


Body tempering:

human stage 1 - 15

earth stage 1 - 15

sky stage 1 - 15

heaven stage 1 - 15

God stage 1st heaveb - 15th heaven ( no one has possessed a body greater than 13th heaven in a billion years)

ONE stage 1 - 15

immemorial stage 1 - 9

universe stage 1 - 100


soul pool is the weakest form of life.

soul membrane is construct made to temper the soul pool.

soul sea the base unit of a cultivator.

soul sea 1 tributes - 9 tributes

soul grand birth reconstruction of soul into a more powerful and universal entity - 1 destruction, 2 reconstruction, 3 dominance.

soul origin becoming one with past births, but this only happens if in the past life one was at soul god 2nd heaven, and allowing soul out of body expensive. 1st origin - 5th origin. [Note: Soul is basically broken until this stage.]

soul making tempering complete soul with tribulation lightning. 1 - 9

soul ascension allowing the soul to ascend past the body into the universe, allowing full soul out of body experience. [Note: Soul can survive in the universe for a certain duration of time, allows for soul to take over body, or for soul to control rebirth. If soul cannot find a vessel will undergo Saṃsāra.]

1) soul earth, 2) soul sky, 3) soul heaven.

soul god:

Basic requirement to be called a god.

1st heaven - 10th heaven. ( No being has possessed a soul above 3rd heaven in a billion years)

soul ONE.

10th flow - 1st flow.

immemorial soul.

1st layer - 100th layer

universe soul

1st Creator - 1000000th creator.

Martial arts cultivation:

1st sky - 9th sky

condensation stage 1 - 3

foundation 1 - 9

Truth stage 1 - 4

Pain stage 1 - 4

rebirth stage- 1) destruction, 2) reconstruction, 3) domination.

General stage 1 - 15 layer.

Emperor layer 1 - 9 layer

Mystical enchantment stage 1- 4 layer [ Note: 1st tribulation during 1st layer, tribulation 2,3,4 during the early mid and late stages respectively in layer 2, Tribulation 5,6,7,8 during 3rd layer and almighty tribulation during 4th layer.]

Ascension stage 1st heaven - 9th heaven

True god stage 1-4 ( realms above this haven't been seen in the universe in billions of years)

True flow ONE 10th flow - 1st flow.

Immemorial stage 1st - 100th layer

Pure existence stage 1st layer - 1000000th layer.

Universe god stage. 1st stage - 1000th stage


Earth body, sky body, heaven body.

Spiritual body, spiritual high body, spiritual god body.

Sky understanding, heaven understanding. legend tell of a universe understanding.


100 Universal children bloodlines, said to be the sections of the universe creator. Said that even the lowest purity of the weakest of the 100 Universal children bloodline is able to defy nature.

10000 pinnacle race bloodlines, bloodlines although not as powerful as the 100 universal children bloodlines said to be able to rival the 100 universal bloodlines.

other bloodlines have some connection to the the two top bloodlines but are either worthless mutations, or extremely weak and distorted bloodlines.

Spiritual guide:

A being formed from the extreme will of a person, ones will must be the strongest. Average desire or the such dont even have a minute chance of forming a spirit guide. To birth a spirit guide, one must go against the universes will, as the universes will is absolute. Abilities are dependant on the person's personality.

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