

Regina's PoV

Currently me and Onii-chan are looking over the battle while hiding and watching the devils fight.

So far they are fairing well against the Cerberus and that Lunatic Priest who is somehow still alive after being stabbed repeatedly by me in our last encounter. Is he a cockroach?

It was at that moment that Yuuto-kun obtained his balance breaker. However what I saw shocked me.

It was a holy demonic sword. How is that possible? Holy and Demonic energies would contradict each other and that man wouldn't let something like this happen.

Wait... dont tell me... Holy-Demonic Sword, Balance Breakers, New Longinus... No way! So not only the Maous died even God!

I then turned my attention back to the fight and prepared to jump in at any time.

"Will you stand in my way!? The one who inherited her power form Barakiel!?"

"…Do not put me in the same group as him!"

She is uncle Barakiel's Daughter? No wonder she seemed to hate Fallen Angels back at the church. I should ask Father about this.

The battle continued as everyone joined forces trying to defeat Kokabiel. However no matter what they do they can't injure him in anyway.

"So thats my rival..." said Onii-chan looking at the fight with disappointment.

"Are you disappointed?" I asked him.

He nodded as he looks at the battle.

"Well you can't blame him, he just awakened the sacred gear recently. Unlike you who trained from a young age. Sure he is a human and a low ranked devil. However he has determination and desire. He might surprise you in the future, after all the sacred gears respond to desires." I told him.

Knowing that pervert something stupid will probably power him up in the future. After all he created that ridiculous ability Dress Break.

However this situation is really bad. Yuuto-kun just unlocked balance breaker and wont be able to maintain it for long. Xenovia still hasn't mastered Durandal. Issei is still too weak and needs more time to grow. The others as well have more room for improvements but need more time. The way this is going they wont be able to beat Kokabiel.

It was at that moment that I should have intervened as he revealed something that shocked everyone.

"Fuhaha, fuhahahahahahahahahaha! That's right! I totally forgot! The truth wasn't revealed to you lower guys! Then I will tell you. In the war between the three sides, not only the Original Maou but also God died."

Hearing this everyone was shocked and devastated. By this reveal especially Asia who fainted.

"After the War, what was left were the angels who had lost their God, the devils that lost their Maou and the majority of high-class devils and thefallen-angels who lost most of the fallen-angels apart from the leaders. So it wasn't a mere exhausted state. All of the factions fell so low, that they had to rely on humans to continue their generations. Especially the angels and fallen-angels that could only continue their generation by mating with humans. Fallen-angels can increase if the angels fall. But pure-angels can't increase their numbers after losing God. Even pure-devils are rare, right?"

"…Lies…it's a lie…" Damn they really are losing heart. Especially those who had belief in God like Xenovia and Yuuto-kun who used to believe in him along with his friends.

"The truth is that another big war wouldn't happen unless you do it on purpose. It means that all three-sides went through hell in the past war. Everyone decided that it was meaningless to continue having a war if thestart of it all, God and the Maou, were dead. Even that bastard Azazel declared that "there is no second war" after losing the majority of his men in the war! It's hard to bear! It truly is hard to bear! To lower your gun once you already shot it!? Don't fuck around. Don't fuck around! If we continued on from there, we could have won! Even so he...! Is there any value in fallen-angels who can only live by inviting humans who possess Sacred Gears!?"

This Bastard! Dared to mock my Father for his stupid way of thinking.

Sensing my anger Onii-chan patted my back to calm me down.

"It is not yet time. This is a trial for them to improve especially my rival." He said stopping me who is on the verge on rushing in and stabbing Kokabiel to death.

"Don't mess around! I can't let you destroy my town. My comrades. Buchou. And Asia. Just for your selfish motives! And I'm going to become a Harem-king! I would be troubled if you get in my way!"

What the hell...? This guy seriously has some weird priorities and motives.

"Kukuku. Harem-king? Is that what the Red Dragon Emperor desires? Then do you want to come with me? You can become a Harem-king right away! I will snatch beauties as we walk past. You can make love to them as much as you want."


Oi! Why are you hesitating?! What happened to not allowing him to have his way?

"I…I won't be deceived by sweet words like that!"

"Ise! Geez! Wipe your drool! Why are you like that even in a situation like this!?"

"…So…sorry. It seems like I'm really weak against the word "Harem"..."

"If you like girls that much, then I will do a lot of things for you after we return home alive!"

"Are you serious!? Th…then even sucking on oppai!?"

"Yes! If you can win against that, then it's a cheap bargain!"

After issei yelled that out the boosted gear glowed green and responded to his desires.

The jewel on the Boosted Gear glowed brighter than before!

"Fufufu. Suck. I can suck it. I can suck them!"

Issei started smirking with a lecherous face.

"Right now, I can even punch God. Ah, God doesn't exist anymore. Hahahaha!"

"I'm going to beat you down to suck Buchou's nipples, Kokabiel!"

