
Stroked a fire within him

The night wind was gusting, pressing against the oiled paper window. Dawn was nearing but Liu Sumeng was not ready for sleep anytime soon.

The more Xuelan told him to get it over with, the more he wanted to take his time. Perhaps it was a little mean, but he couldn't help but bask in Xuelan's nervous and eager expression. He loved the way Xuelan fidgeted below his touch, the way dark eyes peered at him ever shyly through thick lashes.

Yuan Xuelan was below him and completely nude, his honeyed legs splayed and wild hair pooling atop the bed. His defined abdominal muscles rose and fell with short, stilted breaths, skin glistening with a thin sheen of sweat. The longer Sumeng took, the deeper the divot between Yuan Xuelan's brow became. 

"Sumeng!" Yuan Xuelan's voice came out high.

Liu Sumeng smiled, his expression calm, but Yuan Xuelan noticed the heat of passion that glimmered in the Ivory Sword Saint's eyes, and it in turn stroked a fire within him.

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