
Friendship blooms ???

Li Jun and Qusheng are childhood friends. They are the crown princes πŸ‘‘ of Bird tribe and Winged tribe. They became too close as they are nearby state and their fathers also friends. Due to their family friendship they too intimated by their friendship. Their fathers were also happy by seeing their Sons friendship so that their tribe will no longer have problems from outside and live happily. They both have a πŸ‰ symbol in their chest. They cared for each other and they never left each other.

Li Jun is a kind and handsome man and is very talented in creating illusions and talisman art. His true form is peacock. He always dresses in blue color and have peacock feathers designed in the dress. His feathers made young girls fall for him wherever he goes.

Qusheng as his name, wherever he goes, he returns victorious. He is well known for medicine especially in making and curing poisons. His true form is Aquiline. Nothing can escape from his eyes. He always dresses in Brownish yellow color. He was always surrounded by young girls wherever he goes. But he had no interest in them. He always escape where there is a crowd of girls.

They both are good in martial arts too. whenever any one of their tribe is in trouble, they both hold hands of each otherπŸ‘¬ and support each other and return victorious.

Disung looks like a handsome young master but his knowledge is like an old scholar. He is well known in creating barriers and solving arrays. He is also good in playing Zither. He is the Crown prince of Phoenix tribe. He always dresses in reddish orange and his looks are always fierce. although he looks beautiful, young girls never approached near him due to his extreme anger. But he's so kind hearted whenever he's with his friends or family.

Last but not least, Most handsome, intelligent, clever, bravest, lovable, fantastic person TuJiang who is the son of heavenly emperor. As his name, no one can change his mindset once he's determined. He learns quickly whatever he visualize. He's skilled in martial arts and no one will never able to win over him. He looks cold but he is warm hearted one. He dresses in pure white as his pure heart. He controls everything with his sword and Zither.

Disung and TuJiang met few times in the heavenly palace. Both of them cared for each other but never showed to others. In front of others they look like foes, but they secretly helped each other and solved problems whenever other ones met.

One day Disung went out for tribe issue. But he was trapped in a poisonous forest. No matter how hard he tried, everything ended in vain. On hearing this TuJiang hurried to save him. Coincidently he met up with LiJun and Qusheng. Both of them solved the poisonous barrier and got him out. TuJiang approached there and two of them thanked LiJun and Qusheng.

In such a short time four of them became friends. They never cared about their identity. They always cared for each other. One day when they took a bath on riverside, both of them were surprised to see πŸ‰ symbol on their chests and thought that fate had brought them together. From that day they grew up together and never left each other. The whole world was jealous of them while their families were proud of them. The four of them learned from heavenly masters. and each others tribe masters and cultivated themselves and finally became too strong and powerful.

The four of them heared about the competition and decided to prove their skills in it.

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