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Playing Knighthood Online somehow helps me in releasing my stress. Before, I cannot understand why my students would waste away their money and time just to play games. But now, well I still don't understand why they chose their online life in the expense of a more productive and meaningful life that they can have had they given more time for studying, but I can say that somehow I understand why they play.

I believe in the saying "Walk the talk", so back when I was still not playing and add the fact that we experienced first-hand the effect of playing online games with Theo back then, I would always nag at my students about reasons on why they should not waste their time and money in playing games. There were even times when I argue with my male colleagues slash friends who also play online games. And so, now that i have my own online game to play, do you think I will announce it to everyone? I say no! That would be a big slap to my face. I know that's cowardice, but who cares? And so, to atone for my cowardice, I stopped nagging others about what they do.

But then again, things don't always go according to plan, right? A few days after the incident with my sword, we classroom advisers had a short meeting with our principal, Mr. Tan. It was to announce that on our next homeroom session, the Parents Teachers Association of our school requested that we discuss the issue about students playing online games and its impact in their social and academic life.

I cringed. Of all topics, why this one? It's not like I can say to my students that it is better to stop playing online games while in fact I'm also playing myself. I will just feel guilty and my message will definitely not come out as sincere. I looked at some of my male colleagues who I knew play games. What are they going to speak in front of their class? Should I approach them and ask them? But that would give away my secret. I am starting to feel stress and anxiety building up. Then I heard whispering from some of my fellow teachers seated in front of me.

"You know I just learned from my class president that more than half of the boys in our class do not eat snacks and sometimes skips lunch just to have enough money to play online games." Said the one directly in my front. She is Mrs. Yap, and she is talking to Ms. Cruz.

"That's almost the same case in my class. These kids, they should learn to manage their time well and prioritize more on what is really important."

"That's true. All they do is play games and their studies are being neglected."

Hey, that's an idea. I don't have to be too guilty if what I'll discuss with my class is about time management and prioritizing what is more important, which is their study. They kept whispering about other stuff but since I already have an idea of what I will discuss I stopped listening.


The day of our homeroom class.

Usually, I use this time to let my students watch short videos about different topics then at the end of the video I let them discuss what they watched. There are also times where I prepare games to let the students have some physical activity once in a while. So when I entered the room, everyone is so hyped up and is eager to know what their activity will be for today.

I searched for a video in the internet showing how playing online games in an excessive period of time affects the life of the players and the people around them. I specifically searched for a video which did not suggest stopping players on playing their games.

"Alright, everybody take your seat. I have here a video which I want you to watch carefully." I looked around as the students prep themselves on their seats ready to start with the video. "After this, just like before, we will have an open discussion of your thoughts about what you will watch. Are you ready?"

"Yes Teacher!"

"Ok, here it is." Then I clicked the play button.