

Chapter 261: I'm Sick

Translator: Lan Editor: Efydatia

Ever since his rebirth, Qin Guan had always been healthy. He had never gotten sick. He had thought it was another gift from the gods.

Birth, death, illness and old age were all undeniable elements of nature after all. Why would the greedy guy wish to be young forever?

He decided to take advantage of his cold and beg his girlfriend for mercy.

No sooner said than done. Cong Nianwei's phone started ringing.

"Hello? What's the matter?" Cong Nianwei was studying for her thesis. She answered the call doubtfully.

"Darling, I'm sick. I feel terrible..."

Cong Nianwei shivered at his weak, trembling voice. Is that my boyfriend? His voice is so soft...

"Where are you, Qin Guan? Is it serious?"

"I'm in my dormitory. I have a runny nose and I'm sneezing..."

He sounds really sick! Cong Nianwei stopped writing and started moving her pencil between her fingers nervously.

"Wait for me. I'll come as soon as possible!"

She threw the pencil down at her desk and disappeared in a whirlwind.

Ten minutes later, a taxi pulled up at the entrance of the Capital University of Finance and Economics. The talkative driver had remained unprecedentedly silent the whole way there.

The girl in the backseat had looked too serious, so the scared driver had sped up unconsciously. Cong Nianwei handed him 15 yuan and rushed out in a hurry.

"Hey, girl! That's not enough!"

Another five-yuan bill fell on the seat.

"Hey! Here's your change!"

Cong Nianwei was already 10 metres away from him.

"Wonderful! I'll keep the tip!" The driver grinned and drove away.

Cong Nianwei ran upstairs with red cheeks, her fear evident in her eyes.

Qin Guan had sounded awful on the phone. It had seemed like he was about to collapse.

I have to take him to the hospital. Fortunately, Renmin Hospital is not far from here.

Cong Nianwei knocked on the door gently.

Liu Xiaoyang answered the door. "Cong Nianwei, it's you! Come in, please."

Cong Nianwei entered the room and saw Qin Guan sitting up in bed, wrapped with a quilt. "Are you feeling better now?"

Qin Guan smiled at the mere sight of her. "I caught a cold..."

Cong Nianwei picked up a tissue and cleaned his snot for him.

"You have never caught a cold ever since we've known each other. I'll take you to the hospital."

She lifted the quilt before Qin Guan could react. Then she put the quilt back down again calmly.

"Put your pants on first."

Liu covered his mouth and turned towards the wall. Cong Nianwei observed the sky through the window. Looks like a good day today.

After two minutes, Qin Guan poked her on the back. "Oh!"

Cong Nianwei turned around and glanced at him. "Oh!"

They went out hand in hand.

Liu Xiaoyang was confused. How do they communicate with each other? Lovers are different from ordinary people.

The two of them got into Qin Guan's car. When they were more than 100 meters away, Qin Guan remembered to ask, "When did you get your driver's license?"

Cong Nianwei looked steadily forward. "I'm really busy these days with my courses, learning a foreign language and getting my driver's license. There will be more surprises waiting for you in the US."

Qin Guan smiled at her. That's my girl.

She was not a clingy girl. She was professional and independent.

They walked out of the Renmin hospital parking lot. Cong Nianwei pointed to the elevator. "I'll register for you. Wait for me at the clinic."

Qin Guan was a well-behaved patient that day. He got to the third floor like a good boy.

The corridor was crowded, but he shamelessly occupied two seats.

He leaned back against his chair in a daze. He waited for more than 10 minutes before Cong Nianwei came over with a piece of paper. "You are lucky. There are still some vacancies left."

As soon as she stopped, the doctor in the clinic called, "Next, Qin Guan!"

Cong Nianwei put the paper and his medical record in his hand and pushed him towards the clinic. Then she sat down and realized something.

The clinic was near the family planning [1] and gynaecology department.

A pregnant woman was sitting beside her. As she caressed her belly, she began talking to Cong Nianwei. "You look so young. Why are you waiting here?"

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Chapter 262: Injections and Buttocks

Translator: Lan Editor: Efydatia

Cong Nianwei answered calmly, "My boyfriend needed to see a doctor."

"Ah! You seem like a good girl. Why would you do something stupid like that girl over there?" [1]

A blue vein heaved on Cong Nianwei's forehead. Are you even listening to me? "My boyfriend caught a cold. He's over there in the medical clinic."

The woman sighed in relief. She pointed to the family planning clinic and said, "She committed a sin..."

As a virgin, Cong Nianwei didn't know what to say.

Can you lower your voice when you're talking about others? Those girls with the heavy makeup are staring at you!

Cong Nianwei was sitting on pins and needles, but so was Qin Guan.

"It's nothing serious. Just a cold. You better take an intravenous drip though."

"That would take a long time, doctor. Can't I just take some medicine?"

