
Chapter 190: Inspection

The docks were just in front of us now, and the Capitan knew that we wouldn't be allowed to sail through the city without issue. The military blocked the exit, and you could see some soldiers looking serious as we neared the docks. A voice suddenly called out as we slowly crept closer and closer to the docks.

"All Ships coming in will be stopped for an inspection and questioning!" An officer in armor yelled as we came into the docks, clearly using mana. "All Ships that do not dock will be attacked and destroyed!"

The Captain did not even try not to dock, and after a period of time I was leaning back, sitting on the railing as a group of soldiers boarded the ship. The ladies were inside, and I stood walking over to the captain's cabin not long later as they talked to the captain. Not long later, a group of soldiers dove into the depths of the cargo bay, and I had the Commander of the soldiers walking over to me.

The steel helm covered their face, but the breastplate was shaped to accommodate breasts. Another female commander in a row, and I was starting to wonder about the military and putting women in charge. I felt her mana a little; she was another B ranker, which was a surprise but not really. "Hello, I am Commander Sandra," The Commander said, lifting her helm as she approached me. She stopped a foot away from me as I was dressed in my leather armor and with my bladed whip in the sheath on my hip.

I grinned, "Commander Sandra, To what do I owe the Honor?" I replied, and the woman looked me up and down and licked her lips. I could see that she was interested in me, and I looked at her body, which was covered in armor, and found that I could not do the same.

"Your ship has just left a City that is currently in a state of emergency," Commander Sandra said, her voice hard, "As someone with at least B rank power, it is interesting that you didn't stay there and fight." She finished, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"I did fight," I told her, "Fought with some undead and got on the boat that I was paying for passage on, and the Capitan no longer wanted to stay in. I had to fight to get to the ship and luckily got out of the city before the fight above the city," I told her, and Commander Sandra looked at me, and her eyes stopped on some of the bandages that were still in place.

Seemed that she had looked over them before because she was distracted by the figure involved. "My apologies, I don't seem to see many Combat wounds on the ships," Commander Sandra said, almost accusatory.

"That is because there was no fighting on the ships. The Military was clashing with the Undead at the Docks of the city, and when I finally reached the ship. I know our captain was the first of many ships to decide it was worth risking leaving the docks in the twilight before the Undead or the Military arrived. We simply wanted to move our goods and be done with it."

Commander Sandra frowned, and she looked to the Captain's cabin. "What is inside that you are protecting?" Commander Sandra asked.

"My slaves and harem," I told her, "Do you want to inspect my slaves?" I asked her.

Commander Sandra looked at me to see if I was bluffing and nodded. "Yes," She answered, and I opened the door, and Kara was dressed in something much more low-class. I didn't want her to be recognized, and Melony was on the floor with her arms bound and gagged. Walking in, Freya smiled and went back to practicing her flute. The soft sound of the flute started to whistle in our ears in a lovely melody she had learned in the academy.

"Ah, a Bard, Rare," Commander Sandra said, looking over to Freya as she walked in. "What is this woman doing on the floor?"

"I am a slave trainer and a Mistress. I love to dominate, and Melony here," I said, pointing out the woman, "is someone who is a very naughty girl. She loves to be whipped and degraded and now has just been on the receiving end of it." I looked down at her, and Commander Sandra looked at the woman and licked her lips.

"Do you sell her services?" She asked out of the blue.

I was surprised, but not completely. This was another lesbian, but it seemed to be a top, and I shook my head. "Not at this point, Commander Sandra," I said, making sure there was an appropriate amount of wishing what I was about to say wasn't true. "Melony, like Kitty in the cage, is not ready for that type of thing. I am also a beast tamer, and I would not put them or you in danger in case they get out of hand. I am a professional, and goods that are not ready for sale do not leave my hands or go into someone else's hands," I finished.

"Shame," Commander Sandra paused, and her eyes widened as she noticed my cute tigers watching her with a murderous gaze. "Are those what I think they are?" Commander Sandra asked.

"They are my babies," I told her with a sharp tone, "They are probably what you are thinking, but they are in need of training, and I am relocating myself to a place more appropriate to train them," I told her with a smile now.

Commander Sandra turned to me with her eyes narrowing. "Where are you headed?" She asked, her voice serious.

"I am looking to go to the demon lands by ship, then eventually the Dungeon. I have an invitation from a friend to meet them in the Demon lands as they complete business. Then I will learn and sharpen my body in the Dungeon later," I told her with a smile.

