

It is difficult for me to say, with any degree of certainty or accuracy, exactly when I might have first begun to consciously perceive that my Auntie Claire was anything more than just the generic entity I had always known as my Mother's sister. Certainly, my earliest perceptions and recollections of her were distinctly platonic and familial. We were never especially close, she and my Uncle Charles lived several hundred miles away and, in my formative years, our families visited only once or twice a year. In my youth, I knew her essentially as a very amiable and personable woman who always remembered me fondly with a thoughtful gift on my birthdays and at Christmas. Whenever I thought of her, in those years, it was always with the same reserved warmth and affection that I had for any and all of my other Aunties and Uncles.

It was shortly after my Father's untimely passing and the coincidental, but unrelated, death of my Uncle Charles that Auntie Claire came to live with my Mother and me and the three of us became kind of a second family.

At first glance, it was often difficult for anyone to discern that Auntie Claire and my Mother were related at all, let alone sisters. They were quite a study in contrasts. While my Mother, in her early thirties at that time, was petite and slight of build with blue eyes and blond hair, her sister, Claire, six years her senior, was several inches taller with a generously full figure, auburn hair and hazel eyes. My Mother, a proud housekeeper and homemaker, was almost always dressed comfortably casual in jeans or sweatpants with a tee-shirt or pullover sweater, while Claire, a professional woman with her own real estate business, always radiated a distinctly feminine demeanor by favoring dresses or skirts.

As I began to mature and reach the age of adolescence, I am sure that it was unquestionably because of my Auntie's penchant for dressing so distinctly feminine that I, quite naturally, began to take notice of, recognize and appreciate her very appealing, physically feminine presence in the household.

In retrospect, I think I had always been aware, however innocently, of my Auntie's legs. Even as a very young boy, I was able to recognize and appreciate the fact that she was blessed with very shapely and attractive legs. Perhaps the point could somehow be made that, because of my Mother's disinclination for dresses and skirts, my Auntie's exposed legs were, for me, somehow more appealing simply by being something new and different to my experience. I suppose there might even be some truth to that. But, regardless of how or why, suffice it to say that I had always, on one level or another, been aware of, and admired, the inherent beauty of Auntie Claire's legs. It is hardly surprising, therefore, that, as I began to mature and reach puberty, my naïve and innocent admiration would, quite naturally, begin to transform into a different kind of admiration, as well as feelings that were decidedly less than platonic.

I can vividly recall one profoundly poignant incident that rather dramatically exemplified my blossoming sexual awareness. On a typically quiet Sunday afternoon, I was reclined, in my favorite position, on the floor in front of the television while my Mother and Auntie bustled about the kitchen preparing dinner and chatting amiably. From my position, I was able to see into the dining room where Auntie was setting the table. I watched her as she moved from the cupboards to the table, her high-heeled shoes clicking softly on the tile flooring. She wore a skirt I had never seen her wear before. It was navy, matching her shoes, and fully pleated, flaring to just above her knees. As she walked, her skirt seemed to spring and sway in a provocatively appealing manner. As she would turn quickly on her heel, her skirt would lightly swish in such a way so as to occasionally reveal a glimpse of her legs that was well above the hem of her skirt.

I stared in complete fascination. While I had always been cognizant of, and admired the shape and symmetry of my Auntie's legs, I had never seen her legs looking quite as lovely as they did at that moment. It was almost as though I was seeing her for the first time. The late afternoon sunlight glinted alluringly from her hosiery and seemed to accentuate and highlight ever curve and swell of her shapely calves to the soft turn of her ankle. To my complete mortification and embarrassment, I received an almost instant erection, which tented the front of my jeans obscenely, and I was forced to quickly turn away before she might notice.

Even if that particular incident was not my very first perception of physical, sexual attraction expressed specifically for my Auntie, it was certainly, at the very least, the most profound. It was, essentially, the very first occasion, I can recall, when my innocent admiration had manifested itself in a form of sexual desire.

That night, in the privacy of my bedroom, I surrendered to the impulse I had felt earlier and I masturbated while fantasizing about my Auntie's legs. It was, I believe, the very first time I ever directly focused a sexual fantasy upon or toward any one specific person and, doing so, seemed to inspire me to an intensity of pleasure I had never reached previously.

I had, by fortuitous accident, discovered the pleasures of masturbation several years earlier while climbing the support pole of a swing set on the school playground during recess. And, while I liked the sensation very much, I seemed to know instinctively that it was not something I needed to do in front of my classmates. I quickly learned to translate the playground experience to the privacy of my bedroom and, through experimentation and touching I became rather adept at pleasing myself that way. From that first accidental incident, I masturbated over the next several years on a semi-regular basis, but had only, most recently, begun to associate the act, and the pleasure derived from it, with sexual connotations. My primitive female fantasies, to that point, had been primarily generic in nature, relating, more often than not, to the intangible, imaginary women that posed for the catalogue lingerie photos.

By inadvertently employing my Auntie's legs and, by association, my Auntie, as a focal point of my sexual fantasy lent a new and special element of reality and personalization to the fantasy that I discovered to be tremendously appealing.

Because my fantasy of her had so pleasurably enhanced the experience for me, it is in no way surprising that I would come to repeat the performance many times over and, in doing so over a period of time, would inadvertently allow my Auntie to become the primary focus of all my sexual fantasies. Over the next several weeks and months, it became increasingly more difficult for me to perceive my Auntie with that same kind of childlike innocence and naiveté as I had before. She was no longer just my Auntie, an entity I had taken for granted for so many years. As my fantasies of her continued to expand and escalate, she soon became, in my adolescent eyes, an extremely attractive and desirable woman.

I began to watch for and create other situations and encounters with which I might fuel my growing infatuation for her. Feigning an offhand casual attitude, I began to watch her covertly, paying specific, physical attention to her as a woman. It seemed as if everything she did exuded a sensuality I had never noticed before; the soft whisper of her hosiery as she walked; the way some of her skirts and dresses clung to her and emphasized the swell of her hips and the plushly rounded curve of her buttocks; and her matronly voluptuous bosom which, as she moved, always seemed to sway and bounce in a most delightful way. It seemed almost inconceivable that she and I could have lived together, under the same roof, for so long without my ever noticing her exceptional loveliness.

Every day, when she arrived home from work, Auntie would always relax on the sofa with a glass of wine and read the evening newspaper. I would sit cross-legged on the floor, directly in front of her, and pretend to do my homework at the coffee table. With her face hidden by the newspaper, I took great advantage of my position to steal long revealing looks beneath her skirt and watch in astonished wonderment as she would, so gracefully, cross and uncross her legs. Most often she wore sleek, shiny pantyhose, but occasionally she would wear stockings. It was always especially sensual for me to be able to catch a glimpse of her milky white thigh above the tops of her stockings.

I began to look for any opportunity at all to take advantage of a situation where I might look up her skirt or dress, or catch a glimpse of her cleavage whenever she bent over. Each new and revealing indiscretion seemed to excite and provoke me to increasingly greater heights of arousal. My frequency of masturbation increased dramatically. From once or twice a week, it rapidly became a daily experience for me and, quite often, even more than once a day. And, almost invariably, I employed visions of my Auntie as the quintessential focus of my fantasies.

As the frequency of masturbation increased, so did my desire and need to experiment and enhance the experience. I took every opportunity, when I was alone in the house, to sneak into my Auntie's bedroom and investigate the contents of her lingerie drawers. I loved the sensory feel of her sleek underthings against my skin and quickly learned, through experimentation, what an exceptionally wonderful experience it could be to employ her lingerie to physically magnify and enhance my fantasies.

I loved to wear her lacy, nylon things. Not as a transvestite, imagining myself as a woman, but more so to physically experience exactly how my Auntie's body might feel if I was to touch her. I loved the way my legs felt so sleek and sensuous in her pantyhose, or the way the cool, sheer fabric of her nightgowns caressed my body as I moved about.

On many, many occasions, I would remove a variety of her lingerie items from the laundry hamper and secret them, for a day or two, in my bedroom. I purloined a great many of her bras, panties, hosiery and nightgowns and, after everyone had retired for the night, would wear them to bed to intensify the physical aspects of my fantasies. In this way, I managed never to soil any of my Auntie's clean lingerie with my semen and would return all of the items to the hamper, for washing, well before any of them could be missed.

And, for any of you readers who are more curious than I was at that time, most of my Auntie's bras were sized 40DD, a designation and distinction that meant nothing to me then but would, several years later, become a source of understanding and tremendous respect and appreciation.

My Mother, may God rest her soul, was taken from us quite suddenly. She died of cancer about a year and a half after my Auntie came to live with us. She went very quickly and painlessly soon after her diagnosis and, thankfully, passed away in her sleep one night with no suffering or discomfort. In her last Will and testament, she left the house and all her worldly possessions to me, with Auntie Claire as my guardian until I reached legal age. Also in her Will, my mother expressed a fervent desire that Auntie Claire and I continue live together and carry on as a family and look after one another.