The doctor smiled wisely. "I know you are a star. It's my first time seeing a star in an ordinary hospital. Do you see that crowd outside? Just take an intravenous drip and you'll recover tomorrow. You won't need to seek any further consultation."

Qin Guan scratched his hair in shame. "Isn't there a quicker way?"

The doctor looked up in relief. He's a good guy, he's not causing any trouble to the hospital.

He wrote something on his record. "Pay the medical fees and have an injection at the nurse station. Drink more water and get some sleep. Eat vegetables. No oil or spices. You'll recover soon."

Qin Guan took the paper and stood up. The doctor shouted to the nurse beside the door, "Close the door, Xiao Chen!"

The nurse did as he said. Qin Guan hugged his backpack in horror. Is there a robber in the hospital?

The doctor took off his mask. "Take a picture with me. I'm a fan of yours."

You scared me!

The doctor and the nurse took photos with Qin Guan happily.

His cold didn't influence his appearance. It added a delicate beauty to him instead.

When the nurse opened the door to set Qin Guan free, the doctor smiled to himself proudly. I can use these photos to show off to girls!

Cong Nianwei ran to pay Qin Guan's medical fees. Then she pulled him towards the door of the nurse station.

Despite his sickness, Qin Guan looked cute.

Cong Nianwei sent the bill in and a nurse with a big mask appeared at the small window. "Go to Room Three!"

Cong Nianwei patted Qin Guan on the back and found a seat by the door.

Thank god I don't need to sit with strange women anymore.

Qin Guan entered Room Three and saw a line of pointed needles shining coldly in the incandescent light. The nurse broke the small glass bottle easily.

It was filled with liquid medicine. Qin Guan swallowed nervously.

"Pants off!"

The strong nurse was looking at him with a poker face.

Qin Guan sniffled and turned around to face the wall. He unfastened his buckle with one hand.

Suddenly, the door opened with a squeak.

"Sister Zhao, we are short on cotton swabs!" A young nurse pushed in happily. The door opened with another squeak. "Sister Zhao, do you have any extra disposable gloves?"

The door opened again with another squeak...

Are you kidding? I already took off my pants. Do you want me to stand against the wall as punishment?

Qin Guan turned his head around and begged, "Sisters, can I have my injection first?"

"No one wants to delay you. Have your injection."

"Sure, we see plenty of buttocks every day. Who cares?"

Of course they cared. They all knew what they were there for.

Xiao Chen had shown off to them about the picture. All the staff on that floor had heard the news.

Sister Zhao was still calm. Taking the chance, she pricked Qin Guan.

Before he could react, the needle was pulled out without any blood.

Sister Zhao told him expressionlessly, "Pants on. Are you addicted to being naked?"

"Okay, okay..." Qin Guan pulled his pants up with his back to the nurses, who were sighing in disappointment.

Qin Guan smiled at them awkwardly. I misunderstood them. The masks were covering their greedy expressions.

When Qin Guan went out, the nurses shouted excitedly. "Did you see?"

"Of course! He's so sexy! Those long legs! He should go have a check-up at the urology department!"

Sister Zhao broke in, "If he really did, would you want to have a look? At his age, what sickness would bring him to the urology department?"

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Chapter 263: An Abundance of Scripts

Translator: Lan Editor: Efydatia

After thinking deeply about it, the girls got scared. They exchanged glances with each other and smiled awkwardly at Sister Zhao. "See you, Sister Zhao."

When he left the nurse station, Qin Guan exhaled in relief. The sight of Cong Nianwei's face made him forget about everything.

They returned home together. After eating some porridge, Qin Guan lay in bed and slept under the effect of the medicine.

Cong Nianwei put the quilt carefully over his body. As she stared at his face, her fingers slid over his beautiful eyebrows, nose and lips.

She blinked and lowered her head. Their lips touched softly.

The next morning, Qin Guan woke up feeling refreshed. He saw his girlfriend sleeping in his arms.

He cherished the quiet, sweet morning, but his body was uncomfortable.

He leaned forward to kiss her, but she woke up with a start.

Smiling faintly, Cong Nianwei pecked him on the lips. "What do you want to eat? I'll prepare something for you."

Then she turned to get up.

"I want to eat you!" Qin Guan pressed Cong Nianwei back against the bed.

It was like spring had entered the room. A little sparrow on the sill watched them with curiosity. Its mother covered its eyes with her wings nervously.

Qin Guan welcomed another beautiful morning with full energy and bumps all over his head (where Cong Nianwei had hit him). He took Cong Nianwei back to her college and then received a call from Sister Xue.

His TV shows were all on air by then. Qin Guan had no idea why Sister Xue had asked him to go to her office to discuss things further.

He found her ambiguous statement on the phone strange.

He was right. Wang Jingcao was also there. There was an impressive number of scripts before them.

Qin Guan greeted them and cast a glance at Sister Xue. We decided to keep a distance from Wang. Why did you keep in touch with her?

