
Rebellion of The Youngest

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August, 249 A.M.A Hello, My Name is Pallavi Eshwar, 53 yrs old, I am a full time Web Writer and mother of 3 children. My Eldest's name is Jai Eshwar, 22 yrs old, is serving his 10 yrs mandatory military service. Urvi Eshwar is my Middle child, 19yrs old, she is a second year student in Mortal medicine and alchemy university. My youngest and my only concern Hari Eshwar, 17 yrs old, is a Senior student in Wodeyar High school of Wizardry and knighthood. Youngest used to be polite, well mannered child. who would respect his elders and teachers while staying away from bad influence, a typical Good boy. But today I received a call from Youngest's Homeroom teacher, she asked why Youngest did not come to school yesterday and today ? I was thunderstruck, I did not know how to answer the teacher because Youngest left the home early both the days in his high school uniform. so, I thought he would be going straight to school. My concern didn't stop there after the call I went to buy some groceries in a nearby store I meet a neighbor who claims to have seen Youngest Harassing a girl on the street day before yesterday night. Then when I was cooking lunch for myself, my husband called home angrily saying that one of his colleague saw Youngest in one of the Casinos of Red light Area. At evening when my Daughter came home she complained about Youngest, that he has been harassing one of her girlfriends. What happened to my sweet little boy? why is he doing this? Has Youngest started to rebel, I guess teenager's do that at this age but still.. Finally, I decided to take action by confronting Youngest today at dinner. ............................... A.M.A : ' Anno Monster Apocalypse ' meaning 'In the Years of Monster Apocalypse.'

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Chapter 1Wodeyar High School of Wizardry and Knighthood

August, 249 A.M.A

Chamundi Hills, Kingdom of Mysore

Wodeyar high school of Wizardry and Knighthood, Senior year class C

Over thirty students are sitting down and are awaiting to listen to the female teacher as she imparts her knowledge. These students are a bunch of Magic Apprentices. They are Mysore City's Wodeyar high school of Wizardry and Knighthood, Forth year class C students.

The attention of the students was focused on the teacher. She had a tall figure, was wearing a crimson dress that wrapped tightly against her body, giving an emphasis of her perky chest. She had a pair of slender, white legs, and wore exquisite make-up that made her look beautiful and elegant. Her eyes were full of pride and arrogance. The Arasu Family is one of the three Major families of Mysore City. Because she is of noble birth, and a Psudeo Magic Knight, she naturally has the capital to be prideful.

As a young Psudeo Magic Knight, she wouldn't normally come here to teach. she should be toiling in the federation army, but thanks to her noble backing the mandatory 10 years army serving was excused for offering to teach the young generation of federation.

The young people of Federation have to serve mandatory 10 years in Federation army after completing their collage. If it was the Earth 250 years ago then people would protest against this as all their youth would be spent in army, but the earth today is different from 250 years ago earth as the average lifespan of human in federation reaches till 150 – 160 years, so serving 10 years mandatory in army becomes a different story with this life span. but considering the dangers outside a person would be considered lucky if his is able to celebrate his 40th birthday.

250 years ago, 30 Aug 2019, The Date which alarmists refer as the Judgment Day or the Day of Reckoning , Easterners refer as Date of Reiki Recovery and the Westerners refer it as the Date at which Mother Gaia Awakened. After this year a new calendar was introduced A.M.A i.e Anno Monster Apocalypse meaning "in the years of the Monster Apocalypse".

On this day a new energy was introduced in earth's atmosphere, which lead to people being forced to deal with a unpleasant situation commonly called as Monster Apocalypse. This Energy based on different ethnicity of mankind was called in different names, widely referred as Spiritual Energy between Heaven and Earth and had had different names for the mighty warriors who were able to master these Spiritual Energy between Heaven and Earth . But in order to create united human front against the monsters Federation dubbed it as MANA and those who are able to master this energy are known as Mage or Wizards referencing the popular RPG games 250 years ago as they were widely acknowledge and accepted at that period.

Current generation are unsure of the situation of the world 250 years ago. It's been recorded that it was the most glorious period of mankind, standing on the top of the food chain, the humans established many countries in all the seven vast continents, but those countries have been wiped out.

Kingdom of Mysore a the Feudatory Monarchy, a vassals of Federation, due to being stealthily located geographically, was well preserved under the shadow of Federation. They could survive the occasional encounter attacks from powerful Monsters within the Chamundi Hills, however, after going through numerous devastating monster tides, the city was rebuilt again and again. These motley walls of the city are an a indomitable monument.

