
Chapter 4: The Beginning of a New Life

We get up after the sun goes down to climb back aboard the boat. I fire the engine back up and pilot the craft back into the harbor. Angela has fallen asleep on the couch, so I walk over and pick her up. I take her into the house and set her down in the guest bed before going to sleep myself. In the morning I wake up to Angela standing over me. She's wearing one of my t-shirts with a loose pair of sweatpants and has a slightly grim expression. "GOOD Gravy child, you scared me. What's up?" "I need to borrow a car." "Uhh ok, sure." Do you have anything cheap?" "I've got a Lotus Elise." "Fine, where are the keys." "In the car. Where are you going? What's wrong?" "It's nothing, don't worry about it. I'll be back soon, I need to run some errands." "Ok. See you soon honey." She runs out the door and I can hear her slam the garage door shut. "That was strange." I say to myself as I get out of bed. I proceed with my normal morning routine, taking a shower, getting dressed, and so on. As I walk out of the bedroom Angela runs past me with a small CVS bag in her arms, the mile long receipt trailing out the back behind her. She goes straight to the bathroom and locks the door. I quietly go sit on the bed and try to listen, making sure everything is alright. A few quiet minutes pass before I hear Angela scream. I run over to the door and knock loudly. "Angela? ANGELA! Is everything alright? Did you press the wrong shower button?" I grab the door key before coming back and knocking again, this time more softly. "Angela, honey? I'm coming in." I unlock the door and gently push the door open before walking in. Angela is sitting on the toilet lid, sobbing. In her hand is what looks like a thermometer. I walk over and try to wrap her in an awkward hug. "What's wrong, got a fever or something?" I feel her forehead. "N-No." She holds up the device, letting me see the little red cross it displays. "This is a pregnancy test," I stare at her, eyes wide. Behind me, my tail doesn't know what to do, so I'm trying to keep it held still. "The little red cross means positive, meaning… I'm pregnant." There is a long pause as we continue to stare at each other. At long last I crack a smile and begin to cry as well, hugging Angela even tighter. "Does this mean we're having a kid?" "Yes, Richard, it does." I jump up in the air, tail going crazy, and make an attempt at a howl, although it comes out more like an extended voice crack. I calm down a little and go back over to Angela. She's still crying a bit, but now with a slight smile. "Don't worry honey. Lucky for us May is still ten months away. Also, I know the greatest doctor in town. She'll help us through." "That's not what I'm worried about. I'm worried about what my mother will say." "Your mother? That ass hat stale ham sandwich of a living thing? Why should you give a damn about what she thinks. Look, don't take this the wrong way, but I don't want your family anywhere near our child." "No offense taken, I don't want them around either. I'm just scared about what she might try to say or do to me." "Well as long as you're with me, she won't get anywhere close to you. Let's make today a happy day. A day of celebration and a day to spite the demonic eggheads your parents are. Now, on that note, how about we give ol Dr. Gilderoy a visit, then get you some better clothes than mine." I help her off of the toilet and we walk downstairs to the garage. "Take your pick of car." She walks over to a Mercedes G-Class 6x6 pickup truck. "This one." "Good choice." We clamber in and I start the engine, rolling the massive truck out of the garage and onto the long drive before merging onto the interstate. "We should also look at some wedding dresses today too, while you're still this shape. Lucky for us, there is a bridal shop in town." We leave the highway before pulling into a parking lot. I help Angela out of the truck and hand in hand we walk into the small office. I stroll over to the front desk and talk to the receptionist before sitting down next to Angela. A few moments later a slim, tan husky in a white coat comes out. "Richard?" "Right here." We get up and follow Dr. Gilderoy into one of the exam rooms. Dr. Gilderoy closes the door before turning to face us with a smile. "What do we have here Mr. Senna? I knew you would find someone eventually." I blush a little. "But enough of that. What brings you and this lovely young wolf here today?" "Well, doctor, we have some exciting news. Angela here is going to be the mother of our