Sister Xue looked just as gloomy. It was difficult to say no to people with a smile. Wang had come to her office early in the morning.

Qin Guan took a seat, and Wang threw a bomb at them. "Would you be interested in a movie?"

Qin Guan looked down at the scripts on the desk.

Wang went on, "The film 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' was really hot this year. Some domestic directors would like to have a try overseas. The road to the US has been paved. Are you interested in Zhang Yimou's work?"

Qin Guan smiled at her and picked up a script. As expected, the main roles had already been cast.

He turned a few pages and asked, "There are plenty of actors at W. Brother. Why don't you recommend them?"

"They only focus on leading roles. After the final editing, there may be no scenes left for the supporting actors. So..."

So you think I'll be the spare wheel?

Qin Guan didn't reply. He continued to check the rest of the scripts. "Zhou Yu's Train"? It was an indie film directed by Zhang Zhou, a good director. It was a pity that the two leads had already been cast.

There were only two more worthwhile films in 2002. It was a tragic year for the domestic film industry. The total box office had been below 1,000,000,000.

Qin Guan had originally wanted to appear on the large screen, but considering the reality of the situation...

He looked up and saw another thick pile under the two scripts. Wang Jingcao praised him, "I underestimated you. You're familiar with Zhang Jizhong?"

"He focused on martial arts dramas this year, taking advantage of Jin Yong's popularity. He wrote roles for you in all his TV shows. He attached great importance to you."

Qin Guan was surprised to see the titles. "The Legend of The Condor Heroes", "Dragon Buster" and "Demi-Gods and Demi-Demons".

He calculated in his mind. If he could fit them in his schedule, he would take them all. Uncle Zhang was kind to him. He always thought of Qin Guan whenever he wrote a new script. Qin Guan smiled at Wang. "Thank you, Sister Wang. I'll keep them for further study. Could you also tell me about the parts in these shows?"

Wang agreed and told them goodbye.

When she left, Sister Xue grabbed Qin Guan. "Are you silly? You accepted her offer?"

Qin Guan put the film scripts in his bag and began to read through the TV show scripts.

"We made the situation clear right from the beginning. This is just mutual back scratching. The roles must have been rejected by W. Brother. This way, she can gain popularity and make good use of resources. It's a win-win situation for us."

Sister Xue didn't say anything. Qin Guan will go abroad in half a year. Who cares?

She forgot that she also had to take care of Huang Bo.

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Chapter 264: Choice

Translator: Lan Editor: Efydatia

Qin Guan put all the scripts in his bag and whisked the dust away with his hand. "I'll tell you my decision in two days. Meanwhile, you can inquire about their shooting schedule. If it doesn't fit mine, just say no. I'm busy today. I'll call you tomorrow."

Sister Xue nodded. I have another sheep to look after. Better keep the goodies within the family.

Qin Guan left her office and went straight to Zhang Zhenqian's company in the East Third Ring.

That day, the bidding would start.

Bu Qinglu, Wang Hailiang and He Qian were waiting in the office. Zhang did not look nervous at all. He was handing cigars out to everyone.

"Don't worry. After drinking together at several parties, we've become brothers. We'll definitely win the bid."

Bu cast a disdainful glance at him. "Promises made over wine are not reliable. Is your friend trustworthy, Zhang?"

Zhang got angry at his words, especially as there was a beautiful partner sitting beside him.

He bared his teeth. "Talking is pointless. I'll show you the results today."

At ten o'clock, the bidding list would be published on the website.

Everyone was looking at the marketing assistant.

The young guy kept refreshing the page every minute, waiting for the official announcement.

Ten minutes after the given time, the website was finally updated. The long list of the winning companies was on the page.

In one day, written notices would be sent out by post mail, including the delivery address, payment method, receiving point and other essential information.

Then the temporary company would be able to function normally.

Of course, first they would celebrate their success. The assistant gave the list to Zhang Zhenqian's secretary.

Everyone was eager to read it. "What about our bids?"

"Take it easy. We have to compare them to our offer to calculate our profit."

Qin Guan read through the list from the very beginning silently. Then he said happily, "Don't bother. We won 10 bids this time. We bid for 17, so the winning rate is 58.8%. Brother Zhang wasn't exaggerating."

"There are 54 kinds of equipment in total, and we got 10 of them. They are all small parts with low profits though. We'll get about 10,000,000 as a net margin."

"After splitting it according to the equity ratio, He Qian will get 4,000,000, Brother Zhang will get 1,400,000, and each of us will get 2,000,000. It's all clear."

The others were watching Qin Guan in shock. He was spilling out numbers like it was no big deal.

"The profit of the generator system will be 127,636.28 yuan, and profit of the machinery will be..."

As he calculated the final number, the cigar fell from Zhang's hand.