Out of love and respect for my Mother, whom I knew would have been deeply hurt had she ever learned of or suspected the physical infatuation I had developed for her sister, I did my level best to keep any and all of my libidinous feelings for her suppressed. And, for several months, I was reasonably successful in those honorable efforts. I say reasonably because, although I persevered greatly and, indeed, managed to greatly diminish the frequency to only once or twice a month, I could not completely stop myself from masturbating. And, in those exquisitely crucial moments just before orgasm, it was almost impossible to keep images of Auntie Claire out of my thoughts. But, as they say, time has a way of healing all wounds and, as my grief abated over the next many months, I could not help but feel my resolve slipping away as well. With only my Auntie and myself alone together in the house, it became increasingly more and more difficult to keep those old, prurient fantasies of her suppressed, and, it was with great difficulty that I managed to maintain any measure of self-control.

One afternoon, about a year after my Mother's passing, I experienced a surprising revelation that would forever be the undoing of all my good and honorable intentions. Alone in the house while Auntie shopped for groceries, I was going about my weekly chore of vacuuming and dusting. Opening Auntie's bedroom door, I proceeded inside with the vacuum cleaner to attend to her carpet, which was strewn with bits of thread and snippets of material. Auntie had always been very accomplished with her sewing machine and, indeed, made many of her clothes, so it was not unusual to find her carpet in such disarray.

In the middle of the room, on a metal stand, stood a dress form mannequin to which Auntie had pinned her latest effort, a cream-colored cotton dress. I was just about to move the mannequin out of the way to vacuum beneath it when it suddenly struck me, like a jolt of electricity, that this mannequin's torso was, undoubtedly, the exact size and proportions as my Auntie's body. I literally gasped as a plethora of licentious thoughts began to chip away at my moral resolve. With my interest so urgently piqued, I examined the mannequin closer. Headless and without arms, it was composed of a heavy rubberized substance and covered with a cotton material. Seeing that there appeared to be no way to adjust the size, it was apparent that my Auntie must have had it custom made specifically for her.

"Oh, my God!" I whispered almost reverently, stopping the howl of the vacuum cleaner. My mind reeled with the sudden implications of my discovery. I knew I should try to keep those thoughts out of my mind, but the lure of Auntie's mannequin was just too overwhelmingly powerful. I stepped up to it and slipped my arms about the waist. My erection was immediate and could not be denied.

"Oh, God…Auntie." I sighed, feeling the soft swell of the mannequin's bosom against my chest as I pressed my hips into the mannequin and tightened my embrace about its waistline. I came in mere seconds, my orgasm sweeping over me in a tremendous rush of emotion that could not be denied. Astonished by the speed and intensity of my orgasm, I ran from her room to quickly attend to my soiled briefs. Almost more astonishing to me was how quickly all my carefully kept and honorable thoughts and intentions had seemingly just evaporated into nothingness at that moment when I realized the poignant significance of the mannequin's proportions.

I finished the rest of the house cleaning quickly and attempted, however feebly, to put the incident behind me and pretend it never happened. But, it was not to be. I seemingly could not help myself. Indeed, over the next several weeks, I employed that mannequin again and again. On several occasions, I went so far as to take it to my bedroom, where I would lay naked with it and masturbate. I quickly found myself, once again, plundering the laundry hamper for Auntie's lingerie, only this time, I used her underthings to dress the mannequin. I was especially fond of her nightgowns, which felt so sensually exquisite against me as I thrust my hips against it and ejaculated. I lay with the mannequin in a variety of positions while masturbating, most often though, I would take my pleasure simulating the sex act in the traditional missionary position. Very often, if and when I had the luxury of solitude and the time to spend, I would expand my sexual interlude with the mannequin for more than only one orgasm.

And, to my complete and utter misfortune, that is precisely how I was discovered one afternoon when my Auntie arrived home unexpectedly. Thinking myself safely within the time restraints of my endeavors, I was indulging myself with the mannequin long after my first orgasm. I was completely naked and was striving vigorously to reach my second orgasm. As I was so totally self-absorbed with my need and my strenuous exertions, it is little wonder that I did not hear Auntie's key in the front door. With my body covered in a sheen of perspiration from the energy of my exertions and the bedsprings, creaking their loud rhythmic accompaniment, I had just begun to feel myself reaching the brink of orgasm. So lost was I in my need for release that I simply could not believe or comprehend the reality of my bedroom door suddenly opening. I looked up in horror and total disbelief to see Auntie Claire filling the open doorway, staring at me in wide-eyed, open-mouthed shock. As if jolted with a bolt of lightening, I sprang backward, away from the open doorway, just as my first ejaculation erupted from the tip of my penis and jetted high into the air between us. I cried out in anguished mortification and covered my erection with both my hands.

In speechless incredulity, Auntie's eyes looked into mine and then down to her mannequin, where an obscenely large semen stain permeated the nightgown, and then back up into my eyes. I gaped at her in silent mortification and shame, feeling the warmth of my semen as, incredibly, it continued to pulse relentlessly into the palms of my hands. Auntie continued to stare at me for what seemed to be a poignantly long moment, but was in reality only a second or two, her eyes still wide with surprise. Then, she blinked and shook her head and then quickly averted her eyes.

"I'm…I'm so sorry." She stammered, keeping her face averted as she backed rapidly out of my room and pulled the door closed behind her.

I lay on my bed stunned and humiliated, almost to the point of nausea, my mind racing, trying desperately to think of something I might be able to say or do to explain away such an impossible predicament. Minutes passed and my mind raced with a plethora of flimsy excuses and explanations. But, there was absolutely no way on earth that the incident could be misinterpreted or painted in a different light. She had seen me naked, on top of her mannequin. She had, not only, seen the vulgarly apparent evidence of my previous masturbation permeating the front of her nightgown so obscenely, but had actually even witnessed my ejaculation as I had tried to roll away. Just the thought of such an unthinkable circumstance sent my heart racing and made me shiver with renewed mortification. Try, as I might, there seem to be no way, I could think of, to bring about an easy resolution to such an impossible situation. It was a little while later when my Auntie, bless her heart, came to my rescue.

While I lay in abject embarrassment, she returned to my door and knocked softly. "Honey…may I come in?" She called softly.

"No." I said apprehensively, pulling the blankets up tightly to my chin and wishing I had someplace to hide the mannequin and the stained evidence on her nightgown, which still lay beside me on the bed.

"I…I think we need to talk about what just happened." She said softly. "All right." She said a moment later when I failed to reply. "I understand if you don't want to talk to me right now…and I don't blame you."

She spoke softly and calmly, from the other side of the door, for quite some time. She seemed to understand and even empathize with my embarrassment and reticence to talk to her. To my complete surprise, she apologized profusely for intruding on my privacy. I am not sure exactly what kind of reaction I expected to receive from her, but contrition was completely unanticipated. She said she hoped I would be able to forgive her for her indiscretion and promised, over and over, that she would, thereafter, have the utmost respect for my privacy. She went on to say how the whole incident was completely her fault and how terrible she felt for causing me so much embarrassment. She spoke softly, and at quite some length, about the act of masturbation and how it was a completely normal human expression of sexuality and nothing to ever be embarrassed about.As she spoke, her voice very soft and soothing and full of understanding, I began to feel the humiliation and stress lift from my shoulders and a warm calmness begin to suffuse my body. She went on to say how she understood completely about my use of her mannequin and her nightgown to enhance the experience for me, and that I need not concern myself unnecessarily about those aspects of the incident. She even went so far as to say that it would even be perfectly all right with her if I kept her things for as long as I wished.

I listened to all she had to say in complete silence, unable to find the words to express my gratitude to her for her kindness, sympathy and understanding. I smiled and felt the tears of grateful appreciation behind my eyelids.

Finally, she apologized one final time and told me she was going to go to the kitchen to begin preparing dinner, and that she very much hoped that I would be able to forgive her and to put the whole incident out of my mind.

I listened to her walk away and then quickly dressed. I then hurriedly replaced her mannequin into her closet and her nightgown into the clothes hamper. I entered the kitchen cautiously and, without a word to her, began helping her chop up some vegetables for dinner. She smiled amiably and chatted casually about her day as if nothing had ever happened between us. By the time dinner was ready and we sat down to eat, I was even managing to feel comfortable again.

After dinner, I helped her clear the table and wiped the dishes, as she washed them, and put them away. When she finished, she turned to me, wiping her hands on a tea towel. "Are you and I…okay?" She smiled tentatively, looking down at me over the rim of her glasses.

I looked up at her and nodded. "Yeah." I said contritely, "We're okay."

She smiled warmly and put her arms about my shoulders. "I'm so glad." She whispered. "I would hate for anything like this to come between us."

