

Bambietta began to move away then, the Quincy resting her back against a wall as she continued to glance down at the floor. She began to whisper to herself then, mumbling over and over again until at last Lucy moved closer to her roommate.


"This is how dark guilds treat each other," the Quincy whispered, her hands tightly squeezing the opposing arms. "Natsu said it himself."

"Natsu," Lucy said, turning to look at the Dragon Slayer despite her not being entirely sure what was going on. "Look what you did!"

"Huh, me?" Natsu said in return. "But it was that green haired jerk who tried to kill one of his own! What did I do?"

"Nothing," Bambietta said softly as several locks of her hair fell forward and began to cover her face as she continued to look down. "You simply spoke the truth. Eisenwald is full of monsters who betray their own. Was the Vandenreich was the same? Yes, full of monsters. And I... I was..."

Bambietta's teeth grit together then, her lips curling back as her body began to tremble. Her fingers began to slip away from her arms and curl into fists then.

"Enough!" The Quincy voice was low still, yet traces of rage played out through each and every syllable she uttered. "To hell with Eisenwald! To hell with Erigor! To hell with all of this! And to hell with myself!"

Bambietta began to move then, a grim determination burning itself into her face. Lucy tried to reach out, hoping to stop her friend, to try and help her in any way she could, but Erza was the quicker of the two.

"Bambietta," the armored mage said as she stepped into the space between the Quincy and the room's exit. "What's going on?"

Bambietta did not look forward, instead insisting at keeping her head low still. She chuckled slightly, not out of actual joy or even from being nervous. No, it was a slight laugh issuing forth from a briefly unhinged mind.

"I'm going to stop Erigor," Bambietta said, her voice monotone.

Erza did not allow herself to flinch, such a reaction unbecoming of her, yet still was she surprised by Bambietta's mannerisms and tone of voice. "Have you forgotten the magic barrier?"

Bambietta said nothing for a moment, finally forcing herself to look at Erza with a wavering expression that deep down the Quincy hated wearing at such a crucial time. "Even if it kills me."

Bambietta began to move to the side but Erza simply shifted so that she was in her way once more. "I can't let you leave like this."

"Oh," Bambietta retorted. "Because you and Makarov really can't trust me?"

"That's not it," Erza replied sternly.

"You're my friend," Lucy said as she moved in closer from behind. "Don't do this."

"Don't be such an idiot," was all Gray could offer up. "Natsu is the only fool we need charging head long into things he can't handle."

"Yeah!" the Dragon Slayer added in. "Hey, wait a minute!"

"You and Natsu are friends, right?" Happy began to say. "And don't you want to see him fight Erza when this is all said and done?"

Bambietta took a deep breath, the Quincy unsure of how best to respond to this situation she found herself in. She was used to friends who would vanish without a trace, leaving her to curse them and fend for herself in the heat of battle. This was decidedly different yet it was tearing at her heart all the same. That however was precisely why she had to go through with it. She was of another world, Bambietta unable to comprehend ever truly fitting in here. The Quincy simply felt she did not deserve such luxuries.

"I've got nothing left to lose." Bambietta turned then to look at Lucy and the others and offered them a brave face, a confident yet false smile spreading across it. "I kind of lost my hat already thanks to the vomit comet Dragon Slayer after all."

"You shall not pass," Erza said staunchly.

"Oh," Bambietta said, glancing back towards Erza, "I think my Hirenkyaku might disagree."

Then did Bambietta vanish from sight, her speed propelling her around Erza and towards the door as fast as she could go. Yet the Quincy did feel a moment of stress then, taking note of the armored mage's eyes tracking her, an arm reaching towards her direction. It was unbelievable, yes, but all for naught. The Quincy was gone in an instant, leaving Erza's diminished reflexes unable to catch her.

"Gray," Erza began to say. "I need you to start tending to Kageyama's wounds. I won't let him die on Fairy Tail's watch."

"And what about Bambi?" Lucy asked, the Celestial mage worried tone carrying through the room.

"She is one of us," Erza replied simply. "The same applies to her."

Bambietta stood before the wind barrier, her eyes tracing its movements. Her spiritual senses were alive now, taking note of the magical components of the force, leaving the Quincy to understand the power that was at play here.

"You can do this, Bambi," the young woman said to herself, taking deep breath after deep breath. "And if you can't... Oh well, this world is too damn good for you anyway. You deserved worse."