child." Dr. Gilderoy stares at us for a moment before exclaming, "Really?! Oh that's wonderful dear! I'll be more than happy to help both of you through, and the little one when they come too. Now, for today nothing really needs to happen. I'm going to ask a few questions then send you on your way. In about 6 weeks, you need to start coming in for monthly visits so we can keep checking on the baby's health. Now, question one. When was the child conceived?" Angela replies. "About two days ago." "Ok, and how are you feeling so far? Have you felt strange in any way? Nausea, vomiting, irritability, etc?" "Nope, at least not yet." "Well then, I think we're done here. I wish the best to both of you, and come back if you feel strange or off." We thank Dr. Gilderoy and leave the office. "Now lets hit the bridal shop, and then the mall." I help Angela back into the truck before taking us into town and parking in front of a small bridal and flower shop. We walk in and are greeted by a small tabby cat behind the counter. She has a slight Slavic accent. "Welcome to Juneberry Bridal and Flowers. How can I help you two today?" I say, "We're looking for some wedding outfits. Mind if we have a look around?" "Not at all. I will be in the back if you need anything." She walks off and I turn to Angela. "I don't know how you feel about the whole groom doesn't see the gown until the day of so I'll let you show me only if you want to. Otherwise I'll turn away while you try stuff on." "I think that supersticion is kinda stupid. We're going to try these on together." "Aye aye captain." "Angela looks around before picking up a few dresses and going into the changing booths. She comes back out in an all white, very slim, business style dress with a head piece. "Uhh, no." "I agree. Too formal." She goes back in and comes back wearing a blue and white ballgown with teal stitching. "Like the dress, but the colors. They say, 'Welcome back from the bottom of the sea." "Whatever lame-o." She comes out again in a green and creme Celtic style dress with gold trim. "Your Majesty." "Shut up." The next dress is a White two piece, with a sleeveless top, no middle, and a long, slim skirt on the bottom, all trimmed in sky blue and pink. "Yes." I don't know, seems kinda beech-y to me." "It is your dress, so I'll let you be the judge." She comes out again, this time in orange and gold belly dancing silks. "Don't even think about it." "Awww, not even if I pay you?" "Tempting, but no. Or at least not until we get home." "Fine." See any other- wait." She walks to the window and grabs one of the manikins. "Oh, lets try this one." She goes back in. While she is changing I walk over to one of the other manikins and take off a white top hat with a large purple bow. She comes out, stops, and looks at me. "No. Not happening." "What? Is it the bow?" "It's several things. But yes, mostly the bow. " She says with a smile. She steps up on the stage and does a little spin. "What about this one?" Slightly slimmer than the ball gown, this one is all white with pink lace and trim and golden stitching. "It's perfect." "Yea?" "Yea. I'll call out the owner to get you fitted. Meanwhile, I think I'll try on some tuxes." I call out to the owner, who emerges from the back. "Oh my, you look so beautiful in that one." She pulls out a pincushion and measuring tape from her pockets and begins sizing Angela. I go off and pick up several tuxes, some serious, and some meant as a joke. I changed into the first one, a navy blue suit with a pink shirt. "Alright, suit number one." Angela looks over. "It's ok, I guess. Colors are a bit clashing." I change into the next one, a Shakespearian style frilled shirt with pantaloons. "No." both Angela and the shop owner say at the same time. The next suit is a red vest and black pants with no shirt and a red silk belt. "Did you have fun chasing Alladin?" "Har har." I change again, this time into a loose white shirt tucked into black pants. "Are ya ready kids?" "Go change." "I can't hear yooooou." "Now." "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." "Who's getting his ass kicked by his fiance? You are, you are." "Alright, I'll change. Just trying to have a little fun." I see her smile as I turn back into the fitting room. Finally, I change into the last suit, a light pink shirt with a white coat, white pants, and a white top hat with a pink bow and ribbon. The suit is stitched with golden trim. "Oh, my." "What? Too much? I can go back to the pirate." "God please no, this one is perfect." Even the top hat?" "Yes, you idiot, even