"Me too." I said, slipping my arms about her waist. We embraced for several moments and I was tremendously aware of the warmth and feel of her body. I felt a distinct pull between my legs and was glad she released me before an erection could manifest itself.

She made no further mention of the incident. Indeed, I am sure she must have noticed how I had replaced her mannequin and her nightgown, but she never said a word.

Looking back on the whole incident now, I am certain that Auntie had to have been much more perplexed and concerned than her cool and calm outward expression evidenced. She had to have been tremendously curious about the circumstances surrounding everything she had so inadvertently witnessed. And, surely it must have given her quite some pause to ponder and reflect upon exactly what significance, if any, might be attributed to the fact that I had been simulating the act of sexual intercourse with a mannequin replica of her body that was dressed in one of her nightgowns. Despite her professed understanding of adolescent sexual experimentation, she must certainly have wondered how my actions might relate to her specifically. I know now that she began to devise a rather devious plan of her own in order to discover exactly what my feelings toward her might be.

It was less than a week later when, while she and I were sitting together on the sofa and watching television after dinner, she turned to me and said that she had a favor to ask of me. I, of course, assented readily.

She explained that she had not been sleeping well of late and had, that very morning seen a doctor to have her condition looked into. She went on to relate how the doctor wanted to put her on some kind of sleeping medication, for a period of time, in an attempt to allow her normal sleeping pattern to reassert itself. The medication, she explained, was extremely powerful and could possibly have some very undesirable side effects. Because of the danger of side effects, she related, she was to experimentally take one of the pills, as a precaution, before she would be given the full prescription for a longer period of time.

"So…what do you need me to do?" I asked.

She smiled indulgently and explained that, the trial dosage of the medication would render her almost completely unconscious for well over an hour and that her doctor recommended that she not be alone in the house while under the effects of the medication.

"Unconscious?" I gasped, looking at her with concern.

She nodded soberly. "I'm afraid so. And that's why I need you to help me with it. You don't really have to do anything other than just be here with me in case of some emergency. Will you do that for me?"

I nodded and told her I would, of course do whatever she needed me to do.

She smiled. "Thank you, honey…I knew I could count on you."

She said that, since she was rather apprehensive about taking the medication in the first place, she felt that she might feel a little more secure if she were to do so in my presence.

"If it's all right with you, I thought I might just lay back here on the sofa and read my book while it takes effect." She said. "And…if you have a movie or something to watch for the next hour or two…you might sort of keep an eye on me."

It would be perfectly all right, I said, and not a problem in the slightest.

"Well, okay then." She smiled as she uncapped the bottle and put one of the pills in the palm of her hand. "Here goes nothing." She popped the pill into her mouth and washed it down with the last of her dinner glass of wine.

She turned her body and lay back with her head against a cushion, lifting her legs onto the sofa and arranging her skirt. She picked up her book, thumbed to where she had left off and began to read.

There was a movie on television that I did, indeed, want to watch that night and several minutes later, I got up to change the channel on the television. While flipping the channel selector, I heard a soft "thunk" from behind me. I turned to see that she had apparently slipped into her drug-induced sleep and that her book had slipped through her fingers and onto the floor.

I picked up her book and lay it beside her on the end table. She lay slumped into the corner of the sofa, with her head turned to one side and her arms at her sides. I gently took hold of her glasses and slipped them from the bridge of her nose, folded them and put them beside the book.

"Auntie?" I called softly, touching her lightly on her shoulder. "Auntie." I called a little louder, shaking her gently. I got no response at all. I turned her head and braced her neck with one of the sofa cushions. Despite the fact that I moved her head a fair amount, she still made no conscious response or gave any outward sign that she was at all cognizant of anything.

I swallowed, looking down at her, my mind suddenly flooded with a myriad of sensual possibilities. "My god." I thought to myself, "She's completely out. I could almost do anything I wanted to her and she would never even know it."

I stood beside the sofa, looking down at her. She wore a white blouse and a navy colored skirt with matching navy shoes. I couldn't help but notice how her skirt had risen well above her knees and the way her sleek hose glistened in the lamplight.

I knelt before her, reaching across her prostrate body and placing my hand on her shoulder. "Auntie." I called to her, shaking her firmly with my hand. When I still got no response of any kind, I let my hand slide gently across her chest. I shivered as my hand moved over the mounds of her breasts and my penis became painfully erect in the tight confines of my jeans. I let my hand move over her breasts, caressing her tenderly, astonished by the sensually, soft heaviness of her flesh. Her breasts felt so wonderfully big, filling my hand completely as I cupped them and squeezed gently.

With trembling fingers, I delicately opened the top button of her blouse…and then the next…and the next. I unbuttoned her blouse all the way to where it disappeared into the waistband of her skirt and then, ever so gently, I pulled her blouse open and exposed her bra.

It was a soft almond color, with cups so elegantly sheer that I could clearly discern the dark flesh of her nipples through the fabric. I reached out and touched her breasts once more, letting my fingertips play gently over her nipples. I watched in fascination as her nipples became erect and dimpled the sheer fabric. Impulsively I bent forward and kissed the nipple closest to me. My erection cried out for release, and I was in such pain, I quickly undid the front of my jeans to relieve the pressure.

I raised up and placed my hand on her knee, shivering at the erotic sensation of her body's warmth through the sleek sheer hosiery. I caressed her leg tenderly, thrilling to the sheer feel of her hosiery against my hand. I lifted the hem of her skirt and pulled it up, exposing her to her waist. I literally gasped in surprise to see that she wore no panties beneath her pantyhose, her dark thatch of pubic hair was clearly visible behind a narrow, darkened panel that ran from her waistband down between her legs. Almost holding my breath in anticipation, I reached out and lightly laid my hand on the smooth bulge of her pubic mound. My erection ached painfully in the tight confines of my briefs.

I bent my head and lay my cheek against her thigh, feeling her warmth and the sensual feel of her sleek nylon. I was almost delirious with arousal, my penis literally aching with need. I lifted my head and swallowed. I took a quick look over my shoulder to make sure the living room curtains were closed and then pushed my jeans and my briefs down over my hips. My penis sprang free and a thrill of illicit pleasure swept over me to be so vulnerably exposed before her. I grasped my erection and pressed the tip of my penis down against her thigh, shivering deliriously at the delightfully provocative sensation of my penis against her pantyhose. I wondered how it might feel to actually lay on top of her. Would it even be possible? I shook her body once more, almost violently, to ascertain that she was still in deep unconsciousness. Then, I stood up.

I quickly stepped out of my jeans and then my briefs. Then, totally nude from the waist down, I gently straddled her, placing one knee on each side of her legs. I arched my back and pressed my hips forward, pressing my erection lightly between her thighs.

I shivered delightedly at the exquisitely sensual feel of her sleek nylon against me. I looked down to see my penis cradled between her fleshy thighs and, very slowly, allowed more and more of my weight to come to bear on her body.

I sighed aloud as I relaxed and allowed my entire weight to settle on top of her. She felt so sensuously warm beneath me, her body so wonderfully pliant and softly yielding. The reality of my Auntie's body was absolutely nothing even remotely similar to the dress form. I pressed my hips gently down onto her, feeling my penis slip, with an almost breathtaking sensuality, between her sleek, smooth thighs. I buried my face in the nape of her neck, smelling the warm clean smell of her and the soft scent of her perfume. I was almost totally intoxicated from the overwhelming sensuality of our physical intimacy. I slid my hands over her shoulders and held her firmly, pressing my hips into her with a slow sensuous rhythm. Almost before I realized what was happening, I found myself on the veritable brink of orgasm. I froze, daring not to move lest the swelling feeling overwhelm me. I held myself completely still until the urgency passed and I could relax once more.

I looked up into her face, and was surprised to see that a rather high flush had suffused her cheeks. For a moment, I was afraid she might, somehow, be aware of the physical liberties I was taking. I watched her face for some moments and saw nothing at all to indicate that she was not completely unconscious and I relaxed onto her once more.

I lay motionless, taking a hand from her shoulder; I slid it down over breast. I bent my head and kissed her warm flesh of her breast where it disappeared into the cup of her bra. Impulsively, I slipped my hand beneath her blouse to her shoulder and gently slipped her bra strap off of her shoulder. Then, I very gently pulled the cup down and exposed her nipple.

"Oh, god!" I sighed reverently as I touched her breast, so exquisitely soft, her flesh the color of milk. I caressed her small dark nipple ever so gently between my thumb and forefinger; the flesh of her dark pink areolae was wrinkled tightly and grown small around her erection. I bent my head and kissed her nipple, letting my lips play gently over her. I took her nipple gently between lips and tasted her with the tip of my tongue. I opened my mouth wide and circled her nipple with the tip of my tongue before closing my mouth over her. I suckled at her nipple ever so gently, lost in a delirium of sensuality and I began moving my hips rhythmically against her once more. I slid my body up higher and moaned aloud as I felt the tip of my penis come into contact with the soft mound between her legs.

