
The Silver Princess vs The White Dragon Emperor

Ilya's PoV

Father hearing my question patted my head and smiled.

"Hmm? Its fine, I want to test something anyway."

"Be careful Father."

He nodded with a smile as he took out something from his pocket. It looked like a dagger with a gem above it. He then looked at the lady and said

"…So I am. I may be foolish. I can't do anything without Shemhazai. I'm just a Sacred Gear enthusiast. —But you know, do you really think that Sirzechs and Michael are idiots? At least they're far superior than someone mediocre like you."

The lady's face twisted at Father's words.

"What nonsense! Very well, I'll deal the finishing blow right here and now. I will destroy you, the Governor of the fallen angels, as the first step of the creation of a new world!"

What the hell, are you K*ra? Are you L*ght? What are you talking about, what new world?

"…I have gone beyond being a Sacred Gear enthusiast. I also produce them myself. I've built replicas. Well, almost all of them are garbage. God, the one who developed the Sacred Gears, was amazing. That's the only thing I respect him for. —However, they're incomplete. It's because God and Maou died while leaving behind 'bugs' which can just upset the world's balance like the [Longinus] and [Balance Breaker]. Well, that's why Sacred Gears are interesting though."

He then pointed the dagger towards her in the sky.

"Be at a peace of mind. Things like Sacred Gears absolutely won't be made in the new world. Even without such things, the world functions.—Eventually, we'll make Northern Europe's Odin move as well and then the world will have to change."

After deliberately raising the gossip with a complacent smile, Azazel spitout.

"The more I hear the more I feel like vomiting at your goals. Valhalla!? The Earth Gods!? So you intend to snatch everything through Odin from the side. Rather than that, the person who steals my pleasure—can go and disappear."

The dagger that Father has in his hands had changed shape! Its parts separated and light gushed out.

"—! I-Impossible! Azazel, you!"

In front of the later who had grasped something, the Governor of the fallen angels uttered words with power!

"Balance Break…!"

Dragon Armor similar to Onii-chan's appeared and covered his whole body. It looked cool to be honest.

"I studied the [Vanishing Dragon] and other dragon-series Sacred Gears and produced this, my masterpiece artificial Sacred Gear. This is [Downfall Dragon Spear], in its pseudo-Balance Breaker state [Downfall Dragon Another Armour]."

Onii-chan seeing this let out a laugh as he gazes in amazement at Father's creation.

"Hahaha! As expected of Azazel! You really are incredible!"

Father turned to face Onii-chan and said.

"Vali, I'd also like to be your opponent, but…Well, please get along with the [Welsh Dragon]."

Issei looked anxious hearing this.

"But, fighting with Azazel seems fun."

Onii-chan said.

"Want me to take him on?" I asked Father.

"Sure. However leave some for Issei." Father said after thinking for a while.

"Fine." I then looked towards Onii-chan who is flying in the sky.

"Before we didn't have a chance to fight. So how about we use this chance? Onii-chan."

"Fine by me. You look more fun than the current Sekiryuutei."

"Open the gate of knowledge and wisdom, [Neo Elias Codex!]"

After reciting the second verse. A black overcoat with silver engravings appeared over my body. It was similar to Regulus' second verse.

The four grimoires on my belt are glowing in their respective colors. Blue, Silver, Jade Green and Red.

"[Divine Dress!]"

A silver dress appeared under my overcoat and merged with my shirt and pants. Creating a beautiful combination. This was the blessing given to me by Granpa Svarog that lets me manifest more of my divine power easily.

"Lets go Onii-chan! "I said as silver wings appeared behind me as I take to the sky. A pair of black and white blades appeared in my hands. These were Kuromaru and Shirogane. Swords forged by myself to fit my main fighting style and to accompany my usage of divine energy. They have various different forms that can be altered depending on the situation. Currently I have imbued them with dragon slaying attribute.

Onii-chan meets me head on he tried punching me but I dodged and swung Kuromaru at him which cuts through his armor. My twin blades enhances my abilities. They also possess the attributes of pure light and dark. Effective for those creatures from the other side. They also increase damage through defense which is strong against shield users and tanks.