Bu Qinglu and Wang Hailiang looked like they had looked Medusa in the eye. They stared at Qin Guan like stupefied, with their mouths and eyes wide open.

He Qian remained calm before her idol. In her mind, Qin Guan was perfect in all aspects.

Qin Guan felt embarrassed by their looks. "Sorry, I'm just gifted with numbers."

If you are gifted with numbers, then students studying mathematics should just give up!

Soon, they went back to being happy and productive. All their faces radiated with joy. They could foresee a good beginning. The small company would rise and develop thanks to their strategy.

After he left work, Qin Guan enjoyed some leisure time. He read scripts at the teahouse of the Fuhua Plaza while drinking a cup of mocha.

As soon as he'd gotten the scripts, he had called Zhang Jizhong to express his appreciation. He had accepted a role in "Demi-Gods and Demi-Demons" without hesitation. He had announced that he wouldn't accept a villain's role again though.

He thought deeply about the part in "Dragon Buster", which was not directed by Zhang, but he didn't want to accept the role of Song Qingshu. The salary wasn't that good and it was an annoying character. He just felt like something was missing from Song, unlike his previous roles.

Song is short for "obsession". Zhang Changzhong had been obsessed with his brother's kindness, Yang Lianting had been obsessed with Dongfang's love, and Gao Fuming had been obsessed with his former master. They'd all had a reasonable obsession with something.

Song had a forced obsession with love though. He seemed to be obsessed with obsession itself. He would give up his family and career for a woman, which was not reasonable.

Despite his deep love for Cong Nianwei, Qin Guan wouldn't have behaved like Song. People didn't live just for others. He would never give something up just for love.

Besides, if he was Song Qingshu, he wouldn't have won Cong Nianwei's heart. Cong Nianwei was a clever girl, so she would have sensed his nature.

Qin Guan let out a sigh and put the script in his large bag. The hand-made nubuck bag was a gift from Cong Nianwei. It had excellent quality and a reasonable price.

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hapter 265: Qualifying for an Autographed Copy

Translator: Lan Editor: Efydatia

The thick leather belt crossed the buttermilk skin and formed a simple but large handbag for men. It was the best choice for Qin Guan, who always carried a pile of scripts everywhere.

Qin Guan looked at the other two scripts in the bag, which he always ignored. After a pause, he picked one of them up.

Before he turned the cover over, he heard of a familiar voice. "Qin Guan? What are you doing here?"

The man behind the bar counter was supporting his jaw with his hands, appreciating the beautiful scenery by the window. Three beauties of different styles were looking at the most handsome customer he had ever served.

Yin Yan spoke first. She was meeting Qu Xuemei and Liu Yan there to hear their news. Little did they know that they'd meet their favorite model there.

"Qin Guan? What a coincidence!"

Confused, Qin Guan greeted them. They are rivals. Why are they meeting here?

Wary of the potential trouble, he decided to escape. "I just finished work. Don't bother treating me. I'm leaving."

"Take your time. In fact, the matter at hand has something to do with modelling. You'd better get a general idea."

Qu Xuemei blocked his way.

The other two nodded. "Yes, it'd be good for you."

Qin Guan couldn't do anything but pull out chairs for the three girls. The bar owner served them instead of the waiter. It was his pleasure to see such beauties up close.

They took their seats. The steam rising from the cups added warmth to the deep autumn.

"There is a scandal within the industry. The chief director of 'Fashion' will take the blame and resign after the Spring Festival."

Qin Guan nearly fell off his chair upon hearing the news.

He had cooperated with "Fashion" for an inside spread. Several months earlier, the editor had contacted Sister Xue, but she had sensed something strange and made up an excuse for Qin Guan to turn down the offer.

The three women all had their poker faces on as they talked about the editor's tragic fate.

"She chose that path herself. She's only a scapegoat anyway."

"She already had an important role in the domestic fashion industry. What was she really after?"

"She was implicated with that female star. The one with the military flag, right?"

They paused there and drank their coffee.

Qu put her cup down and looked at Qin Guan, "You should deny any offers from them for the next six months. Understand?"

Qin Guan nodded. He was clear about his priorities. He had heard from Wang Jingcao that CCTV and the government would also force the female star out. According to inside information, it would be a long time for her.

The three queens asked Qin Guan to leave so they could discuss their official responses.

Qin Guan scampered off like a frightened rat. Noting the jealous expression in the bar owner's eyes, he paid for the three queens' drinks.

When he got to the parking lot, he called Sister Xue. 2001 was an eventful year for the entertainment and fashion circle, but it was a productive year for Qin Guan. He was President Qin.

President Qin was currently cleaning his house like a poor servant. Cong Nianwei had sent him home, because she had discovered that the room was covered in dust.

He was fighting with the dust on the floor when Sister Xue called him back. It was time for him to get down to business.

Qin Guan hurried to the Citizen Public Relations Department. At the time, Citizen had begun to promote Qin Guan's autographed copy of the album to fans in Asian countries.

