
10: Star Wars: Reborn by Jacksonion Democracy

Fic type:Oc


Synopsis: An average joe is given the chance to reincarnate into the Star War Universe with some benefits to help him survive in the brutal galaxy filled with death and adventure. However, he isn't getting the disney animated version where all the bad stuff is shunted to the side, and the lines of good and evil are black and white. The lines in this universe are so grey and blurred, sometimes you can't even tell what is good and evil. So why bother?

link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/23470/star-wars-reborn


In the middle of everything and nothing was a small dark room with no openings. The room had no beginning and no end. It existed. Inside the room was an rusted slot machine, it's age indeterminable, which stood in the center. Floating a few meters above it was a large screen of light.

A loud thunderclap echoed throughout the room as a large red wisp appeared, resembling ball of fire levitating in the air. If you looked closely, you could see scenes flickering in the center, most likely memories, revealing its status as a soul. The scenes themselves painted a picture, of violence, loss, and love. The memories flickered faster and faster, showing the evolution of the souls incarnation as it experienced life and what it meant to lose it.

With a jolt, the scenes froze, the last icon being a titanic mushroom in the distance with people full of panic and terror in the immediate surroundings.

The soul expanded and contracted, slowing down as it digested what had happened and what it meant. After the 'digestion', the memories slowly faded until it 'dissolved' deeper into the vessel of the wisp. The soul began to grow larger and the once bright red/orange turned into a dark crimson as it struggled with many emotions. Slowly, the larger flame was able to clearly understand it's situation.

A cheery voice disrupted the solumn atmosphere that had been building in the room. "Congratulations Mortal, you have won the chance to participate in the "Lottery of Reincarnation" and will be given the chance to control your future fate! Roll the slots, test your luck once more and see how high your 'budget' will be!"

The soul 'looked' around the room, searching for the source of the voice, before it eventually gave up and continued to organise it's thoughts.

He, or more appropriately, It, knew it was experiencing what comes after death, there was no doubt about that. It remembered its final moments, full of cold anger and disgust towards the idiots who led them to that fateful day, as well as its many lessons that the bitch known as life threw at it on it's journey. It trusted the wrong people, focused on the wrong areas and it paid the price. After more thinking, it realised it didn't care why the fuck it was given this "Lottery". All it wanted to do was do better the next time and make sure it doesn't happen again. However, haste never did anything good for it and it seemed the only infinite thing in this room was time so it might as well wait for something ... more.

  Time passed as the soul hovered, never moving, never doubting. It had learned patience in it's past life, and it will use the hard-earned gift as much as nescessary. One thing it did notice was a distant and quiet whispering that seemed to come from outside of this chamber. If it wasn't already dead, it might have been creepy, but now there wasn't much that could cause that reaction in the soul.

  Right as the will of the wisp was fading, the voice returned, this time without it's fake cheer.

"The stubbornness of participant E-117 has suprisingly entertained your superiors, thus you will generously be given some basic information that was previously unattainable. Participant E-117 is one of the several thousand that have been given the opportunity to choose some advantages for their next life which depends completely upon their luck and their decision-making skills. There was no special reason that Participant E-117 was chosen. The purpose of this 'lottery' is to entertai- improve the quality of life for a lucky few as long as they are capable. Does this information satisfy you E-117?"

Suprisingly, it did. The wisp would much prefer being chosen to seemingly make up the numbers, then to be chosen for an arduous and painfull task like those ridiculous protagonists from old myths. It had seen what happened to the people that stood out and it endured enough of such pain in it's prievous life, it did not need more. However, the soul was nowhere near naive enough to think that there would be no hardship or struggle in his new life, and it would be prepared and ready for it when the time comes.

  Now that it agreed to 'participate' in whatever twisted form of reincarnation this was, it floated forwards to the ancient slot machine. There was no real way to guess the sizes here as there was nothing familiar it could compare it to considering it didn't even have it's body. It looked around, feeling annoyed. How was it supposed to turn the slots with no limbs?

