
Church Fees/Bet

;)Why did you do that?

"What the whole become a god thing...I thought it would be cool," Mu thought to the voice.

;)Why your stronger than any god what's cooler than that.

"Well yea I am but nobody knows that people know who the god of corn is," Mu thought to the voice.

;)Do they?

"Whatever...it didn't effect my power did it?" Mu thought to the voice kind of concerned.

;)Well...no it didn't it just gave you the ability to grow corn from your hands which you could have just given yourself.

"Wait I can grow." Before Mu could finish that thought he ran into a wall and screamed in pain.

;)We're here.

"What how we were near the coast it should have taken like two more days to get here are we teleporting?" Mu thought to the voice as he rubbed his nose and got into the line streaming from the gate.

As Mu was waiting he looked around and noticed thousands of people living around the city walls in what look like slums.

And there were hundreds of guards in full something armor keeping them from getting in line.

;)I think that's mithril.

"What is that?" Mu thought to the voice.

;)Do you really not know? It's a pretty expensive material but it does protect against a lot of shit.

"Oh well..how the fuck did you know that?" Mu thought to the voice as he was nearing the gates.

;)I've been around long enough.

"You do know that's a pretty half-assed answer." Mu thought to the voice.

;)Yea well...your at the gates so shut the fuck up.

The guard looked Mu up and down and said," Name and Church of Affiliation."

"Mu and I'm apart of the Church of The Corn God." Mu said to the guard.

The guard took a few seconds to process what Mu had just said but then he looked up and asked Mu.

"Are you sure there hasn't been a God of Corn in about a century." The guard proceeded to hand Mu a piece of paper.

"I'm sure," Mu said to the guard.

"Alright then just pay the church fees on that paper and you can go on in," the guard said before holding out his hand waiting for the money.

Mu looked at the piece of paper.




The list continued on showcasing all 125 Gods and Goddesses excluding the God of Corn and their fees.

"Do I have to pay all of them or just my churches?" Mu asked the guard.

"All of them," the guard said putting his hand down as it had gotten tired.

Mu started calculating the fees together and said to the guard, " That's over 100 gold how is the average citizen supposed to pay that?"

The guard looked at Mu and and smiled from ear to ear and said,"Their not, they live out here in the shadows of the walls away from the divines light. As it is not for those who can not help the churches by paying these small fees."

Mu payed the fees to the insane guard and walked into the city.

The streets were paved in literal gold and there were statues everywhere showcasing every god and goddess.

Currently going down the main road was a parade also showing every god and goddess each with their own theme and flair.

Mu watched the parade to its eventual conclusion and as the last cart wheeled by it seemed to be the grandest most money draining one.

On it sat three people and one god Mu immediately recognized one of them as the giant god who he talked to in the forest.

There were people shouting out the names of all three their was the light god who was the giant man, High Priest of The Light Dave Evil, and finally Holy Knight Captain Hanani Ichigai.

;)Wait what was that last one again?

"What Holy Knight Captain Hanani Ichigai what about him?" Mu thought to the voice.

;)How much you wanna bet he's from Japan.

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