There is another reasons for the Wodeyar Royal Family to select Chamudi hills as the base location of Mysore City, it is due to presence of Goddess Chamudi Temple at the top of the hill, the hill range is named after the Goddess. Chamundi Temple was built in 12th century that is about 1000 years from present.

The Mana did not just effect the Humans, animals and plants it also lead to the birth of Deities. Deities are beings who gained spirituality or Awareness under the influence of the mana they are not gods but just a powerful support being. Goddess Chamudi Temple at the top of the Chamundi hill is one such being. it is believed that the faith energy accumulated in the temple and goddess statue over many century's under the influence of mane gave birth to awareness in goddess statue. Dura-Europos church in Syria, Mahabodhi Temple at Bodh Gaya, Quba Mosque in Medina, Old New Synagogue of Prague are some of the famous and powerful Deities in the Federation.

People believe that Goddess Chamundi's grace and blessing is keeping the city safe for last 245 years and they are not wrong to believe that as Deities play a huge role as support for the city in which they are established with their various extraordinary support abilities like blessing, grace, purification etc. But because of this people's belief in Gods and superstition rose to a whole new level.

This city is called Kingdom of Mysore because after the fall of previous Governments during the early years of Monster Apocalypse, the remnant Royals of Mysore sized the city from the monsters with the help of the support abilities of Deity and declared it as a Feudatory Monarchy and a vassal of Federation. this is very common these days many strong Wizards and Knights with their strength and power establish their own Feudatory Monarchy become a vassal of Federation, even the Federation encourages this to ensure humanity's population and survival. as of now there are Hundreds Thousands of small Feudatory Monarchy vassals of Federation, but still far from the previous glory of mankind 250 years ago.

" Wizardary and Knighthood are two different paths, one cultivates depending upon the 11 Starts awakened with in them. As you already know that we have 12 different stars in our body namely

Prathamika Primary Stars

Netra Eyes Star

Karna Ears Star

Nasika Nose Star

Jivha Tongue star

Tvak Skin Star

Apradhanakila Secondary Stars

Snayu Muscle Star

Asrj Blood Star

Asthi Bone Star

phuphphusa Lungs Star

Vaksana Stomach Star

Asavah Life Stars

Hrdaya Heart Star

Manyu Mind Star

These stars can be awakened in any order depending on the aptitude of the Magic Apprentice. once you open and refine both primary and secondary stars you will be considered as a peak Magic Apprentice. as for the life stars only people with mana affinity can open them, any one of the two life stars are needed to become a Magic Adept or Squire. Becoming a Wizard or Knight depends upon the the life star one has awakened.

If one opens Hrdaya Heart Star he/she is destined to Cultivate Magic Knight path.

If one opens Manyu Mind Star he /she destined to Cultivate Wizard Path.

If by chance one is able to open both life Stars he will be considered as one of the genius in Federation cultivating both Wizard or Knight paths."

"Some believe a Wizard is stronger than a Knight, but that's not true both paths have their specific Pros and Cons. .. .. there is no point in discussing further as according to past statics 95% of you are not going to awaken Life star before the Collage Entrance Exam and will remain mortal for rest of your life" Xena Arasu raised her chin and spoke arrogantly, "but rest 5% of you will step into higher realm like me, I am a Psuedo Magic Knight ."

Suddenly, Xena Arasu's face and hands was covered with Icy Blue aura. Her facial shape became sharper, her hair floated upwards in air covered in a Icy Blue aura. Finally, her eyes glowed in Deep Blue color.

"I have induced frost Rule, this Rule gives me inhuman strength and speed as well as Ice Elemental abilities. Among the Rules, Frost is a Low level Earth Tier Rule."

When it came to her cultivation, the pride on Xena's face became thicker.

Xena's words caused a group of students to be amazed as Pesudo Magic Knights are existences beyond the reach for most of them.

As Xena continued lecturing on the stage, Hari was sitting in the back row. His mind was in a trance as his soul floated around.

After a while, Hari slowly opened his eyes. He couldn't help being confused by the scene in front of him.

"Where am I?" Hari quietly asked himself.

He was utterly shocked as he realized that his hands became thinner and his skin became a lot more tender.

Xena was on the stage, talking nonstop. Hari clearly remembered that this was the high school senior year. The teacher lecturing was a Pesudo magic Knight and was extremely arrogant. Because of her, Hari was unwilling to learn for quite sometime.