At that moment, my suppressed orgasm returned, with even greater intensity, and I was once again on the veritable brink of losing control. Again I froze, thinking momentarily that by doing so I might once again stem the onrush of my senses. But, even as I caught my breath and ceased all movement, I felt myself slipping away into the oblivion of my need. The extremely acute sensuality of my Auntie's soft pubic mound against the tip of my penis was excruciating and could not be denied one moment longer. My penis pulsed and my first ejaculation erupted from me. A wave of orgasmic pleasure swept through my body and I could no longer hold back my unbearable need. I surrendered to that overpowering need and I moved my hips to the rhythm that could not be denied. I came…deliriously…passionately, moaning softly into her nipple with each ejaculation as I suckled her breast tenderly.

As soon as my orgasm began to abate and I returned to my senses, I was immediately overcome by the enormity of what I had just done. My god…my mind reeled…I came. I came right on her. It was one thing to touch her and tease myself, but I could not believe I could have been so inconceivably asinine. It was almost unthinkable. I sprang up in a panic, wringing my hands anxiously. "Oh, shit…Oh, shit…Oh, shit." I whispered to myself over and over.

I ran to the kitchen and frantically grabbed a handful of Kleenex. Racing back to the sofa, I knelt beside her. The bulk of my semen lay pooled in the "Y" cleft between her thighs and her pubic mound. I pressed the handful of Kleenex down between her legs and quickly sopped the majority of semen from her. Then, with a fresh handful of Kleenex, I attempted to dry the area between her legs as best I could. I pressed the Kleenex down, between her thighs, to catch any semen that may have managed to seep down between her legs. As I quickly removed almost every evidence of my indiscretion with more ease and facility than I had expected, I sat back with a sigh of relief.

I quickly put her clothing back into order, taking special care to get her bra cup into place and then buttoning her blouse. When I had finished, I stood and, looking down at her, was pleased and relieved to see that everything looked very much as it did before I had done anything to her. As a precaution, I felt up beneath her skirt to reassure myself that any residual traces of my semen had dried and thrilled to the feel of her sleek warm legs. For a moment, I even toyed with the idea of doing it all over again, but sanity prevailed and I put her skirt back into place.

I quickly pulled on my briefs and my pants and sat down on the sofa beside her. I did my best to pay attention to the television, but my mind was still racing wildly with the almost unthinkable events that had just transpired. I kept replaying the incident over and over in my mind, recalling with exquisite detail how beautiful it had felt to actually lie on her and the feel of her body against mine.

It was some time later when I glanced over and was startled to see that her eyes were open. She smiled wanly at me. "Hi." She said softly, "Was I asleep very long?"

I nodded, looking at the clock. "Yeah…I guess about an hour and a half." I answered.

She sat up, shaking her head as if to clear the sleep out of her consciousness. "Woah." She sighed with a hand to her forehead, "I guess I'm still a little out of it."

"I guess that stuff really works." I offered, hoping that, as her consciousness returned she would not notice anything I might have overlooked in my haste.

She stood up unsteadily. "It certainly seems so." She offered as she hesitatingly made her way down the hallway to the bathroom.

I cringed on the sofa, praying that she would notice nothing while she was in the bathroom. I heard the toilet flush and moments later, the bathroom door opening. I kept my eyes riveted to the television as he approached. She sat down on the sofa and crossed her legs casually.

"How do you feel, Auntie?" I asked

"Well…" She said, tentatively, "I feel pretty good actually. I certainly don't notice anything in the way of side effects. The pill worked very quickly too…I don't remember much of anything after I started reading my book."

My relief was almost palpable. She seemed completely unaware and totally at ease.

She lifted the bottle of pills and looked at it cautiously. "I'll tell the doctor tomorrow how things went…but, I don't think there are going to be any problems with side effects."

Seeing that she was apparently quite oblivious to the indiscretions I had perpetrated upon her, my guilt and anxiety quickly evaporated. Being with her so intimately had been a wonderfully beautiful experience, almost a fantasy come true in many respects. I could not help but wonder as to the possibility of other such intimacies if she were to, indeed, have a prescription for those wonderful pills.

We watched television together for another hour or so and then she excused herself to go to bed.

The next evening, at the dinner table, she related her experience at the doctor's office that afternoon. He had apparently been pleased to hear that she had not experienced any side effects, but suggested she take at least one more trial dosage to be sure.

"So…if you don't mind me imposing on you one more time…" She smiled sweetly, "I was hoping we might do it the same way we did last night."

I swallowed and nodded, feigning an indifference I did not feel. I was suddenly beside myself with anticipation. I could not believe my wonderful good fortune. In a giddy euphoria, I helped her clear the table and wash the dishes before we both retired to the sofa to watch television.

After an hour or so later she stood up and excused herself and made her way to the bathroom, returning several minutes later. She sat down again on the sofa and tentatively explained that, when she had explained the circumstances of the previous evening to her doctor, he suggested that it would be prudent for her, again as a precaution, to remove any restrictive clothing before taking the pill.

I nodded, noticing with a quick furtive glance, that she no longer wore any hosiery. She wore a red pullover sweater and a short white skirt with white, high-heeled shoes. Without hosiery, her legs looked especially smooth, her pale skin only slightly darker than the white of her skirt.

She said she thought that the time was as good as any and that, if it was all right with me, she would take the pill right away. I nodded and said that any time was fine with me. She stood up and made her way to the kitchen. I watched her return with her pill bottle and a small glass of water. As she walked, I distinctly noticed a much more pronounced bounce and sway beneath her sweater and realized, with a gasp of surprise, that she must have removed her bra as well as her hosiery.

She popped the pill into her mouth and quickly washed it down again with the water. Just as she had the previous evening, she stretched out on the sofa and began to read. My heart was pounding with suppressed anticipation. Just the thought of her with no bra or pantyhose caused me to shiver in expectation.

Several minutes later her body slumped and she slipped away, once again, into apparent unconsciousness.

Having already experienced the effect that pill had on her, I was much more confident and lost no time. As soon as I felt I had waited a prudent amount of time, I moved very quickly. I shook her, almost violently, several times, to ascertain her complete unconsciousness, then I quickly slipped out of my jeans and my briefs. I stood before her with my penis urgently erect, feeling deliciously naughty and lascivious to be so exposed. I knelt and cupped her breasts in my hands. She felt so wonderfully smooth and soft without her bra, her heavy pliant flesh so supple and warm to the touch. I gently lifted her sweater to her neck and exposed her incredible breasts. I bent my head and kissed her nipples, rubbing my face against her extraordinarily smooth flesh. Her scent filled my senses and I slid my hand down onto her leg, pulling the front of her skirt up and laying it over her stomach.

She wore an extremely sheer pair of pale blue panties, her pubic hair so provocatively visible. Reverently I reached out and caressed her pubic mound. Her thighs were so deliciously smooth to the touch and I caressed her tenderly until I could hardly stand the anxiety of my need.

Just as I had the night before, I straddled her, thrilling at the exquisitely intimate and sensual feel of her naked thighs against mine. I lay forward, allowing my weight to settle slowly onto her. My erection slid between her thighs and, just as it had happened the night before, I was almost instantly on the brink of orgasm. I lowered my mouth to her nipple and, as I suckled gently, I arched my back and pressed the tip of my penis against her soft pubic mound. I rocked my hips into her, feeling what little control I had slipping away. I didn't care; I wanted it to happen. I needed it to happen. Surrendering to that need, I pressed my buttocks down onto her thighs and thrust my hips rapidly. I moaned softly into her nipple as my first ejaculation streamed against her. I let my entire weight settle onto her and ground my pelvis into her as my penis pulsed again and again.

Spent, I lay motionless on top of her for several minutes, catching my breath and luxuriating in her clean warm scent and the delicious feel of her body beneath me. I knew from the experience of the previous day that it was not critically important for me to leap up immediately to attend to the consequence of my orgasm. I had the luxury of having a bit of time in which to indulge myself in my Auntie's body.

I raised myself slowly and stood up, smiling down at the pleasurably pooled streams I had discharged over her pubic area, her pubic mound was literally inundated with my semen. I had forgotten to bring any Kleenex with me before I had begun, so I had to leave the room in order to get some.

I returned moments later and knelt beside her on the floor. She looked so peaceful and lovely in her sleep, and so incredibly sensual with her beautiful breasts exposed an her skirt hiked so revealingly. I hesitated, not wishing to let the moment end for the evening. I reached out and gently slid my fingertips through the semen pooled against her pubic mound and traced my fingers between her legs. Such an exquisitely sensual feeling, my semen so cool and slick against the warmth of her skin. My renewed erection sprang to attention. I couldn't help myself.

