

Ashley Johnson stepped back and took one last look at herself in her full-length mirror, smoothing the lines on her navy linen, knee length pencil skirt and light blue silk blouse. Her tanned legs required no stockings and were nicely complimented by the stiletto heels she wore. She turned to make sure there were no visible panty lines, running her hand over her skirt covered rear. One last look at her light brown hair with blond highlights and perfectly applied makeup and she approvingly turned off the bathroom light, grabbed the matching jacket, and headed to her son's car that had just arrived in the driveway.

Ashley didn't normally get to dress up like this a lot. Since her divorce several years ago, she mostly busied herself with her work as a digital marketing manager for a large retailer. For the most part Ashley enjoyed the solitude of activities that she could do by herself. She enjoyed walking the trails in the woods near her home, or swimming at a nearby gym she had joined. There were no shortage of men asking her out but she declined the offers more often than accepting them. Most of her social interaction involved church activities (which she regularly attended), or business-related lunches, or the occasional campout with her son or a few friends. But this was a special occasion. She was being honored as the Employee of the Year at her company's annual dinner. Since she didn't have a "significant other" in her life at the moment, she invited her son, Patrick, to escort her.

Patrick Johnson looked dashing in his navy-blue pin stripe suit, white shirt and coordinated paisley tie. His brown hair was just long enough that it started to curl but he kept it stylish by using a touch of gel. He was still trim from his days of playing defensive back for the small college he went to for his undergrad degree. Now he was 28, and three years past getting his MBA. He was in the management development program for a large company with a regional office in central New York. Part of the reason he chose that company instead of the other offers he had received was because working there allowed him to move back to his home town giving him about a 20-mile commute to work. And he was less than a mile from his mom's home.

For years Patrick had a crush on his mom. It took her some time, but eventually she noted that he seemed to be infatuated with her. As he grew older and still lived in the house, Ashley recognized he was becoming a young man. Even though he was eighteen, she was still careful not to further inflame his hormones more than nature already was. She became more chaste and often wore robes instead of dashing from one room to another in bra and panties. She began to close her door when she took a shower or was putting her makeup on, usually wrapped only in a towel. He would sometimes use her used panties to smell and stroke his hard cock with until he came.

Ashley, of course, eventually caught on to the reality that her son was fantasizing about her and using her panties while he masturbated. But she never said anything. For her, the prospect of talking to her son about masturbating to something as sinful as incest was too uncomfortable to imagine. She rationalized that she was the only real chance he had to actually see a naked - or partially naked - woman in real life or touch her lingerie. When he got older and began dating girls on a more serious basis, she knew his interest in her would wane.

As the years went by Patrick did, of course, have several serious relationships with girls that were mostly his age. And after undergraduate school he had moved out of his mom's house permanently. When he took the job back and settled in his home town, he made a point to see his mother at least every other week... and usually more than that. They would have dinner together at one of their homes or would go out to a neighborhood restaurant once in a while.

While Patrick did date from time to time, he always seemed to have time for Ashley. He was her unofficial handyman around the house on the weekends and standing escort if she wanted to go to a new restaurant or see a movie with someone. Ashley enjoyed the company of someone that she knew completely accepted her and she didn't have to deal with the pressures of "dating". Patrick, on the other hand, was starting to obsess about his thoughts of seducing his mom.

He knew it was possible... there were stories in the news about such couples from time to time but the pictures of the people in those stories looked quite different from his mom and him. Ashley was an educated, attractive, successful woman. However, she was mostly oblivious to Patrick's hidden agenda. Of course she noticed when he would try and look up her skirt as he helped her out of the car. Or when he would stare at her breasts when she would wear a blouse that gaped in front or was a bit lower cut than what she usually wore. But what guy didn't behave like that? In her more introspective moments she wondered if her son still masturbated to incest fantasies. And if the thought of him masturbating to fantasies of her ever started to stimulate her libido she quickly shut those feelings down.

Patrick proudly escorted Ashley into the hotel ballroom where the dinner was being held. He could feel her hip brush against his as they mingled before sitting down at the head table. Neither wanted to chance doing something silly so both nursed one drink each all night. Despite the lack of alcohol, Ashley was in high spirits about winning the award, which included a nice cash bonus along with a small trophy and certificate for her office. She jabbered about many of the people at the dinner as Patrick drove her home, telling him all about some of the office gossip.

When they got back to Ashley's she invited him in for "a quick drink" since they didn't really get to enjoy much at the dinner. Patrick gladly agreed. He poured each of them a Maker's Mark on ice and started to walk it back to his mother's bedroom. As he got to the door, he stopped and could see her reflection in the bathroom mirror. She was standing there, struggling to undo the clasp of her bracelet dressed only in an unlined lace bra and matching bikini panties. It wasn't difficult to make out her nipples through the thin material even at that distance. Patrick stared for just a few seconds before realizing it would embarrass her if she looked up and saw him there. So he retreated back to the living room / bar area. Ashley came out a few moments later wearing a long silk robe... probably over her lingerie, but with her nipples poking through the material, Patrick opted for the more lewd thought that she was naked underneath.

He only stayed for the one drink, his hard cock straining against his pants the entire time. Ashley was oblivious. She continued to recount the evening and tell stories about her co-workers until she realized that Patrick was hardly saying a word, assuming he must be exhausted from the evening, she shooed him home to get a good night's sleep. It was all Patrick could do to keep from jerking off in the car on the way home.

When he did get home, he quickly disrobed and reached into his nightstand drawer and pulled out a pair of her black panties and a framed picture of his mom in her red bikini he kept for just such an occasion. She had asked him to take the picture a little over a year ago. They were out shopping and she decided to get a bikini to lay out in her back yard next to her pool. Not trusting the mirrors, she asked Patrick to take a picture so she could look at it objectively. It wasn't world class photography but Patrick was thrilled to have such a picture to enjoy over and over. The top tied around the neck and again in front connecting the two cups. There was enough material to cover her breasts, but not so much that it an onlooker couldn't appreciate the swell of her beautiful D cup tits almost to her areola. The next day he had a 4 X 6 copy made and he framed it so he could handle it over time without ruining it. The only reason he kept it in his drawer was that when he did have dates that wanted to join him in his bedroom, he didn't want to creep them out with a framed picture of his mom in a bikini smiling at them in bed.