The buyers of the album would find an elegant postcard inside the package, as well as instructions on how to apply for the signed copy.

They could send the card back to Citizen to apply. If they were selected, the organizer would send them the instructions and charge them.

Only few Asian countries would get the chance to get a copy. Citizen would cover all the expenditures.

Fans would not just be able to see their idols, but also visit a new country. It would be a wonderful chance for them.

Admissions were rare though. There were only 20 in some Asian countries, so some fans paid a high price in order to qualify.

Some girls who shared an album fought with each other when sending the postcard.

Their friendship came to an end thanks to the magazine.

"Let me go!"

"You let me go! You are shameless! You sent the card out secretly with your own name!"

"I paid more than you. The album is mine!"

"The collection belongs to both of us! You are so cunning!"

The two of them wrestled. They were lucky in the end, as they both got the chance to participate in the activity.

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Chapter 266: Qualification

Translator: Lan Editor: Efydatia

There were plenty of fans purchasing photo albums who failed to win and cried at home over their misfortune.

"I'll buy the postcard with the winning number and the instructions at triple its original price."

"I'll appeal to Citizen to increase admissions for the autographed copies!"

The phones at the Customer Service Department rang nonstop, and the person in charge of the activity was annoyed. Of course, the more admissions the better, but that was easier said than done. It was difficult to organize an international activity. If the participants didn't control themselves, they would be too busy to finish the job.

Qin Guan was nervous as he listened to the director's instructions. Every step of the process required the cooperation of all parties. They had to rehearse in advance.

Soon, Qin Guan had a general idea about the autographed copy sale. Citizen basically wanted to promote the opening ceremony of its largest store in Asia.

First, they would cut the ribbon, and then the copy sale would be held. Finally, a small-scale meeting would be held in the back hall to greet fans from different countries.

Qin Guan would interact with fans for 10 to 20 minutes. To avoid an emergency, the participants would be limited to 100, half of whom would be Chinese.

Foreigners were complaining that the Chinese fans took up too many admission spots, but they had no idea how many domestic fans Qin Guan had.

His first fan was a girl named Huang Jiajia.

Huang Jiajia had still not given up hope. She followed Qin Guan everywhere on campus, peeping at him tearfully. Her pride prevented her from moving closer to him, but it still couldn't stop her lingering affection.

Naturally, she had bought plenty of the albums, so she was one of the 50 lucky fans.

Excited, Huang Jiajia had uploaded the card on the college forum to show off to the other girls. She had underestimated the power of internet and gossip though. The picture was quickly uploaded on the Haijiao Forum, the headquarters of Qin Guan's fans.

A stone could stir a thousand waves.

Qin Guan, who had never been involved in entertainment programs, specials or news, or had an affair with another actress, would have an autographed copy sale?

They couldn't believe it. This would be their only chance to see the real Qin Guan.

Suddenly, a post about the album was made on the Haijiao Forum. All the details, including the distribution number, issuing country, participation conditions, signing process, and fan ratio were clearly stated.

It seemed like a report from Citizen and the magazine staff.

Countless fans regretted not buying the album. They expressed their feelings in articles on the internet.

"His album had only been two stands away from me, but I hesitated. It's too late now."

Someone replied to the post with an even sadder story.

"At least you saw the album. I didn't even cast a glance at it. The newsstand owner had covered it with a VOGUE! Later, I found out that he had been saving it for some fans who had paid him 70 yuan for it."

Readers began sharing their sad stories with each other. The saddest story was about a girl who had bought the album, but forgotten to send the card!

Of course, the unlucky fans who hadn't been selected in the lottery were the gloomiest.

The outcome couldn't be changed though, so rich fans put their wits to work. There was a black market, where some fans sold their albums and admissions spots.

As the date was drawing near, the Citizen director realized that the fan list had changed. The number was the same though, so everything else was mere details.

It was the first day of December, and people's breaths were fogging the air. A group of people were waiting by the entrance of the Hengji Plaza early in the morning.

The security guard was left speechless by the girls, who were wearing very few clothes in the cold winter. He tried to talk to them kindly.

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Chapter 267: Chaos

Translator: Lan Editor: Efydatia

"Ladies, the plaza will open at 10 o'clock. It's only nine o'clock. It's too early for entrance."

The girls grimaced. They could read just fine! They just wanted to see their idol earlier!

Besides, many of them were not even qualified to go in. They had to wait outside in advance to get a look at Qin Guan.

The kind-hearted man had to return to his post. His colleague, an older man, smiled at him. "Don't waste your words on those young girls. Today we'll be really busy. Look at the crowd around the square! The organizer told us there would be 100 fans, but the whole square is full of people. It's always us who get exhausted after such events."

The young man laughed and answered, "I feel good. I'm happy to see so many beautiful girls in the morning."