Bambietta closed her eyes then, focusing on the power that was hers and hers alone in this realm. Magic began to flow towards her, converting into spiritual pressure. Then did it course through her flesh, Blut Vene becoming active.

"No, it's not enough." Bambietta forced the power to grow stronger, trying to burn her will into strength. Yet she had to wonder how well that could possibly go for one who was seeing death as a welcome possibility. Still did she begin to reach out with a hand then, her glove fingers moving towards the wind barrier as spiritual power flowed through her veins.

Then did the currents of wind push her fingers to the side, very nearly dislocating the Quincy's wrist. Bambietta stared at her bare forearm then, taking note of the faint blue glow that was her power.

"I can't do it. Not like this."

Bambietta's hands began to tighten then, the Quincy shaking slightly as she bared her teeth in a snarl once more.

"I've already died," she began to rasp. "It won't happen again! I am beyond such a worthless death! I am Stern Ritter E, Bambietta Basterbine, of His Majesty's esteemed Vandenreich!"

"I thought you were part of Fairy Tail."

Bambietta's resolve suddenly shattered for a moment, the Quincy looking back to take note of Lucy and the others entering the room.

"You can't do this," Erza said. "Please, wait until we can get Kageyama back on his feet or for my powers to reach their apex."

"You're all too good for me," Bambietta whispered before at last letting her voice raise high enough to be heard by those she spoke of. "You're all underestimating my power!"

Bambietta let herself focus then, her determination giving light to the Blut Vene that flowed through her very being. The light burst forth from her skin then, so brightly that it even shone through the Quincy's clothing.

"Just watch me!" Bambietta screamed. "I'm going to live right to the very end!"

Then did the Quincy move forward, not giving any from Fairy Tail the chance to stop her. Hirenkyaku sent her forward into the barrier. Yet despite the howling winds did the young woman hear Lucy's voice.


There was a momentary flash of pain that issued forth across Bambietta's senses, her sight consumed by an instance of swirling madness all around, chaos echoing in her ears. Then it was over, the Quincy on the other side of the magical wind barrier. Bambietta exhaled then, having not even realized that she had ever begun to hold her breath. She felt pain across her body, Blut Vene having been pushed to its absolute limits. There were tears in her uniform, her cape ragged, slight cuts that had managed to burn through the defensive power of the Quincy.

However she was alive.

Bambietta began to smile then and turned towards her friends behind the wind barrier. "Uh oh," she began to say with apparent glee, "looks like we got ourselves a bad ass over here!"

"Bambietta Basterbine," Erza said simply, making certain that her voice could be heard over the high winds. "I trust you."

"Don't you worry your pretty little S-Class head," Bambietta replied. "I'm going to kick that poser Soul Reaper's ass from here to... whatever the next town over is called."

Erza was willing to trust Bambietta despite her reservations about the outburst that had just occurred. Yet there were other concerns. "I trust in your power, yes, but do not throw your life away."

Bambietta stopped any further bravado, the Quincy unsure of what Erza was getting at.

"Use your speed," the armored mage continued. "Get to Clover ahead of Erigor and warn Makarov and the other guild masters. They will stop Erigor."

"But you don't think I can, do you?"

"I do not know," Erza began to say. "But I do not wish to see the life that I-"

Then there was silence, leaving Bambietta deeply confused. She shook her head, unsure of what Erza had been about to say. Yet there was one weapon the Quincy used when faced with utter confusion: more confidence. "I'll do it your way, Erza."

Then Bambietta began to turn, her Hirenkyaku taking her out of sight. As she moved through the town of Oshibana with bursts of speed, the Quincy began to whisper to herself.

"Yeah, I'll do it your way, Erza. I'll go warn the guild masters over in Clover. But if I run into Erigor along the way... Well, I guess then we'd just have to fight, huh?"

Erigor the Reaper was in the sky, his body travelling at incredible speed, the wind by his side. The individual was moving parallel to the train tracks that would lead him to the town of Clover. Now he was above a rocky canyon, one that the tracks were suspended high above. Fog was blanketing the abyss, leaving any who dared glance at it to wonder if it was simply bottomless. Yet now was Erigor simply smiling. The dark wizard could see Clover far up ahead, his eagle eyed vision catching sight of his intended destination.

"Revenge is within our grasp, my comrades," he all but cackled. "Soon those who bask in the freedom we have been denied will die."

