

Ryan was stunned 'what the fu** do you mean, what do I want? I don't even know where the hell I am!'

The man wrinkled his eyebrows "How dare you talk like that to a god!"

Ryan looked at the self-proclaimed 'god' and thought 'Great somehow I got myself stuck with a lunatic .... wait how the hell did he know what I was thinking?'

The man looked at him with an angry expression "like I said I'm a god that's how I know. You, on the other hand, will get to know that it's not smart to anger a God when he's bored as hell".

The man snapped his fingers and out of thin air, a file appeared. The 'god' began skimming through it and suddenly burst into laughter.

When the man calmed down he looked at him "Ryan, just how stupid are you to not have figured out what your partner was going to do to you. Come on, his personality was a dead giveaway".

When Ryan heard him he couldn't help but curse Dan with all the cursing words he could think of.

The man gave a slight grin "I'm going to reincarnate you and see what kind of fun experiences you can provide me with".

He looked at the man "you can do that", he asked.

The god looked at him "there is nothing that I cannot do, now where should I put you?"

Ryan saw the god deep in thought and figured he should keep silent.

Shortly after the god's face brightened "got it!" he said, snapping his fingers. Not much time passed as a magic circle began forming around Ryan.

"Now kid make sure to give a good show, I'll be keeping in touch every now and then. Man, I'm a genius, who doesn't like a bit of irony after all".

Ryan was about to ask what he meant but once again he was met with darkness.

The only difference is that the only thing that was affected was his sight. He could feel something cold under his body and the wind was passing by.

No matter how hard he tried to open his eyes it didn't happen it was like they were glued shut. He tried to stand up but his body wouldn't allow him. At the moment he was laying down the front of his body was on the cold stone floor.

He felt as if gravity has increased since he couldn't get out of that position. Suddenly he felt something brush against him. Whatever it was it felt like fur. He gave up trying to move and began trying to listen around him.

After he stopped moving he could hear small whimpers coming from around him. He got scared since he couldn't see what was going on.

He found himself shivering but suddenly he was spooked when something wet and slimy began to touch his head and back.

'What's going on?'

He began to hear licking noises. After staying still for another while he began hearing claws scraping against the stone floor, followed by panting noises and then, a howl.

Ryan began putting the pieces together. He couldn't believe it, 'no-no nono'.

He began touching his body which he now realized was furry. He still tried to deny it and tried touching his hands.

His hope was shattered when he found that instead of hands he seemed to have paws.

He began thinking of what the god said before he was transported.

"That son of a gun, this is what he meant when he was talking about irony".

He just stayed still for god knows how long but then his stomach growled. After noticing how hungry he was he couldn't help but think 'fuc*'.

He was starving and suddenly he felt something round grazing his face "no-no, god please tell me you're still listening? I beg you please don't make me have to drink milk from a Wolf."

After waiting for a few minutes with nothing happening he began to lose hope "fuck this and you, I'm not going to humiliate myself in order to entertain you."

He rejected all the attempts of the mother trying to feed him. Suddenly he heard a voice, "Come on little one drink".

At first, he thought, 'I'm saved, finally a human'.

But he noticed that the voice would stop every time he was licked "the fuc*, don't tell me that I can understand wolves now".

He tried yelling out "god no matter where the hell you are I'm going to make you pay for this!"

He kept rejecting the mother's milk no matter the pain from starvation that he felt. After an unknown amount of time, he began to lose consciousness and suddenly found himself surrounded by light once again.

He found the god looking at him with his jaw dropped. After the god regained his composure he shook his head and looked at Ryan "you stupid idiot what are you doing!"

I'm going to add another 2 chapters so that you can get an idea of where I'm going with the story.

wolfster101creators' thoughts
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