Almost by magic, the lever was pulled, and the loud sounds of cheesy sound effects echoed in the room as foreign and familiar symbols alike zoomed past on the archaic gambling machine. After some time it slowed down and all three symbols lined up to be the same sign, a blue star shaped rock.

The androgynous voice rang out once more, "Congratulations Mortal, you have been awarded 10,000 transcendent credits! Due to rolling three grittian borks, your first purchase will be free! Use your credits ... wisely."

The slots machine instantly disappeared, causing the soul to quiver in surprise as it looked at the monitor before noticing an extremely large list had appeared on it. The wisp looked around as it tried to contact the voice. Once again the voice resounded in the room.

"Mortal, or Participant E-117, this screen holds all of the possible options, customizations and events that can or could occur in your next life. Some will be positive ones, and those will cost credits. Some will be negative circumstances, and those will give you back some credits. Some of these situations will apply to you personally. Some of these traits will apply to everyone but you. Some of these purchases could even be something you recieve later in life, or ones that you have to earn when the time comes. You can earn traits in your new life through your actions as well, and like earlier they can be beneficial or detrimental. If you do not specify a certain cricumstance then you lose your say in the matter, and that specific matter would be left up to your fortune as per a normal reincarnation. You can also create these situations/traits, however you will be required to provide a description of it and the system will then judge a fair price, as well as give you a discount for your contributions to the store. Everything is up for sale, whether you dare to afford it is the question. You have earned the gift of one free purchase in the store. A word of warning has been given to you by the gifter, even if you can purchase a grand treasure, will it raise you up or drag you down?"

The wisp seemed to freeze as it listened to the bodyless voice, and it roughly guessed some possible builds and dilemnas it could encounter in its new life. Compacting it's knowledge from its past life, it narrowed down the focus to a general route that prioritesed potential rather then immediate power as late-game builds were always the best. Confirming it's path of development, the soul looked forward and delved into the list. The first decision currently was which universe it would be born in, and as it browsed through the familiar and unfamiliar names the voice spoke out … again.

"Mortal, the system would like to give you an extra warning that all prices currently are on a discount due to your youth and inexperience, and that if you have another opportunity to look through the shop, you would most likely not receive such favorable prices. Do not worry about your memories, as part of winning the lottery, you will remember all of your past life at suitable points".

The wisp absorbed the new information, and decided that it should try to find something similar to the shop which would greatly speed its growth in the new world. So much to do and so much time, it was a wonder this ball of essence is still sane. Thankfully it didn't have a brain, or else it would have had multiple seizures due to the amount of thinking and planning that was occuring.

Browsing through the starting realms, there were many that were familiar and tempted him, such as the Ben 10 Dimension or Planetos (Game of Thrones Universe), and others made him wonder which idiots would select them such as the Gears of War World or the Final Destination Franchise. After it had cruised through thousands of universes, one popped out which he selected immediately. He didn't care whether this universe would kill him or not, a major source of happiness in his previous life was open to him, and he was a Star Wars fan all the way.

  Once the universe was selected the screen of light shifted towards a browser form with a search-bar at the top. It was time to view his gains in this lottery of fate. As soon as it saw the prices at the top of list, the wisp started cussing out whoever was in charge of the payments as it seemed his lottery cash was more of a consolance prize if anything. Most lotteries gave out a million at least, while it only got a measly 10,000 in this shop where the good perks on average costed 5,000? The wisp seemed about to spontaneously combust from the amount of annoyance it went through, as it couldn't even use the breathing method to calm down. Why? BECAUSE IT WASN'T FUCKING BREATHING!!!

Once the spirit regained control of it's mental processes, it began examining all of the perks in the shop and forming it's path to power. Years seemed to pass, as the soul scrutinized each and every perk, whether it was stupid or not, and a plan started to form in its invisible head.

  Finally. After what felt like centuries of planning, bargaining, reading, and plotting, it had finished it's initial build. First and foremost, the wisp made its smartest decision so far, it used the golden ticket on Immortality. Well, the budgeted version, created by yours truly, as the system refused to let the soul purchase the actual Immortality for free, and the initial price caused it to go into shock.