The older security guard sneered. "Enjoy it then!"

The younger man fixed his eyes on the beautiful scene on the square.

There were increasingly more people. The shopping mall in the second ring was about to open.

The Citizen staff put the last chair down and wiped the sweat off their foreheads. Everything is ready.

Disappointed, the fans on the square realized Qin Guan hadn't gone through the front of the square as they'd imagined, but had headed directly for the underground parking lot in an ordinary black business car.

Qin Guan followed the security guards into the elevator.

Looking at the four bodyguards in black suits around him, he whispered to Sister Xue, "They look so nervous! Is there an army waiting for us or something? There will be only 100 fans on that big square."

Sister Xue was also confused. "The Japanese always act like this. They are strict and serious about everything."

Qin Guan nodded. In fact, he was contented with the guards, because it meant Citizen was paying close attention to him. Suddenly, the door opened with a loud sound.

Everyone inside was scared. It was really crowded, and there were ropes all along the path for fear that people would block the way.

Qin Guan whispered to Sister Xue with pursed lips, "Shall I go in before the fans? What's going on?"

Sister Xue whispered back, "No idea. There must be more than 100 people inside. The hall is nearly full."

They couldn't talk anymore. Qin Guan went out of the elevator with the guards.

"Qin Guan!"

"Look at me!"

"I love you!"

Flashlights blinked everywhere. Fans waved their hands passionately, eager to attract the attention of their idol.

The director of the flagship store was wiping cold sweat off restlessly. He shouted angrily at his assistant, "How did the fans know when Qin Guan would arrive?" His assistant was also puzzled. What had gone wrong indeed?

On the square, the security director was rebuking the young security guard. "You! Motherf*cker! Idiot! You would even forget your own name before a beautiful girl! You talked about the time on the intercom before them! You just wanted to show off to them!"

"Wonderful! All the women outside know the details of the event now! Look at what you did! Where's the woman accosting you? Did she give you a red package?"

Mou Xiaoliu patted her chest in the crowd, sharing that thrilling experience with Huang Jiajia.

"Huang Jiajia, you're great! How did you come up with such a good idea? We should have kept the secret to ourselves though. Why did you share it with the other girls?"

Huang Jiajia sighed at the simple girl and pointed to the crazy women.

"Do you think we could have broken through the security line just with our own strength? We have to rely on them to succeed. Plus, the law does not punish multiple offenders."

Mou nodded, convinced. The two girls had caused a lot of trouble to Citizen and Qin Guan.

Before the ribbon was cut, the fans surged in. The foreign fans were still in the bus outside. What could they do?

It was the worst possible outcome. The fans with invitations would rebel when they realized it was impossible for them to enter the hall. Both the director and Sister Xue were in despair.

It was time for foreign fans to enter the site, but they were scared of their Chinese friends. Sister Xue showed her resourcefulness during that emergency. She talked with the director and got a microphone.

After testing it, she addressed the fans crowded by the entrance of the Citizen store, "Attention, please!"

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Chapter 268: The Offer

Translator: Lan Editor: Efydatia

Her loud voice suppressed the noise. Sister Xue went on, "Today, the Citizen flagship store in Hengji will open for business, and Qin Guan will have his first autographed copy sale. You are all fans of him. Are you excited?"

"Of course!" the girls answered in one voice.

"The fans who got an invitation were the luckiest ones in Asia. Do you think this is fair for them?"

Some fans murmured, "It's unfair for us."

Sister Xue tried to convince them, "This is Qin Guan's first meet-and-greet. There are fans here from other countries. What you're doing will not just inconvenience your idol, but also have international consequences"

The fans still mumbled sadly, "We are unhappy too."

Sister Xue came up with a proposal, "I have good news for everyone. There are fans here from everywhere. You all like Qin Guan, so we also have something for you. Now, listen to me."

The fans were comforted by her words. There will be a surprise!

It was human nature. Their original expectations had been destroyed by the organizers, so they had planned on resisting till the very end, but the new proposal had mitigated the situation and eased their anxiety.

Sister Xue waved at them. "Follow my orders. Please form two lines. Fans with invitations on the right, and others on the left."

The interpreter got to work, and the fans lined up obediently. Not bad. The two lines are about the same length.

Sister Xue pointed to the fans on the right. "Hand in your invitation to the security staff and enter the hall one by one."

Then she turned to the girls on the left. "Do you see the big board over there? I promise that Qin Guan will meet you there in an hour and a half."

They all looked in that direction and saw a man standing there happily with a giant poster of Qin Guan in his hands.

J Clothing was always keen on seizing a chance.

Sister Xue was a smart woman and she had noticed the J Clothing store on her way out of the elevator. She had originally just considered it a coincidence that J clothing also had a store in Hengji Plaza. Ten minutes later though, it came in handy.

She had a short discussion with the Citizen director. She had to get their approval before bringing another brand in.