As Patrick stroked his already hard cock he stared at the picture for maybe the 200th time.

"If you look really closely," he thought to himself, "you can make out the lips of her pussy in the bikini bottoms."

It didn't take long. He covered his cock with his mom's panties and shot a massive load into them.

"It was the perfect night," he thought. "Well, almost perfect... but about as good as it gets without having actually seen her naked," he smiled to himself.

He threw the picture and panties on top of his nightstand and went directly to sleep, not waking up until almost 10:00 the next morning. As he woke, he noticed he had left the picture and panties laying on top of his nightstand. He quickly put them away before starting in on his weekend morning routine. Patrick and his mom each had keys to each other's place for security reasons. If she had - for whatever reason - decided to come over this morning before he got up, she would surely have seen both her picture and her cum covered panties.

As the idea of her discovering he had framed the picture and taken a pair of her panties stirred in his imagination, Patrick began to come up with a plan that might work to seduce his mom in real life.

The next few weeks were fairly typical with one exception.

Ashley's birthday was the second Friday following the party and Patrick told her he wanted to take her to dinner and a movie. When he showed up that Friday after work, he let himself into her house (as was the custom) and loudly announced he was there. His mom replied that she was getting ready and he could come back to her room if he wanted.

Patrick walked back to her bedroom, carrying the bouquet of flowers he had stopped to get her. He stopped short as he walked in and noticed his mom was dressed only in her white bra and matching bikini panties. She was putting her earrings in and smiled at him as he looked at her backside and strained to see her bra cups in the mirror even though her arms were blocking him from getting a clear view while she snapped the back of the earring on.

His disappointment didn't last long as she turned and walked toward him giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and hug before returning to her bathroom.

"Thank you sweet PJ," she cooed as she turned to return to her bathroom and master closet. "You are the sweetest boy any mom could ask for. Would you look in the kitchen cabinets and see if you can find a vase for those beautiful flowers?"

Patrick was speechless. His mom normally took extra measures to make sure she was appropriately dressed or covered in his presence. But tonight she acted like him seeing her in bra and panties was normal behavior. He wasn't complaining and only wished he had adjusted to the reality earlier so that he could have registered a better look at her coming toward him in the white lingerie. The lingerie itself wasn't terribly sexy in that it wasn't sheer in the least. As his brain replayed the scene of his mom walking toward him, he noted this was the kind of lingerie women wear because it is comfortable, not for the primary reason of feeling sexy under their work clothes. Just as she got to the bathroom door, Patrick pointed his phone at her backside and got a snapshot of her from the back, wearing only a bra and panties. It was quick and silent, and his mom never knew. He turned and left the room.

After she dressed and they were at the restaurant curiosity overcame Patrick.

"I have to admit mom, it seems that normally when I come over you are always so careful about not letting me see you without being covered up," he grinned slyly. "That was kind of a nice change of pace for me seeing you in your lingerie."

Patrick looked down, still grinning - but turning a deep shade of red. This wasn't a typical conversation for him and his mom.

Ashley took a deep sip of her wine before answering. She too felt a little uncomfortable, but only because this was a topic that they rarely discussed. Sometimes she faulted herself that a better mother should have more open lines of communication - even if (or maybe especially if) it is about sex. But that was water under the bridge and the topic was now squarely on the table thanks to Patrick.

"Well... I kind of had a moment of clarity the night of my awards dinner," she started. "I had such a good time with you that night and enjoyed showing you off to my friends. And you were such a gentleman... I realized you aren't my little boy anymore."

Ashley tilted Patrick's face up so that she could look him in the eyes.

"Actually I guess in a sense you always will be - but I really got to see you as a young professional businessman, capable of carrying himself in public as well or better than me," she continued. "After you left I decided that it was silly for me to think of you as a teenager any longer and I wanted us to have a more mature relationship. And I suppose that includes me not feeling the need to run and throw on a robe every time you come over. We are both adults, neither of us is a virgin, I am you mother and you are my son so there really isn't any reason to hide or cover up... do you agree?"

Patrick swallowed hard. He realized that his mother was presenting a perfectly logical argument for the two of them to act like adults that are mother and son. The problem that he was having in giving an honest answer was that he did, in fact, still lust after her. Had the tables been reversed, she would have seen him in his boxers with a rock-hard cock tenting out the front.

"Sure mom," he said hesitantly. "I can see that... but... well... you know... I may be your son, but I am also just a guy and, to make matters worse, I think you are beautiful."

Ashley let out a small laugh.

"Well, if you thinking I am beautiful is making things worse, then I will just have to live with that" she smiled.

Patrick smiled also.

"That's not exactly the way that I meant it," he said. "You know how it is mom. Guys my age have a... reaction when they see a beautiful woman. I can't help it."

"I get it," Ashley stated lovingly. "But that is the difference between the teenager that I made such an effort to cover up around and the mature young man that you have become. When you were younger I knew it would be difficult for you to control yourself if you saw a naked or nearly naked woman - even if it was your own mother. Now I know that you have grown and I think we can have a more mature relationship... don't you?"

"I will do my best mom," Patrick smiled. "But I am pretty sure I am not as mature as you think I am."

They both laughed and held hands on top of the table for a few seconds until their meal arrived. After the meal they walked hand in hand to the theater in the next block and watched a crime thriller. Ashley buried her face into Patrick's chest each time there was a tense scene. Patrick, for the most part, kept his arm around his mom for almost the entire movie. Had she bothered to look, she would have seen his dick straining against his zipper.

Patrick decided that night he was going to try and execute his plan. Even if it failed, he had to try. He wanted her that badly.

On a Monday a couple of weeks later, he went to his mom's house at his lunch hour in search of a sexy pair of panties that she had worn from her hamper. He was disappointed to find she had recently done wash and there was only one pair, and they were simply white cotton panties. He left empty handed and returned a few Mondays later and was able to take a sexy pair of cranberry red nylon panties. At the same time, he returned the panties he had taken on a previous pilfering mission. That night he used them to jerk off to thoughts of Ashley while looking at the picture of her in her bikini and the one on his phone of her backside in bra and panties. He shot a nice creamy load into the panties and cleaned himself off with them. He then laid the picture down on his nightstand, with the picture facing up and placed the panties next to the picture on the nightstand. He made a slight adjustment by dragging just a small portion of the panties over the picture - but not enough to obscure that it was a picture of his mom. He then went to sleep... excited at what might happen tomorrow.

