
Mountain Master's Mystery

"That is the information I am most interested in. Even Gail didn't have any info about the Mountain master."

"I can imagine why. That fellow has always been a very secretive person. He never wanted his name to be too popular."

"For a man who doesn't want to be popular, he sure has a lot of popularity."

"Who says he doesn't want to be popular? He just doesn't want his name to be known, but he craves attention and popularity.

It is just that his vanity in this category is way past normal to the point that he wants to be so popular and powerful that not knowing his name shouldn't even be a concern for the people to fear and respect him."

"What kind of stupid vanity is that?"

"He is eccentric.

You would be hearing that he is very humble, serene, and calm. Never ever believe that.

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