"Did i actually reborn?" Hari was deeply shocked. He remembered being chased by a high level magic knight and died in the battle. It seems his soul was reborn to the time when he was few months shy of becoming 18 years old.

Hari began to carefully observe everything in the classroom.

Looking around, it was the old ordinary classroom from his memories.

There are dozens of students in the classroom, who were seated together in twos and threes.

Hari was extremely excited to the point that he almost choked.

"I actually went back in time, is this real? Not a dream?" Hari asked himself as he severely pinched himself. The clear pain told him that this wasn't a dream.

Hari could not believe that he was reborn, this mysterious phenomenon happened to him. why did this opportunity fall upon him? he had no regrets, even though he was chased and killed by a high ranking magic Knight, it happens and he had lived a full life of 119 years having his share of fun. so, why him? isn't reincarnation for some vengeful Avengers or one who can't make peace with their past. anyhow opportunity is upon him so he will except it without any further thoughts.

"Hari, come back, bring your wandering mind back to the classroom, if caught by the sadist she will give you a hard time."

Before Hari reacted, he was warned by his desk mate.


After seeing a familiar face, Hari drifted into his distant memory.

Hari's mind surfaced with all the past memories of him and Daksh Yer.

About how he wasn't able to open any one of the Life Star by the end of the high school and joined Mortal Alchemy Collage, while Daksh opened his Heart star officially becoming a Knight and joined one of Federation Knighthood collage. after that their paths never crossed again expect for vocational online posts, messages and comments.

Within Mysore City, there are three Major families. The Gowda Noble Family, the Arasu Noble Family, and the Wodeyar Royal Family. They represent the supreme power of Mysore City, the pinnacle of the families is The Wodeyar Royal Family and also the official Ruler of Kingdom of Mysore.

Hari belonged to a Middle class Family, which stood at bottom of the Mysore City. Although the Federation gave them rights similar to a Democratic government, but there is an astronomical difference in status between the three Major families and the average families.

"Hari, what are you smiling at?" Daksh asked, looking puzzled at Hari. was wondering if Hari has gone crazy, since he was giggling by himself for quite sometime and was even staring at him with a longing look.

"Just being happy! I'm happy to see you, good brother!" Hari stated as he excitedly hugged Daksh Yer. It's a habit from his previous life.

After being ridiculously hugged by Hari, Daksh muttered angrily, "Oi, Hari! Who's your good brother?! Quickly, release me!"

Daksh struggled. They've been friends since the Freshman year of high school. Basically they were acquainted for 4 years and used to this level of intimacy.

Hari didn't loosen his hug. He looked at Daksh seriously and chuckled "No matter what you're thinking, in my heart, you're always my good brother!"

Naturally Hari couldn't tell Daksh, this pair of good bothers didn't meet each other even once after high school in previous life.

Looking at Hari's gaze, Daksh was stunned and couldn't help saying, "Weirdo!"

However, no matter what, the words Hari said previously, made him feel moved.

Daksh looked at Hari and said, "I know you're bored of this sadists class, but let me warn you, Do not have any ideas that theory is useless. anyhow Her period is about to be over soon next is basic training class"

Hearing Basic Training Class Hari's face hardened and drained of all the excitement and enthusiasm of rebirth he had previously.

seeing Hari's face drain of color, Daksh asked " why do you look worried? is it about the collage entrance exam in a month. you have already awakened 8 stars and with the Federations resources you will open other 3 stars in no time. the one to be worried sound be me i am still stuck at 7th star."

Daksh's encouragement didn't help lessen Hari's worries, instead it made Hari hate Daksh. because all though Hari had opened 8-stars according to his past memories it would take another year for Hari Eshwar to open his next star, where as Daksh Yer will open his next star with in 15 days from now and adding to that it would be a life star , Hrdaya Heart star.

since their is no order to opening stars in once body, one can open a life star any time. if any one life star is opened then it becomes easier to open other 10 secondary and primary stars. one has to open Life star as soon as possible as with the progression of age, opening life star becomes harder.

In his previous life, in his all 100 years he tried various ways and resources to open one of the Life Star but they bore no results. so, he knows that there's no hope for him to ever open a Life Star making this rebirth another disappointing life.

Earlier rebirth seemed as boon to Hari, but now he was clear that it was not a boon but Torment, But why him?. he didn't know what sin did he commit to deserve this. isn't rebirth to full-fill ones previous life regrets, if he can't over come his previous life regrets whats point of this rebirth other than a life of torment.

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