(False) Immortality


The user cannot die naturally or artificially. The user will not age after its reaches maturity. Whenever the user would be 'killed', they will be "clinically dead" for as long as it takes their body to naturally heal until it is able to maintain basic life functions. The user will be fully conscious throughout the clinical death and all that comes with it in times of incapacitation from death. This powerful talent has a deadly flaw, but who knows if it can be fixed?

The wisp looked at the final product of its long negotiation with the system on what was appropriate for a 'freebie' and felt satisfied with its work. It was pretty sure that either it had gained some respect or some enmity from the system due to the wisps advanced bargaining techniques of "No, screw you, its Nerf or Nothing!" The soul was also pleased with the chance of full immortality, as this one just seemed like a masochist's wet dream.

The wisp observed its other traits, and felt proud. It had noticed that the more specific and limited the ability got, the cheaper it became and the long-term reliability and capability of the ability tended to cost more than immediate benefits provided by the trait. It's second perk to be chosen was Regeneration. It looked at many forms of regeneration, to help boost the power of its immortality and reduce it's downside, as well as increase its chances of survival both inside and outside of combat. To be able to afford what it needed, it tweaked the description to get the discount of being its designer, and then made it upgradeable so it could get stronger in the future, which surprisingly added only a small bit to the price. In the end, Regeneration costed roughly 1,000 credits.

Regeneration (10)


The user's regenerative system is boosted by the level of this trait (10), and can now heal 10 times faster than the average specimen of that species

The wisp was interested in eidetic memory but it was too expensive so it instead purchased:

Enhanced Brain Performance


The user is able to recall information at an enhanced rate and in much greater detail, as well as process information and reach conclusion quicker. Comparable to a average genius of that species.

Along with another expensive ability that it thought of relatively quickly:



The user's body will always remain at or return to it's peak condition. Does not prevent aging or other natural diseases

That took another 1,000 credits out of the way for the brain booster, and the second perk took a whole whopping 2,000 even with the discount and concessions. The wisp now had roughly 5,000 credits. Following the idea of potential before immediate power, it made it's second round of purchases.

Bones of Monsters


The user's bones will strengthen with time and if bones that are stronger then the user's are consumed then it will provide a immediate boost to the users bones (strength added depends on the quality of bone).

Exegi Organ's


Whenever the user's organs are damaged, the organs will repair themselves to be significantly stronger then they were before. Will not assist in the repairing process.

Another 2,000 credits consumed by the beast that was being formed. 3,000 credits left. It was very interested in purchasing some sort of system, however they were all ridiculously expensive and at the same time they raised the price of all it's other skills, so it decided for the next best thing.

Observe (2)


User is able to analyse objects and people for multitudes of information, results will be presented instinctually in a comparison to the user

The wisp fainted in mid-air after it looked at the credits left from this purchase. 2,000 credits gone! It's money was going down the drain. Only a meager 1,000 credits left. Thankfully the store didn't charge credits for normal customizations.

Name: To Be Determined

Species: Human

Sex: Male

Hair Color: Dirty Blond

Eye Color: Electric Blue

Skin Color: Fair

Height: 6'0 (Malnourished) – 6'6 (Nourished)

Birth World: Mandalore

Social Status: Orphan

Time Period: Old Republic (4000 BBY +/- 50 years)

As it was still left with points and it was doubtful he would have a oppurtunity close in the future to use them, it decided to get more traits , even if they weren't immensely useful.



User's manhood will be enhanced, in multiple ways

Moldable Body


Body will not change in any unwanted ways

Stomach from Hell


Your stomach is stronger than diamonds, with acid that is comparable to the strongest bio-chemical weapons of your previous world. NOTHING will bother your stomach.

Force Sensitive


The user has the capability to use and sense the mysterious power known as the force. Capabilities start off random

Hawk Eyes (20)


User's eyesight will be 20 times better than the average specimen of that species. User's eyesight will never degrade

The wisp briefly considered purchasing some personality traits, but it seemed smarter to earn those in its new life with his actions. In the end, due to having enough points for one last perk, it selected a perk that might seem useless now but could possibly save his life, especially in a dangerous world like Mandalore.

