
Against Fate (Eternal Love of Dream/ Ten Miles Pillow Book FanFic)

Author: JOYHYT
Ongoing · 559.2K Views
  • 90 Chs
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  • NO.200+

This is a 'Modern Love Story' fanfiction based on Eternal Love of Dream drama series/Ten Miles Pillow Book Novel written by Tang Qi Gong Zi. The storyline would be similar to some parts of their novel but given with a modern twist. This is my first time writing a novel, I hope you enjoy my story! Disclaimer: The photos used in this novel do not belong to me. Credits to the owners. Synopsis: Dong Hua saved Feng Jiu's life when she met him for the first time. She was determined to repay his kindness. She gradually fell in love with Dong Hua, a person who is indifferent to everyone and everything and doesn't understand the meaning of love, in the process of repaying her gratitude. Feng Jiu loves Dong Hua but he doesn't know about her feelings and what she did for him. When Feng Jiu finally decided to move on, Dong Hua starts to notices her. He thought that she was interesting at first but he comes to realize that he has unknowingly fallen deeply in love with her. But was it too late? Flashback to Ancient times, Dong Hua Di Jun summoned the Elderly Fairy guarding the Stone of Destiny to inquire about his fate with Feng Jiu. The Elderly Fairy said that they have no fate. To go against fate, it will be a hard journey with hurdles and obstacles. However, the Elderly Fairy said that Destiny could change anytime. Dong Hua and Feng Jiu lived so many lifetimes without being able to be together. Will they finally be together this lifetime?

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Chapter 1Reincarnation

"Di Jun... Please don't close your eyes! Wake up!" Feng Jiu woke up with tears in her eyes.

She thought to herself "Why do I keep dreaming of this man with long silver hair and purple robes? Who is he?"



Fengjiu grabbed her phone to turn the alarm off. "What time is it now? It's already 8.00 AM?! I'm almost late!"

It is 9 March 2020 today, an important day for Feng Jiu as she will be attending an interview at Tai Chen Group, China's biggest Multinational Corporation.

It was Feng Jiu's life-long dream to get into Tai Chen Group. She applied for an internship position at Tai Chen Group so that she could get a job there after she graduates from Qing University.

Feng Jiu quickly jumped out of bed and started preparing for work. She double-checked her documents for the interview and made sure that she didn't miss out on anything important before rushing out of the house.

She definitely did not want to be late for the interview.

Feeling extremely nervous because she wanted this job so badly, Feng Jiu practiced her interview questions countless times, over the past two weeks. She didn't want to ruin any of her chances to get into Tai Chen Group.

Feng Jiu's best friend, Cha Cha, was also attending the same interview.

Cha Cha met Feng Jiu at the bus stop so that they could head to Tai Chen Group together. Also, they could practice their interview questions together, while they make their way there.

"I hope we both get into Tai Chen Group!" Feng Jiu excitedly exclaimed.

"Even if I don't get in, I'll be happy if you did, Feng Jiu! Let's just hope for the best!" Cha Cha smiled and replied cheerfully.


They arrived at Tai Chen Group early, but there were already hundreds of candidates waiting to be interviewed.

"There are so many people here but I'm not losing hope! I got this!" Feng Jiu confidently thought to herself.

"Are you ok, Cha Cha?" Fengjiu asked Cha Cha after seeing her frowning's face.

Cha Cha sighed deeply and replied, "I guess so. I'm just feeling a little worried. There is so many people here, do you think we will get in?"

"Don't worry! We will be fine. Have more confidence in yourself, Cha Cha. I know you'll do well in the interview." Fengjiu patted Cha Cha's head while reassuring her.

Out of a sudden, there was a big crowd gathered at the entrance of the building.

"What is going on there?!" Cha Cha exclaimed excitedly.

At this point, Feng Jiu couldn't care less about what's going on as she was feeling very nervous about the interview.

"Go ahead and take a look if you're curious, Cha Cha. I'm too nervous right now and I think I'll go freshen up, at the restroom. I'll join you later, keep me updated on what's going on there." Feng Jiu said before standing up and heading off to look for a restroom nearby.

Cha Cha then swiftly ran towards the crowd to check what's going on there.

