
Possible Schizophrenic Cultivator/Signing Up For The Qualification Rounds

"Now if what I know about sects."


"Is true then there should be outer disciples inner disciples and a patriarch or something right."Mu thought to the voice.

;)Your the resident expert on this cult shit.

"I'm not the resident expert I was only in a cult for like two months before I escaped,"Mu thought.

;)Yeaaa but you were still in one.

"Whatever, hey isn't this like the fourth flower garden we've passed?" Mu asked the voice.

;)Fourteenth actually some of them were really well hidden.

"Who the hell is making these things?"Mu thought to himself.

;)Probably another cultist.

"I thought that to myself you omnipotent thought pervert." Mu thought to the voice.

Mu kept following all of the gardens ,because he wanted to know where they led. Until finally he saw a woman planting flowers and growing them using Qi or whatever energy she practices.

"Excuse me miss are you the one making all these unnecessary eye sores," Mu said looking at the beautiful flower gardens around him.

"Ahh a real human!!" The woman screamed after she looked up and saw Mu.

"Ummm first off rude, and second how did you get here only my friends know how to get here," The woman said looking around her crazily.

"I just followed all of the flowers you planted uhh why did you do that?" Mu said pressing his issue.

"Well I made them for my friends I'm nearly done with my last one so can you leave," the woman then started using her hands to signal to him that he should leave.

"Oh ok then bye," Mu then started walking away but he wasn't fast enough, and he started hearing the woman talk to someone.

Except when Mu turned around there was no one there for her to talk too she was just talking to air.

"Hey who are you talking to?" Mu asked the woman.

"My friend Geoff," the woman told Mu while still talking to "Geoff".

"Uhh I don't even know how she spells it but I can just tell it's the annoying one with the G," Mu thought.

"There's nobody there miss," Mu said. "Well sure there is, Geoff and Suzy are both here they are not invisible you should be able to see them." The woman said in a sarcastic way.

;) Uhh Mu can I talk to you for a sec.

"Yea what." Mu thought zoning out from his conversation with the woman.

;) I think this woman has a mental illness specifically schizophrenia.

"That wouldn't be in a fantasy world," Mu thought back.

;)Why wouldn't it... but look that's not the point umm you know this is a comedy right.

"Yea what of it," Mu thought wondering where the voice was going with this.

;)Well since it is a comedy you will inevitably make a joke about this woman's situation if you hang around her for any longer.

"Oh well that wouldn't be any good that would weigh on my conscious." Mu thought to the voice.

;)Yea so I say we just leave this whole scenario.

"Well we can't not help her." Mu thought to the voice.

;)I mean yea but like do it fast you never know when your gonna make a sarcastic or dark joke about this.

So Mu healed the possibly mentally ill woman. But rest assured she wasn't schizophrenic she was just being haunted by dozens of ghost and being forced to make flower gardens her entire life.

The next interesting place Mu stumbles upon by just walking around was a place very nearly resembling a gladiators arena.

There was a man up front screaming,"Sign up for the Qualification rounds of the Gladiator of the Year Tournament here." This was followed by a bunch of fanfare.

;)might as well right.

"I'm no gladiator," Mu thought to the voice before he started walking away.

"The Winner gets to ask for any one thing from the patriarch himself," the announcer yelled out right before Mu left the area.

;)why does this always happen like right before you leave.

"I don't know but I'm in and I'm gonna win this tournament."

And so starts the tournament "Arch" (really it will be just like 3 chapters or something probably)

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