Scent Begone


User has no natural scent

  With no points left, the wisp selected confirm on the bottom, before being whisked into a new world full of grandeur and action.

Time continued on in the room, with the sound of whispers from the soul now gone.

Until the room vanished.

The room never existed.


What room?


Chapter 1

In the Outer Rim on planet Mandalore, in the Northern Hemisphere. The village of Krol was slowly crumbling, as raiders in strange armor with different insignias flew across the sky battling each other, causing havoc wherever they passed. Families ran into their homes and slammed the doors shut, children hid in sheltered locations as the adults grabbed weapons and ran outside to join in the fight.

In one particular home, a small blond human was being carried into the basement by his parents, all the while he was crying out, screaming "NO, MOMMY, DADDY, NOOOOOO!!!!"

The middle-aged man carrying him kept whispering encouragements to the child, about how brave he is, as a red-headed woman grabbed two suits of the strange armor, and threw one to the apparent father who caught it with his left hand. The father put down the child in the corner of the room, before backing away and pulling off an old necklace, a metallic string holding two large serrated teeth, bleached with age. The father took the struggling child's arm, and pushed the necklace into the chubby palm, before grabbing the child fingers and closing them around the necklace tightly. He looked into the child's watery blue eyes, and tried to say something, the raw emotions choking his throat, and right when his mouth opened to speak his last words to his son, he was stopped by the house exploding with fire.

Several hours later, the moons shone high in the sky as the fires slowly burned away at a once populous and vibrant town. Now another former refuge torn apart by war. Bodies littered the streets, wearing all sorts of apparel, some not even holding a weapon. Men, Woman, Children. None were spared from the fighting. Perhaps if this was in a different place, it would be called a Genocide. But in Mandalore, this would be called a purge of the weak, a curing of a tumor. Such is the life of a Mandalorian.

In a small home, now almost torn in half from a missile strike, a young boy was spasming on the floor in the basement, as he learned the truth of his nature, and forgot the past of his new body. Minutes passed in silence, broken only by the body thrashing about the scruffy floor, and the cracks of buildings burning and collapsing, with an occasional insect chirping into the surroundings. Veins visibly bulged around the childs head, as information beyond imagination was poured inside. His body contracted and relaxed repeatedly as it was forcefully enhanced to match the traits that were chosen. The boy finally gasped before sitting straight up, panting with exhaustion at the transformation he had just undergone. He jerked his sweat-soaked head up and looked at the destruction around him while trying to understand how he had even got there.

He was in an underground room, partially exposed to the night sky. The boy scanned the room with his blue eyes, but it was in vain, as whatever purpose this room served was no longer recognizable; pretty much everywhere except the child's location was covered in rubble and debris. An arm poking out from underneath a nearby rock answered the reason for the child's escape from death, signaling the shove that sent him underneath an alcove originally meant for storage. The boy looked at the calloused and scarred hands which had most likely provided for him and loved him, and felt tears welling up in his eyes along with unfamiliar emotions in his heart. He could see a leg sticking out under a pile of rubble towards his left, facing away from him. More emotions surged through him as he instinctively knew that was his mother. He raised his hands to bury his head in, before recieving another shock at the unfamiliar pair of hands that he possessed. He looked at his chubby and smooth hands, which had never done a day of hard work in their short existence, very unlike the old gnarled hands he remembered having.

The boy then looked at the large necklace still clutched in his palm, meant for an adult, with two humongous teeth threaded with a metallic chain small enough to pass as a string. The teeth themselves were 4 inches long, 1 inch wide canines, visibly serrated and still sharp enough to draw blood. While it might seem scary, for good reasons, it meant family, family he had once again lost the chance of knowing. Family that could have shown him love, but now never would. The child couldn't hold the tears back anymore, so he let it flow freely, and clenched his teeth to avoid making too much noise. He could not understand why he felt so sad. He didn't even remember who they were or their names, his name. The child got up, and attempted to find something else to distract himself with. He walked underneath the gash tearing the house apart, and looked outside into the night sky, gasping as he saw the many stars in the sky, as well as the two moons. Tears slid down on his cheeks, as he remembered. He had asked for this. He had said he would like to be a War Orphan. But ... he didn't want this ... did he?

