

Watching how Adam and Cain meet, was not a coincidence. Cain was cursed by his brother thus now wandered alone. I felt pity for Cain, thus I led Adam towards his direction and everything turned out good. Watching as humanity multiplies more and more. With the daughters and sons of human grow to be beautiful and plentiful. The fallen angels found a liking to them.

--We lost the war with the angels but this will not be the last war. We will be victorious and reclaim our home and prove to be viscotious in Heaven. But we have no power, there were not that many of us. For GOD has ceased to create more of us. We had no way to gain more soldiers, but that was when one of our brothers found Earth. Earth was the newest creations of GOD, these so called humans looked like us but did not have the powers like us. But the demeaning fact was, they had the power of creation! What is this proprosimy!! For GOD to give these lowly creatures the power of creation! While us Angels have no means of multiplication! As we explored the Earth, it had seemed that every creature had the ability of multiplication. Even the smallest of creatures, even the fishes that roamed the waters. This was completely unfair! I asked GOD but he had ignored me! As we tried to blend and lived among the humans, we had learned of their ways of reproduction. But we the angels did not have the necessary thing within our body.

That was when I encountered a Snake. This Snake was different from all the ones I had met on Earth. This one was able to communicate with me and knew what I was. "Who are you?!" I asked demanding an immediate answer

"I am called Snake, Lucifer for I came from the Garden of Eden"

The garden of Eden? This snake must be that snake… hm….

"I have information you seek, a way for you to reproduce" … Indeed this Snake knew what I wanted. It knew well. So then how, I asked? " Simply put, I say Lucifer, Humans are weak, their brains are weak. They live on a soul, they are newborns. Make a deal with them in exchange for their bodies, if not simply take their bodies with force." Where did you get this information? I asked the Snake, " I know well enough for me to live with, I know what I know, and I know well about you. The holiest, beautifulest, and smartest of all the angels, Helel." hm.. This snake intrest me very deeply. I am assuming you want something in return for such "kindness'

"Haha, you surely are right. I wish not to die. I wish to be eternal" You want eternainity? surely you must know i am not capable of granting eternity, but once i take the throne of GOD i shall grant your wish. For i shall be greater than GOD. "You cannot fool me, Fallen Ang-" That is an ascended angel to you serpent! I have not fallen but ascended above those foolish angels who choose to be mere servants of GOD. "My apologies, Most high of the ascended Angels… you cannot change the subject nor can you fool me. I know you have the power to grant me life that is greater than that of a mortal" … You sure do know more than you should.

-This snake could be more useful- Haha sure, I'll grant you that it is close to immortality, as long as you serve me, you shall not die. " It would be great pleasure to serve the most high Lucifer, but I ask that you be allowed to refuse any order once in a while. For i want freedom as well. Im sure you can understand this feeling, no?" -This snake!- haha i like you, i like you very much. You have yourself a deal, your new name shall be called Devil. You will work in my name, is that understood? "Yes it would be a please to work as you, the most high of the ascended angels"

With that I created a force on Earth that I controlled. This serpent, this devil, will work in my name to shape the humans into my image and have them as my soldiers.

After my encounter with the serpent I went to the closest human civilization. There I encountered the first human, but the vessel that I had was too bright for these humans. Thus they were in fear. There was no way I could talk with them because they could barely stand. That is where the serpent comes in. I had ordered the serpent to meet these humans and make a deal with them.

"Morning humans, I am the devil, my God has sent me here to bear good news for you all" The humans there encountered a frightful experience a day ago, so they feared but the serpent showed such warmth of kindness. The humans chat with them and the serpent tells them of his God and how he will bring good yield with the fields and plentiful of livesocks, wifes and daughters along with information in exchange for their souls and bodies. The humans at that time did not understand what this had ment but agreed nonetheless. That human civilization started to prosper with plenty of food, cattle, sheeps, and wifes and daughters and new inventions such as musical instruments and such.

Now this starts with the possession. One of the fallen angels took the body of a fully grown male and took possession. Now the soul was replaced with the angel and the fallen angels had now found a method of reproduction. The soul with no place to go was taken by the fallen angels to Hell to experiment on it. What makes a soul and how does it work. The humans started to notice the change in the possessed person and some feared. Thus a small group of them moved far away from this place and started their own civilization. There they met two wonders, afraid that the other had followed them. They had let them in planning to kill them, but later investigated that they were different humans and welcomed them with open arms.

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