Erigor began to push himself further then, his speed increasing with each passing moment. The assassin could barely contain himself, visions of murder and destruction dancing across his mind's eye.

Yet then he suddenly stopped, a flash of blue light piercing the sky before him. It flew up higher and higher, leaving the man to follow its trail until the bolt of light vanished.

"What the hell was that?"

"Oh, just a little present from me to you!" a voice shouted from below.

Erigor began to turn, casting his gaze upon the train tracks below him. Then did he catch sight of Bambietta, the Quincy standing battered and injured, yet still holding her translucent bow in hand.

Erigor began to all but snarl then. "The Fairy Tail fly who cannot shut her mouth."

"Man," Bambietta all but whined. "I sent that gift airmail and you still didn't receive it. Really ticks me off, you big turd blossom."

Erigor said nothing, simply turning away from Bambietta and flying towards the town of Clover once more.

"Oh no you don't." Bambietta grew cross then at being ignored. Hirenkyaku took her forward, propelling the Quincy along the suspended train tracks. She appeared well ahead of Erigor and she primed her bow once more.

"Damn it!" Erigor's movement was cut short by another arrow flying through the air. Once more did he glare down at Bambietta, the woman now not behind him but directly in his way. "You just don't know when to quite!"

"Oh I'm sorry," Bambietta said with a smile. "That's just not a lesson I ever learned properly."

"I've wasted more than enough time on you Fairy Tail flies," Erigor replied, the man beginning to reach into his robes. "And you are not the Queen of the Fairies, so you don't deserve a good death."

"One, give me time," Bambietta shot back both verbally and physically, firing off an arrow that Erigor dodged. "And two, I've already suffered a bad death once before. It won't happen again!"

Erigor said nothing then, simply dancing through the air to dodge any arrows of light as he withdrew Lullaby from his robes. He moved the instrument of death towards his lips then, fully intent on killing Bambietta with the least amount of effort.

Arrows weren't helping her, not now, but Bambietta had a feeling she knew what would. It was a weapon she was hoping she could use to its full potency. Words.

"Hey, reaper dude!" the Quincy shouted. "Don't go killing yourself on my account!"

Erigor paused for a minute, holding Lullaby at bay. "What are you talking about now?"

"Oh, I've just been thinking it over," Bambietta said as she began to pace on the train tracks, keeping a close eye on Erigor as she began to fold her arms across her chest and began to nod occasionally. "And if I've got a good handle on this death magic of Lullaby's, then it's supposed to kill all who hear it's melody, correct?"

"You've heard right," Erigor replied. "I suppose I've underestimated the fly's brain power."

"See, that's the kind of crap people always try to lay on me," Bambietta said as she still paced. "Even my old... friends... made it very clear to my face and behind my back that they thought I was just plain stupid. Maybe they were right. I never was the sharpest arrow in the quiver but the smarts I do have make me a nightmare for people like you."

"People like me?" Erigor asked. "What are you getting at?"

"You know," Bambietta answered, looking up at Erigor with a mean-spirited smile. "People who really piss me off. And I've got the battle smarts to make them pay for it dearly!"

"As if I'd waste my time battling you," Erigor retorted. "One note and you'll be dead, you worthless Fairy Tail fly."

"No, no, no," Bambietta said, waving an index finger up towards Erigor. "Don't go dying on my account, dumbass."

"Again," Erigor began to hiss, "what are you getting at?"

"And again," Bambietta shot back, "anyone who hears that melody dies."

"What of it?"

"Well you're going to be the guy playing it right?" Bambietta asked. "Aren't you going to be in earshot of your little melody of death?"

Erigor simply said nothing, his thoughts coming to a complete stop. His body remained frozen in time, even the wind around him stopping as if caught up in the moment.

"Wow," Bambietta said in shock, "I guess you really didn't think this plan of yours through, did you? Well if you're that afraid of death, you could always force one of your subordinates to play the Lullaby on your behalf."

Then did Bambietta begin to rage, her bow coming back into existence once before, pure power radiating off it.

"You dark guild son of a bitches seem to love killing your own when it suits your damned needs!"

Erigor's attentions were snapped back into the moment then, the Eisenwald wizard taking notice of yet another arrow heading directly for him. He moved briskly to the side, the weapon of pure light narrowly slipping past his body. The hair on the back of Erigor's neck began to stand then, his body tingling slightly in response to the close proximity he had just shared with the Quincy's spiritual attack.