The boy abandoned his dark thoughts, and crawled through the rubble as he climbed up the ruined stairs, passing the bloodstain of his father and the remains of his mother. Unexplained grief pulsed through his heart with every step he took, along with an immense urge to cry and scream his feelings to anyone that would listen. But he couldn't do that. Because if he did, whoever did this might come back for him. And he was sure there were scarier things other than humans on Mandalore. He had just won the chance to reincarnate in his favorite story, and it would be pathetic if he was killed within hours of his arrival because he couldn't control his emotions. Another problem which was becaming apparent, is the amount of physical and emotional pain he was feeling. There was no way that this was caused by the old him, so it must be this new body. Thinking through possible solutions, the only real option was to endure, as taking away the ability to feel pain would be a stupid idea as it was the body's way of warning you, and from what he remembered the ability to instinctively control it cost too much, making him forced to leave it be. He would have to make do by being careful and cautious like a normal mortal. Oh, the horrors of being poor.

The boy hiked out of the ruin and onto the former street, now a temporary burial ground for the slain. He looked around at all of the corpses and buildings, and did the first thing any smart reincarnated person would do in this situation. He started looting.

He looted the buildings from top to bottom, though there was one he had to abandon as it was still burning.

Then he started looting the deceased.

First he patted down the corpses for any goodies in their pockets, Mandolorian armor is pretty thrifty, there were like 5 hidden pockets per armor and each of them had a decent amount of space. Then he stripped off the Mandalorian Armor and their weapons, hey it is probably worth something, and if Skyrim had taught him anything, its to loot everything because you can never have enough money! Lastly, he dug out a shallow grave for each of the bodies, and tossed them in and buried them as best as he could. There were a few bodies that he couldn't reach due to either being buried in debris, or the boy refusing to touch them, or both. Maybe those bodies had some valuable item on them, but he wouldn't be able to bury them, so he let them be. The boy had decided to form his principles, and one of them was that while the needs of the living are more important than the dead, you must show proper respect to the dead, especially when their death meant something. Inspecting and burying all of the bodies took a couple hourse which may have seemed like a waste, but it gave him time to calm down, think and plan his next moves without breaking into tears everytime he thought of the family he could have had. Once his task was finished, he organized his rewards and was pleasantly surprised. He found;

- 41 Ingots of what he assumed to be Beskar, Mandalorian Iron, the metal they used for their armor, the metal that is so strong and durable it can withstand lightsabers. Guess he didn't have to worry about his suit in the future. Of course, this is only if it is Beskar

- 30 different sized bottles of alcohol, all of them smelled strong, and while this interested him, he didn't want to mess around too much with the alcohol while he still had the body of a child and since his safety was not guarrenteed

- 70 different pieces of Mandalorian Armor, he took out the pieces that were broken, useless, or did not suit his asthetic tastes, yes he can be picky, the man does not want a pair of bright pink combat boots. It became apparent while sorting them that the attackers were wearing grey and white armor, with all of them carrying an sigil of two spears crossing across a gold background, most likely the symbol of their house. On a interesting note, all of the mandalorian armor he had seen was in the Crusader style, the first 'generation' of mandalorian armor, hinting that he was very early in the timeline.

- 20 blaster pistols still in working condition, AKA they still fired a shot. He has no idea on how to properly use them however, as while there was similarites with guns from his past life, this is new technology that he has only seen in entertainment.

- 12 Knives/Machetes, basically it was a very sharp piece of metal, about as long as his arm and only had one edge. The boy didn't know how else to describe it, other than they was really shiny and sharp, and there were multiple styles.

- About 30 days worth of Food and Water, after he decided to make a strategic decision and eat all of the perishable goods *cough* cake *cough* in the next 30 minutes, because he was in charge and he can eat what he damn wants!

