and moved backwards.

Overhaul throw away that sword and his blue fire dispersed.

"What's wrong Overhaul? Your power is not working." Slade asked him but Overhaul moved forward and moved his right hand to Slade.

"Noob mistake." He muttered and shot towards his heart and stomach but then the bullets got suspended.

Overhaul moved to the left and then the bullets passed through him.

"What?" Slade said before he sees Overhaul thrust his right hand forward.

Before he knew it, he got trapped in ice.

"Damn it. I got played by him." Slade thought in his head.

Overhaul looked at Laurel."Come. Let's get out of here." Overhaul said. Both of them get out from the sewer but Overhaul has another idea.

"Let's see if you survive this Slade." He said and made his blue fire appeared around the sewer.

He sees Laurel is frozen and knew the reasons as many bodies are on the ground with burned marks can be seen.

"Did you kill these people?" Laurel asked Overhaul.

"No. Only burned them to the point they cannot walk anymore." Overhaul replied.

Laurel did not say anything and walked out of the place when he sees the polices are coming.

Overhaul who sees this take his chance to escape.


I am on the bus with the radio kept telling the story of how the Arrow rescued the Starling City.

"Hmm. Guess the Green Arrow will now rise. Now I am heading to the city where the supposed the fastest man alive resided. It seems now he is fighting Zoom. " I thought in my head while scrolling the news of Central City.

"If I am correct, this should he where Barry will be fighting Doctor Light. I should be aware of Zoom." I thought in my head.

"My Strength Force and Still Force now is more powerful than before. I am sure I can now defeat Flash and Zoom at the same time. But the weird thing is it seems there is no Turtle in this dimension. That disturbs my plan to take over his power. Or is he still hiding?"

"Whatever. Let's just hope the meeting with the Flash will not involve me fighting with him." I thought.

I see he already arrived at Central City. I carried my bag and hailed a cab to go to a nearby hotel.

I booked a room for a week and proceeded to wear my Overhaul suit. Why? Because I see the news of the Central City Bank is now being robbed by a masked woman.

I use my Warp Gate to make me appear at the top of the Central City Bank. A black fog appeared on the top of the building as I walked out of the Warp Gate.

Then the black fog enveloped my face like Kurogiri does as I wanted to intimate the Flash and Doctor Light.

I see a red blur just entered the bank and I entered the bank.

I casually walk into the bank and sees the vault just shined.

I see the Doctor Light is about to attack the Flash but I interfere by making an ice wall in front of her.

"Now now, we cannot have the saviour of Central City injured right?" I said to her and she looked at me.

"Who are you?" She asked me.

"I am Overhaul," I replied and I see she flinch hearing my name.

"You-you are him. No, you look younger but your appearance looks the same." She muttered.

"Hmm. Guess she is talking about my doppelganger but her body gesture tell me my doppelganger is a very scary person." I thought in my head.

"Give up woman before I froze you up," I said to her but she decided to blind my eyes.

"Oh no, you don't," I said and enveloped her in ice.

I then turned behind to the Flash who has gone. Okay, he sure is fast disappearing. Guess I also should disappear.

I open a warp gate and entered it. I am back at my hotel.

"Now Zoom, let's see who is the hunter and who is the prey," I said while smiling to myself.


"That Overhaul has cyrokinesis? That is sick." Cisco Raymond said while reviewing the video of Overhaul.

"We should be thankful to him for rescuing Barry from being attack by Doctor Light." Joe West said.

"But he ended up getting blind." Iris West said.

"For a certain of time. With his super speed healing capability, his vision will recover tomorrow." Caitlyn said while leading Barry to sit on a chair.

"So Harry did you knew about this Overhaul?" Barry asked Harrison Wells who is from Earth 2.

"Yeah. I knew him personally. He rescued my life many time. Did not expect him to be this young." Wells informed the others.

"So how strong is he?" Cisco asked.

"Break Zoom spine many times and humiliate Zoom by defeating him in his own game which is racing each other," Wells said making Cisco spit his drink with the others have their jaws dropped.

"H-he beat Zoom in racing with each other?" Barry asked him.

"Yeah. He is not Speed Force Conduit like you Allen as he has the ability to slow anything around him so yeah he slowed Zoom to the point he runs like a normal person making Overhaul able to best him in racing each other and beat him up many time." Wells said to Barry.

"That is sick," Cisco said.

"Raymond is right. Overhaul is the natural enemy for a speedster as his slow things ability is a perfect counter for a speedster not to mention his ice manipulation." Wells said.

"The reason Zoom able to take over the city because Overhaul is busy handling the other cities. " Wells said to them.

But one person thinks differently from others. His name is Jay Garrick but in reality, he is Zoom.

"Overhaul is here. I should watch out for him. " Zoom thought in fear seeing this young Overhaul has the ruthless personality like the Overhaul he knew.

Things just go like in the live series show and we now see The Flash is confronting Doctor Light but this time Doctor Light managed to shoot a beam towards The Flash leg making him fell to the ground while groaning in pain.