The director approved her plan without hesitation, as it wouldn't influence their meeting. It would only relieve the chaos.

Everything else was quite easy. Sister Xue called the J Clothing boss, who was overjoyed.

Qin Guan is my lucky star. In Xidan, my brand is promoted by LEE. The sales volume there was tripled last year. Now I'll get Citizen's help!

He attached great importance to that opportunity. After several calls, his staff rushed over.

In the past, such a thing would have been impossible, but now the store in Hengje was cleared up in 15 minutes.

The ignorant fans were led into the store. The Hengji manager wiped his sweat off secretly.

That was a close call! Thanks to their trouble, the two brands cooperated and put the situation under control. It was wonderful!

When the fans were all inside the store, the J Clothing staff handed out posters of Qin Guan.

Surprise! The posters had originally been only for J Clothing customers.

The manager in charge of promotion ran over in a hurry. The cunning man had been entrusted with a mission at that critical moment.

"Attention, please..."

The fans calmed down. Meanwhile, Qin Guan let out a long breath of relief after being updated about the situation.

The opening ceremony was completed in an orderly manner. The ribbon was cut and all the attendants applauded.

The fans with invitations were getting impatient. They were there for Qin Guan, not for that f*cking ceremony.

Luckily, the speech lasted only for 10 minutes, or they would have rebelled again. Finally, their moment was there.

They took out their albums and opened the covers, where the picture of a Citizen watch was printed. The designer had skillfully left enough space for a signature on the picture.

The functional art of Citizen took all kinds of things, no matter how big or trivial, into consideration.

Qin Guan was sitting behind a table in the same grey suit he was wearing in the album. The autographed copy sale began.

The first lucky girl walked forward. She was too excited to say anything. Qin Guan smiled at her and signed the album before returning it to her.

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Chapter 269: Can I Still Love You?

Translator: Lan Editor: Efydatia

"Next?" The staff gestured to the next girl to invite her to the meeting at the back hall. The girl had to be very excited. She stood still, as if she was petrified.

"Can I shake hands with you?" Qin Guan kindly tried to save her from embarrassment and stretched his hand out to her.

"Wow!" The girl came back to her senses like a hungry tiger seizing its prey.

The fans behind her cast disdainful glances at her as she was led to the back hall like drunk. What a shame!

"Qin Guan, I like you so much! May I shake hands with you?"

"Me, too!"

"Me, too!"

Where is your dignity?

The autograph copy sale was finished in half an hour. Qin Guan looked up and fell into an awkward silence.

"Why are you here? You have seen me plenty of times at college!"

Huang Jiajia put her hands on her hips. "This is discrimination! Stop talking rubbish and give me an autograph!"

Qin Guan turned his eyes to Mou Xiaoliu helplessly. Why is such a good girl like you with her?

Mou also felt wronged. You didn't give us an autograph, although we've known each other for a long time.

Qin Guan gave in. Just before his pen touched the paper though, Huang Jiajia stopped him. "Don't mess with us. I want my own personalized signature."

Qin Guan looked at Sister Xue, who pointed to her watch and nodded. Time is pressing. Just do it.

"What do you want me to write?" Qin Guan asked them.

Huang Jiajia pointed to herself. "For my favorite student, Huang Jiajia."

Then she pointed to Mou. "For my purest schoolmate, Mou Xiaoliu."

That's unfair. Mou is just my schoolmate?

Mou Xiaoliu was satisfied though. I'm different from his ordinary fans anyway.

Qin Guan finished their autographs as soon as possible and went to the back hall, where he would interact with fans for 10 minutes according to the schedule.

His job was simple. All he had to do was cooperate with the host and interpreter. Guo Yannuo, the interpreter, was waiting for Qin Guan to arrive. He was a cunning guy, but Sister Xue had invited him because he spoke several Asian languages.

The atmosphere was lively. The host, Qin Guan and the fans were talking happily. In 10 minutes, the fans learned a lot more about their idol.

For example, they discovered that Qin Guan's favorite color was black, he loved delicious food and he was a straight-A student. He seemed like an easy-going guy.

Finally, it was time for the lucky turn plate. The luckiest fans would get to ask their idol private questions.

The game made everyone excited.

They were looking at the turn plate on the screen nervously. Qin Guan shouted "stop" with his back to the screen. Then the lucky fan was selected.

It was No. 99, Huang Jiajia's number.

Qin Guan fell silent.

Sister Xue knew him well. Although she wasn't clear about the situation, she sensed Qin Guan's hesitation.

Smiling, the host walked up to Huang Jiajia. "Congratulations to the lucky girl. How are you feeling right now?"

Huang Jiajia gave him a splendid smile. "Excellent!"

Qin Guan swallowed his saliva.

The host went on, "This is an exciting moment. What question will you ask your idol? It's time to hear his honest answer. He will answer any question you want." All the fans were jealous of Huang Jiajia. If only I had that chance!