He's power increasing by the moment.

"He's an idiot." I unintentionally said out loud.

To the side Onii-chan nodded while holding his head thinking that this is his rival. The Rival he was excited to fight.

"…It's the first time I saw a Red Dragon Emperor who releases its power just by the mere thought of sucking a woman's nipples…What are you? Who are you?"

Kokabiel asked while narrowing his eyes. Even he is confused.

Issei he replied up front with his chest put forward.

"I'm the "Pawn" of Rias Gremory's group! Hyoudou Issei! Remember that Kokabiel! I'm the possessor of a Boosted Gear that lives with ero thoughts and my hot blood!"

Sigh Im done with this... I then looked towards Onii-chan who nodded as we broke the barrier and entered the battlefield.

Due to the sudden situation everyone was shocked. Kokabiel seeing us clicked his tongue.

"Vanishing Dragon...and you."

He then looked towards me and asks, "what are you doing here?"

Everyone from Rias' peerage was also shocked to see me with the White Dragon Emperor.

"Why else? You have been going around causing such a mess lately."

"You bastard spawn of Azazel do not get in my way!" He yelled out in anger.

Hearing that everyone else except Yuuto-kun was shocked as I never told them before.

Damn, I forgot I haven't told them yet.

Kokabiel then turned to Onii-chan.

"...I'm guessing you were attracted to the Red, However do not get in my way!"


Golden Chains then appeared and tried to bind Kokabiel. He tried dodging it but I sent swords that impaled him.


Onii-chan also came and punched him as he crashed into the ground and binded by the golden chains. Due to having his power divided its easier to capture him.

"Damn you both!!!" He yelled out towards us in anger.

"Regina are you really..." asked Rias as she looked at the two of us who landed in front of Kokabiel.

While letting out a sigh I materialized my black wings.

Seeing this everyone(except Yuuto-kun who already knows) opened their eyes wide seeing me confirm Kokabiel's words.

"I'll explain another day... however what he said is the truth. I am a daughter of Azazel."

"... Don't you have a sacred gear? So how come...?"

"Im a half blood." I answered simply. I glanced at Akeno and saw that she had a conflicted expression seeing someone like her who had a Fallen Angel and Human parent.

"Well enough of that. I suppose it is time for business." I said looking towards Kokabiel.

"You have been designated by Father as a traitor. Your punishment shall be decided when we return." I told him with cold eyes.

"Damn you Azazel's spawn. You and that bastard father of yours! Even though we are the superior race that bastard father of yours, Azazel is too scared to even conquer the other 2 factions. It is now only up to me!"

He started rambling while insulting my Father which ticked me off.

"I can't believe someone like you still looks down on other races. You yourself got pushed back by a mere human after all..." I said in a cold voice while I coldly gaze at him.

"You!!! Damn you. Both you and Azazel!!!" Hearing me remind him of his lost against Vasco Strada enraged him greatly.

"You dare to curse at my Father..." I said in a cold voice while glaring at him.

Several golden lights flicker as swords impaled his limbs.

"Ah!!! Damn you!!"

Everyone behind me was also slightly terrified including the student council who just arrived, due to the brutality I just showed. Especially those who were newly reincarnated devils.

"Onii-chan go and carry the lunatic priest." I told him as I pointed towards the unconscious lunatic.

He sighed and nodded. Everyone was slightly surprised when I called him Onii-chan but didn't ask anything.

"We will be bringing this traitor back now." I said before taking off with Onii-chan in the sky. The golden chains pulled the now unconscious Kokabiel in the sky as it followed after us.

As we were about to leave a voice then came from Issei's gauntlet.

[Are you ignoring me, huh, white-one.]

The voice came from Issei. His gauntlet was glowing.

[So you were awake, red-one.]

Albion's armour jewel was also glowing white.

[We finally met, but in a situation like this.]

[That's alright. It's our destiny to fight one day. Things like this happen.]

[But white-one. I can't feel the hostility from you like before.]

[Red-one. Your hostility is incredibly low as well.]

[Looks like both of us have things that interest us more than fighting.]

[That's how it is. We should be having fun by ourselves for a while. It's not bad like this sometimes, right? Let's meet again, Ddraig.]

[That would also be fun, huh. See you then, Albion.]

The conversation was between the two heavenly dragons ended. Both of them gave a farewell, but Issei stepped up and seemed unsatisfied.

"Hey! What's the meaning of this!? Regina-san why?!  Because of you guys I can't suck Buchou's nipples!? Also who are you?!"

Issei suddenly yelled out with an angry face…Thats what you were mad at?!

Ignoring him Onii-chan and I just flew as Onii-chan gave some parting words.

"You need strength to understand everything. Get stronger, My Rival, I will fight you one day." Onii-chan replied trying to act cool.

Possibly it was only me who noticed that he almost dropped the lunatic priest when he heard Issei's complaint.

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