Bambietta, meanwhile, simply stared up at the self-styled reaper, breathing heavily for a moment as she tried to get herself back under control. The momentary flash of anger began to fade, the young lady once more shifting back to her more sarcastic mannerisms, barbed words her weapon of choice.

"Sorry for the outburst," she said. "But it'll probably happen again during our little fight. That's just me, you know? Anyway," Bambietta began to shrug, "I bet that Zeref guy totally botched making Lullaby. It's defective!"

Bambietta's last statement began to echo out across the valley then, ricocheting across the stone outcrops of the cliff sides, leaving Erigor to hear her words over and over again. The man simply wanted to play the flute, to use Lullaby to end this battle without lifting a finger in actual combat, yet now he was a little worried. Dying was not his concern, no, he was fine with ending his life if it meant the other guild masters would perish alongside him. That was a sacrifice he was willing to make to ensure Eisenwald's vengeance would be obtained. Yet he could not dare take that chance against one such as this Bambietta if it meant he could not see this plan through to the bitter end.

His face contorting with rage, Erigor slipped Lullaby back into his robes and began to bring his massive scythe to bear. "To hell with my life! We will fight, you Fairy Tail fly! But remember this... when death is entreated, the battle has already been decided!"

"Oh, scary words from the false shinigami with the bad haircut and the ugly tats," Bambietta retorted, her confidence never wavering.

"I am Erigor the Reaper!" the Eisenwald wizard scream as he began to fly towards Bambietta. "You will show a death god the proper respect!"

"Yeah, whatever," Bambietta said as she braced for the battle she so richly desired. "I've fought the real deal and you ain't got nothing on the Doggie!"

"I have no idea what madness you're babbling about," Erigor screamed as he moved in close and brandished his scythe, "but it doesn't matter anymore!"

Bambietta's eyes focused not on Erigor himself but the weapon that was his, the blade of the scythe most especially. It was clear as day what this assassin-for-hire was intending, to cut Bambietta's head clean from her shoulders.

There was Blut Vene to fall back on yes, and Bambietta already had it activated, but she was not foolish enough to test its power under such lethal circumstances. This Erigor was not merely an untested opponent but clearly the best his guild had to offer going by his title as the ace of Eisenwald. There was no telling if his power could potentially pierce through Blut Vene. Thus, as the blade was mere inches from Bambietta's neck, she reacted with reflexes befitting a Stern Ritter and leaned back as far as she could. Yet still did her eyes widen as the blade enveloped her eyesight for a moment, passing directly across her fast. The moment of danger past, Bambietta pushed herself forward then, ready to launch a counter attack of her own. Yet then did she gasp in pain and fell further forward not of her own accord.

"So weak," Erigor cackled, the point of his scythe digging into the back of Bambietta, right beneath one of her shoulder blade. "Did you really think I wouldn't be prepared for an opponent to dodge? What kind of fool do you take me for?"

Bambietta felt it, the stabbing pain upon her back, but she was simply counting her blessings. Blut Vene had strengthened her body in accordance with her wishes and though it was not at a potency she had hoped for, it was still enough to avoid a fatal blow.

The Quincy had not been inclined to take a strike if she could help it. She had hoped to avoid putting her Blut Vene to the test against a potentially magical weapon she knew nothing about, yet she could only be content that her wound was simply a happy accident. Yes, there was pain, but it was simply unworthy of her fear.

"So that's it, huh?" Bambietta asked, not allowing herself to flinch any further. "You managed to dig your silly little toy in me, what, not even close to a freaking inch? And now you think you think you've won this battle? How ridiculous."

Erigor's eyes opened in surprise, the self-styled mage's confidence faltering ever-so slightly. "What?"

"I see it now." Bambietta began to stand up right then and looked over her shoulder at Erigor. Her eyes were wide with maddened glee, a sinister smile curling her lips back. "You're absolutely nothing."

"How?" Erigor pulled his scythe back and took used the wind to put some distance between himself and Bambietta then. His shock quickly gave way to fear and he brought the weapon to bear once more. "How dare you?"

"You're not worth my time," Bambietta said simply, raising her materializing bow. "And you're certainly not worthy of Erza Scarlet, you big blowhard."

Erigor lunged forward then. "We'll see about that!"

Bambietta simply sneered. "Yeah. Sure. Whatever."

She let loose with an arrow then, aiming directly for the approaching Erigor's torso. At this range the Quincy knew that him dodging was no doubt impossible. Yet then did she hear Erigor shout, a magical circle appearing before him. "Storm Wall!"

