
The Outer City/You Want Some Corn

Mu woke up the next morning head full of one idea.

"Alright I think I know where we are going to get followers," Mu thought to the voice as he popped his back.


"You know that other city on the walls of this one," Mu thought to the voice.

;)Ohh you wanna go recruit followers by feeding those starving people corn.

"Well yea...but I was supposed to say it," Mu thought in a whisper.

;)What was that?

"Nothing, nothing...you just broke the dialogue and made it way shorter," Mu thought to the voice whispering the last part.

;)Whatever, can we just go?

"Sure, sure...fucking dick," Mu thought to the voice not whispering the last part.

;)I heard that.

"Heard what?" Mu thought while metaphorically running out of this conversation..by actually running out of this conversation towards the outer city.

Mu arrived at the gates not even a minute later thanks to super speed.

The guards allowed him to leave without any worry since word had spread about the new god and they knew who he was now.

This was good in one hand and bad in the other because now whenever they looked at him they did the creepy ear to ear smile.

;)These people are on something.

"Yea too much faith has probably broken them. That or stress as they are literally living in the same city as the god or goddess they believe in," Mu thought to the voice as he walked into the outer city.

The place was crowded and dirty with people strewn out on the ground in various conditions ranging from starvation,nudity, and even a few dead bodies.

;)Why aren't the gods and goddesses helping these people?

"I don't know I guess it's like that one guard said they don't help the church so the church doesn't help them," Mu thought to the voice as he started looking around for a stand.

;)That's bullshit they have all this power what do they need gold for. They could at least make sure people aren't dying in the streets around their city.

Mu found himself a stand as the abyss kept talking.

"Alright I'm ready to recruit some followers," Mu thought to the voice.

;)You mean help some people.

"Can't I do both," Mu thought to the voice as he got up to scream something to the crowd in front of him.

Mu thought for a bit and then screamed," DO YOU WANT SOME CORN!"

Mu then put up both of his arms up in the air when he saw that everyone was looking at him and made two stalks of corn come out of his hands.

Needless to say the theatrics worked on these starving citizens as they rushed towards Mu.

;)Did you really have to do that?

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