
Chapter 42

The following days were a flurry of activity on Attilan. Under Yelena's command, her crew mobilized quickly, providing vital aid to the beleaguered Inhumans. Yelena, for her part, remained in the heart of the chaos, orchestrating the recovery operations with a calm determination.

The Genoshian crew, highly trained in medical and disaster response, provided advanced care to the wounded. Genoshian medical technology was leagues beyond what the Inhumans were used to; healing pods facilitated faster recovery while nanotech assisted in complex surgeries. Injured Inhumans who were on the brink of death began to recover, prompting murmurs of awe and gratitude among the survivors.

"Commander Belova," one medical officer reported to her, "we've managed to stabilize most of the critical cases. We're seeing some unique physiological responses due to their Inhuman biology, but we're adapting our treatment protocols accordingly."

Another officer, this one responsible for recovery operations, chimed in, "The debris is being cleared efficiently, Commander. With the help of the Inhumans, we should have primary paths cleared within a day. And the power grids should be back up soon as well."

In the midst of this, Yelena received a message from Medusa. The Queen of the Inhumans requested a meeting with her, Black Bolt, and the remaining members of the Royal Court. The purpose? To discuss Yelena's presence on Attilan and to discern her intentions. Despite the calamity they had faced, the royal court remained wary, a testament to their resilience.

"Tell Queen Medusa that I will meet with her and King Black Bolt at her earliest convenience," Yelena instructed her crew, her mind already preparing for the discussions to come.

With a purposeful stride, Yelena made her way to the makeshift Throne Room. Every step she took, every glance she cast over the devastation that was once a bustling city, fueled her determination to provide the necessary aid.

The path to the chamber was lined with Inhumans, their faces marked with a mixture of exhaustion, gratitude, and an underlying resilience. As she passed, murmurs of thanks rippled through the crowd.

"Commander Belova!" A young Inhuman called out from the throng. "We... we don't know how to thank you..."

Yelena simply gave him a nod, her face softening, "Just focus on getting better, alright? We're all in this together."

"Thank you for everything, Commander," another elderly Inhuman added, her voice trembling with emotion. "Without you..."

"You don't need to say anything more," Yelena gently interrupted, understanding the depth of her gratitude.

Soon, she arrived at the threshold of the impromptu Throne Room. The makeshift room was nothing like the grandeur of the original, but the gravity of the situation hung heavy in the air.

Black Bolt and Medusa stood together, their royal bearing undiminished despite the recent turmoil. To their side, the rest of the Royal Court—Karnak the Shatterer, Gorgon, Triton, and Crystal—each bore their own stories of resilience in their expressions.

"Queen Medusa, King Black Bolt," Yelena acknowledged them with a respectful nod, her gaze steady. "I believe you had questions for me."

Karnak, once again, was the first to speak. "We have had very limited contact with the Kree for centuries. Our ancestors told stories of their tyranny, but we know nothing of the recent events involving them. Can you enlighten us on this matter?"

Yelena nodded, understanding their curiosity. "The Kree were responsible for a multitude of aggressive acts against various planets within and outside their dominion. The Genoshian Empire, valuing peace and prosperity, took note of their unjust actions. Our Empress, Lydia, decided to intervene."

She paused, allowing them to absorb the information. Crystal, Black Bolt's youngest sister, asked, "What did your Empress do? And why did the Kree target your Empire?"

Yelena looked at Crystal, appreciating her forthrightness. "They targeted us because we stood against their tyranny. As for what Empress Lydia did... she fought them. She crushed their forces singlehandedly, not just to protect the Genoshian Empire, but all civilizations threatened by the Kree's ambitions."

Triton, the amphibious advisor, asked, "You say she fought them singlehandedly. How is that possible?"

Yelena's eyes flickered with admiration at the mention of Lydia. "Empress Lydia is... unique. She possesses powers that are beyond our comprehension. When it comes to protecting her people, she stops at nothing."

Gorgon, the head of Attilan's armed forces, added, "And you followed her into this war?"

"Without hesitation," Yelena responded, her voice filled with conviction. "Every citizen of the Genoshian Empire trusts Empress Lydia. Her rule has been marked by peace and prosperity. She has proven, time and again, that she is worth our trust."

Medusa, after a long silence, finally spoke. "We understand your reasons now. And we appreciate your honesty, Commander Belova."

Black Bolt looked at Yelena and signed, his movements fluid and full of gravitas. Medusa interpreted for him, "You have our gratitude, Commander. But more than that, you have earned our respect."

Yelena acknowledged their words with a nod, then shifted gears. "We've spoken about the Kree and the Genoshian Empire. Now, I'd like to understand more about you, about the Inhumans. Your culture, your history, your hopes for the future."