There was a burst of power then, one that obscured the space before Bambietta. The Quincy strained her eyes for a second, trying to peer through the smoke that seeped outwards from the collision of strength.

Then it approached, the scythe and Erigor not far behind it. He swung the blade to the side then, hoping to strike Bambietta from such an angle that the lack of injury would matter little. He could still force her to move if not cause any real wound and he was intent on forcing her off the suspended tracks and into a fall that would send her towards the depths of Clover Canyon.

However, Bambietta was quick on the draw. The Quincy's bow faded away then, a solid sword taking its place. She brought it up to her side, keeping her free hand pressed against its back edge to brace it. Sparks flew then as the scythe impacted against the short sword, Bambietta's feet firmly planting themselves on the tracks. She stood her ground as best she could, fully intent on parrying the attack.

"So you're a requip specialist, are you?" Erigor asked, pushing further with his scythe and trying to take the advantage for himself.

"Yeah, sure," Bambietta replied as she focused entirely on the man's weapon, "let's go with that for now."

"Perhaps you won't make such a poor substitute for Titania after all."

"I don't know whether to be offended or flattered," Bambietta continued, the Quincy gritting her teeth as she tried to push away the scythe. "But I do know that I have no use for praise from the likes of you!"

Pushing both her hands as hard as she could, keeping Blut Vene active, Bambietta enunciated her words with action, finally shoving Erigor's scythe to the side. Free from the pressure, the Quincy was quick to act, swinging out her left hand. She grinned as she heard the sound of the impact, taking notice of Erigor stumbling away from the sudden backhand. Then did the Quincy press her advantage, surging forward with Hirenkyaku. Her fingers wrapped around Erigor's face tightly, Bambietta pushing him down until the back of his skull slammed into a wooden board of the train tracks.

Erigor, to his credit, managed to keep his wits about him. He could see the rage apparent in the Quincy's face though he was unsure of what precisely had provoked it. Perhaps she was simply upset that he dared to threaten her guild master, yet there seemed to be a darker reason behind it. Whatever it was, he did not care in the least, not when his life was on the line. Erigor could see Bambietta pulling back with her other hand, the sword vanishing as she let the fingers close into a fist. The Eisenwald wizard quickly made several small motions with his left hand before slamming it into Bambietta's chest.

"Storm Bringer!"

A burst of wind pushed out from the palm of the man's hand, slamming into Bambietta with such force that she was thrown up and away. The Quincy gasped in pain from the sudden influx of wind, trying to regain her composure as she felt herself go airborne and out of control.

Erigor, meanwhile, simply began to stand up once more and watched as Bambietta was thrown about within the miniature tornado of his creation. He brought his left hand outwards then, extending his index and middle fingers forward until at last the wind ceased. Then did Bambietta begin to fall, helpless. Grinning, Erigor launched himself into the sky then, gripping his scythe with both hands. Bloodlust danced within his steely gaze, the assassin knowing that victory was in his grasp then and there.

"Your life ends now!" Erigor scream, whipping the blade around and preparing for the killing strike. "The grim reaper has come for you, fly!"

Bambietta tried her best to remain aware of her surroundings no matter how chaotic they may have been. She could hear Erigor and once she glanced down the front of her body she could see him fast approaching.

"Yeah, that's right, come closer again." Bambietta drew upon her powers and brought her bow to the ready. "We're going down together!"

An arrow fired then, forcing Erigor to halt his momentum and deploy his defensives once more. "Storm Wall!"

It was irritating to Bambietta that she had once more been denied a successful attack but she was at least happy that she had put her opponent on the defensive with relative ease yet again. Now all she had to do was allow Blut Vene to absorb her impact against the train tracks and then she could stand and fight once more.

Yet it was in that very moment that the falling Quincy caught sight of the tracks beginning to shoot her.

"Damn it!" Bambietta moved on instinct then, reaching out with one arm, her fingers finding delicate purchase in the metal frame that made the scaffolding of the suspended rail bridge. She cried out then, her arm and shoulder screaming in pain from the sudden force they were subjected to. The Quincy's body swung forward then, slamming into the metallic support structure.

"That was too close," Bambietta mumbled as she glanced down at the foggy abyss below her. "Yeah, still missing those wings right now."

"Wings, huh? Yes, I suppose not all Fairy Tail flies can actually defy gravity."

