
Fighting like cats

For many years, the Wayward Wind Temple was untouched by tragedy and knew only prosperity. Despite being located atop a steep cliff along winding canyons, it was a place of renown and majesty.

But the long-fostered peace was one day broken by Zhao Weiwei.

One afternoon, she hunted her uncle down and said loud enough for everyone in their surroundings to hear, "When are you going to grow some balls?"

Hei Xiang burst out into laughter, unable to control herself as she dropped to the floor.

Li Zheng did a little better at holding together his composure but his shoulders were shaking and he couldn't stop smiling even as he scolded, "Zhao Weiwei, where did you learn those words? What will your mother think?"

Zhao Weiwei was a cheeky little girl and shrugged, "What if Mother was the one who taught me?"

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