
Don't smoke anymore

Dr Nigel Miller sat on a chair in the surgery room performing a spinal tap surgery. Clad in a sterile gown, eye protector, glove, and a mask.

His theatre nurse cleansed the area with antiseptic and drapped the area, a local anaesthetic was administered on the patient who lay on his side with his knees drawn close to his chest. A quinkie with its introducer was inserted in the lower back as Dr Miller collected a colourless fluid.

" You can draw the blood from his vein and have it tasted at the lab" he said with a cold expression.

He stood up and scrub nurse help him remove his gown.

He looked exusted going up to his office. He opened the door which had a tag written

Dr Nigel Miller neurologist and


Dr Nigel's father, Dr Lean Miller was CEO of St Clara hospital. He was a grim looking short man, the burn marks on the right side of his body and face made him seem unapproachable. Everyone could tell his only son got his looks from his mother instead. Him and his son's relation was a quagmire. They where fine until he came home after his kidnapping. He came home a different and a bitter child.

He walked to​ his couch and sat roughly on it unapologetic and closed his eyes.

He had laid there less than three minute when he woke up full of energy.

" I need to go see Sam" He said to himself.

He went to the closet in his office and changed from his scrubs to a Henley style blue T-shirt and a slim fit black trousers.

Excitement engulfed his face..


Samantha laid a couple of rose flowers on her mother's casket with the help of Lisa and sat back down on her chair emotionless. She was wearing black dress dispite the steamy humidity of the afternoon.

" Ashes to ashes, dust to dust."

She heard the priest say. Her face was cold, her mother cheated her, she had walked past her mother's open casket and touched neither Grace nor her casket . She regretted not seeing her dead face, to see her for the last time and hate her even more.

More so after the autopsy, when it was reported that her mother had overdose on sleeping pills, cut her wrist, before covering herself with a plastic bag and dying of asphyxia.

She left everyone who came to celebrate her mother's life after the burial downstairs and went up to her room. Taking a packet of Marlboro cigarette, removed one stick and light it. She slowly walked to her window and stood there.

There was a knock on the door and without her answer the door opened. Dr Nigel came in.

" Who is it?" There was no answer as the footsteps continued and stopped inches from her face.

" By the smell of your​ perfume, I can tell you are male. What can I do for you?"

" You smoke now?" the voice asked disgusted...The man forcefully snatched the stick that was almost a cigarette butt and stubbed it on the empty ash try.

Samantha didn't react.

" You speak like you know me but if you not aware of my smoking then am sure, you don't. Who are you?"She asked intrigued.

" Someone who knows you from way back."

" Am not about playing guess what? with you, if you have nothing to say, please leave."

" Soon, I'll soon tell you who I am."

Samantha didn't ask again, she walked​ to her bed looking for the cigarette packet she'd toast on the bed earlier.

She heard a " clung" sounds and knew the packet was toast into her trash bin.

" Don't smoke anymore."The man said walking to the door. The voice was authoritative and it gave her the chills.

" Dusie?"

The man paused, his eyes wide and wet. He knew Sam would know him but how can he tell her what he is."

He looked back at her with teary eyes and wanted to hug her but he couldn't​ bring her any hope he was going to shutter anyway.

" Dusie? who is Dusie?

" You don't need to know please leave." Samantha said disappointed.

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