Ashley normally worked from home on Tuesday and Thursday so it wasn't unusual for her phone to ring at 9:00 that morning. When she looked down she was surprised to see it was from Patrick and not a work-related call.

"Hi PJ," she smiled into the phone. "Everything okay?"

"Kinda," he said, trying to control his breathing. "I got up late this morning and had to rush out of the house to get to work. I just remembered that my boss's boss is coming in town today and we are all supposed to go for drinks after work. I was going to wear a sport coat but left in such a hurry that I forgot it. Is there any way you can go by the house and pick one out of my closet and bring it to me? I was going to come home at lunch - but just got called into a team wide meeting at lunch today," he begged.

"Of course baby, I will be happy to," Ashley said.

"Probably my navy one... in the closet... or whichever one you think would be best," he offered. "I trust your judgement. If I am not here when you come by, just leave it with the receptionist at the front," he explained.

"No worries," Ashley said. "I will take care of it."

When Patrick hung up the phone he had butterflies in his stomach the rest of the day. He wanted her to see the used panties lying next to her picture. He had no idea if his plan would work and - if it did - how she would react.

Shortly after noon Ashley unlocked the front door to the house and walked straight to Patrick's bedroom. The house was still and quiet. When she entered the bedroom she noticed it was generally unkempt. There were clothes on the floor, the bed was unmade, and a couple of soda cans on the furniture. She walked to his closet on the far side of the room and got the jacket. As she turned to leave she saw the panties on the nightstand by the bed.

As Ashley walked out her eyes stayed focused on the panties.

"They look like a pair that I have," she thought. As she neared them two steps later she recognized her picture that Patrick had taken of her in her bikini. She stopped and stared down at both items.

Obviously he had left in such a rush that he didn't notice them there. She picked up the panties and noted the crusty feel of dried semen on them. She put them back down and picked up the photo to make sure it was what she thought it was. After confirming it was the photo she had asked him to take for her shopping benefit she put it back down as well.

The rest of the afternoon Ashley rehashed the moment over and over. Had he wanted her to find the things? No - that was impossible. Patrick was normally very neat, he would have never left his room in such a state if he knew anyone was coming over. Does he really masturbate with my picture and into my panties? Well - obviously he does... but is it me specifically or does he use my panties simply because he has access to them? He can see naked girls on the internet 24 hours a day, she realized. There must be something to the fact that my picture was there next to the used panties.All of those thoughts - and more - continued to vex her the remainder to the day and into the night. She didn't call Patrick and ask him about it... not yet... She wanted to get her thoughts straight before confronting him with what she saw.

Patrick, on the other hand, was going nuts. Had she not seen the panties? Maybe she saw them and just can't bring herself to talk to him about it. Should he say something? He couldn't do that or she would know that it was just a big set up. And so, he held is tongue. As hard as it was to not initiate a discussion about what she may have seen, there was no way he could do so without her knowing - or at least suspecting - that he had set her up. In this instance the game had to come to him.

Two nights later Ashley called and offered to bring over Chinese takeout to Patrick's on Friday night. Patrick, of course, agreed.

On Friday, as Patrick laid out the table and silverware, he and his mom talked idly about their day. Ashley had a glass of wine and was walking around the kitchen, into the dining area, and the living room. When she got to Patrick's bedroom doorway she peered in and said "Well... that room certainly looks neater than the last time I saw it."

Patrick blushed.

"Yeah, thanks again for bringing me the jacket," he mumbled. "And sorry the room was such a mess. I usually pick it up before leaving for work."

He wondered if this was an opening for them to talk more about what he hoped she had seen - but couldn't be sure. As frustrating as it was, he let the conversation hang. When they sat down to eat there seemed to be a bit more stiffness to their conversation. Finally Ashley began to discuss the elephant in the room.

"I happened to see you kept a picture of me in my bikini," she started. "I was a bit surprised to see it... and even more surprised to see it next to a pair of what I assume are my panties," she said, taking a deep drink of wine.

Patrick was ready for this conversation. While he may not have spoken to her directly, he had played out various ways she might react when she did bring it up and he had answers prepared for any of the scenarios. He didn't know where she was going next with her comments - but he knew the message that he wanted to convey, no matter how she approached the subject.

"Yeah," he started. "When I got home that night I was pretty embarrassed and was almost sure you had seen them. I guess all I can say is that I am sorry you ran across them like that," he said, sighing heavily.

"That's it?" Ashley asked. "You're sorry that I saw them? What about being sorry that you took my panties? Or sorry that you were using a picture of me with which to do... whatever?" she sputtered.

Patrick waited a moment before answering.

"Actually mom, I can't really say that I am sorry about those things," he said frankly, looking her in the eyes. "I told you that I think you are a beautiful woman and I can't help it but I do think about you as a woman sometimes and not just my mom. You asked me to take the picture and I don't feel bad about having it to look at when I think about you. I don't keep it out for public display - it is only for me. And the panties are just something that I borrow from you from time to time. You always get them back... washed and folded," he smiled.

Ashley was a little dumbstruck. She expected him to be more ashamed... more repentant.

"But PJ," she began, "It's wrong to think about incest. I know that I have raised you better than that."

"I do know that mom," Patrick responded, "But I simply can't help but think about it. I promise you that I will never touch you in any way that you don't want me to mom," Patrick intoned, carefully choosing his words. "But you need to understand that you not only have a special place in my heart, but also in my fantasy life."

"Okay," Ashley sighed. She could see this wasn't an argument she was going to win - at least tonight. And she admired Patrick's honesty and eloquence. "I guess that we can leave it there for the time being," she smiled.

The remainder of the evening was a little stiff - but not oppressively so. While they sat on the couch watching a movie, they laughed about some neighborhood gossip and Patrick told his mom about a couple of dates he had been on. Ashley started out on the far end of the couch from Patrick but, by the end of the movie, had moved so that she was snuggling next to him. They kissed each other on the cheek and hugged when she left and it seemed to Patrick that at least his plan wasn't an abysmal failure. All that he hoped to accomplish that night was to get his mom to talk to him about what she saw and let her know that he wasn't embarrassed about his fantasies. The seed had been planted. Now he needed patience to let it grow.