Huang Jiajia opened her mouth as cold sweat formed on Qin Guan's forehead. I'm going to pay now...

"I have a question..."

Stop panting and just spit it out. Qin Guan was thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

"Can I still love you?"

Guo Yannuo was a professional interpreter, so he translated the question into several foreign languages literally.

What? We all love him! Is this even a proper question? You are wasting a precious chance! The other fans felt pity for her.

"You could at least ask what kind of girls he likes, or if he has an official girlfriend."

"Even his future plans would be okay."

There were only three people on site who understood the question: Qin Guan, Huang Jiajia and Mou Xiaoliu.

Mou looked at Huang Jiajia in surprise. Two years had passed, and Senior Qin was about to graduate. Huang Jiajia was way more mature than she used to be, but she was still stuck on Qin Guan.

Two years were too short for a girl's feelings to go away.

The host, on the other hand, felt glad for Qin Guan. That girl was definitely a loyal fan. She han't asked an awkward question. She had been afraid that fans would inquire about something more private.

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Chapter 270: Qin Guan's Fan Club

Translator: Lan Editor: Efydatia

Qin Guan fell unexpectedly silent at the question.

If it was referring to just a simple relationship between an idol and their fans, a simple word could clearly express what was on his mind.

Thousands of feelings were lingering in his heart though. Taking a deep breath, he said in a deep voice, "There is a long road before you. Treat your feelings carefully."

Only Huang Jiajia understood. Smiling, she said, "My love for you is my business."

Guo interpreted her words into various languages.

Although confused, the rest of the fans shouted together, "We'll love you forever, Qin Guan! Until the end of the world!"

The meeting ended in harmony.

Qin Guan left the hall and headed immediately for the J Clothing store, where patient fans had been waiting for him for one hour.

Actually, Qin Guan's official schedule was over. According to tradition, he could just leave the plaza without paying attention to the others.

He felt it was necessary to meet them though, as Sister Xue had promised them he would.

When Qin Guan showed up at the entrance of the store, the fans shopping in the plaza rushed back in at once.

They had just tried their luck by going there. Little had they known that there would be a surprise.

Sister Xue spoke first.

"We are shocked to see fans come from such remote places for Qin Guan, a green hand in the circle. However, we do not want to see you trouble others by chasing after your idol. Think of the outcome. Who will take the pressure of public opinion? Qin Guan! Your favorite idol. Do you want to let him take the blame?"

Despite their young age, Qin Guan's fans were all reasonable girls. They reconsidered their behavior and felt sorry for it. They had actually forced Qin Guan and Citizen's hand.

Sister Xue continued her speech, "It's our fault. Qin Guan seldom organizes events for fans, even ordinary publicity events. From now on, we'll make up for that. We'll set up a fan club! Thanks to your persistence, you will be the first group of members!"

The crowd was over the moon! The fans who had gotten official invitations rushed over.

"We were the first group of fans! We'll join the club!"

"We founded a fan club in Japan the day after the album was released."

Looking at the noisy girls, Qin Guan felt warm in the early winter.

The manager of J Clothing led the fans to the square for a group photo as the boss listened to the report from the Hengji Plaza store.

"Boss, the sales volume this morning was as much as the whole week's. I handed the catalogues out and they bought Qin Guan's clothes."

"Most of them were girls. What about the women's clothes sales?"

"They were pretty good. Besides, some media invited by Citizen took photos of our store. We'll be famous!"

The boss shook his head. "I knew Qin Guan was my lucky star."

He was quite right. Taking advantage of LEE, J Clothing had added women's clothes to its collection. By taking advantage of Citizen, the boss set his eyes on the Capital Fashion Week.

Qin Guan had no idea about his ambitions, but the boss would become his most faithful supporter in the future.

Qin Guan was standing on the Hengji Plaza square. More than 100 fans had clustered around him to take the group photo.

Qin Guan was smiling in the centre. Huang Jiajia and Mou were on either side of him, acting like his bodyguards. Before the photographer pressed the button, Huang Jiajia grabbed Qin Guan's arm and Mou retreated.

Qin Guan's body was stiff when she released his arm.

Huang Jiajia murmured, "You're still so shy after two years. I have grown up. I like you. Deal with it!"

Qin Guan didn't look back. Following the Citizen staff, he left the plaza.

The senior committee of his fan club was officially formed. It was a well-organized group that behaved themselves. All the fans waved goodbye at Qin Guan warmly.

They didn't forget to leave gifts to Qin Guan's agent and assistant.

That day, Qin Guan's fan club was born. It would soon spread to different countries. There were capable fans everywhere. Soon after Qin Guan left, some fans began to collect basic materials.

On their way to the company, Sister Xue waved her phone at Qin Guan proudly. "See? I have all their numbers. When you have an event again, it will be a good resource for publicity."

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