Commander Sandra nodded, "For a beast-kin, you seem remarkably sharp. Too few of your kind around here. Or, you know, too busy stealing and being enslaved. Remarkably dumb creatures from time to time, but I cannot say that I do hate them."

The amount of racist rhetoric that just left her mouth casually was something interesting and I smiled, pretending I didn't hear it. "Ah, Fair enough," I told her, "Do you mind if I ask you something?"

"You may," She said, and I grinned.

"Do you mind telling me when we will be able to continue our journey?" I asked.

"You will have to wait till inspection is complete and the question for the crew is finished. Then you may queue to leave as the trade here is more robust. But probably a few hours." Commander Sandra said, and I grinned.

I stepped up to her, and she looked at me sharply as I intruded into her space and brought my lips to her ear. "I have noticed you checking me out, Commander Sandra," I told her and turned my voice into the temptress, "I was wondering if you would like to spend some private time with a Tiger-kin that knows how to make women orgasm multiple times." I stepped back, "Please continue your inspection, though, Commander Sandra!" I finished with a smile on my face, and I saw Commander Sandra looking at me.

"I will continue the inspection and think about what you said," Commander Sandra stopped, paused, and looked me up and down. "It seems I have not gotten your name," She said.

"I am Sally, Slave Trainer," I introduced myself to her, "Pleased to meet you, Commander Sandra. I do hope that you take up my offer. I know you will enjoy it."

Commander Sandra nodded, "Very well, Sally, I will continue my Inspection." She said, heading out of the room and leaving the cabin, no longer looking too deeply. I grinned as the Necromancer peeked their head out from under the bed. When she finished leaving, I pointed back at the bed, and they went back into hiding.

I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to dominate that woman above the Necromancer. I do hope that she came back for some fun before sending us off. Better to have good standing when we leave. No one seemed to send a message about a Phantom Tiger-kin killing the Military from that damned city.

I grinned and everyone in the room relaxed a little as the calming sound of Freya's flute filled the room. A smile curved my lips, and I stepped out of the room to watch as the sailors watched the men dig through our cargo. Who knew that it would be their Commander that missed the most important thing?

I grinned; I loved horniness in my women and men. It made them shortsighted, and Commander Sandra started to yell at her men to hurry things along. I watched as once in a while she would look over to me and I would smile in return. Otherwise, I just watched and observed.

I would like to Sincerely dedicate this to all those who support me in my life and allow me to continue to Write. I especially appreciate those who support my works financially.

I would love to thank

AchlysApep, Xenor, Fightnguru, Royce321, Stormrall, Soundsmad, Grangel, Smile, Nightrise, Curtis1122, Azurite Paladin, M. Kennedy, Havoc, Ritsu 229, Celeng_Liar, Arl, Julekule, Z. T. Wyen, ShadowReader, С. Закиров, BIGSHOTSWAG, Hydra587, Prodigal211, Error, Belkoth, Deviantgamer9, tiffy tang, Yanuut, Ez Gipten, Tnarb, A baker, Czelphaghor, Mr.Tiemos, Dannyzee123, Hugo Dehesdin, Dallas Rachal, The Theoritizer, Kaizer, EXORAVANT, Von (the closeted futa kink), Chris, Za'afiel, MaraH87, Caid, Bertako, C. Panagis, J. Thomas, David Gillotte, Unholy Valkyrie, Aniyah Frazier, Blueecho, DarKSoulS, Skorno, HutchTheWolf, J. J. Betts, Raggedcastle, AnarchyBellic, Myr, Rodimus Scoop, GamerDude, Akashihestia, Keyku, Valkyrie, Mjkenstock, C. Nielsen, J. Baker, EvilPotatoOverlord, Iron, søren Frost, Satei, Ceymour, Ferdinand Schon, Tyler, Justin "Johnist" Johanson, QuantumServer, D. Ozols, ReclamerS117, Sir Hellington, K. Bengier, Prasad Hettiarachchi, Ryuse Ikejima, Yuna, The Crimson Maid, John Doe, Fynir, Story Seeker, The Absorber, daemon, cardrunder, David Gillotte, L. Petersen, K. Wulfe, G. Brown, Caleb McCauley, aaron whitmire, k. grim, K. Welever, Grimsoti, A. Ermitano, Lukas Kuo, C. Estey, Meagan Elba, Bob, Lost_Universe, Jesterr90, Depressedbatman, PRIC3E, Quentin, Andrew Bean, MinimumNuke, Carmelo Piazza, Vonah, Zarimous, Nathan Codispot, Connor McCaul, S. Sowell, RockSnake for supporting me on Patreon. I couldn't do it without all of you!

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