

Izayoi and Gilgamesh just finished their soccer match and were sitting together on a bench, while chatting with each other.

Gilgamesh: "This is never gonna end."

Izayoi: 'Not with that attitude."

Gilgamesh: 'But seriously, this will not end."

Izayoi: "We both knew this the first time when we started doing this.The end result."

Gilgamesh: "But we did it anyway."

Izayoi: "Just because we're bored, but what's wrong with it."

Gilgamesh: "Yes, but this going to get boring soon. We need to find something else to do soon. By the way, you are not a real human, are you?"

Izayoi: "Why are asking this?"

Gilgamesh: "I used my clairvoyance skill multiple times during our game but I wasn't able to peek at the future possibility. I could see the possibilities for the future, but I couldn't see yours. The reason could be that you are not a being from this universe, you are similar to a primordial demon."

Izayoi: "Demon nah, but not belonging to that universe could be true."

Gilgamesh: "Tell me about your origin, when the conditions are fulfilled."

Izayoi: "Weren't you saying that this game was never going to end?"

Gilgamesh: "It will not but it's more fun this way. So, let's do this tell it becomes boring."

Izayoi: $Sounds, fun and boring at the same time."

Gilgamesh: "The lesson I learned from my quest for immortality is that being mortal or immortal doesn't matter, what matters is that you cherish what you have, what you hold dear."

Izayoi: "You didn't cherish what you held dear, did you?"

Gilgamesh was silent for a minute then spoke, "I didn't, I was born for the purpose to be a bridge that connects Gods and men. I was born to be someone that can see things what Gods and men can't. When I put it like that it sounds really glorious but it wasn't, marriage between my parents was nothing but a lie. My father was a mortal man getting married to a goddess, to him it was just an accomplishment and my mother was following what Ea ordered her to do.

I was the first demi-God, the combined form of mortality and divinity to my father I was his successor and to my mother, I was the result of the task that she was given that was the end of my parents relationship, the experiment was successful so anything further between them didn't mean anything, I never expect my parents to care about me and they did what I expected. As a child, I neither had a sense of the world nor my place in it, all knew that I was half-God and half-human, a born to be king, someone that my people look up to me as their Messiah, they looked up to me as their key to salvation. I was proud and honoured by this and decided that I would be the best king in past, present and future for my people.

As I grew up, I was tutored about laws of mortals and divine by the advisors in the court and the messengers sent by Gods. I dreamed of a kingdom where my good people could strive toward greatness but I never saw their evil as I read the laws and punishment for disobeying them. I was horrified, to say the least, t after finding out that these horrible crimes are committed by the same people for whom I sought salvation for, I asked both the advisor and messenger about this. They both answers the same thing 'That's the meaning of my existence as a king to stop my people to go into the darkness and guide them toward salvation.'l believed those words then and did what I learned went to the court and punished those who deserved to be but as I read more about Gods and divine laws, I learned about the unfairness in the world. I could judge the divine but never punish them. I was confused and questioned the meaning of my existence, what's the point of me guiding humans if they will walk into the darkness sooner or later? What's the point of me judging the divine while it doesn't matter what I think?

I thought about the possibilities of future and that was the moment I unlocked my hidden ability that describes my existence as someone who could seed beyond what a man and a God could see,' Sha Naqba Imuru'.

The questions that I had my whole life were being answered at that moment. I saw the reasons why my parents didn't care about me? Why Gods created me? What would be the future of mankind, my people?

After that I just sat down in silence for days, trying to comprehend the things I saw. I saw that mankind didn't need Gods to guide them they could achieve whatever Gods could offer them?on their own. I saw millions of possibilities of the entire human's race being destroyed. Not by the gods, not by some phantasm beast, not by some primordial demon but their own hands. They were the architect of their own destruction. I hated hypocrites, Gods, for interfering in matters of the human race while declaring themselves as higher beings. I hated humans because they repeat the same mistake over and over again, II hated them for repeating the same cycle again and again."

Gil stopped for a minute and then continued, "These few days, II have been wondering, why did turn out to be a tyrant maybe my did it because of disappointment."

Izayoi looked at him with a little sympathetic look and said, "But it changed one day, the day you found your friend."

Gilgamesh, "My whole family was disappointed at me for who I had become, I never expected them to care about me. They abandoned me, I knew that it would be a fool to believe that they would ever come back for me, that they would ever love me. The citizen of Uruk would have loved me if according to them I was a good king, I didn't want their fake love and they didn't give it to me. I don't blame them for doing this, I don't blame them for abandoning me, I blame myself for every believing that they would ever truly care about me.

I never believed that I who collected every treasure in the world would ever be able to get the one thing, I want the most that is 'unconditional love'.But I did find it in an unexpected way.

One day, someone came to the city of Uruk and challenged me, not a human, not a God, not a demon, not a beast but a doll made up of clay. I first laugh it off like it was some kind of a joke but eventually we did fight, he matched me in physical strength then I did something that I was first a little hesitant to do. I started launching my precious treasures, which I collected over the years toward the doll but he countered them with his own attack. Soon, II started feeling something that I never felt before. I was a little hesitant at first but soon I started more of my precious treasures, all I knew that these treasures were worth nothing compared to the feeling I had that time.

After days the battle finally came to an end. We both were had little power left, my opponent was down and I walked toward him to finish it but then I did something I never expected to do, I put my had toward him to help him to stand. That moment I was not sure if found what I was looking for but I was sure that I found a friend."

Gil's eyes were filled with sadness as he continued, "But time came when I lost him. The last moment I had to spend with Enkidu, I saw him crying. I asked him what was he crying because he regrets to follow me and he answered that he was not crying because he regrets something or because he was dying. He was crying because he was feeling sad for me, that how lonely I would become after he will leave me. That doll of clay had far more humanity than any human I have ever met, his very purpose of existence was to act as the chain that will restrain me but he defied it and became the chains of heavens that bind the Gods and render them, mortal.

The moment he left me was the moment I found out that this was what I was looking for 'unconditional love'.We don't realize the worth of somethings until we lost them. The day Enkidu left me was the day, I realized how much I cared about him."

At this the King of Heroes, the first demi-God, the great king of Uruk had tears dripping from his eyes.

Izayoi looked at Gilgamesh and said, "With all the things you learned during your life perhaps this was the most important lesson, the family isn't made by blood relation or deals. It's made by ones who truly care about you for no reason, it's made by ones who care about each other so much that they would fight the whole world for their loved ones. FAMILY IS POWER.

Gilgamesh with his tears dripping on the ground, "Family is power."

After saying that Izayoi started thinking, 'When did I become so fucking cheesy.'

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