
Mu’s Teachings/A Crack

Professor Ita walked back to her podium and relayed the deal her and Mu had come to.

This caused a few of the students to shout in anger since they didn't want to fight and instead just wanted to continue learning.

These complaints fell on deaf ears however as Professor Ita split the room into two teams of 200.

;)Huh there is a even number of students...how convenient.

"Yea they must do that for...well I don't know," Mu thought to the voice as he walked over to the right side of the training hall.

All the people on Mu's side at least seemed happy since they were going to be learning from the mysterious master.

While the people on Professor Ita's side kept trying to sneak over.

;)So what are you going to teach them.

"The most important lesson there is," Mu thought to the voice as he smiled looking out over his students.

After everything got settled down from the transition all of the right side looked at Mu in complete silence.

This is what Mu taught them.


1.Don't be a bitch!

2.Don't be a bitch!

3.Don't be a bitch!

4.Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night!


"What?" Mu thought to the voice after spending his last 30 minutes talking about the values of getting enough sleep.

;)What the fuck was that!

"Me teaching them the most important lesson of their lives," Mu thought to the voice as he looked over his shocked students.

;)You didn't teach them shit.

"Yes I did, I taught them not to be a bitch and how important sleeping is," Mu thought to the voice.

;)That won't do shi—

But the abyss was interrupted as one of the students started yelling,"THIS POWER!"

The students body then starting overflowing with so much mana that you could smell it in the air.

This was followed by all the other students experiencing the same event.

;)What the hell happened.

"I'm just that good a teacher," Mu thought to the voice as he looked out at all the students who were looking at him in reverence.

;)...You fucking cheated didn't you.

"What! No I...well I might have given them god like reserves of mana but I didn't cheat," Mu thought to the voice.

;)I mean yea you technically didn't, but that doesn't make this alright.

"Well I'm not saying it's alright am I," Mu thought to the voice as he imagined his upcoming win.

;)But in some way doesn't this kinda undermine your argument.

"No all I did was give them bigger mana reserves," Mu thought to the voice.

;)I guess.

The fight happened and obviously Mu won in fact it was so one sided that it's not even worth describing.

;)No your just lazy.

(A/N Maybe but it was boring so...)

;)Yea fuck it, cut the fight that's been fucking teased for like 3 chapters.

(A/N I knew you would understand)

The only interesting thing that really happened was Mu stumbling upon a crack in the air.

It wasn't big but it was definitely there and as Mu got closer to it the crack disappeared.

He just explained it away as a crack in the training halls illusion spell but the abyss knew that this...was foreshadowing.

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