
The ways to solve lovers’ quarrels (2)

I stood there stunned with my hand still holding onto the curtain. All my thoughts were emptied and the only sense I had is the ringing in my ears. Parkinson must have sensed my presence since she sluggishly lifted her chin up to see who the intruder was. Though the light was hazy, I could tell she had been crying judging by the redness in her eyes.

For a brief moment, neither of us talked and both of us remained still.

Part of my mind was screaming I should leave, but my legs were weak. The other part of me said I should stay, at least until I heard what had to be said.

"Granger, why are you even here?" She said coldly with animosity.

"I can ask you the same thing," I responded more calmly than I thought I was able handle.

"I fail to see what Draco sees in you," She glanced at Malfoy before looking back at me, all while refusing to let go of his hand, "You are intolerable."

"That's up to him to decide," I tried to be respectful, "Thank you for being here for him, but you can feel free to go now."

"Who do you think you are?" She stood up without warning. The anger in her eyes were rising, and I knew my words had provoked her. She marched to me and her face was inches away from mine. It took her a second to regain her composure as she spoke in a low voice so that she wouldn't wake Malfoy, "You always think so highly of yourself. Aren't you the perfect one? Everyone adores how impeccable you are. The smartest of her age, the friend of the hero. Now with your devious charms and enchantments, you took Draco away from me and made him one of your foolish worshipers. What else do you want?"

"You know nothing about me. I didn't take him away from you," I sneered, "He decides who he wants to be out of his free will. And you need to stop speaking of him as if he's your property."

"You are an evil, deceitful, despicable, little mud---" She stopped before spitting out the last word as I heard footsteps approaching behind me. Madam Pomfrey came to bring me the promised towel.

"You need to dry yourself before you catch a cold," Madam Pomfrey said kindly. She was putting the towel around my shoulders when she noticed the tension in the air. She looked at Parkinson, then back at me, "I'm not interrupting you, am I?"

"No," Parkinson said with a fake smile, yet she put no effort into hiding the rage in her eyes.

"Thank you," I said quietly and nodded at Madam Pomfrey.

"You're welcome, dear," She patted on my back, "I'll leave you to it then, just return my office whenever."

She stared back and forth between Parkinson and I with a dubious and concerned look before she left.

"It's best if you leave," I said emotionlessly, "Please don't get your nose up in our business."

"Seriously?" She laughed disdainfully, "Look at you, bossing me around. Truth be told, Granger, you are the one who's in the way."

"Care to explain?" My tone remained indifferent.

I heard the bedsheets ruffling as Malfoy made a turn. Though I wanted him to get some rest, I did hope he could wake up to this scene, speak for himself and set the record straight.

I blamed my aloofness to the overwhelming amount of emotions I was experiencing to the point I felt numb.

"He was mine before you come along," She squinted with hostility, "You and your stupid contract. It was meant to be a joke. But you, you manipulated and tricked him. He told me how the feeling was mutual, told me how he could finally overcome his insecurities and open up to someone. How naïve I was to believe him!"

"I don't understand," I frowned.

"Isn't that surprising?" She scorned, "Do you think I want to step in? You give me no choice. I can't bear seeing Draco miserable. He never talks about it, but I know him, and I can see it in his eyes. No, Granger, be quiet, I've known him for way longer than you do."

'What's are you going on about?" I said.

I heard Malfoy made another turn.

"You and I both are aware of how much I adore Draco," She lifted her chin up as if she was going to war, "Unlike you, when I adore someone, I want them to be happy. So, when he said he decided to be with you on that day when your ridiculous contract supposed to end, I set him free. I promised him that I would step away and wished him nothing but the best. Surely, I was upset, especially because it was you who took his heart. I asked him for one last kiss, and though reluctantly, he complied. I guess your red-haired friend told you so, since she was prying. Is that what made your jealous?"

I kept quiet, not knowing what to say.

"Your jealousy wasn't what tipped me off," She continued, "We are all a little bit jealous after all, and that's an understatement. What drove me mad is how you are still involved with the Weasleys. Do you even realize how much mental toll and strain you put on Draco? What makes you think you can pour out all your problems to him without ever seeing how drained he is? Do you have any idea how many altercations he got in with his family because he wants to be with you? How can I stay away and watch the one who I care about so dearly suffer?"

I was dumbfounded. As much I didn't want to admit it, she was right. I had been only focusing on my issues with Ron and barely paid attention to what Malfoy had going on. In fact, I didn't know anything about what he had been going through. I assumed he didn't have much to worry about. And instead of talking to him, I sunk myself in an unreasonable jealousy when he could've simply explained it.

Had I failed our relationship out of selfishness?

"I cannot deny your feelings for him," She sighed, "However, if you love him as much as you claim you do, then you should re-examine your choices. You are not good for him, Granger."

"I," I mumbled, "I have to go."

I hated my inability to stand my ground; hated how my first reaction was to run away from the situation. The only defence I had for myself was how I needed to be alone, to have some time to think it over and get it sorted in my mind.

Perhaps I was weak, was never as strong and tough like I portraited myself to be.

"What's going on?" Malfoy was awake. Slowly, he attempted to sit up even though it was proven to be a difficult task for the state he was in, "Are you okay, Hermione? You are all soaked, you'll get sick. Why haven't you dried yourself with that towel on your shoulders? And for Merlin's sake, Parkinson, why on earth are you here?"

"I'm leaving," I said without acknowledging him, "Goodnight."

"What? Wait," Malfoy sounded confused, "Parkinson, what did you do? Did you make her distraught?"

"We were just talking," Pansy Parkinson said in imperturbability, "Wouldn't you say so, Granger?"

"I'm leaving," I repeated as I turned around, began mindlessly yet swiftly walking toward the door.

"Parkinson, what have you done?" Malfoy raised his voice, "I will not let you off easily."

She said something that I couldn't make out of since I was halfway out of the door. As I passed by Madam Pomfrey's office, I carelessly dropped the towel on the bench right next to her door.

Today had been too much.

"Hermione, wait," I heard a voice coming from behind, "Please, Hermione, wait."

I stopped dead in my tracks. Frigidly, I turned around and saw Malfoy limping toward me with Pansy Parkinson left behind by his bed, staring at this direction in fury.

My heart ached. It must had caused him a great deal of pain trying to get to me, and the last thing I wanted to see was him getting more hurt than he already did.

Draco Malfoy didn't deserve this.

He finally caught up to me, and without saying a word, he wrapped his unbroken arm around me with his hand rested on the back of my head.

"Listen, Hermione Granger," He whispered into my ear with all the energy he had left in him, "I love you. No matter what happens, nothing and nobody is ever going to change that."

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