As Ashley drove home, she began to picture Patrick laying in his bed, naked, stroking what she expected was a decent size cock with her panties and looking at her picture.

"What was he thinking about when he did this," she wondered. Her own mind started to fill in the gaps and she pictured her son kissing her, fondling her breasts, going down on her, and ultimately fucking her.

When Ashley pulled into the driveway she had a small row of sweat on her forehead. She had driven home from Patrick's and had absolutely no recollection of the drive. She went inside and cooled off with a lukewarm shower and went to bed.

"I can think about this tomorrow," she thought as the drifted to sleep.

It was three weeks before Ashley and her son had dinner again. They spoke on the phone from time to time but the subject of his use of her picture and panties was avoided. It was frustrating to Patrick that there was no further mention of what she had seen or their conversation at his house. But he knew he had to wait. He had to let her mull it over at her own pace. If he broached the subject before she was ready, it would defeat his purpose. What he didn't know was that it was never far from Ashley's mind at any point during those three weeks. Mostly because she was conflicted between the flattery that a good-looking guy like Patrick found her so attractive that he couldn't help but fantasize about her. But she couldn't get over the moral implication of how wrong a mother son relationship was. It was only in the last few days that she had settled, at least for the moment, on an ethical compromise. People fantasized about a lot of things that they never acted on, even incest. As long as it was just fantasy, it wasn't hurting anyone.

With that conundrum "resolved", Ashley called Patrick and invited him to dinner that Friday night. He gladly accepted.

"Mom, I think that might have been the best pasta you have ever made," Patrick sighed, leaning back from the table. "I'm not sure what you did with the meat sauce this time but keep doing it."

"Okay," Ashley laughed as she refilled both of their wine glasses. "Leave the dishes, I will get them later. Catch me up on what is going on with you."

Patrick began to recount some moments from work over the past few weeks and a couple of updates of friends of his that his mom knew.

"And how is your love life these days," Ashley asked.

"About the same," Patrick responded. "A girl from work wants me to take her to a wedding next week," he smiled. "I told her okay - but I wish I was going alone. Weddings are usually great places to hook up," he laughed.

"I bet they are," Ashley laughed also. "Well, I haven't noticed any of my panties that are missing, so I am guessing you have everything that you need in that department?"

Ashley hoped her light hearted question would indicate to Patrick that she had come to terms with him using her panties and bikini photo when he took care of himself.

"I can manage with what I have, but if you are offering..." Patrick said, making eye contact with his mom over the rim of the wine glass he sipped from. "I wouldn't mind trading you if you have a pair I could take home with me... and... I could really use a new picture."

Patrick's eyes never left his moms as he made his request. It felt like he could see the fish staring at his baited hook in the line, trying to decide what to do next. He could hardly breath, afraid any movement would disturb the moment.

Ashley felt a little light headed from the wine but was clearly sober enough to grasp what her son was asking.

"I guess I can let you borrow a pair of my panties if you will bring the others back," she blushed. "So... you want some more bikini pics?" she asked, feeling a little flushed at the prospect.

"Well... I was thinking... since I already have a picture of you in the bikini, maybe I could get one of you in your lingerie," he said slowly... the room suddenly seeming very still. "It's kind of like wearing a bikini," he rationalized.

"I suppose," Ashley whispered as the considered the request. She had just recently explained to him that she didn't feel the need to run and cover up when Patrick came over. So, what's the difference, she wondered. But there did seem to be something different about him seeing her as a result of walking in unannounced and her deliberately undressing for him, knowing the pictures would be used when he stroked himself. Acting decisively before she could change her mind, she responded.

"You're right. It is like a bikini isn't it? I don't see the harm in that," she said, trying to convince herself as she stood up and began to unbutton her blouse.

With her shirt completely unbuttoned, Patrick could see that she was wearing what appeared to be the same white, opaque bra that she had on the day he saw her in the bathroom getting dressed.

"Um... mom?" he started. "Whether you know it or not, I have seen pretty much all of your lingerie. Would you mind putting on that white, lacy bra and matching panties? You know - the one that hooks together in the front?"

"Oh... yes... of course," she stammered. "I can understand why those would be more attractive for you to look at," she said as she walked back to her room.

A few minutes later she returned wearing only the bra and panties that her son had requested. Patrick stood up as she entered the room. He knew it was his imagination but there seemed to be some sort of aura surrounding her as she walked toward him... almost like a dream.

The bra was unlined and consisted mostly of lace. The lace was sewn on to a very sheer see thru fine mesh fabric that left very little to the imagination. The top inner portions of her breasts spilled out of the barely-there bra. Patrick couldn't decide whether to focus on the bare skin coming from the swell of her breasts or the shadow of her areola and nipples that he could see through the bra's sheer fabric. Before deciding on that his eyes traveled down over her toned tummy to the matching panties. They were bikini style but high cut in the legs. The same lace and sheer fabric was transparent enough that he could see his mom appeared to be completely shaved. To top it off, she had put on a pair of 5-inch stiletto heels that showed off her matching toe nail polish and strapped around the ankle.

"Will this do PJ?" Ashley asked, a little shaky as she did so. It seemed appropriate for some reason to refer to him in the most intimate way she could, calling him by the nickname she had given him when he was just a toddler.

"Wow... mom - this is even better than I dreamed... seriously..." Patrick sputtered.

They both took a large sip of wine as Ashley stood anxiously.

"How do we do this PJ?" Ashley asked.

Patrick thought quickly... He had wanted to ratchet up the stakes after letting her "discover" he masturbated to her - but he hadn't considered the details.

"Um... maybe you could lay on the bed and let me take some pictures in there?" he wondered.

"How about if I sit on the couch instead?" Ashley smiled, catching on to his ruse.

Patrick blushed.

"Sure mom, that would be great."

