

The battle went on.

It is extremely intense. The Minotaurs, the undead, the vampire servants, the humans, the beasts. Every creature involved was battling crazily. The whole town was colored with blood all over.

Even the water canals are filled with blood and the blue algae are having the time of their lives. They are feasting on the blood, flesh, and bones.

The whole situation turned chaotic. The Dwarves are using the terrain and tricks to their advantage. The Vampires and Minotaurs felt the danger of water for the first time. They didn't expect that a town having a stream flowing through it could be made this deadly with just few tricks.

They are having the worst days of their lives.

The Vampires, couldn't take it anymore, they are just waiting desperately for the night. All they could think is that this would be over as soon as the night arrived because they would be able to kill Sam and his friends, crumbling the chain of command.

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