
out with astro and see my cousin and ex boyfriend cnu

i was walking with astro when i saw my first boyfriend and cousin they were coming over here and he said hayley pls take me back i love you pls i have something for you i said me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah nah-aha asked you once asked you twice now there's lipstick on your collar you say she's just a friend now then why don't we call her so you wanna go home with someone to do all things you used to do to me i swear i know you do used to take me out in your fancy car and make out in the rain and when i ring you up don't know where you are til i hear her say your name used to sing along when you played guitar that's a distant memory hope she treats you better then you treated me ha i'm on to you yeah you i'm nit your number one i saw you with her kissing and having fun if you're giving her all your money and time i'm not gonna sit here wasting mine on you yeah you ciao adios i'm done ciao adios i'm done i said goodbye ex and ex cousin i said

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