Ashley sat on the couch and turned slightly so that she was now laying at about a 45-degree angle against that back cushion and arm rest, one foot on the floor and the other bent and the heel and sole of her shoe on the couch. She looked down quickly to make sure the cup of the bra hadn't moved exposing her areola nor was the crotch of her panties askew exposing her pussy. She took a deep breath and smiled at Patrick.

"I'm ready when you are PJ," she exhaled.

Patrick fumbled for his phone. Had he thought this might happen, he would have brought his more expensive digital SLR, but he wasn't about to pass up on this opportunity for the sake of a few mega-pixels.

He moved around as he snapped one picture after another. Ashley's eyes followed the lens as he moved. She was getting into this. Patrick kept talking to her as he took one picture after another.

"Yes... like that... okay.. a little less smile now... move your right hand up to your hair... now drag your nails over your breasts... tilt your head up a bit more... let the bra strap fall on one of your shoulders... now use your nails on your stomach... look down like you are watching your fingers... a little lower... God, mom, you look like an angel..."

She had never let her ex or anyone she dated to take photos of her like this. Up until this moment it seemed "sinful" to do that. But now she felt adored, she felt sexy, she felt alive, she felt loved.

She also felt a tingling in her pussy. She looked at her own son's crotch and could see the strain on Patrick's shorts. She began imagining him reliving this in the privacy of his bedroom when he got home tonight. She began moving her hands over her body without being told to do so by Patrick. As she passed her right hand over the gusset of her panties, she confirmed that this moment had made her wet with anticipation.

"Maybe try unhooking the bra mom," Patrick suggested. "You don't have to show anything you don't want to... I think your bra will keep your nipples covered."

Without thinking, Ashley complied. She reached up and unfastened the front closure bra and got back to her reclining position. The lower cup began to slide down now that it wasn't hooked to the other side. Patrick was taking pictures of the unveiling of his moms left breast but the sliding stopped just as the edge of the cup got to her nipple. They were so erect that no fabric was going past there without some more effort. She sensed how wet she must be and was afraid Patrick was going to see also. She tried a pose where she crossed her legs so Patrick couldn't see the wetness starting to seep through. But when she did that it only heightened the feeling since it served to somehow massage her clit. The photo session ended shortly after that.

"I think that is enough for tonight," Ashley sputtered while sitting up. She heard one last click of the phone camera and noted Patrick was pointing the lens directly to her chest. She looked down to see her entire upper chest was a deep red. She knew that PJ recognized that as a sure sign that she wasn't just posing innocently... she knew what she was doing and she was very excited by it. Ashley didn't say anything, she only snapped her bra together and stood up.

She and Patrick were now both standing facing each other separated by less than a foot.

"That should give you enough to look at for quite a while, I would think," Ashley breathed, looking down to see his bulge tenting that front of her shorts.

"Yeah... I think so," Patrick mumbled. His mind was trying to catch up to the events of the evening.

"I think I said okay to another pair of panties for you, didn't I?" she cooed, inching even closer to her sweet PJ.

Patrick could only nod yes.

She brushed against him as she went to her bedroom to retrieve a pair from the hamper. She wasn't terribly impressed by the few pair that were in there. They were all white or grey cotton underwear. As she pondered it, she had a brainstorm. She took off her panties, wrapped herself in a towel from the waist down and returned to Patrick, the white panties he had seen on her moments earlier dangling from her well-manicured finger.

"Um... wow... thanks mom," Patrick stammered, taking them from her.

At that instant his mind seemed to catch up with the words and actions going on in the room. With a sudden moment of clarity, he reached out and put his arm around her waist and pulled her to him. She was surprised by the suddenness of PJ pulling herself like that to him. Their faces now just an inch or two apart.

"You know what I am going to do with these, don't you?" he whispered, bringing the panties up to rub against both of their cheeks. "You know I am going to go home and jerk off to those pictures of you mom. And when I cum, I am going to cum in these panties."

They could both smell her womanly scent on the panties.

"What will you be doing while I am rubbing my hard cock and sniffing your panties mom? What will you be doing when I cum all over them mom?"

"Oh my god," she thought. "My own son is about to make me cum with just his words, the force of his breath, and a hand on my lower back."

With all of the willpower she had, she put her hands on his shoulders and said, "Let's talk about this later PJ," and let him pass by her on his way to the door.

Patrick crossed the room and looked back as he got to the front door. His mom stood there wrapped in a towel and wearing a bra that clearly showed her nipples poking at the lacy material. They both wanted to run to each other and embrace - but Patrick knew that she had to have time to adjust to this new level of intimacy. Once she was able to rationalize that, he could try taking the next step.

"Patience... patience..." Patrick agonizingly thought to himself, and then turned and walked out the door.

When he returned home he came twice looking at the pictures and smelling his moms freshly used panties. He considered a third time, but decided he now had lots of time to recall the evening in his head and went to sleep.

Sleep didn't come so easily for Ashley. As soon as Patrick left, she turned out all of the lights, locked the doors, washed her face and went to bed. She didn't bother putting on pajamas that night. She only took the bra off and tossed it toward the hamper. As she tossed and turned in bed, she noticed the feel of the sheets against her nipples continued to keep them erect. Or perhaps it wasn't the sheets... perhaps it was the memory of Patrick's face within an inch of hers, her panties in his hand, rubbing both of their cheeks, reminding her he was going to use them to jerk off tonight.

Ashley started to run her hands over her tits and down toward her pussy. She quickly ran a finger over her lips just to confirm she was wet by simply thinking about the events of the night. She brought her hand back up.

"What am I doing," she thought. "I can't be fantasizing about Patrick... that's incest."

But she couldn't help it. The urge was too strong. She felt no guilt about actually masturbating... that was something that was not foreign to her. But the object of her fantasy is what had her in a quandary. Ashley felt guilty as she reached in her nightstand drawer and pulled out her vibrator, turning it on and running it along the inside of her thigh and then putting the tip directly on her clit... all the while, thinking of Patrick. The guilt gave way to a more basic urge... she needed to cum.

She used her vibrator to stimulate her clit and moved it in small circles... slowly at first... letting her juices lubricate her all over. As she got wetter she began to slide the vibrator inside and piston it in and out. There was a magical place at the roof of her vulva that especially tingled when she touched it, and one of the times she let it go inside her, she pointed it up to that special place, causing her to gasp as she pinched her nipple with her other hand.She continued this dance between the pain of pulling, twisting, pinching her nipple and the pleasure of her vibrator inside her and her finger strumming her clit.