"This building is huge. I can't even find the restroom and there isn't anyone around to ask! Where could it be?" Feng Jiu was getting frustrated.

"There isn't anything here!" Feng Jiu angrily thought to herself while she pushed open the heavy doors.

While she was preparing to leave, she smelled something funny. It smelled like gasoline. She then noticed two men acting suspiciously.

Upon further investigation, she discovered the two men trying to set fire to the building, and the floor was already covered with gasoline.

Feng Jiu's mind froze with fear. She didn't know what to do.

Before she could escape, one of the guys turned his back and noticed Feng Jiu standing there, watching them.

"Get her! She had seen everything, we can't let her get away" the man shouted loudly while pointing towards Feng Jiu's direction.

It took every strength in her to turn around and run for her life.

"No! I can't die here today, I need to get out of here!"

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91 Chs
Table of Contents
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :Reincarnation
Volume 2 :Who are you?
Volume 3 :Invisible
Volume 4 :Repayment
Volume 5 :Realization
Volume 6 :Jealousy
Volume 7 :Enough is enough
Volume 8 :Confrontation
Volume 9 :Moving On
Volume 10 :Friendship
Volume 11 :New Beginning
Volume 12 :Starting Over
Volume 13 :Back To Square One
Volume 14 :Guardian Angel
Volume 15 :Who Am I?
Volume 16 :Keeping It A Secret
Volume 17 :Forgetting
Volume 18 :Love Rival
Volume 19 :Concealment
Volume 20 :Cohabitation
Volume 21 :The First Night
Volume 22 :Getting Closer
Volume 23 :Movie Night
Volume 24 :Dreams
Volume 25 :A Small Gathering
Volume 26 :Stranger Danger
Volume 27 :Back To Reality
Volume 28 :Truth Hurts
Volume 29 :Staying Strong
Volume 30 :Dilemma
Volume 31 :Facing Your Fears
Volume 32 :Sports-meet
Volume 33 :Lasting Impression
Volume 34 :Curiosity
Volume 35 :Beach Day
Volume 36 :Kindness Pays Off
Volume 37 :Hot Springs
Volume 38 :Taking Back What's Mine
Volume 39 :Rumours
Volume 40 :Evil Plans
Volume 41 :Protectors
Volume 42 :New Colleagues
Volume 43 :Harem
Volume 44 :Creating Opportunities
Volume 45 :Gossip Duo
Volume 46 :Mrs. Claus
Volume 47 :Plan C-offee
Volume 48 :Knight In Shining Armour
Volume 49 :Fighting My Own Battles
Volume 50 :Journey to the 'Art Gallery'
Volume 51 :The Art Of Jealousy
Volume 52 :The Game Has Begun
Volume 53 :The Final Winner
Volume 54 :True Feelings
Volume 55 :Confessions
Volume 56 :Promises
Volume 57 :What Goes Around Comes Around
Volume 58 :Reassurance
Volume 59 :Birthday Dinner
Volume 60 :Slumber Party
Volume 61 :Misunderstandings
Volume 62 :Coffee, Tea or Me?
Volume 63 :Love Cuisine
Volume 64 :Plan F-ish
Volume 65 :Battle Of The Designers
Volume 66 :False Rumours
Volume 67 :Designers VS Presidents
Volume 68 :A Pleasant Surprise
Volume 69 :Stepping Back
Volume 70 :Secret Santa
Volume 71 :Christmas Eve
Volume 72 :A Blessing In Disguise
Volume 73 :All I Want For Christmas Is You
Volume 74 :Baking Up Some Love
Volume 75 :Christmas Bromance
Volume 76 :Heavenly Cookies
Volume 77 :Su Moye Saves The Day
Volume 78 :Pick-up Chicks 101
Volume 79 :The Escape Plan
Volume 80 :New Year's Eve
Volume 81 :Taking Responsibilities
Volume 82 :The Hangover
Volume 83 :Fireworks
Volume 84 :Unofficially Dating
Volume 85 :Straight From The Horse's Mouth
Volume 86 :Get One's Wires Crossed
Volume 87 :The Tea Trio
Volume 88 :Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining
Volume 89 :Another One Bites The Dust