
The ridiculous truth about the contract

I would get a terrible headache whenever I thought about the contract I made with Malfoy.

Just why on earth did I agree to something that ridiculous?

I was pathetic, that was why. If I were to summarize my tale, it was a sad story about a young girl who was forced to sign her life over to the devil.

Well, there was no need to summarize the story in one line. Here was how it went.

It was the second day of summer break. I went to Flourish and Blots to see if there were any new releases. I hadn't been reading much after all the craziness happened, and now it was time to recharge my mind.

I remembered holding a vanilla-flavored ice-cream cone, walked into the bookstore more cheerfully than ever. I was even humming tones, though I wasn't sure what exactly I was humming. It was a happy day, and it just got better when I found this set of books about categories and spells and the situations to properly use them.

However, this marked the end of my good mood. My heart sunk after I discovered it was the last day on sale, and better yet, the only set left. Of course, if I didn't spend anything on the cone, I'd have enough. But what was I supposed to do, not have an ice cream on a hot day?

Think, Hermione, there must be a way.

I decided to go talk to a clerk and ask to have the set placed on hold.

"Oh, Miss Granger, it's been a while," the clerk was gleeful. I was taken aback by the fact that he knew my name while I had no recollection of ever seeing him in the shop. "What can I do for you on this lovely day?"

"It'd be awfully kind if you could please put that set of books on hold," I said with the uttermost sincerity. "I'll come back tomorrow to pick them up."

"Well, about that set…" the clerk clicked his tongue.

"Is there a problem?"

"What's the matter, Granger?" A cold, mocking voice came from behind, and I didn't need to look to know who it was. "I reckon it has something to do with – I don't know – books?"

"I don't have time for your nonsense," I glared at him.

"Really?" He raised one brow, pointed at that treasurable set of books and said to the clerk: "I'll take that set. Can you please wrap them up for me?"

"Certainly," the clerk answered with a big grin. I could tell that being able to get out of this situation had brought him great relief.

"Malfoy, are you serious?!" I was in such shock that I didn't even wipe off the drop of melted ice cream on my hand. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm buying books," he smirked. "Isn't it obvious?"

"Did you have to?" I scoffed. After taking a deep breath to calm down, I decided to be as civil as I could. "Listen, I know you find it entertaining, but I really would like to buy those books. How about you sell them to me later?"

"There goes the fun," he almost sounded dejected. "It'd be better if you overreacted."

I clenched my fists.

"So," I said with the last bit of poise I had left, "what do you say?"

"You actually look quite adorable when you are mad," he laughed before quickly clearing his throat and squinted maliciously. "Despite that, I'm sorry, Granger, the answer is no."

"I see," I gritted my teeth.

I glared at him once more time and walked away from him, ready to admit defeat and come to the terms with my loss. However, when I was about to push open the door, he called out to me.

"Aren't you going to say goodbye? I'm disappointed," he said in a slow, lazy tone. "Come back. I changed my mind. Here's my offer: I will give these books to you if you sign a contract with me."

And me being ever-so-clever, I turned back and confidently said: "Name it, Malfoy, what kind of contract?"


Sitting by the window waiting for Malfoy to bring back our drinks in a busy café was one of those things that I had only pictured in my daydreams once or twice. Have I ever had a twisted crush on him when I was younger? Yes. But who hadn't? Once I asked Ginny if there was no Harry, who would the lucky one she'd be pursue be.

"Malfoy," she answered so fast that it took me a moment to realize whose name had just come out of her mouth.


"Why do you look so surprised?" She was lying in bed reading a fashion magazine and glanced at me from the corner of her eye. "Sure, he was nothing but despicable before. But now, well, now is different. He's become a very eligible bachelor. Not bad looking, quite clever and came from a wealthy family."

"Isn't that too shallow?" I curled my lip.

"Shallow is better than cruel," Ginny flipped a page. Suddenly, she turned her head towards me and stared in my eyes. "Forcing someone to be in a relationship just because they are convenient is cruel. I'd rather be shallow."

My heart sunk. Though I avoided her comment, I knew exactly what she meant.

But leaving someone who you claimed to love was cruel as well, was it not?

Unless it was a different kind of love, the voice in my head said, to which I chose to ignore.


"Here," Malfoy placed a cup of coffee before me and sat on the opposite side of the table.

"Thank you," I said politely. "Can you tell me what the contract is about now?"

"Simple," he sipped his coffee to hide his smirk. "I want you to pretend to be my girlfriend until Christmas break."

"Are you out of your mind?" I did my best not to laugh out loud. "Do you hear yourself? Do you realize how absurd it sounds? Have you finally lost your sanity?"

"I'm well aware of the consequences and what impact it will have on my reputation," he set his cup down. "No one should be seen on campus with Hermione Granger glued to them."

"I can say the same about you," I crossed my arms. "Although I believe I have the right to know why you want to do something this ridiculous?"

"I'm tired of all the unwanted attention. I don't want to be followed around and having letters shoveled in my hands," he shrugged. "Stop grinning, Granger, it's not that funny."

"Come on," I laughed, "it is funny. And if I didn't see how girls acted around you, I would've told you off instead of laughing."

I couldn't understand why he became unreasonably popular. Perhaps they considered him as some sort of hero, though he was nowhere near in having the chance to be archived under the category. Or perhaps, since Harry and Ron were both taken, they started to look at the Slytherin.

"You need to get over Weasley, and I want to be left alone," he said bluntly. "I don't think it's that bad of a deal. Plus, you get the books for free."

"I guess."

"What do you say?" He propped his elbows on the table and rested his chin on the back of his hands. "You can have the books today if we sign the contract."

I tapped my fingers on the table. Malfoy was looking at me with a smile, the kind of smile that I couldn't tell what intention was hidden behind it. The deal sounded fine, minus the part where I had to pretend to be with him, but how hard could it possibly be? People would say some judgemental words here and there. And I definitely didn't think my friends would take it well, but if I told them after it was over, they surely would understand, or I would at least hope so. It was not like I would fall in love with him by the end of it, right? I did need some time away to gather my thoughts and get over Ron, and I believed staying alone would help with that.

"Fine," I was fast to jump to conclusion, "we have a deal."

"I was just thinking if I should go order dessert while waiting for you to give an answer," Malfoy tilted his head to the side. "Well, it's good that your answer came quick."

"As if you'll be fine taking no for an answer," I rolled my eyes. "I have a request – I want to sign the contract with pen and paper."

"That's what I would call an unnecessary trouble," Malfoy said. "But we'll do as you please, even if it's the muggle way."

"Great," I straightened my back. "I will owl you once I have a draft for you to sign."

"Sure," Malfoy shrugged and didn't bother to ask any questions. He jerked his chin at the untouched coffee cup before me and raised his own cup: "Cheers, Granger, to a world where you and I are bound by words until snow covers the grounds of Hogwarts."

"Aren't you a poetic one?" I raised my cup in spite of my disdain. "Cheers, Malfoy, to our pathetic lives."

"Your pathetic life," Malfoy emphasized before took a sip of his coffee.

I rolled my eyes and took a large sip only to spit half of it out:

"Do you even know how to order coffee? This tastes disgusting."

All Malfoy did was smirk.

Chapter edited and updated :)

VesperKitsunecreators' thoughts
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