"Oh PJ," she whispered. "I want you to fuck me baby... come fuck mommy."

Something about saying something so forbidden out loud released a torrent inside Ashley and she came as hard as she ever came before. She was too exhausted to feel any guilt or shame. Instead she immediately drifted off to sleep.

The next morning was a Saturday and both Ashley and Patrick slept later than usual. The emotional excitement of the previous night left them both spent.

When Ashley woke, it was like she was hungover. She moved slowly, a fog that seemed to surround her slowly lifted. Why did she go to bed naked? Why were the dishes not put away? What was that bra doing on the floor next to the hamper? As the stupor lifted, the guilt took over.

Ashley needed someone to talk to... but who? She could never talk to her priest about this and would be too mortified to tell any of her friends that she had made herself cum last night calling out her son's name. They lived in a small town in the middle of New York state with a population of about 2,000 and didn't trust that the few trained counselors in the town might let her confessions slip in local conversation. Her best friend was really Patrick - and he was certainly in no position to provide unbiased counsel. Her mom and dad were out of the question - they were more uptight than she was. Her sister, Stephanie, was the most likely candidate but, despite being just a year and a half apart, they were very different people. Stephanie was much more carefree with her body and her attitude than Ashley ever was.

So Ashley spent most of Saturday reading articles on the internet. One thing about the internet is that no matter what the point of view is, there are always people out there that share that view and willing to talk about it - albeit many times anonymously. Ashley may have started out trying to find articles about moms that had faced similar dilemma's and how they handled it. But after a while found herself gravitating towards articles of women that slept with their sons and the resulting outcomes... noticing she seemed to pay more attention to the ones that had a positive conclusion. Without admitting it to herself, she was looking for support for the lustful feelings she was having for her own son. And she found plenty.

Be the end of the afternoon, Ashley had accepted that her feelings were valid (at least according to the small sample size she selected to read about on the internet). Her search turned into looking for a reason to justify the base desires that had overtaken her body and mind and moved aside years of repressed sexuality stirring inside herself. She read example after example of mothers and sons who gave in to their desires and lived happily for years... and typically avoided those articles that ended more sadly.

The following week Ashley found herself masturbating almost every night. A fire had been lit in her and she wasn't doing anything to put it out. She and Patrick spoke several times during the week but nothing was mentioned about her modeling the lingerie for him - or what he was doing with those new pictures. She knew that he had a wedding to attend on Saturday, so she was elated when he invited her over to eat pizza and watch a movie at his place this Friday night.

She arrived a few minutes early, giving a quick knock and entering before he had a chance to come and open the door.

"Hi sweetheart," she called out. She found herself calling him PJ or baby or sweetheart more often these days.

"Hey mom. Come on in," Patrick yelled from his room. "I'm just getting out of the shower."

The air was already charged with sexual tension and Ashley was tempted to walk back to his room and watch him dry off... but her new found moral system wasn't ready for that step quite yet.

"There is some wine in the fridge... help yourself," Patrick called out.

Ashley poured herself a glass of Chardonnay and nervously drank about half the glass in the first two swallows.

Patrick emerged with his hair still a bit wet wearing a pair of gym shorts and a baggy t-shirt with the sleeves cut out. His arms still chiseled from the weight training of his football days, and his very white teeth contrasted with his tan face made him look like some kind of model... at least in Ashley's jaded eyes.

"I've already called in the pizza... it should be here anytime now," he smiled, giving his mom a hug and drawing her close to his body.

Sparks flew to Ashley's pussy but she managed to give him a motherly hug. She was going to let the game come to her.

Patrick stepped back to take his mom in. She was wearing a wine-colored pullover dress that reached down to mid-thigh. The top had a racerback and was cut such that the only bra choice, if one were so inclined, would be a strapless bra. Ashley decided to forego the bra tonight. The dress was made of a light enough material that it seemed to float around her legs when she moved. Not many women Ashley's age had the body to be able to pull it off... but Ashley was one of them.

"Wow mom, you look incredible," Patrick gushed. "I don't think I have ever seen that dress."

"That's because you're usually rooting around in my dirty clothes hamper," Ashley laughed.

"Okay... guilty," Patrick laughed, answering the doorbell, and tipping the pizza delivery guy.

They sat at the breakfast table and ate pizza and drank wine. The gaping holes in Patrick's shirt allowed Ashley to be reminded of how fit he still was. He was only a few years removed from playing college athletics and, while he didn't work out a lot now, he generally watched his diet and played enough rec softball and basketball that he was still in great shape. They spoke of the wedding the next night, some gossip about people they both knew, Patrick told her about the girl he was taking to the wedding, and a few other mundane topics. They both had sex on the brain - but neither seemed to be willing to make the first move. Finally Ashley cracked the door to the conversation open just a bit.

"I hope you've been enjoying the pictures from last weekend," she blushed.

"Mom, they are incredible," Patrick said enthusiastically. "I have already had to wash out the panties like four times since last Saturday," he laughed.

"We might have to get you your own panties going forward young man," Ashley said in a fake stern voice. "You are going to wear out my whole collection in no time if you keep that up," she blushed.

"You know mom," Patrick started, "we could take some more here and I could use my good camera this time," he said, his hand moving across the table to take her hand in his.

The ball was squarely in Ashley's court now. Three months ago, she would have gotten up from the table and left... insulted that her son would even suggest such a thing. But now, she let the tingling in the pit of her stomach be her guide.

"PJ, baby, I wouldn't mind letting you use your good camera, but tonight probably isn't a good night. You probably can't tell, but I'm not wearing a bra," she blushed.

"I did notice that... and I don't care," Patrick offered in almost a whisper, leaning forward, looking her in the eye, in a tone full of testosterone.

Ashley melted.

"Well then... maybe just a few," she leaned in to him, their faces inches apart.

Patrick retreated to his room and walked back in with his digital SLR and began to snap pictures as his mom got up from the table.

"Where do you want me?" she asked, "what am I supposed to be doing?"

