
My Weapon Dropped

"Waaah! No --- no no no!" Winoa screamed inside her mind. She almost shouted out those words, good thing that she covered her mouth on time or else her parents might come running to her room.

Looking back at the screen of her laptop, she saw again the message from the system and she suddenly had the urge to curse that person and kick him in the face.

'Player Aeroking killed you.'

'R7 Flaming Dragon Sword dropped.'

'Do you wish to resurrect or revive?'

Resurrecting in this game means I will not lose any experience points and I will return on the same spot I was killed. Reviving means I will lose some experience points and I will return to the last Safe Point I saved my game. It's best to use resurrect at this point because I can still run after that player killer and get a chance to take back my weapon. My weapon! It's already a rank 7 and that kind of weapon is really hard to find in this game. Considering that the highest rank of weapons and equipment is at rank 9, mine can already be considered as a luxury in-game. Plus the fact that its stats are very much compatible with the build of my swordswoman avatar 'Princess Amelie'. If I have to choose, it's definitely best to resurrect. But to do that I should have the Resurrection Coin which can be bought using real money. And I don't have it right now.

I have no choice but to click revive. After reviving, I started typing a private message. I will ask my younger brother for help. He must help me. He will...help me, right? I looked at his in-game name - IronKnight, a swordsman like me. Theo, his name in real life, is seven years younger and is currently a senior high schoo student, but he is really good with games and he is on the top 20 players of this MMORPG game. It will be really easy for him to help me. That is, if he will help me.

I scrolled back at the system notification earlier.

'R7 Flaming Dragon Sword dropped.'

Now I'm more worried. Besides not helping me, he might even scold me for losing my weapon which he gave me just a week ago. I still remember when he gave me the sword, he said that he will help me to get a complete set of armor and equipments all in rank 7. And then slowly he will reforge it to rank 9. And now, I lost it. But then, he might get angrier if i keep it a secret to him. I sighed. And then I realized, I'm older than him right? And I even share him part of my salary monthly as his additional allowance. And I am his blood sister. I just have to assert myself. Yes, that's it. This just needs a bit of assertion. Then I went back to typing.

To IronKnight: You have to avenge your sister! I'm bullied by someone mean in the levelling area of great Plains. (@~@)

To Princess Amelie: You are so weak! Why are you even out there during PK period?(1)

To IronKnight: Are you even my brother? Just avenge me already.

To Princess Amelie: It's PK anyway. It always happen. Just let it be.

But... he took away my weapon! How can I let it go? And why is he not helping me? What happened to my assertion? Should I just beg then? Nah, he'll just laugh. I should probably say the missing sword right? But won't he kill me? Unconsciously, I bit my finger. Whatever, I'll just try my luck.

To IronKnight: Uhm, my weapon dropped and he took it. (T.T)

IronKnight: (....)

After some scolding and begging, he eventually helped me. It turned out he was out near the area with some of his guild mates and they ganged up in beating that player killer. And I got my weapon back. ~(^0^)~

But that help came with a price though. I have to buy my brother a recharge card for the game which is worth 500 in-game currency. Talk about scheming. But then, I readily obliged. It is true what the old ones say, nobody will become a con-man if there are no fools. Theo is the con-man, I am the fool. Definitely not a proud moment for an older sister like me. Suddenly I feel like flipping a table.

(1) a time when players can freely kill other players without penalty.

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