Bambietta glanced up then, glaring towards the confident Erigor. The dark wizard was staring back down at her, his scythe at the ready. Yet still did the Quincy never let her ego descend into self-pity. Not now, not when she was in the heat of battle.

"I guess you could say I've had my wings clipped," Bambietta said with a scowl. "Sucks, I know."

"For one of us, yes." Erigor began to lean forward then, propping his left arm on a bent knee while he held his scythe back. "Tell me, do you know the history behind Clover Canyon?"

"Sorry, I'm new to the area," Bambietta answered. "But if I lied and said yes, would you be willing not to bore the hell out of me with some trivia?"

"Legend tells that it it s so deep that its treacherous walls may well extend from the abyss itself," Erigor replied, leaning forward just a little more. "Perhaps you'd like to test theory yourself."

"I'll pass," Bambietta said. "Though I get the feeling that you're not the type to take no for an answer... or to allow begging to change your mind."

Erigor chuckled. "What gave it away?"

"I've dealt with your type before," Bambietta replied darkly. "It never ends well."

"Then far be it for me to do things differently!" Erigor stamped down with his foot then, smashing his sandal against Bambietta's struggling fingers.

Bambietta felt nothing, Blut Vene keeping her safe from harm. Instead she began to reach up with her dangling arm, trying to find more leverage to support herself.

"Damn you!" Erigor screamed, swiping his scythe across the edge of suspension bridge and across Bambietta's fingers. "Fall!"

Bambietta cringed then, pain radiating across the back of her hand, yet still did Blut Vene protect her from lasting harm. She continued to reach up with her other hand, yet then did she hear something from Erigor that made her blood run cold.

"Storm Bringer!"

Another tunnel of violent, compressed air slammed into Bambietta, forcing the Quincy to completely lose her grip then and there. She flew away from the train tracks, a scream all that remained as Erigor watched her fall into the fog.

He sighed slightly then, turning his head to look towards the way to Clover. "Soon it will all be over," he said softly. "Perhaps my death will do for Eisenwald what my life could not."

He began to move then, his body shifting into the air and propelling itself through the wind once more.

"This is stupid!"

Bambietta Basterbine hated it all. She had joined the Vandenreich due to promises of both camaraderie with a new family and vengeance against those who had stolen everything from her. They had been offered by one who was a veritable god in the flesh, a being who radiated power and commanded respect. Yet ever since that day she had joined Yhwach by his side all Bambietta had experienced was day after day, week after week, month after month of lessons. Today's continuing lesson was one she hated the most. It made no sense to the little girl, a fact that she always made quite clear to Stern Ritter N, Robert Accutrone.

"I already have angel wings thanks to His Majesty," the little girl whined, "so why do I need to be able to make Hiren- Hirenkya- whatever it is work like this?"

Robert could only sigh, the older man realizing once more that Stern Ritter E was still his most difficult student. Yet despite his moment of despair, his better nature prevailed. He was a patient man after all, having managed to train even Bazz-B and Mask De Masculine in the finer arts of the Quincy. He would succeed here as well. At least that was what he told himself every day Bambietta came to the training grounds to work with him.

"It's a rather simple technique actually," Robert said, taking his glasses off for a moment so that he could rub his eyes gently. "All those in the Vandenreich can perform it under even the most trying of circumstances."

"I know!" Bambietta all but shouted, her angered expression simply giving way to tears. "Candi keeps saying I can't do it right because I'm dumb!"

Robert placed his glasses back across the bridge of his nose and moved towards Bambietta then. As she began to run her hands across her face to wipe away the tears, Robert knelt down before her and gently placed in Bambietta's fingers a handkerchief he had removed from the breast pocket of his coat.

"T-thank you," Bambietta said meekly as she used the cloth to dry her face. "Do you think I'm an idiot?"

Robert shook his head slightly then. "Every Quincy, every Stern Ritter, has their own speed that they work at. It's not a matter of intelligence or raw talent. We all simply get where we need to be at our own pace."

Bambietta continued to sniff back then, trying to compose herself.

"This will be our little secret," Robert said softly, "but even Stern Ritter J had much difficulty comprehending this skill. Now he is one of the best within our ranks when it comes to the usage of it."

"But he's a meanie!" Bambietta protested. "And his haircut looks so dumb!"

"Yes, well, I suppose that may be true." Robert sighed once more as he placed a hand gently on Bambietta's shoulder. "I believe you can master this technique if you put your best foot forward."