"Well first, let's start with removing the dress," Patrick said, his voice shaking while he continued to snap various angles of his mom. His cock growing hard in his shorts even though she had revealed nothing to this point.

Ashley crossed her arms in front of her and grabbed her dress and pulled it over the top of her head. She stood there wearing only her panties and a pair of sandals and felt awkward... she raised her right arm and covered her boobs even though Patrick had already snapped two pictures of her with her arms at her sides.

He moved around her in a circle, snapping photos. She stood there self-consciously feeling gawked at.

"PJ... this is making me feel weird," she muttered, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.

"Oh God mom, no," Patrick begged, putting the camera down and looking his mother in the eyes. "You are so stunning that I lost my ability to speak for a moment. If you could only see what I see, you would be blown away by the sexiest woman I have ever seen."

Ashley smiled and blushed. She knew that she wasn't that but could understand how Patrick might be letting his libido embellish what stood before him.

"Thank you PJ... you are such a good boy," she cooed. "Would you mind taking your shirt off too? It would make me feel a little less objectified," she said, reaching up and putting her hand on the side of his face lovingly.

Patrick quickly removed his shirt and Ashley noticed a very thin sheen of sweat on his chest and shoulders, even though it was a very comfortable temperature in the house. She knew he was getting excited looking at her. His stomach still had the traces of the six pack abs he had when playing ball and his chest hair was manscaped away. He picked his camera back up and asked his mom to move to the couch.

He posed her much like he did at her house, instead of the bent leg on the couch, it was now straight and laying on the couch, her legs spread and her tits displayed.

"Move your hands over your body for me mom," Patrick breathed huskily, snapping picture after picture. She could see his growing cock tenting the front of his gym shorts. He was either wearing no underwear or was wearing boxers because there was little restraining him from pushing out the front of his shorts.

As Ashley's fingers and nails traced patterns over her tits and down to the front of her panties, she knew she was about to lost control. She knew she was wet. She knew she wanted to see her son's cock now. She knew she wanted more.

She sat up on the couch, catching Patrick somewhat off guard.

"Sit with me for a second, PJ," she said, extending her hand to his to lead him next to her on the couch.

Patrick put the camera on the coffee table and sat next to his mother... both of them shirtless and distinct tent in the front of Patrick's shorts, which he tried to adjust without his mom noticing. But his awkward movement combined with the fact his hard cock returned to pitching against the front of his shorts, was not lost on his mom.

Ashley wanted to explain to her sweet PJ that she had been overtaken with lust ever since learning that he was using her picture and her panties when he played with himself and that she couldn't help but want to help him and - specifically - help him meet the needs he had as a man. But she never got to get the words out.

When Patrick sat down, he put one arm around the back of Ashley's neck, and the other he reached out and pulled her toward him. His face closed in on hers and he kissed her... like lover's kiss. Long and deep. He felt his mother completely relax in his arms and return his kiss, her hands moving over his back and into his hair, her hard nipples grazing his chest.

Finally, they broke their kiss and slightly parted. Ashley looked down and said "baby, I just have to touch this." With that, she reached under the leg of Patrick's gym shorts and wrapped her hand around his hard cock. With a twisting of her hand, she was able to move the bottom of the shorts above her hand so that she could now see as well as touch his beautiful cock.

Ashley had only had 2 lovers in her life, including her ex-husband. The cock she was currently holding was the hardest and biggest she had ever touched. It wasn't so big to be scary - but enough so that Ashley was able to note the difference. But that mattered not at all. What mattered was who this beautiful cock was attached to... and that was her darling PJ.

"Oh PJ.... Honey... you are so hard for me baby," she cooed, stroking him and watching in fascination as a small amount of precum oozed out the top. "Here, let me take these shorts off so I can see what a big man my baby has grown into," she ordered, sliding his shorts off his legs and feet, his hard dick pulled by the elastic waistband and then popping back against his stomach as it cleared.

Patrick had lifted up so that his mom could pull his shorts off and now sat next to her completely naked, his hard cock in her tiny well-manicured hand. He could hardly believe that the seed he had intentionally planted months before had actually produced fruit.

Ashley released her hold on her son's hard dick for just a moment as she stood up and pulled her panties off, handing them to her son as she moved between his knees and parted them so that she could kneel between them.

"Here PJ... you can smell my dirty panties while I spend some time down here," she cooed, taking his hard cock into her mouth and sliding down as far as she could. Her hand remained on his cock and would slide up as her mouth moved up and then back down as she took as much of his big cock as she could handle. She let her saliva spill out onto his cock and mixed with his precum, he was dripping wet. Ashley's hand gliding up and down, with her lips following along.

"God mom," Patrick gushed, "you have no idea how long I have dreamed of this. Please don't stop," he begged.

Ashley smiled to herself... In a matter of months she had gone from being completely sexually repressed to being actually proud that her son considered her to be a good cock sucker. But she wanted more. She wanted to turn him into a literal mother fucker.

"You mean you don't even want me to stop so that I can do this?" she asked as she stood and straddled Patrick's big cock. She held it against her opening and rubbed it back and forth two times before impaling herself on it. Taking the entire beautiful, glorious, rock-hard cock completely to the hilt. They both let out deep gasps.

"PJ... you are in me baby," Ashley cried. "Is this what you think about when you jerk off? Do you think about me sitting on that nice hard dick of yours? Oh PJ... I love to feel you fucking me honey."

"Yes mom," Patrick answered, grabbing his mom's ass and squeezing it as his dick pumped in and out of her sodden pussy. "I think about kissing you, and eating you, and fucking you. I think about you being on your knees sucking my cock and I cum all over your face and hair. I think about jerking off on your feet and watching you rub it into your toes," Patrick grunted. He bent forward slightly and locked his lips around her hard nipple... the pulling on it with his teeth.

Ashley squealed in delight as she felt Patrick's teeth pull on her nipple and his hands pull her up and down on his cock. She could feel his cock swell and knew he was about to cum. She pulled off of him and quickly sank to her knees in front of him. Patrick didn't miss the meaning of her actions. He stood up and aimed his wet, messy cock directly at her face. His mom opened her mouth and took the first rope of cum in her throat. The next hit her on the forehead and some went into her hair. The next went to the bridge of her nose and her left cheek. And the last rope of cum went to her right cheek and some dribbled onto her chin, which she reached out with her tongue to lick off. Ashley took his wet slimy cock into her mouth and began to clean it off, tasting the mix of her pussy juice and his semen. She couldn't get enough of it.