Quickly, I stood and straddled her once again, laying my erection once more between her thighs to feel my own semen as a sensual lubrication between us. I slipped my hands behind her shoulders and lay my face into the nape of her neck. I moved my hips slowly, sighing audibly at the acutely sensual feeling her slick, wet thighs against my penis. I moved my hips slowly from side to side, until I was completely wet with my own semen, and then thrust into her forcefully as my second orgasm swept me away.

As I finished and lay gasping on top of her, I glanced quickly at the clock. I was surprised to see that hardly more than ten minutes had elapsed between my orgasms. If I wanted to, I could easily spend more time being intimate with my Auntie and still feel reasonably safe about the time.

I sighed my pleasure, moving my hips and pressing them down into her. Impulsively, I kissed her lightly on her cheek "Oh, Auntie…you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." I whispered, bending my lip and kissing her once more.

I pumped my hips rhythmically for several minutes until I could feel myself building toward another orgasm. Looking once again at the clock, I was dismayed to see that quite a bit of time had elapsed. I knew I should finish right then and there in order to be sure that I would be able to get my semen blotted and dried and her clothing back in order. I knew I should…but I couldn't help myself. I wanted very much to come one more time, could feel it building inside me. I held to her tightly and pumped my hips as hard and as fast as I could in order to precipitate my orgasm more quickly. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth, focusing only on my need and how beautiful it felt to be on top of her. My hips slapped loudly into her soft flesh as my movements became more and more urgent. Finally, after two very long minutes, I cried aloud and exploded in orgasm for a third time.

Sensing I had let things go way too long, I leapt up and very quickly applied a large handful of Kleenex to her pubic area, which was literally inundated with my semen. I dried her as best I could and then quickly put her clothing back into order. I quickly dressed and assumed a casual position beside her on the sofa to watch television. She came to consciousness less than a half an hour later.

I was extremely anxious about the short amount of time elapsed since I had finished with her, but all was exactly as it had been on the previous evening and my Auntie seemed completely oblivious. I breathed a heavy sigh of relief. The next day, she made no mention, whatsoever, about that days visit to the doctor or the prescription she may or may not have been given. I resisted the urge to inquire, not wishing to appear at all curious, lest I betray myself through any perceived enthusiasm.

After dinner, she and I watched television together for several hours, until it was rather late. At about her usual bedtime, she got up and went into the bathroom, leaving me in quite a quandary as to her intentions.

She returned to the living room several minutes later, wearing only her bathrobe. "Honey?" She called from the entrance to the living room. "I just wanted to let you know that tonight I'm going to be taking another one of the pills."

"Oh…okay." I stammered.

"Since everything went so well the first two times, I figured I would just take it at bedtime."

I nodded. "Oh, yeah…sure." I stammered.

She smiled sweetly. "I'm sure everything will be just fine, but…if you wouldn't mind looking in on me before you go to bed…to make sure my light is out and that everything is all right…I'd be very grateful."

I nodded. "Okay…I will." I returned.

With that, she smiled and turned. I watched her walk away down the hallway, her bare feet slapping softly on the hardwood flooring.

"Oh, my God." My mind reeled. She was, not only, going do it again, but this time she was going to be in her bed and, undoubtedly, wearing one of her nightgowns. I swallowed hard, my erection springing to immediate attention at the thought of being with her once again. I tried to concentrate on the program I had been watching, but was almost totally unable to focus my attention there.

After what seemed a long while, but was probably no more than fifteen or twenty minutes, I turned off the television and the lights. I went down the hallway in the dark, guided by the light from beneath her bedroom door. I stopped in front of her door and listened for a long time. Hearing nothing, I knocked lightly.

When I got no response, I opened the door and poked my head through the opening. "Auntie?" I called.

She lay on her back with her head fallen to one side and her reading glasses askew. Her book lay open on her chest where it had fallen from her fingers. I entered her room cautiously, calling her name several times. At her bedside, I removed her book and her reading glasses, placing them together on her night table. The blankets were pulled up over her chest and I could see two, very small, black satin nightgown straps over each shoulder.

I very gently pulled the blanket and sheet down to expose her chest. I moaned softly in open admiration to see her breasts so enticingly revealed beneath the provocatively diaphanous bodice of her nightgown. Black satin straps and black satin and lace across the top of her bodice, gave way to a heavily pleated, very sheer nylon material. Her large bosom was almost completely visible, the darker flesh of her areolae contrasting dramatically with the white flesh of her breasts.

I reached down and gently cupped one of her breasts, squeezing gently, her skin so warm and smooth under the sheer nylon. "Jesus, Auntie." I breathed. "You are so incredibly beautiful."

I took hold of the blanket and sheet and gently pulled them down as far as her knees. Dear god, my heart leapt and literally pounded in my chest to see her, totally naked beneath her nightgown which billowed around her body airily and had risen up well past her mid thighs.

I sat down on the edge of the mattress, my heart trip-hammering in my chest.

"Oh, god." I sighed as I reached out and lightly traced my fingertips over her body. She felt so poignantly smooth and warm beneath the sleek, sheer fabric of her nightgown. Taking the hem of her nightgown gently between my thumb and forefinger, I lifted her nightgown to her chest, exposing her from her breasts down. I bent my head and kissed each of her breasts in turn, cupping them with both hands and lifting the erect nipples to my lips and tracing the outline of her areolas with the tip of my tongue.

I raised up and unbuttoned the fly of my jeans, then stood quickly and removed them as well as my briefs. I sat beside her once again, bending forward to kiss her lightly on the cheek. I cupped her breast once more as I tenderly lay my cheek against hers, the intoxicating scent of her perfume filling my senses.

I raised up, looking down at her astonishingly beautiful body. I let my hand slip slowly from her breast and down over her stomach, watching while my hand glided gently over the soft rise of flesh surrounding her navel and then sloped gently down to the mound of her pubic area. Her hair was so fine and smooth to the touch, I let it play through my fingers lovingly.

I bent my head to her and kissed her stomach and all around her navel, letting my lips move sensuously against her smooth flesh while my hand cupped her pubic mound. I parted her labial lips with the flat of my finger and found her inner lips copiously slick and wet.

I had, on countless many occasions, read about, or listened to others recount their experiences regarding sexual contact with a woman, so I was well versed in the physical knowledge of a woman's vagina. But no amount of reading or schoolboy, locker room rumors could ever have prepared me for the reality of such an exquisitely sensual sensation. Realizing my finger was at or near the entrance to her vagina, I pressed my fingertip deeper into the slick cleft. I slid inside her, feeling the walls of her vagina close around my finger sensuously. My god, I had never felt anything so astonishingly sensual in my life.

I was delirious with suppressed passion. More than anything in the world at that moment, I wanted to experience the feeling of my penis inside her. But, for as much as my body seemed to cry out for the experience, my conscience would not let me do so.

As ultimately desirable as this woman was, I could not get it out of my mind that she was my Mother's sister. Even with the issue of incest aside, my Auntie was unconscious. To take advantage of her, or any other woman, in such a vulnerable state would be nothing less than rape. While I felt no tremendous amount of guilt or misgivings about using my Auntie as a focus for my sexual fantasies and masturbation, or, indeed, even physically using her body as a direct means for my physical gratification, as I was doing at that very moment, I knew instinctively that to proceed further would be beyond the bounds of moral and ethical decency.

But, the longer I thought about it, the more the evils of rationalization began to crumble my walls of moral decency. I mean, surely it would not cause the world to end if I were to put my penis inside her just for one brief moment. Just one brief instant. Not as sex, I reasoned, but more a clinical, learning experience.

After several minutes of rationalized deliberation, my lustful curiosity got the better of me and I rose up on my knees. I lifted and then parted her legs, pulling first one and then the other to the side. I gently knelt and insinuated myself between her splayed legs and then took my penis in my hand. I bent it down toward her dark thatch of pubic hair and moved the tip of my penis up and down, parting her lips and making myself slick with her lubrication.

I pressed forward with my hips and found only resistance with the tip of my penis. I pressed again but still couldn't seem to find the entrance to her vagina that I had found so easily with my finger. I lifted the tip of my penis a little higher and thrust my hips forward a third time.

With a gasp of surprise I felt myself slip effortlessly inside her. My senses exploded with a sudden excruciating sensuality like nothing I had ever experienced before in my life and I immediately began to ejaculate. I lost control completely, my orgasm sweeping me away seemingly before I could move or even form a coherent thought. The physical sensation of her vagina surrounding my penis with such an indescribably overpowering sensuality was just so awesomely overwhelming that I was physically incapable of doing anything other than surrendering to it.

I cried out, unable to move as my penis pulsed inside her and my semen erupted into her. I knew with all my heart that I should pull myself out of her, that I had to pull myself out of her. But I simply could not will my body to do so. I closed my eyes moaned softly as the muscles in my buttocks flexed spasmodically with each ejaculation and pulse of my penis.

