
A Christmas Blessing

A Christmas Blessing

Jeanvia starts to wonder how life is going to be crazy and hard since her fiance passed away from war wounds and her baby is due anytime now. Nevertheless they never talk about him anymore and they only are looking into the feature for Jeanvia and Lucinda. Jeanvia is so very worried about everything being able to work out for her and her daughter.

I'm trapped in my head worried about how I am going to handle everything especially moving into a new place to be able to support my baby girl better. I know that when her daddy Luis Star passed away keeping us free, I became worried about everything and how I would ever handle it all. I love how amazing my little has helped me and my new journey of being a single mom. I will never be able to repay them from their loving hearts and warm hands. I know my beautiful Lucinda angel is going to be more than loved by everyone. 

As I was writing in my journal and listening to everyone eating and playing games; I hear ding and it's a new customer. Everyone stopped what they were doing to looking at this young cowboy looking lost in this small country town of ours. He walked in and saw me at the counter. He walked up said, "Hello, my name Micaiah and I was wondering if you can point me in the direction of the mechanic here in town?" I smiled and nodded then I pointed to Blossom and Fox Ashby. I was so surprised to see a new comer to town even if it meant that they broke down. I am a naturally shy person anyways. I made him a cup of coffee and got him a piece of Apple Crisp Pie made from scratch by Chief Maria my sister-in-law. I served it to him and told him that it's on the house. He smiled and said thank you in his british country accent. Man o man did my heart go to mush and I just couldn't but see is bright dazzling blue eyes. I could get lost in his eyes if I am not careful. 

Next thing I know is that Delia says it's time for you big present for you and Lucinda. They blindfolded me and they asked Micaiah to guide me to the secret location. We walk about 6 blocks and they took off the blindfold and removed the walls that they have had up for 3 months. As soon as they did I about fainted because they had built a house for my baby girl and I. My brother Jon and my bestfriend Dean gave me the keys to it and a brand new car. This by far the best gift that anyone could ever give me. Dean gave me the deed to the house and title to the car. Everything about my home sweet home is absolutely stunning. Next thing I know I am laying on the ground in fetal position. My water has broke and I can feel Lucinda coming. I scream DEAN HELP NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dean, Paul, Jon, and Micaiah carried me into the house and the women put down towels and blankets. 10 minutes later 10:50pm on December 22nd Lucinda was born at 5lbs and 16in long. Aviv and Delia ran to the clinic and got everything that doc Dean needed for Lucinda and I. 

After they get done cleaning everything up we rested while everyone went home until morning except for Dean and Micaiah. The two boys stayed up all night talking the few times I was awake to feed my angel I heard them talking. I took a bath, got into comfy pjs, and then came out into my living room and curled up to Dean. I decided to tell Micaiah that my fiance passed away in Iraq. I started to cry so I decided to get up and go to my bedroom and be alone. As I started to doze off again I heard Micaiah knock and then walk in and tuck me in. I started feeling butterflies in my tummy and my heart missed a beat when he whisper in my ear something so sweet I can't even repeat it.

When I woke up again, I heard laughter, and smelled something very yummy. Walked into my living room and saw everyone was hanging out in my living room eating a breakfast casserole made by the charming man. Delia had found my milk in the fridge and warmed it up for Lucinda Grace. She was feeding her and everyone was decorating my tree house for Christmas. My niece Raven and her friends were out back playing in the snow. It was the perfect warm welcome that any new young mother would ever want. 

I pumped 16 oz of breastmilk right before heading out to get some fresh air and somethings I left at the dinner. I walked in with Aunt Alice and Uncle Brink having their cup of coffee before opening for the day. They were surprised to see me and then they saw me get the key to my secret hiding spot and left me to get what I needed. Then when I came back down stairs we talked about me having off until Lucinda is a couple months old. They agreed and I was thrilled because I have saved up for the last 6 months for this time to finally come. I worked every chance I got and worked for everyone when they needed me. 

As I walked out the door I bumped into Micaiah and he offered to walk with me home and I agreed. He told me all about his dream to be a writer in a small town but was headed back home to his parents' ranch to take care of his family's farm while his father recovered from a combine accident. He is not only adorably charming but he is a caring loving person. When we got back to my house Blossom told Micaiah that he would be celebrating Christmas with us this year because his truck parts won't be here until December 28th. On the inside I am jumping with joy to be able to get to know this wonderful country boy. I can't wait to find out what is going to happen. I am so excited to have found someone that makes me happy again.

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