the top hat." Alright then, you ready?" "Yup, we just finished sizing." We both take our outfits off and change back into our normal clothes. I take the dress and suit up to the counter to pay. "You two are the best looking couple I've seen in awhile. I wish you the best in life. Now that comes to a total of $35,000." I reach into my pocket and pull out a credit card. "Do you have an ATM anywhere?" She points to a small machine in the corner. "Thanks." I take out $35,000 in cash and return to the counter, paying the owner and taking our clothes. We walk out of the shop and get back into the truck. "$35,000? I can't ask that much of you." Nonsense. I've got plenty of money. And besides, that fat wad of cash is really helpful to small businesses like that. Now, are you ready for some more normal clothes shopping?" "Yes please. Your shirts are covered in red fur and I'm out of underwear, considering what happened to the last pair." "Alright then captain, let's hit the mall." I drive us to a small outlet mall on the outskirts of town. Big brands like Columbia, Eddie Bauer, Nike, and so forth are displayed proudly. We walk into the main plaza and I turn to Angela, handing her a small credit card. "Feel free to go crazy. I have some errands of my own, so I'll meet you back here in one hour. Got it?" "Yup. Where are you going?" "You'll see" We part ways and Angela runs off to a store titled Hot Topic. I go off to the automobile dealership on the other side of the mall. Waiting outside to greet me is my old friend Devin, a german shepherd. "Been awhile Senna." Good to see you too, Devin. Now, where is this new import you were texting me about?" "It's right inside." We walk into the dealership and through a set of large glass doors. Behind them are several Lamborghinis, ranging from base model Huracans to a Veneno on the far wall. Devin clicks a key fob and the Lamborghini Centenario in the center of the room flashes its lights. I whistle. "Wow, that's quite the car." "Yup, has only 23 miles. Just got her imported from Italy." "Is she even legal in the states yet?" "Technically, no. But I jumped through some hoops and got an Italian domestic spec." "I don't know how you managed to do it but god dammit you've outdone yourself again. She registered yet?" "Yup, she's ready to ride." He tosses me the keys. "Have fun with her. She's quite the beast." "Thanks. The car outta be great too." I see Devin laugh as he walks off. I walk back to the plaza and see Angela standing there, holding so many bags I can't see her lower body. "Good thing I have a big closet. Where did you go?" "Well, I kinda went everywhere." "Define everywhere." "I started at Hot Topic, then onto Eddie Bauer, Columbia, Spent a lot of time in DSW, Under Armour, a bit in Nike and Adidas, Levi Strauss, Victoria's Secret, spent a lot of time in there too, and where else. Oh, yea, I popped into the Silicone Tavern." "Well I can't wait to see everything except that last one. You can keep those to yourself. Also, I have one last store for you." "Which one?" "You'll see." I walk off back to the dealership with Angela in tow. "Why are we here?" "Because you need a car of your own, and I have a friend here." We walk into the dealership and look around. "Hey, what are those fancy red ones?" "Ferraris?" "Yea, those. They have any here?" I lead her to a room full of different Ferraris. "Yup. They also have Paganis, Lamborghinis, Bugattis, Bentlys, Rolls Royces, Lotuses, Lexuses, Koenigseggs, and even a Rossion Q1." She walks over to a yellow Ferrari 812 Superfast. "What about this one?" A voice speaks up from behind us. "Ahh, a good choice." We turn around and see Devin holding a fancy looking key fob. He tosses the key to Angela, who catches it. "It's my favorite." He walks back out of the room leaving me and Angela alone again. "Whaddya say we race home?" I pull out the keys to the Lamborghini. "Don't you have to pay for this first?" "Already paid for. My bank account is on record here, so I can drive away with whatever and they bill me for it. No paperwork needed." "Cool." "You sure you don't want the pink one?" "Pink is for bitches, now let's race." "There's my soon to be wife." I walk out to the main showroom and fire up the Lamborghini. From the next room I hear Angela turn on the Ferrari and pull it out of the showroom. I pull out after her and line up in the parking lot. I count from three on my fingers and on the drop of my hand, we race out of the parking lot, on our way back home.

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