
Chapter 2

I took her out of his hands slowly, he hasn't taken his eyes off me like I was going to disappear any second. Amelia started fussing again, I held her against my chest on the brink of tears.

"Shh, mama got you" I mumble into her head. She grew, she felt bigger in my arms. That's what happens when you miss two weeks. They still grew. Moving to sit down, I could still feel his eyes on me like a hawk. But I was concerting on Amelia she was rubbing her face against my breast like she did when she was hungry.

My breast felt heavy then they were, it was as if they knew. Pulling down my dress, thankfully I wore a spaghettini strap. She didn't wait for a second to attack by them. I almost cried at the feeling. I had my baby back, I could breathe again. I was looking down at her smiling, she was too busy eating to even look at her me. Her eyes were closed as if she was sleeping.

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