Bambietta sniffled one more time. "Really?"

Robert nodded. "No more tears."

Then did Bambietta hand back the cloth and Robert folded it into his pocket as he stood. "Now then, reach out with your senses."

Bambietta took a deep breath then, the Quincy feeling the energy coursing through the world around her. It was in the floor, the walls, the ceiling and even the air around her. Her skin began to tingle in response, almost making Bambietta giggle.

"All right," Robert said with no hint of reservation. "Now I want you to focus on the space before her. Concentrate on the energies there and force them under your control. Make them do as you wish. Solidify the spiritual power and make it tangible. Do not stand in awe of that which cannot be scene. Subjugate it instead."

Bambietta bit down on her lower lip as her face furrowed. She could feel the energy encircling in the space of her choosing but she could not make it come together. Then did Bambietta exhale, allowing her held breath to slip away from her. The energy began to lose consistency, the particles flowing away to follow their paths of their own erratic choosing.

"This is impossible," Bambietta whispered.

Robert moved behind Bambietta then, placing both his hands on her shoulders. "Try again. Only this time do not work so hard. You need to relax your body and soul. Strain yourself and the technique will never be at your beck and call under any circumstance."

"No, I don't want to waste my time anymore."

Robert sighed. He did not wish to play this card but he knew now he was clearly going to have to offer something to Bambietta if he was going to ever get her to fulfill her potential. "If you promise to keep trying," he began to say, "I'll tell you the answer that you've been pestering me about ever since you came to the Vandenreich."

Bambietta's eyes suddenly lit up. The young girl turned her head up towards Robert, a curious expression beaming from her face. This was a question that had been plaguing her ever since becoming a Stern Ritter and meeting the senior members. Robert especially had been the quiet type, never speaking of his own talents. "You'll tell me what the letter His Majesty gave you does?"

"If that's what it takes," Robert replied, "yes."

"Oh! This is so exciting!" Bambietta looked forward once more. "You got yourself a deal, mister!"

Robert took a deep breath. "All right then, now listen well, Bambietta. You're going to try again this instant and I will not deny you the fact that it will be hard. You may fail this time. You may fail the next and the next. But you must never stop trying to better yourself."

The young Bambietta did not know what to make of what Robert was saying. "Huh?"

"Never mind." Robert became all business then. "Concentrate."

Bambietta did as her teacher asked, once more pulling and pushing on the energies before her. This time she did it gently, knowing that to be forceful, to strain herself and the environment to the breaking points, would accomplish nothing. Then did she begin to draw similar power around her own body, letting it flow to the soles of her feet.

"Now," Robert said. "Step forward."

Bambietta did as he asked, tentatively moving her right leg out, bending it at the knee. Then did she smile, watching as her foot touched down on an invisible surface before her. The Quincy's eyes widened with absolute joy and Bambietta quickly move her other foot forward to join the other. She turned then to look at Robert, standing atop what appeared to be nothing but thin air.

"I," Bambietta began to say, her voice wavering. "I did it!"

"I knew you coul-"

Robert was cut off then, Bambietta leaping forward and wrapping her arms around him. "Thank you! Thank you!"

"Bambietta, do you know why people sometimes fall when they pursue their goals?" Robert asked as he gently patted Bambietta on the top of her head.

The young girl offered an honest response. "No."

"It's because it gives them the chance to rise up once more."

Bambietta's eyes snapped open then, the Quincy taking in her present surroundings. Fog was all that was around her, her body plummeting into what Erigor had promised was an endless abyss.

"Well screw this crap!"

Bambietta knew it now more than ever. She was a stranger in a strange land, yes, but she was also a veritable newborn with her powers. Now, under both duress and stress, was she beginning to recall the lessons of decades gone by. She let herself relax despite her situation, allowing herself to reach out to the power around her. Spiritual pressure, magic, it did not make a difference to her. She would harness it, she would make it truly her own and take complete dominion of it.

"Come on," Bambietta hissed, once more forcing her nerves to calm. "Work."

Bambietta could feel the space beneath her beginning to shift and transform, the energies coalescing. She let similar power flow into her body to match it. The Quincy smiled then but it only lasted an instant. Her body hit the invisible force, her life saved for only a moment. Her lithe form hit hard, Blut Vene doing what it could to alleviate the impact, but still did she roll off, the invisible platform not nearly big enough to support her body.

"Well hell, that sucked."

Next chapter