

-We were the house Draknos an ancient wizarding family said to descendants from the ancient dragons. We had dragons blood coursing through our veins. Due to our dragon ancestry we had a larger than average mana pool, extraordinary bodies and we were also more in tune with magic.

That is also the reason we were the first family Gellert Grindelwald tried to have removed as we were firm believer of the statue of secrecy. My family was caught off guard, we were a small family due to our low birthing rates and we were nearly annihilated. The only one to get away was my father, William Adam James Draknos, who also happened to have been gravely injured. The only reason we lost was because we were outnumber 10 to 1.

My father escaped to the muggle world where he met my mother Elizebeth Margaret Mary. She had found an injured dying man next to her house as she was about to take a stroll. She brought the man in to her home and nursed him back to health. They fell in love and got married they were a happy couple in the middle of war on sides. From the muggle world we had World War 2 and in the wizarding world we had Grindelwald and his acolytes.

My father knew that he didn't have much time left in the world for he was hit with an Avada Kedavra. The only reason he survived was due to his lineage. Normally one from our family as average life span of 250 years and if we stay healthy we could go up to 400. But that curse took a toll on his body and now he can only live for another 40 years.

As they started to grow old together my mother had come to learn of the magical side of the world, bit stayed far away from it as everybody thought that the most ancient and noble house of Draknos has fallen. When the wars had finally come to an end my father had made quite a name for himself as a doctor here in london.

As the years flew by, you could notice that my father was aging at a faster rate than my mother. By the time my mother was 40, she started showing signs of being pregnant. Even though most people in the neighborhood though of the couple as infertile. Then again being late is better than never.

The date was September the 15th outside of the Mary household you could hear the wailing of a child, a little boy. A happy day for the old couple. Even though Elizebeth was old and should have died during childbirth, she didn't, all thanks to a little magic.

The couple decided to name their little boy, Arthur William Adam Draknos.

At a very young age little Arthur showed intelligence and wisdom beyond his years, a quick learner he was. Finished his elementary school by the age of 5, also showed a great talent for magic. Even greater than his father who is said to be a generational talent. Due to this vary reason his father heavily warded their house so no word of his magic will be leaked to the outside world.

As the years once more flew by another dark lord rose to take the place of the last. My father had no confidence that he would survive this war if he were to join so he let it be and stayed with the family.

When Arthur turned 11 he had finished his middle school and was also the day his father passed away. William Adam James Draknos died at the age of 79, it was a sad year for not only the Mary household bit also the whole of London for their best doctor had died. Arthur's father had left behind multiple books and research material on both muggle and magical subjects which Arthur dove head first into.

3 years later Arthur had finished his high school on the same day as the boy who lived, while lived. Arthurs mother also died 2 months after, at the age of 54. At the age of 14 Arthur packed his bags and travelled the world visiting anywhere he could with all the money he had gotten from his parents death, insurance, plus all the money he had earned through selling the house. Which was quite the amount due to location and size of the house. Also came furbished and wired with electricity, which was quite od for the older homes.

Through his travels Arthur has visited many different dangerous locations and refined his dueling skills. At the age of 16 he spent 2 years in china learning martial arts from an old master. With his high talent he has mastered over 5 different styles of martial arts in 2 years.

He has also learned many languages during this time. He is fluent in not only English, but also French, Kantines, Japanese and Spanish.

When Arthur turned 19 he decided to once again bring the name of Draknos back into the wizarding community.-

I finish up my backstory on the panel and the I press enter.

"That will be my backstory. I want to wake up in a hotel, not to far from the Leaky Cauldron. Also want a vault at Gringotts with 401,000,000 galleons, which makes me richer than the Malfoy's, but still poorer than Lestrange. And I also want a wallet with $1,000 in it. I am not going to wear those robes, I am a proper gentleman and I will dress so." I state, imagining myself in my three pice suit walking around all handsome. The creator just looks at me for a second then nods.

"Very well then. You will awaken your divinity at the age of 20. Make this entertaining for me." He says. Then he Waves his hand and I black out.

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