I allowed my hips to press forward, feeling my entire length slip inexorably into her and, in the dying moments of my orgasm, I surrendered to the irresistible need to move my hips. I thrust myself into her, evoking such exquisite sensations that I cried aloud in unqualified ecstasy.

With a sigh of resignation, I lay forward on top of her as my orgasm faded and I began to regain some semblance of control. I lay on top of her, gasping for breath as the enormity of my violation left me totally aghast at my own stupidity. Yet, even as I began to castigate myself remorsefully, I was completely unable to stop myself from thrusting one last ejaculatory pulse deep inside her. Despite the feelings of mortification and self-loathing that were beginning to overwhelm me, I continued to rock my hips and move myself inside her. Dear god, her vagina was the most incredibly beautiful thing my penis had ever experienced and I savored each sensual nuance as it held me in it's slick, erotic grip.

"Oh, Jesus, Auntie…Oh, god." I sighed softly. "I didn't mean for that to happen…oh, god…I'm so sorry."

But, even as I spoke my heartfelt apology, my body betrayed my feelings by thrusting my penis as deeply as I could inside her, pulling back almost to the brink of falling from her and then plunging myself, once more, to the very limits of my length. It was the most indescribably beautiful feeling I had ever experienced, and I thrust into her again and again.

"God, Auntie…it feels so beautiful inside you." I whispered softly, moving my hips rhythmically. Despite the fear and panic I was beginning to experience, because of my precipitous action, I still managed to find, within myself, the ability to rationalize that, while the unthinkable had happened, pulling myself out of her and wringing my hands in remorse would do nothing to change that fact. And, since I could not take back what had happened, I did no think it would compound the magnitude of my transgression if I were to linger just a little while longer inside her to savor the lushness of her femininity.

I lowered my face to her breast and took her nipple into my mouth. I moved my hands down along her sides and slid them under her buttocks. Gripping the smooth, soft fleshiness of her cheeks tenderly with my hands I pulled her to me, moaning into her breast as I thrust myself into her again and again.

This time I had ample warning of my impending orgasm. I could feel it swell in the pit of my stomach and the tightening of my scrotum. I could have easily stopped and withdrawn from her. I could have, but I did not. Once again, my rationalizations overcame my common sense. With the damage already done and my semen already inside her, surely, I thought, it could not make that much difference if I did it just one more time. Gone were any moral thoughts of incest or rape, my desire to possess her one more time overwhelmed me.

I continued to thrust with urgency, pistoning my penis into her with increased rapidity as I suckled at her nipple. I felt the pleasurable sensations begin to swell and I rammed myself forcefully into her as rapidly as I could to bring it to its inevitable conclusion.

"My god!" My mind seemed to scream, "I'm fucking her…I'm really fucking her…my AUNTIE…I'm fucking my AUNTIE!"

Our bodies slapped together loudly in the quiet of the dimly lit bedroom for several moments until my orgasm took hold and I held myself deep inside her. I moaned softly into her breast with each ejaculation, letting myself go without hesitation.

I lay on top of her long after the last pulse of my penis, until I felt myself grow soft inside her and slip from the delicious confines of her vagina. With a sigh of resignation, I raised up into a kneeling position between her legs.

I had done it; I had really done it. I simply could not believe the incredible turn of events. With a moan of anguish, I cringed to see a large wet stain on the sheet at the base of her buttocks. And, to my horror, I could even see my semen still seeping from her to flow down, over the arc of her buttocks and drip onto the sheet.

Quickly I grabbed a handful of Kleenex and placed it over her vulva to staunch the flow of semen, and then another handful to try to sop up as much as I could from the sheet beneath her. I worked slowly and methodically, knowing that I still had a fair amount of time in order to carry out my ministrations and conceal the evidence of my lecherous debauchery.

It is difficult to explain the depth of my despair and anguish as I did my best to eradicate the evidence of my crime. I could feel the sting of my tears as they clouded my vision and I said a silent prayer to God in hopes that nothing terrible would come from my indiscretion and that my Auntie would not become pregnant.

I sat on the edge of her bed for several minutes, speaking softly from my heart and pouring out my feelings of self-recrimination. But, incredibly, as I spoke my words of contrition, my body betrayed me and I felt a renewed stiffness begin to swell my penis once more. Dear God, I thought, was there no end to my limits of depravity? I knew I had to get out of there, but I just could not seem to turn away from her. Her pale, puffy vulva looked so incredibly slick and inviting and I cursed my carnal lasciviousness as I felt my erection rising once agaEven as my conscience screamed "NO!", I could not help myself, I knelt once again between my Auntie's legs and entered her for a second time. I supported my weight with my arms extended on each side of her body and watched as my penis disappeared inside her. I thrust myself deeply into her, once…twice…three times…a fourth…and then, with a cry that was a mixture of pleasure and despair, my orgasm erupted into her for a third time.

Moments later, I withdrew quickly and gently put her legs together. I lowered her nightgown and pulled up the bedclothes around her. Then, I quickly gathered up my clothes and switched off the light.

I lay in my bed, tossing and turning for the remainder of he night, anguished and panicked by my recklessness. My god, I had actually raped my Auntie, it seemed impossible to comprehend. And, not just once, Jesus, I came inside her three times. What on earth was I going to do if she became pregnant? I broke out in a cold sweat, my heart pounding with anxiety as the hours passed.

In the morning, I listened as my Auntie rose from her bed and made her way into the bathroom for her morning shower. I arrived at the breakfast table very much worse for wear. The only sleep I had managed to get at all had been a very short doze just before I heard her alarm clock. My head felt woozy from lack of sleep and my body ached from my exertions of the night before. By contrast, Auntie seemed positively buoyant, her warm smile radiating and brightening her countenance. Over breakfast, she informed me, cheerfully, how wonderfully she slept and remarked how tremendously successful the pill seemed to work for her. I was, at least, able to take some solace in the fact that she seemed completely oblivious of my indiscretions with her.

As she prepared to leave for work, she informed me that she might be a little late getting home from work that evening and for me to fend for myself as far as dinner was concerned. She explained that she had made another doctor's appointment for late that afternoon.

"I slept so well last night, and things are going so well, I'm sure he'll want to prescribe the pills." She smiled

All that morning, I kept falling asleep in my classes. I really began to feel awful too. Just after lunch, I met with my guidance counselor and informed her that I was feeling poorly and would be taking the afternoon off.

I returned home about two in the afternoon and flopped myself down on my bed for a much needed rest. I awoke some time later, hearing the front door open and close. "Oh, no." I thought to myself, I must have slept right through the day. I looked at the clock to see that it was only 3:30. Surprised, I got up quickly and quietly, making my way to the door and peering through the crack to look down the hallway.

With quiet some measure of surprise, I saw my Auntie standing there in the kitchen, her back to me. Curious, and not immediately wishing to make my presence known, I watched surreptitiously as she reached up into the cupboard, where she kept her medications and prescriptions, and took down the bottle I immediately recognized as the one containing her sleeping pills. She reached into a small white paper bag and withdrew a small box. She tore it open and took out a small bottle, which she then opened. I watched in confusion as she poured the contents of the bottle into her prescription bottle and then put it into her purse, throwing the empty bottle and the box it came in into the garbage.

Moments later, she grabbed up her purse and left the house, locking the door behind her. Curious, I made my way down the hallway to the kitchen. I opened the lid of the wastebasket and took out the box she had just discarded. It was a small bottle of Bayer baby aspirin. "What the hell?" I thought. "Baby aspirin? It did not make any sense, but I shrugged if off and made my way back to my bedroom to resume my nap.

Auntie arrived home at her usual time, telling me with a smile that she had managed to get an earlier appointment. She opened her purse and took out the small prescription bottle. "I have enough pills to last me over a month now." She smiled, opening the cupboard and placing the bottle inside.

I was confused. Later that evening, as she showered and changed her clothing, I opened the cupboard and took down her prescription bottle. Opening the bottle, I poured some of the contents out into the palm of my hand. They were all the same small, pink tablets that I immediately recognized as baby aspirin. Indeed, each pill had the distinctive "Bayer" imprinted upon it. My mind reeled. She said these were her sleeping pills. Why would she lie to me?

Suddenly, the logic all fell into place and I was astonished. "My god!…Oh, my god!" I gasped aloud and quickly replaced the pills where I had found them. I wobbled on weak knees to the living room and collapsed onto the sofa.

My mind reeled. She KNEW. My god, the stunning certainty of it staggered my imagination. How could it be? What, if anything, did it mean?

Several minutes later, she came into the living room wearing her robe and a towel, wrapped like a turban around her head. She sat on the sofa beside me and picked up the newspaper from the coffee table and began to read. I did my best to appear composed and casual, watching television as I did most evenings.

As it got later, we got up and began to get some dinner together. I helped her in the kitchen and made a salad while she went off to the bathroom to dry her hair. She returned wearing a short, casual pullover dress. We ate our dinner, chatting casually about her day and what I managed to accomplish in school. I was proud of myself for maintaining my casual composure and feigning my ignorance of her deception.