- A map of the surrounding area, showing that the name of the doomed settlement was Krol. It also informed him that there was a larger city towards the south, called Haven, as well as the obvious fact that Mandalore wasn't a desolate wasteland yet, with most of the world covered in forests and plains. Going back to Haven, he would have to check that out later. Hopefully it has a spaceport and a market.

- Finally there were the random assortments of nescessary objects for any good home, but were completely useless to him in this moment of danger. He stole what looked like a green dinosaur onesie from the pile and was currently wearing that, as his old clothes were covered in dirt, blood, and other foul liquids.

  He stored all of them in one of the basements in a large houses that was mostly intact (roof was missing but who needs that), though he kept one of the smaller blaster pistols (resembled a P250) and the smallest knife (still as big as his forearm) with him as he decided to take a nap while planning out his next moves, as making a decision while tired was never a good idea. The same way grocery shopping while hungry is the devils trap! On his way out of the basement, he stopped all movement and listened as hard as he could. He learned why the mandalorians didn't take their dead or loot with them.

  The small youth was hiding under a bed in the large house containing his loot, holding his breath as he heard thunderous stomps roam around the small town. As soon as he heard them approaching in the distance, he ran upstairs and crawled under the first bed he could find. There was no way he could fight off any of them, his only hope was the fact that he had no scent and he had hidden himself under the bed with the covers surrounding him. It seemed like only a few minutes before a monstrous snort was heard and he saw a flash of scales through some of the openings in the covers. As he was almost shitting himself from terror, he cursed himself for choosing the house without a roof and at the same time prayed to whatever dieties there were for this giant lizard to leave him be and fuck off!

Hours passed as he clutched his small knife and blaster, hiding under the bed, feeling so much fear that after a while he just didn't really care anymore. If he died, he died, but he was immortal and he was fucking tired, so it was time for a nap. He fell asleep, pondering on his new name and whether he would wake up under the bed or in dinosaur shit.


Chapter 2

Jyk Jörmungandr woke up with a start, breathing heavily, as the events of last night replayed in his mind. Flashes of mutilated bodies coursed through his mind, a small body burned and rip beyond recognition being the most prominent one. And he couldn't forget how apparently dinosaurs didn't get the memo that they weren't welcome here. Slowly, he calmed down as he controlled his breathing and his consciousness. Since he was still alive and under the bed, he likely escaped the clutches of the godzilla wannabes. After he got over the usual nightmares that comes with witnessing violence, he rolled out from under the bed to get himself ready. Thankfully the dinosaurs seemed to have left, so he wouldn't have to worry about being killed whilst taking a shit.

Jyk strolled into the small bathroom consisting of a bathtub, a toilet with cartoon designs on it, and a sink with a glass holding multiple toothbrushes, all carrying signs of the family that once lived here. It oddly resembeled a middle-class bathroom from Earth, most likely because the technology levels were similar. Jyk stood in the hallway in a daze, his expression blank, as he wondered which of the bodies lived here in peace and love before his selfish wish ruined it all. He may not have experienced love, but it never stopped his want for it. Was it the group of three who were burnt into statues of coal as one? Or was it the young child who was shot in the back of her head with her brains decorating the apocalyptic sidewalk. Shaking his head, he moved forward with purpose, as he had no time to pity the dead whether it was his fault or not, and he had made his bed. It was time to get in.

Considering the best ideas he had, were while he was on the toilet, it made sense for him to return to his trusty thinking aide and plan out his next moves, though the pink cat on the side of the toilet reminding him to flush did disturb his thoughts. He turned the tap for hot water in the bath, before sitting down on the toilet that was the perfect size for him and started to release his tension.

First and foremost, he needed to sell the goods he had 'legally' collected, as they are of no use to him and they will slow him down while he travels if he plans to go anywhere far. An issue with selling his goods came from the iconic sigils found on the attacker's armor, with whoever owning that armor most likely being upset with him making a profit off of their losses. Most likely they belonged to a large faction, which made it difficult to make a profit off the armor. Hopefully, he will be able to find someone willing to buy the armor for a good price, as the quality was quite good - especially compared to the others. And if he couldn't sell it to others, he might as well return it to the original owners as he wasn't really keen on starting a fight with a group just because of his birth parents.