It was Medusa who answered, her words painting a vivid picture of their rich past, their unique abilities, their societal structures, and their hopes for a peaceful and prosperous future.

Listening attentively, Yelena nodded, taking it all in. When Medusa finished, Yelena spoke. "I must say, the story of the Inhumans is one of resilience and courage. You've withstood so much and still, you've strived to create a society that values each of its members."

The members of the Royal Court acknowledged her words, gratitude shimmering in their eyes.

Yelena then steered the conversation to the main issue. "Considering our common history with the Kree and our shared hope for a peaceful future, would you consider forming an alliance with the Genoshian Empire?"

The Inhumans exchanged looks, their faces contemplative. After a few moments, Black Bolt gave a slow nod, signing his agreement, with Medusa providing the verbal agreement. "We would consider an alliance."

Yelena's lips curled into a small smile. "Good. I'll report this to my Empress and see if it's possible for her to come here personally to discuss this further."

The room was instantly filled with tense silence. After a beat, Karnak broke the silence, "Your Empress...here?"

"Yes, she values personal relationships and would wish to meet you in person," Yelena confirmed.

The Royal members shared nervous glances. Gorgon voiced out their shared concern. "And what if...what if we find ourselves at odds with her?"

Yelena maintained her steady gaze. "That's a possibility. But understand, Empress Lydia values peace above all. Disagreements are inevitable, but violence is always the last resort. She won't harm you unless you pose a threat to her or her people. Her objective would always be understanding, harmony, and cooperation."


Lydia found herself deeply engrossed in the logistics of moving the dwarfs to their new home when her helmet's comm link chimed. Recognizing the encoded signal as Yelena's, she opened the connection.

"Empress Lydia," Yelena's voice came through the link, steady and respectful.

"Commander Belova," Lydia greeted, her tone warm yet authoritative. "Report."

"Empress," Yelena began, her voice confident. "I have successfully established contact with the Inhumans at the Moon base."

Lydia's gaze narrowed slightly. "Continue."

Yelena gave a detailed account of her interactions with the Inhumans, their initial distrust, the tensions with Maximus, and the resulting battle. Lydia listened in silence, her focus solely on Yelena's words.

"I have suggested the possibility of an alliance with our Empire, and they have shown willingness to consider it," Yelena reported, her voice steady. "They have agreed to meet with you, Empress."

A moment of silence filled the link as Lydia processed this information. "Interesting," she mused. "And the condition of their base?"

"Extensive damage, Empress," Yelena reported. "Maximus intended to kill us all, but he failed. Still, the Moon base, Attilan, is severely damaged. With your permission, I would like to dispatch a team from our fleet to help them recover."

Lydia was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Granted. They will need aid and this will provide further demonstration of our goodwill."

"Thank you, Empress," Yelena said, relief evident in her voice.

Lydia paused, considering the situation. "We'll need to tread carefully, Yelena," she said slowly. "These Inhumans are powerful, and they're likely frightened. We don't want to appear as a threat."

"I understand, Empress. I'll proceed with caution," Yelena assured her.

"I know you will," Lydia replied, confidence resonating in her voice. "Keep me updated on the situation."

"Of course, Empress," Yelena replied, her voice radiating loyalty and respect.

"Carry on, Commander," Lydia signed off, her mind already moving on to the next steps in this unexpected development.

"Empress Lydia," Eitri approached her as the last of his people were escorted to the new ring world, "I have a question."

Lydia turned her gaze towards the dwarf king, nodding in silent invitation for him to continue. "Yes, King Eitri?"

"Why is it that you call your homeworld 'New' Genosha?" he asked, curiosity evident in his eyes.

Lydia gave him a small smile. "It's symbolic, you see," she began. "New Genosha was named after Genosha, a haven for mutants established by a council member of our Empire, Erik Lehnsherr, on Earth."

"Erik Lehnsherr?" Eitri echoed, "A mutant?"

"Yes, also known as Magneto," she explained. "Erik has been instrumental in the protection and growth of the mutant population on Earth. When he found Genosha, he envisioned a sanctuary for our kind. A place where we could live without fear of persecution or prejudice. He's since become a strong advocate for our people and a crucial voice in our council."

Eitri nodded thoughtfully, absorbing the information. "Then in his honor, I would like to propose a name for our new world," he said, a glint of determination in his eyes. "New Nidavellir."

The proposal brought a genuine smile to Lydia's face. "I think that's an excellent choice, King Eitri. New Nidavellir it is. It will serve as a testament to the resilience and strength of your people."