As I thought of it, I began to doubt that which I had been so sure of earlier. It seemed almost incomprehensible to think that my Auntie could be so devious, it wasn't like her. If she had only pretended to be unconscious, her acting performance would have been world class, academy award material. The more I thought about it, the more absurd it seemed.

But, hours later, as I watched television, she got up from the sofa, went to the kitchen and returned with the bottle of pills that I knew were only baby aspirin. She made rather a production of taking out a pill and washing it down with the last of her wine. She smiled at me.

"Well," She said, "I guess I'm off to bed. Will you look in on me again later?"

Stunned, I nodded absently and watched her walk away, certain now, beyond the shadow of any doubt, that she not only knew of the intimacies I had perpetrated upon her, but also was actively condoning further intimacies and providing me the opportunity.

I switched off the television and sat in the silence. It all seemed so inconceivable. Auntie was waiting for me in her bed and, after the events of the previous evening, she would, more than likely be expecting me to have sex with her again. She was, by continuing her pretense, allowing it to happen all over again.

In all honesty, my predominant emotion at that moment was more embarrassment than anticipation or lust. In all those intimate moments of the past three days, I had pretty much bared my emotional soul to her and it unnerved me tremendously to know that she was completely aware of my feelings. It eased my mind considerably to think that Auntie could seem so casually unconcerned about the possibility of pregnancy, she must, I assumed, be practicing some method of birth control. For several minutes I actually entertained the idea of going to her bedroom and maintaining the charade. But, the more I thought about it, the more I came to the realization that I would not be able to do it.

Finally, I turned off all the lights and went to her bedroom. She lay much the same as she had the night before, pretending to have fallen asleep while reading. I removed her glasses and her book, then walked around her bed to the far side and sat down beside her with my back to the headboard.

She looked so very lovely there in the lamplight. I bent my head and kissed her lightly on her forehead.

"Auntie?" I whispered. "Auntie…I'm sorry to have to say this to you…I really am. This is really embarrassing for me Auntie…but I know…that you aren't really asleep right now."

She lay completely motionless and silent, with only a single slight tremor in her lower lip to betray her completely believable performance.

I spoke softly and slowly, telling her how I had come home early and accidentally seen how she had poured the bottle of baby aspirin into her prescription bottle. As I spoke, her lower lip began to tremble noticeably. When I finished, she inhaled deeply and pressed her lips together tightly. I could see tears welling between her eyelids. Suddenly she turned away from me and pressed her face into her pillow. Her shoulders began to shake and I could hear her muffled sobs.

"Oh, Auntie." I sighed softly, placing my hand gently on her shoulder. "Auntie…it's all right.

After a moment, she seemed to relax and her crying stopped. "You must think me a terrible person." She murmured softly, keeping her face averted.

"No, Auntie…not at all." I placated, caressing her bare shoulder tenderly. "I…well…I would think that it would be more the other way around."

She turned her head and looked at me, her eyes wet with her tears. "How can you think that? None of this was your doing."

I turned and took several tissues from the dispenser on her night table and gave them to her. She blotted her eyes and then gently blew her nose. "Thank you." She said quietly.

She sat up and, with the sheet pulled up to her neck; she drew up her knees and wrapped her arms about her legs. She sighed heavily and lay her cheek against her knee, looking at me expectantly. "I suppose…" She began tentatively, "I should, somehow, try to explain."

I nodded. "I was kind of hoping you would."

She laughed lightly and shook her head. "I suppose…it was my foolish pride and vanity that was to blame for most of it." She explained how discovering me with her dress form had given her an all-consuming curiosity to know what or who the focus of my fantasy with it had been.

"I guess, deep down inside, I just really needed to know if you were…imagining yourself with me that day." She said softly, looking directly into my eyes. "And…" She shrugged, I concocted up that whole story about the sleeping pills to see what you would do if you had…an opportunity."

I felt my cheeks begin to burn and she smiled wistfully. "You're blushing." She said, reaching out to touch my cheek with her fingertips. "I think that's very sweet."

I looked away, unable to hold her direct look.

"I suppose…" She said, withdrawing her hand, "I found out everything I needed to know that very first night on the sofa…and…I probably should have let that night be the first, last and only time for something like that to ever happen between us."

I nodded, keeping my face averted. "So…why didn't you?"

She was silent for several moments. "I know this may sound like an awful thing for me to say, honey…but…in all honesty…I liked it. I liked it very much."

I glanced over at her to see she was looking at me intently. I swallowed. "Really?"

She nodded. "Is that so hard to believe?"

I shrugged. "I don't know."

"It's been a very long time…since anyone's looked at me the way you do…or touched me so affectionately. It's a very…appealing prospect for…a woman my age…to be thought of as attractive and sexy by a handsome young man…even if he is my nephew."

She smiled at me and, again, I had to look away self-consciously.

"Did you really think I never noticed how you looked at me all these years?"

I started, looking at her in surprise to see her smiling winsomely at me.

"I suppose that, as your Auntie, I should have done the responsible thing way back then and said or done something to discourage your obvious attraction for me."

I felt my cheeks burning once more. "Was I…was I that obvious?" I stammered.

She shook her head and smiled. "I wouldn't say that…I don't think your Mother ever noticed…but…it was obvious to me."

I looked away in embarrassment. It was hard to believe that I had been seen through so easily.

She reached out and placed her hand on mine. "It's all right, honey…it really is…I'm not telling you this to make you uncomfortable or embarrassed."

I looked at her and smiled tentatively. I turned my hand and we entwined our fingers affectionately.

"So?" She began softly, bringing her other hand to hold mine in both of hers, "Now that we have no secrets from one another…I suppose we need to talk about what happens now."

I nodded but said nothing.

"I don't know how you feel about it…but, I think we only have two options." She continued.

I looked at her, listening patiently.

"If you want to…we can try to go back to the way we were…before any of this began. We can try to put all of this behind us…and, somehow, pretend nothing ever happened between us."

I looked at her expectantly and nodded.

"Or…we can both be adult about it…and admit that we seem to have an attraction for one another…and, perhaps…we might reach some sort of understanding."

She looked into my eyes for a response. I swallowed. "What do you want to do?" I asked softly.

She smiled and took a deep breath. "That's a tough one, honey. I'm really torn between what I should do…and what I want to do. I…was hoping you might help me out a little by telling me what your feelings are."

I felt my cheeks flush. She smiled and squeezed my hand affectionately. "It's all right, honey." She said softly, "Just tell me exactly what you're thinking…I need to know how you feel…or, it'll be impossible for me make any kind of rational decision."

"Well…" I began, tentatively, looking away to avoid the intensity of her gaze, "I think that…if you wanted to…maybe we could…do the adult thing you just mentioned."

She gasped aloud and her hands tightened reflexively on mine. "Oh…Oh, I'm so glad to hear you say that." She said, her voice filled with emotion. "Because…that's how I feel too."

I could see that she was close to tears and I smiled at her. "I'm glad you feel that way too." I said.

She bent her head close and I turned toward her. She leaned forward and kissed me lightly on my lips. I kissed her back in the same fashion. "Oh, James." She sighed, and then pressed her lips to mine. We kissed very tenderly for a long while, her lips moving sensuously on mine. Then her mouth opened and I felt her tongue touch mine. She moaned softly deep in her throat. She pulled her head back and looked into my eyes.

"You kiss very nicely." She whispered, her voice deep with emotion. She released my hand and slipped her arm about my neck, pulling me close. She kissed me again, pressing her lips warmly against mine. We kissed for a long time, our lips moving sensuously against one another. I lifted my hand and gently cupped her breast as we kissed and she moaned softly once more and I felt her body press against mine. I kneaded her heavy bosom tenderly while we continued to kiss, feeling her nipple become erect against my fingers. Her breathing became noticeably heavy. She placed her hand on my thigh, and a moment later she slid her hand up and rested it over the bulge in the front of my jeans. She stroked the length of my erection gently, and I flinched at the sensuality of her fingers against me.

She broke the kiss, looking into my eyes, her chest rising rapidly. "Why…don't you…take off your clothes…and…get into bed with me."

I nodded, trying to act casual, but my heart was racing. "My God." I thought as I stood up beside the bed, "My God…it's really going to happen." I grasped the bottom of my T-shirt and pulled it over my head, very self-conscious as she watched me, her eyes following every move I made. The sheet had fallen away from her chest and her breasts were dramatically highlighted and visible behind he sheer fabric of her nightgown.

I unbuttoned the fly of my jeans and pushed then down over my hips. They fell to the floor and I stepped out of them, wearing only my briefs, which bulged obscenely from the urgency of my erection. I glanced at her to see she was staring directly at the front of my briefs. I hooked my thumbs under the waistband and pushed them down. My erection sprang free and bobbed in front of me.

