
Max Capacity

"Arise and serve me."

The bandits body twitched and again all the blood turned black as it stood up. I heard a shriek, it seems that it came from the mother. Her daughter seemed to be frozen in terror, as she just stared with wide eyes, not making a sound.

I looked at the bandit zombie and noticed it had a red bandanna with an insignia on it. I glanced over and saw the other bandit had one as well.

"Go and attack all the living people with that bandanna on them. Do not harm anyone else. Stay within the boundaries of the village."

This time, I knew that my order meant death for the other party, but I had resigned myself. These people were not good and since I wasn't doing the deed myself... it made it a little easier. Sort of like how people could watch people be executed, but not do the execution themselves.

The zombie bandit made a slight groan and immediately took off toward towards the village. The mother and daughter seemed to still be in shock as they silently watched the zombie run away. I looked at the other bandit body on the ground.

"Arise and serve me."

<You are at max minion capacity>

Information filled my mind again. It looks like I am at my limit already huh? Well it makes sense I am only a level 1 Necromancer. I sighed and then turned toward the two again.

"G-go hide."

With those words I started toward the village, following in the zombies wake. Wait... shouldn't I go hide too? Shouldn't I of asked it to protect me and just follow it around? Gah! I'm an idiot! I got caught up in the moment!....Well it is too late now, I'll just need to follow it very carefully until I catch up to it. I should be safe as long as I follow in its bloody wake...probably... I'm so dumb.

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