As she slurped the last of both their juices off his still hard dick, they both fell back on the couch hand in hand, trying to catch their breath. For a moment they both just stared straight ahead trying to adjust to the new reality of what had just happened. Patrick was the first to move, sliding his arm around his mothers shoulder, he drew her close to him and then she followed him as he lay prone on the couch. She was on top of him now, her head resting on his shoulder, she could feel both of their heart beats. She could also feel that Patrick was, somehow, still hard.

They laid like that for just a moment until she lifted her head and looked her son in the eye.

"Are you okay mom?" Patrick asked, lovingly.

"I am baby," Ashley smiled. "I never thought we would be laying on your couch like this in about a million years... but I have to say, I like it."

She snuggled with him and could feel his cock against her stomach, still leaking. Patrick ran his hands over his moms naked back and kissed her lightly on the top of her head, the smell of sex still permeated the air. Ashley was surprised that she didn't feel terribly guilty. Maybe it would come later, after the afterglow of sex wore off. But for now, the intimacy with her best friend felt right.

"Will you stay here tonight mom?" Patrick whispered, his arm pressing her body into his. "I would like for you to."

"Of course sweetheart," Ashley replied, kissing his chest and then looking up and kissing him on the lips. "I can't think of anywhere else that I would rather be."

They both got up, hand in hand, and walked naked into Patrick's bedroom. Patrick pulled down the bedspread and sheet and his mom slid into bed. As Patrick looked down at her laying in his bed he realized that this was the culmination of a fantasy he had been fostering since he was a boy.

He tore his gaze from her so that he could go to his bathroom and retrieve a warm rag for his mom to clean the cum off her face and the small amount that had dripped onto her tits if she wanted. He also got both of them a glass of water. After the obligatory clean up and water break, he slid between the covers and they embraced as lovers do and began to kiss. This kiss was not as fervid as the first one on the couch but was filled with just as much love. It lasted minutes as their tongues battled and their hips ground together.

Patrick finally broke the kiss and began to kiss his mom's neck and bite her earlobe, eliciting a loud moan from her. He then positioned himself so that she was flat on her back and he began to kiss his way down her body... stopping first to kiss her chest and take each of her nipples one at a time into his mouth. While sucking on one, his fingers pulled on the other, twisting it and pulling it like he sensed she liked. His mom responded by driving her hips up into his and arching her back and groaning.

"Oh my God," she thought. "I have never been this turned on in my life."

For his part, Patrick reluctantly let his mother's nipples go and began kissing her stomach as he slid down her body. He felt her squirm under him, urging him along until he reached his final destination. There was enough light in the room that he could stare straight into his mother's pussy as he lay on his stomach, staring straight ahead at the folds of her labia.

He could see how wet and swollen her lips already were. He felt her moving her hips in small gyrations trying to get him to touch her there. Instead, he turned his head slightly and began to kiss and bite her inner thigh... first the right one and then the left. He nibbled in such a way that each time he changed sides he resumed on the other side a little closer to her pussy. By the time he darted his tongue over her clit for the first time it was like an electric jolt to Ashley. She literally jumped when he touched her there with his tongue.

Patrick, slowly traced his tongue over her pussy lips, parting them with his tongue, moving around, always coming back to the clit - but never staying too long. The anticipation and build up was driving his mom wild with lust. She reached down with one hand and put it on the back of his head, making sure he didn't stray too far from where she needed him to apply his magic. With her other hand she reached up and grabbed the entirety of her right breast and then closed her thumb and index finger around her still wet nipple and pulled and twisted it."Mmmm..." Patrick hummed as he lapped at her pussy, letting his saliva drip over her lips and down the crack of her ass.

"Oh God," Ashley exhaled, tugging on her nipple, grinding her pussy into her son's face.

Patrick could sense that she was very close to cumming now... he positioned his right hand so that he could slide his index finger in her pussy while he strummed on her clit with his tongue. At the same time, a mix of her juices and his saliva had lubricated her ass now and he easily slid his ring finger in her ass.

Ashley initially tensed up but quickly relaxed as the finger popped inside her and she could feel all of the sensations overtaking her body at once. The electricity of Patrick's tongue on her clit, the fullness of his fingers simultaneously penetrating both her holes at once, and the sweet pain of the feeling of her nipples being tortured by her own hand all swelled like and orchestral overture and culminated in a sort of wave that overtook her.

Ashley arched her back and moaned loud enough that it could be heard in any room in the house. Patrick held on and kept his fingers and tongue in place and stayed with her to ride out this glorious orgasm. As she could feel it begin to crest, she pulled on Patrick and felt him slide his hard cock into her sodden pussy. Patrick began pumping in and out of his own mom and kissed her at the same time, feeling her hard nipples scrape against his chest. Ashley was in a daze, feeling only the endorphin fueled wave of bliss course through her body.

There was no guilt. No second thoughts. Only lust and when Patrick announced he was about to cum, she reached behind him and pulled on both cheeks of his ass to make sure he came inside her this time. She wanted to feel his seed shoot against her cervix.

Patrick let out a gasp and began to shoot ropes of cum into his mother's pussy, feeling both of their juices mix to make a slimy mess as he continued to piston in and out. When he finally stopped pumping semen into her he collapsed and rolled to her side, still holding her, both of them out of breath, hearts beating wildly.

They fell asleep like that and woke in each other's arms in the morning. Ashley slipped on one of Patrick's t-shirts and nothing else. Patrick partially covered himself with a pair of gym shorts. He made them breakfast and the smiled and flirted with each other over toast and bacon and eggs.

Patrick offered to cancel his date for the wedding that night so they could spend the day and another night together but his mom insisted he go.

She opened the front door to leave and he grabbed her once again and kissed her on the lips like the lovers that they had become. Initially she melted, and then stiffened afraid one of the neighbors might see them kissing like that and know she was his mom.

"You be good," she blushed. "I will talk to you tomorrow. I love you PJ," she called out lovingly, sliding into her car, letting him see she wasn't wearing any panties.

Next chapter