Going back to selling the objects in general, he should be able to take care of all of it in the larger settlement known as Haven, although he would most likely be swindled due to his lack of knowledge regarding the currency, and his appearance. Hopefully, someone will come up like in a normal cliché, and become a good example which should smooth out the rest of my business transactions.

Next item on the Agenda, is training. He barely knew how to use a gun in his old life, so he will definitely need training for combat in both blasters, and he could pretty much forget about light-sabers for the moment.

Jyk smacked himself in the forehead as he forgot that he chose 'Force-Sensitive' as a trait, which may seem like a waste as there was a good chance of him being one anyways considering his good luck, but there was no other way to guarantee he could use the force which is a must have in this universe dominated by 'Might makes Right'.

He should probably try the Jedi first, as he should be somewhere in the required age range to become a Jedi Initiate, and their training is much kinder then the training in other large factions of the galaxy. The main issue however will be sneaking past the Jedi Masters, as if they are anywhere near the power of Yoda, they should be able to sense many things just from looking at someone, including his intentions. Jyk thought of the ways of he could be exposed, and while they were numerous, he was relatively safe as no one would suspect a young child to be aware of any plot, though it might seem suspicous that a child could make it so far on his own. And, if joining the Jedi failed, there was always the Sith. Ok, plan of action:

Quickly check up on the goods and see if there is anything he wants to keep

Find a vehicle that isn't too dinged up and use that to carry the goods to Haven

Test out some of blasters on the road, so he isn't defenseless when he gets to Haven

Sell the goods (maybe the vehicle) and gather some basic information

Try to exchange or get some currency that is accepted on Coruscant

Get a room on a ship that is headed for Coruscant

  All of this is really making Jyk wonder what made him start in Mandalore, if the first thing he is going to do is join the Jedi on Coruscant. It appears that not even luck can resolve poor foresight. On the brightside though, he now has an access point to the Mandalorian society, as they always seemed very distrustful of outsiders and people who haven't proven their strength. This will make it much easier once he comes back to Mandalore to start his real career, though they will most likely require proof of him being a Mandalorian.

Jyk hopped off the toilet, quickly wiped his ass, and slid into the steaming bath, before leaning back and relaxing his tense and tired muscles. Looting and burying is hard work, especially when you have never even seen a dead body before. As he lay in the bathtub, he tried to organise his thoughts and what he had seen to guess what time the star wars universe is in, as while he chose the option of the Old Republic, there was still a hundred years of where he could have been born in. There would be a large difference between being born before, in, or after the Mandalorian Wars.

After 15 more minutes passed, Jyk got out of the bathtub resembling the famouss prune, before his expressions flashed with a moment of rememberence, and he looked down. His face slowly melted into a very immoral grin, as he recieved visible proof that at least one of his traits had taken effect.

  On the way out he passed by a full-length mirror, and decided to check out his current appearance, as he needs to know what he is dealing with. In the adult-sized mirror he saw a small human boy, probably around 1.2 meters tall, with quite a bit of baby fat all over his body, specifically in his cheeks, although he did have the beginnings of a boxers physique. Strong jaw (partially covered in baby fat), high cheekbones, and a nice looking nose if he said so himself. He had blond hair and electric blue eyes, just like he asked for in the system. Overall, he looked like a very cute child who one would say is slightly chubby, but otherwise in perfect health. Definitely a lady-killer in the future. Jyk had debated when choosing his appearance as there were advantages and disadvantages for looking good, but in the end his vanity had won.

In terms of his actual power, Jyk assumed that his traits had already integrated with him, but since most of them were only useful in combat situations, he didn't really have a way to test them and he wasn't masochistic enough to cut himself and test his healing factor. He walked out of the bathroom, and wore what appeared to be a grey training gi meant for either children or energetic midgets. He walked outside and got started on looking for a means of transportation.

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Ms_Magiciancreators' thoughts
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