"Oh, honey." She sighed, smiling at my erection. "You look beautiful."

I smiled back at her self-consciously, feeling my cheeks burning with renewed embarrassment.

She slid across the bed to where I was standing and, sliding her legs off of the mattress, sat up in front of me. She reached out her arms and placed her hands on each side of my hips, smiling up at me.

"The most difficult part of my pretense…" She said softly, "was not being able to touch you." She moved her hands over my stomach, up to my chest and then down over my hips to caress my thighs. "I wanted to touch you so badly."

I reached out and gently ran my fingers through her hair. She smiled up at me and then leaned closer to kiss my stomach. I flinched at the intimacy of her lips on my stomach. She slid her hands up the back of my thighs and cupped my buttocks as she traced her lips down the center of my stomach to my navel. She turned her head and slid her cheek against my penis.

"Oh, honey." She sighed, turning her face to me and kissing the tip of my penis lightly. She slid her hands from my buttocks and gently took hold of my erection, stroking very lightly.

"Oh, Auntie." I sighed, stroking her hair.

She bent her head and kissed the tip of my penis once more while her hands caressed me lightly. I looked down and almost gasped with incredulity to see the tip of her tongue flick out and lightly trace the contour of the tip of my penis. I gasped aloud at the exquisite sensuality of her tongue and watched as her lips closed over the tip and she caressed me with the warmth of a kiss.

Suddenly, her mouth was on me and I could feel the flat of her tongue against the underside of my penis. She moved her head, pulling with her lips as her tongue moved with intense sensuality. She moaned deep in her throat and began to move her head rapidly.

I cried aloud, feeling my orgasm rise to the immediacy of her ministrations. "Auntie!" I gasped, "Auntie…no…I"

She made no effort to stop what she was doing; taking one hand from my penis to grasp my buttocks firmly while the other hand slid down to gently cup my testicles.

I exploded into her mouth, holding my body still while her head bobbed rapidly in front of me. I held her head lightly in my hands as I let myself go.

"Umhmm…umhmm…umhmm." She murmured softly as I ejaculated, taking my semen eagerly.

As my orgasm began to wane, she slowed her movements, pulling her head back and looking up at me with just the tip of my penis in her mouth. She pulled her head back, releasing my penis, a long string of saliva extending from the tip of my penis to her lower lip.

"Oh, honey!" She breathed huskily, "Honey…I need you so badly."

She lay back onto the bed, parting her legs and lifting the hem of her nightgown. "Come here, baby…come on." She said, holding her arms out to me.

Without hesitation, I bent down to her. She raised her head and brought her lips to mine. We kissed passionately as she pulled me to her. Our bodies came together and I thrilled to the sensation of her smooth skin against mine. Her hand reached between us and guided me to her vagina. I pressed forward and slid myself deeply into her. She moaned into my mouth and her arm tightened about my neck. I thrust my hips forward, driving myself deeper inside her with each press of my hips. She tore her lips from mine with a cry and arched her back, lifting her legs and pressing her pelvis up into me as I thrust down into her. She grasped me tightly, her hands grasping my shoulders firmly as she flailed her hips almost frantically against me. I pressed my hips down onto her tightly, trying to hold myself inside her as she writhed with a surprising speed and strength beneath me.

Suddenly she stopped, her fingernails digging painfully into my shoulders. She made a sound deep in her throat, her eyes tightly shut, her mouth wide and her brows arched as if in great pain. She tossed her head from side to side and I felt her body begin to vibrate beneath me.

She cried out and rocked her hips up into me. I felt her vagina flex around me spasmodically. She cried out again and again as her hips pressed up into me rhythmically. I matched her rhythm, thrusting down into her as she lifted up into me.

Then, with a gasp and a shudder, she lay still, breathing heavily. Her hands moved over me tenderly, caressing my back and my buttocks. "Oh, honey…Oh, my sweet angel." She sighed.

I moved my hips slowly, pulling my penis almost completely out of her before plunging it as deeply as I could into her once more. She placed a hand on each side of my head and looked into my eyes. "Oh, James…your cock feels so good inside me."

We kissed again, our lips working so sensuously against each other. She slid her hands over my buttocks and pulled me to her. I felt the swell of another orgasm beginning and began to thrust into her with the urgency of my need.

"Oh, Auntie." I gasped, pulling my lips from hers.

"Oh, yes…Come on, honey…come on baby." She whispered.

I thrust myself into her rapidly, feeling myself beginning to let go.

"Tell me when it comes…honey…tell me when it comes." She urged, pulling my buttocks to her firmly.

"Oh, Auntie!" I cried, feeling myself beginning to lose control.

"My name is Claire, honey…Claire…say my name."

"Claire!" I cried as my first ejaculation jetted into her.

"Yes!" She gasped, holding me tightly to her. "Oh, yes, baby…yes."

"Claire!…Claire!" I cried with each ejaculation.

As I began to slow, my orgasm waning, she began to vibrate beneath me.

"Oh, God, don't stop!…please, God, don't stop." She cried, her hands digging with renewed urgency into my shoulders.

Sensing her need, I thrust into her rapidly. She cried aloud and arched her back, tossing her head from side to side as she reached her orgasm. I met the rhythm of her thrusts once more and she cried aloud in her pleasure.

We lay in silence, both gasping for breath, our bodies covered with a sheen of perspiration from the exertions of our lovemaking. I lay on top of her, my face buried into her neck as her fingers played tenderly through my hair.

"Thank you." She whispered softly, "For making me feel so beautiful."

I lifted my head and looked at her. "God, Auntie…I think it's me that should be thanking you."

She smiled, tracing her fingertips over my cheek. "I'm thanking you, honey…because it's never ever happened for me like that…while making love."

"I'm glad it did." I said, returning her smile and feeling very good about myself.

She pulled my head down and we kissed, slowly and sensuously. My erection, which had begun to soften, began to renew itself inside her. I moved my hips, luxuriating in the delicious feel of her vagina.

"I've never made love to a man with my mouth before either." She breathed, breaking our kiss; our faces intimately close together. "I never ever wanted to before."

"It was…so…beautiful." I said, kissing her lightly, moving my penis inside her.

"It was beautiful." She returned with a brief kiss. "I can still taste you."

We kissed long and sensuously again, my body moving slowly on hers.

"I hope you liked being with me, like this, better than when I was pretending to be asleep." She smiled teasingly.

"God, yes." I said, returning her smile, thrusting myself into her with renewed vigor.

She moaned softly. "God, I love the way your cock feels inside me. I can't believe you are still so hard."

"I can't help it." I smiled. "It just feels so good inside you…I almost think I could come again."

She looked directly into my eyes and smiled. "Oh, God…you're incredible." She said, kissing me tenderly. "If you can do it…you just go right ahead."

She kissed me once more, cradling me in her arms. I slid my hands down her flanks and slipped my hands around her fleshy buttocks. While we kissed, I rammed myself forcefully into her.

"Come on." She gasped, tearing her lips from mine. "Come for me, honey…come on!"

I needed no further words of encouragement; I was too far gone. I exploded into her with a cry of pleasure. She met my hips with hers as I ejaculated, holding me tightly in her embrace.

"You are totally amazing." She whispered, moments later, as I lay quietly in her arms. "You must really, really like my pussy."

I looked up into her eyes and smiled. "I do…Auntie…I really do." I said, kissing her lips once more.

She placed her hands on each side of my head and, with our faces very close together, she looked deeply into my eyes and whispered softly. "You can be with me like this any time you want me, James. Any time…any place…It doesn't matter where we are or what we're doing…if you want me or need me…I will give myself to you."

We kissed again, slow and sensuously and then slept for a while, lying in each other's arms. I was deliriously happy, holding her big beautiful body and pressing myself against her warmth as I drifted off to sleep.

We awoke together sometime in the middle of the night and, without speaking a word to one another, we made love again. It only took a kiss to inflame us both; she straddled me and took me inside her. Lifting my head to her breast, she ground her pelvis down onto me. I came in seconds, blissfully suckling at her nipple, and she erupted in a frantic orgasm moments later. We kissed once more and then drifted back to sleep in each other's embrace, the entire sexual incident occurring in only a few minutes.

That first night of discovery and lovemaking was just over two years ago. Since that first night, Auntie has honored her promise and commitment to me and has never once denied me her body. She has, as she is fond of calling it, been a complete slut for me and catered to my every whim and fantasy.

Out of the house and in the public eye, we appear, for all the world, as any typical nephew and aunt, with not even the briefest of physical or implied intimacy to betray the reality of our relationship. At home, behind closed doors, we live together, for all intents and purposes, as husband and wife. We are almost always in each other's arms or caressing affectionately. While we have carefully maintained the integrity of each other's bedrooms, in the event a house guest or visiting family member might take notice of anything out of the ordinary, we have, since that first night, slept together, in her bed, every night since.

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