"Thank you, Empress Lydia," Eitri said, a grateful smile on his face. "For everything."

Lydia gave him a nod, her gaze thoughtful. "We are allies now, King Eitri. Helping one another is what allies do. We will support New Nidavellir in its growth and make sure it becomes a place where your people can thrive."

"With your help, I believe we will," Eitri replied, his voice filled with newfound hope.

As Lydia moved to her next task, she thought about the alliance they had formed with the dwarfs and the potential alliance with the Inhumans. These were new relationships that held promise, not just for the Genoshian Empire, but for all the worlds they touched.

The awe-inspiring Dreadnaught class ship lay like a massive leviathan against the backdrop of stars and cosmic dust, dwarfing nearby frigates and battleships in comparison. Empress Lydia moved with a graceful confidence, her boots echoing against the polished metal floor as she walked through the grand halls. The crew, at attention, stood in a neat line on either side of the hallway. Each one bowed their head as Lydia passed, a gesture of respect and acknowledgment.

"Empress," they greeted her in unison, their voices echoing through the grandiose halls. Lydia acknowledged each one with a nod or a slight smile, appreciating the dedication and loyalty they showed her and the Empire.

Arriving at the bridge, she could see the enormity of the cosmos through the panoramic viewports. Her gaze met with the captain of the ship, a burly woman standing tall and dignified. The captain immediately saluted Lydia, her respect and loyalty evident in her stern gaze.

"Empress Lydia," she greeted, her voice firm yet respectful. "It's an honor to have you onboard."

"Captain Astra," Lydia acknowledged with a nod. "I appreciate your efforts. I'm here to oversee the voyage to Earth's moon."

"Understood, Empress," Captain Astra responded. She then turned to her console and started inputting commands, a holographic map of the solar system illuminating the room. "We will utilize our Pym Particle enhanced light-speed engines for the journey. It should take no more than a few minutes."

"Good," Lydia said, glancing at the holographic display that shimmered in the room. "Make sure our arrival is unnoticed. We don't want to cause unnecessary panic among the Earthlings."

"Of course, Empress," Astra responded. "Engaging stealth mode and preparing for light-speed."

The bridge hummed with a new intensity as the ship's engines roared to life, a series of lights illuminating along the hull. The enormity of the universe, the planets, and the stars seemed to be in motion, as they started their journey towards the distant Earth's moon.

As Lydia looked out the viewport at the shifting cosmos, she couldn't help but think about the impending meeting with the Inhumans. The prospect of a new alliance was always intriguing, and Lydia wondered what the future held for the Genoshian Empire and the dwellers of the Moon.

As the Dreadnaught coursed through the endless cosmic panorama, Lydia found herself in her private quarters, engrossed in a strategic conversation with Astrid. They were discussing the recent events and the consequential outcomes.

Astrid, an astute strategist and Lydia's trusted advisor, considered the joining of the Dwarves as a monumental success for the Genoshian Empire. "The addition of the Dwarves," she said, her voice calm and assured, "It's a significant boon. Their skills, their craftsmanship... It will greatly enhance our technological and weapon capabilities."

Lydia, gazing at a holographic screen depicting New Nidavellir, nodded solemnly. "I agree, Astrid, but the cost... it was too high. The lives lost could not be avoided, but the guilt doesn't lessen."

A moment of silence passed between them, an acknowledgment of the grief they both felt. It was then broken by Astrid, as she broached another subject. "Lydia," she began, her tone taking a more strategic edge, "The meeting with the Inhumans, there's potential there. We need to consider all possible outcomes."

Lydia turned to face Astrid, her gaze resolute. "I've been thinking about that. My idea is to suggest they move to New Genosha, a place where we can offer protection, resources, and a fresh start. However, I realize this won't be an easy proposition."

Astrid nodded, mulling over Lydia's words. She leaned forward, elbows on her knees. "It's a difficult sell, indeed. But perhaps... perhaps we could use our aid as a bargaining chip," she suggested, her tone hesitant, knowing Lydia wouldn't be fond of this approach. "They need us, Lydia, more than we need them. With the resources being used for the Dwarves, it would make sense."

Lydia regarded Astrid for a long moment, her expression contemplative. "I don't like it, Astrid. I don't like using aid as leverage. It's not who we are. But I understand your point. The situation in Attilan is desperate, and they need our help. I'll keep it as a last resort. We must tread lightly and consider their pride and dignity."

Astrid nodded, her respect for Lydia's leadership evident in her gaze. They both knew the upcoming meeting with the Inhumans would be a delicate dance of diplomacy, a step towards what could be a significant alliance in their empire's ever-growing sphere of influence.

Next chapter