"[Divide]" he punched me to which I blocked by crossing my swords in front. I felt that my power weakened at that moment.

I gathered energy in my swords and released a cross attack similar to Regina's Holy Cross. I then used Ride Lightning to appear at his side.

"Yin X Yang (YxY) Cross!"

"[Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!]"

Damn his dividing powers are really annoying.

"[RIDE LIGHTNING!]" I then disappeared once more and appeared behind him.

"Pierce! [Strike Lightning!]" Silver divine lightning came forth to attack onii-chan.

Reacting quickly he divides my attack and kicks me flying a distance away from him.


He then appeared in front of me preparing to punch when I smiled and met his attack.


[Counter Force!]

I countered him using [Counter Force] and sent him flying a distance away from me.

Counter Force is a technique that I created in order to fight Regina's overwhelming power. It basically sends their attack back towards them. Its one of the counter techniques I created to face overwhelming power.

Which worked out in my favor against Onii-chan as even if he divides my attack it will only take a few of my energy.

Onii-chan after regaining his balance in the air sent two magic shots towards me.

I then gathered energy on my swords and swung at the shots. The magic shots were then redirected to the sky. This technique is called [Redirection]. I use the energy in my sword to redirect the energy in my opponents attacks. The only thing that contacts will be energy. This is the answer I arrived after battling Regina's continous use of [Holy Line : enhant] where she continuously releases elease her holy power but uses it in her sword attacks. I figured that instead of fighting power by power I would use technique to overcome it.

"Your too good!" Said Onii-chan with joy finally having a good fight.

"[Sword Barrel : open!]" I yelled out as countless swords shoot towards him which he dodges. Each with dragon slaying attributes.

"[Half Dimension!]" Similar to his match against Regina he also counters using half dimension while dividing the ones that get close to him.

[Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!]

[Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!]

"[Reforge]" I then reforged Kuromaru into a bow and Shirogane into an arrow imbuing both of them with divine power as Oniichan is preparing his defence for my next attack.

"[Ride lightning!]" I disappeared and appeared above Onii-chan aiming my bow at him. My silver divine dress enhances my speed above all else and with the combination of Ride lightning even lower Gods will find my speed frightening. Of course, over using it will strain my body so I cant use it for long periods of time.

"[Break Shot : YxY Railgun!]" I put as much mana into the Shirogane Arrow while enhancing it with lightning. Darkness also covers the arrow of light.

Onii-chan who didnt expect my speed was caught of guard and took the attack while crossing his arms at the last moment.

[Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!]

[Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!]

[Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!]

[Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!]

"Damn! Dragon slaying element!" He cursed out as he was barely able to block it.

Onii-chan divided it until it disperses however I have already prepared the next shot.

"[Break Shot : Caladbolg Railgun!]" I sent the shot immediately as soon as Onii-chan finished defending against the first one.

Smoke clears out revealing Onii-chan's figure who has cracks in his armor. He was also bloody as he attempts to regenerate. His armor then breaks as he puts a new one on.

"Damn... you blew away my sacred gear. Thats amazing. Both you and Regina."

I then appeared beside Issei.

"Its your turn now. He is you rival after all."

I then staggered and was helped by Rias and Xenovia. This is how far I can push him I guess. The fighting with [Death Scythe] and the magicians really took a lot out of my mana reserves.

"You alright?" Rias asked with concern.

"Yes, I have just used too much mana. I will recover in a bit."

Damn using Second verse on top of Divine Dress is really draining. Whats worst is Onii-chan's Divide increased the consumption of my mana and forced me into this state faster than I expected. As expected of a longinus I guess. I also used a lot of mana and stamina earlier to fight [Death Scythe] when I was fighting the magicians earlier so I was not in my top condition fighting Onii-chan.

My consumption even exceeded my Elias Fragement's mana regeneration so I wont be able to fight for much longer as even if my mana is regenerating my stamina wont. Im gonna need to design an upgrade for it after this, as well as practice more. Unlike Regina my regalia is relatively new to myself and although I have slightly gotten used to it I will need more practice.

However it did help greatly in assisting me in forming my weapons so thats a plus.

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