
Dragon vs Phoenix

Regina's PoV

After yelling out his vow and promise Issei faces towards Riser once more and yelled out his determination.

"Shine!! Over Boost!!"

[Welsh Dragon over booster!!!]

As he yelled out red armor manifested around his entire body.

So he made the Red Dragon Emperor take a physical form...

If im not wrong that should be an inferior version of his supposedly balance breaker in the future and now he will show us a glimpse of its power.

I take out a recording device so the guys back at Regulus can watch and for Ilya and the others to analyze the Boosted Gear.

After transforming he gathered Demonic power in his hands and shot it towards Riser.

Thats pretty powerful and big as well...

It appears even Riser is shocked at the size and power of that attack. He must have never expected an attack of that scale.

Seeing its power Riser chooses to dodge it instead of blocking it. Issei seeing this predicted the direction where Riser escaped and jumped towards him and punches him in the face and sent him flying.

Nanashi's training seems to be having an effect as he started to control it better as time passes. Not bad for his first time using it.

Riser who recovered sent out his flames in an attempt to gain some distance from Issei who dodges his flames effortlessly. The boosters on his armor further pushing his speed to greater heights.

"Riser! This will not be like before!" Issei yelled out as he sent out another attack in the form of a projectile like beam earlier.

"Shitty dragon brat! I'll admit at this moment your a monster however the final one who will be victorious is me! I will beat you down once more infront od your master! Prepare yourself!"

The wings behind him blazed bright as he met Issei's attack with his flames to block the attack.

A whirlwind of flames enveloped the entire hall so poweful that even the devils are starting to send out barriers to prevent it from spreading.

"Come dragon brat and taste the flames of the Phenex family! The very flames that came from the immortal bird. Come and taste it with your body!" Riser yelled out in anger as he sent waves of flames towards Issei.

Issei dodged it and sent a fist towards Riser's face as the later sent out a fist of his own.

"Fall down dragon brat!"

"Not this time fire chicken!"

The two exchanged blows as the surroundings got damaged from the after effects of each of their attacks.


Issei's PoV

Damn it hurts, it feels like im gonna die. I wanna leave. The more I exchange blows with him the more I feel the difference between use.

Am I actually scared? No! I MUST NOT BE AFRAID! I will win this! For everyone who helped me come this far!

Why would I be afraid of him! Compared to Nanashi-sensei's killing intent this is nothing!


"Are you afraid?" Asked Nanashi-sensei seeing me trembling.

I nodded while shaking.

"Then get stronger. If your afraid to get hit, Dodge. Don't show any openings, always focus on the battle and look for your opponent's openings and most of all..."

She places her right hand into her katana as she prepared to unsheathe her blade, her killing intent gathered with each passing moment.

"Dont die."

[Flashback end]

Remembering Nanashi-sensei's words I carefully watch Riser as he attacks.

Thats when I noticed it. Riser may be strong but compared to Nanashi-sensei who does not make any mistakes he has a lot of openings in his attacks. As each moment passed I begin to see his attacks more clearer.

Finding an opening I yelled out prepared to punch using my right fist.

"I will beat you!!!"


"Raaaaa!!!" I gathered demonic energy in my right hand and punched him flying towards the wall.


Regina's PoV

As the two of then exchanged blow for blow, I noticed that Issei is able to dodge more attacks as time passes.

Wait isnt that [Foresight]?!

Foresight is technique created by Nanashi and was perfected furthermore by the fighters of Regulus Dominion.

Each of the swordmen and close combat fighters of Regulus Dominion was taught by Nanashi of the technique and we worked together to perfect it. It was pretty hard to master and til now we are still improving on it.

Nanashi is the best at using the technique and created a variation of it called [Asura's Foresight]. A higher level od the skill where she can see everything that can happen in the next couple of seconds into the future.

[Foresight] is a technique that lets us see through our opponents more clearly. It is a type of passive technique that lets us see through an opponent's attack a few seconds into the future.

This is the reason why Nanashi is such a terrifying opponent as she mastered the technique to the degree of being able to see through an opponent's openings so quickly. It was based on her years of being an assassin that she was able to attain such mastery of the skill. It requires a lot of observation and predictions and Nanashi 9.9/10 of the time would correctly predict her opponent's next move.

As such the only way to counter her is to use an attack that is so hard to counter even if she can see it. The swordsmen of Regulus Dominion even gave her the nickname [Cyclops] due to her way of fighting.

Although Issei's [Foresight] still cannot compare to us who trained with it for years its still enough to turn the tides of battle.

Riser who was hit with Issei's punch got sent flying into the wall. It was during this time that Issei's balance breaker also ended leaving him exhausted as he looked towards Riser who is similarly exhausted.

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