
It took Ou Yangming some time to comfort the rather agitated Old Craftsman. Although the old man was reasonable, he was selfish because he did not want the young fellow to take risks. He was not affected when the Insects attacked the city, but it was impossible to ignore the deafening battle cries in the city.

Even when Ou Yangming descended from the sky and brought the good news that the Insects were wiped out, the old man did not seem to be happy.

This was because Old Craftsman could tell it was Ou Yangming and Elder Universe that eliminated the Insects. What saddened him more was Elder Universe perished together with a spirit insect, and the thought of it gave him palpitations.

Fortunately, Ou Yangming returned to Old Craftsman alive. The old man slowly relaxed after being worried for the whole day, and he finally fell deep asleep.

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