"Does that hurt Flash? Don't worry, this will be painless death for you." Doctor Light pointer her hand towards The Flash who now is ready to intercept her attack when an ice wall appeared.

Doctor Light who sees this felt afraid and tried to run but when she turned his body she sees Overhaul is behind him.

"Hi." Overhaul said to her and shot ice blast towards her gauntlet making her unable to shoot any light beam.

Overhaul then freeze her body making her unable to move.

"Now, let's wait for the cops to arrive here to arrest you." Overhaul said but then he ducked to avoid getting a punch on his head by an arm.

"Hoho. Look like little Zoom is impatient." Overhaul thought in his head seeing Zoom revealed himself sooner than expected.

"Overhaul. You seem younger in this world." Zoom said to him.

"So you are Zoom huh? You did not look so scary." Overhaul said making Zoom growled and sped towards him.

Just as Zoom punch about to hit his face, Overhaul avoided it and freeze his right leg making Zoom crashed to the train.

Acting quickly, he shot ice spikes toward Zoom who phase his body into the train.

Zoom then sped out of the train and try to attack from behind Overhaul but Overhaul predicted this and ducked a blurred hand.

Overhaul placed his right hand on the ground surrounding everything around the area making Zoom trapped in the ice.

Zoom tried to free himself when he sees Overhaul snapped his hand making many ice spikes stabbed through Zoom making him roar in pain.

All the ice spikes stabbed his knees, elbows and lastly his left shoulder.

The Flash along with his team are awed seeing Overhaul professionally handle Zoom.

"Damn. He is a skilled fighter. Look at him.Mot even a scratch on his body." Joe West commented.

"Not to mention his ice manipulation. Look how easily he froze everything around him and made those ice spikes." Iris said.

"Note to self, make Barry stay away from Overhaul," Cisco said.

"I told you he can defeat Zoom," Wells said.

"Wait for a minute, where is Jay?" Caitlyn asked and they looked around.

"He is just next to me," Joe said.


"Time to unmask you, Zoom," I said loudly and sees Barry widened his eyes hearing my words.

I placed my left hand on Zoom's face and the ice melt.

My left hand now is touching Zoom's face."Nooo!" Zoom shouted but I melted his face mask and rip it to reveal the face of Jay Garrick.

"Wow. You did not look so scary right now." I said and looked at Barry who is stupefied and frozen seeing Jay face after I ripped Zoom's mask.

"So Flash, you knew this guy?" I asked him and he looked at his head.

"I-I do." He replied.

I know what he feels right now judging by his voice. Betrayal, sad and anger.

"So want to punch his face Flash, this is your chance to beat the shit out of him," I told him and he approaches Zoom who glared at him.

"You traitor!" Barry released a right hook to Zoom before his hand turn into blur. Damn, Zoom face now has many bruises and nose is broken.

"Allen!Stop!" Wells shouted.

"Why did you asked him to stop?" Joe asked.

"He deserved to be punched since he almost tricked us to believe him he is also the Flash im another universe," said Iris.

"Because we needed him," Wells said.

"What do you mean by that?" Caitlyn asked.

"I will explain to you later," Wells said.

"You better explain to us later. For now, Barry, calm down. I know how much you hate Jay right now, but calm down okay?" Cisco said to Barry who now has calm down.

I meanwhile am watching this with a smirk.

"Bet that hurts," I said and sees the police is coming.

"Hey, Flash. The police are coming here." I told him.

"Meet you at Star Labs." He told me and I sees he is trying to figure a way to bring Zoom to Star Labs.

"Let me help you," I said and open a warp gate to Star Labs.

I make sure to encased Zoom except for his face in ice completely to make his body felt cold to the point he can not feel his body anymore.

I moved the frozen Zoom to the other side of the warp gate with Barry following me.

The polices can handle the frozen Doctor Light.


All of the Team Flash members with Wells and Overhaul now is staring at Zoom whose face is injured due to Barry beat the shit out of him. He is unconscious.

"You really let out your anger to him Barry," Cisco said to Barry who kept glares at Zoom.

"He deserves it," said Iris.

"Ignored the injured guy and let's focus to our saviour, Overhaul," Cisco said and stared at me in admiration.

"Nice to meet you Overhaul, my name is Cisco Raymond. A big fan of you and can not wait to see you show your blue fire to me." Cisco said and I shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you too Cisco. So these are your team Flash?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Anyway, my name is Barry Allen. You can call me Barry. This here is Joe West and Iris West. Besides Iris is Caitlyn Snow and Harrison Wells from another Earth." Barry introduced them to me.

"So multiverse is real?" I asked.

"Yes, and it is good to see you Overhaul," Wells said to me.

"So you got your own base huh? That rocks." I commented while looking at many gadgets scattered in the labs

"Ho. Believe me, you only saw a little bit of the lab. Let me show you what we got here in the Star Labs." Cisco said to me.

I smiled hearing that.

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