
Becoming a Pirate/Mu’s Weird Tastes

;)So we're becoming pirates right.

"That's right and we're gonna find treasure, sink ships, and nothing else that real pirates did." Mu thought to the voice.

;)So what are we semi-pirates we only do the good bad things instead of the bad bad things.

"Well yea I don't really want to pillage lands, steal woman, and kill families do you." Mu asked the voice.

;)No but I mean are we really pirates then.

"Yes now if you would kindly shut up I'm gonna make myself something to eat." Mu thought to the voice.

;)With what food.

"The food that I bought I mean I can't just keep robbing people because I forgot to get food." Mu thought to the voice.

;)Where is it.

"Haha of course I know where it is it's at the inn..." Mu thought to the voice realizing that he again forgot to get food.

"Well we're not that far out," Mu thought looking back and seeing no land.

;)You just had to give the boat super-speed

"Well it's fun.. and fast." Mu stammered.

;)Well let's turn around and go back to land.

"One problem with that," Mu thought to the voice.


"I didn't bring navigation tools and I don't really know the cardinal directions." Mu thought to the voice.

;)So what your saying is..

"WE'RE FUCKING LOST!!" Mu screamed into the air.

So Mu spent the next 3 hours having a panic attack and traveling the sea looking for people to rob.

Luckily he found a merchant ship to rob of all of the food Mu would need to survive for two months or more.

Mu even found some navigation tools including a compass and a sextant which Mu doesn't know how to use but damn does it look cool.

So even though some of the people aboard that ship would most likely die of starvation in a few weeks Mu had supplies.

As Mu was sailing away from the ship he started cooking eggs on his.

;)how is there a fire on your ship.

"I made the ship fire-proof,"Mu said to the voice.

;)You made the ship which is on water fire-proof

"Yea," Mu said to the voice.

;)Can't fight that logic.

Mu finished his eggs and started making a "sauce".

;)What are you making now.

"Ketchup," Mu said to the voice.

;)Huh what why and how do you know how to make ketchup.

"Why wouldn't I know how to make ketchup I love ketchup, and it's for the eggs." Mu said to the voice.

;)Ketchup for the eggs...you fucking disgust me.

"Hey fuck you it's good don't knock it till you try it..oh wait you can't."

;)Hey not cool man.

"Don't talk about my ketchup that way," Mu said to the voice while finishing the ketchup and adding it to his eggs to eat.

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